
Thank you to House 9 for providing worship support
and hospitality today.
MISSION STATEMENT: We are a Christian community seeking to grow in faith, reaching out to others,
and working for social justice.
Congregation Meeting October 19, 2014 - TODAY
There will be a congregational meeting today, immediately following the worship service. The purpose of the
meeting is to receive the report and recommendation of the Ministry Personnel Selection Team.
Tuesday, October 21 - UCW will meet at 12 noon. Please bring a sandwich. Tea and goodies are supplied.
Program at 1pm, Jim Acheson will speak about the "Don Valley Refugee Resettlers". We invite all women
in the congregation to join us.
Tuesday, October 21 - Cummer Avenue Men’s Group
We’re back: Join us for Fellowship at 6:00 pm followed by dinner at 6:30 pm. Speaker: Dr. Ron Linden,
Medical Director, Judy Dan Wound Care & Treatment Centre: Up-date to his previous presentation as to the
status and continued success of the utilization of the Hyper Baric Unit for medical treatment. Tickets $22 –
on sale today. Ladies of the congregation are welcome to join us at 7:30 pm to hear the speaker.
Sundays October 26 and November 9 - Renovation Project - Please be reminded that we will have 2
meetings for the Renovations Project in the Auditorium. The purpose of these sessions will be to determine
the vision for the CAUC renovations project. Mark Ellwood will be our facilitator. It is important that all
available members of the congregation attend both sessions to ensure that we have a clear understanding of
what our vision. These will be working lunch sessions after the service starting at 12:00 pm and lasting for
about 1-2 hrs. For all those that plan to attend there is a sign-up sheet outside the office and in the Narthex so
we know how many sandwiches to order. We hope to see you there and look forward to everyone's input.
Saturday, November 1, 9 am to 12.30 pm - Kairos - Watershed Discipleship Workshop here at 53
Cummer. Event is free, but donations are welcome. Coffee and muffins at 9:00 and Program begins at
9:30. Join us and take some time to explore the call to Watershed Discipleship. Shannon Neufeld, KAIROS
national staff, will be present to lead us through a 3-hour workshop. It will include biblical and personal
reflection, study of the issues facing our own watershed, and the opportunity to connect those issues with
others across Canada and around the world. (Co sponsored by CAUC Social Justice and Green Teams)
RSVP to:416-222-5417., or sign up on sheet opposite the office.
THE PASTORAL CARE team is looking for volunteers to drive people to and from church on an as-needed
basis. Please speak to Sandra Johnson or leave your name at the office if you would be willing to help.
Anyone needing a ride to church can also call to be matched up with drivers.
COUNTERS NEEDED - Several counters have retired. If you could go on a 7-week schedule to help count
Sunday givings, please contact Sally Hogarth.
THE EBOLA CRISIS - the United Church is welcoming donations for the “Ebola Crisis.” Your donation
will be applied directly to support the emergency response efforts of ACT Alliance. Here’s how you can
donate: Online via; Phone 416-231-5931 ext. 3050 using your Visa or
MasterCard; Send a cheque, money order, or Visa or MasterCard information with donation amount to:
The United Church of Canada, Philanthropy Unit—Emergency Response, 3250 Bloor Street West, Suite
300, Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4. (Please be sure to note "Emergency Response—Ebola Crisis" on the face of
your cheque.) Please do not write cheques to CAUC.
GIFT FOR REV. IRENE TY - In honour of Irene’s ministry at Cummer Avenue, a donation to Sparrow
Lake Camp is being made on behalf of the Congregation. You can make a personal contribution which will
be added to the Cummer Avenue gift. You can make your contribution today, Sunday October 5 as part of
the collection, or you can give it directly to Carol at the office (Givings envelope available). Include your
name, address and the amount of the donation noting that the donation is for “Sparrow Lake”. If you need
more information, contact Jim Dillane.
DON VALLEY REFUGEE RESETTLERS will be selling Fresh Wildflower Honey and Amaryllis Bulb
Kits in time for the Christmas Season. Please see Jim Acheson during the coffee hour to place your orders.
Thank you for being part of the resettlement of the Mussanour family as they experience their first
Christmas in Canada.
ENVELOPE NUMBERS: We have received donations with envelope numbers #157 and #498. As these
numbers are not recorded, when you use them, you are not being credited with your donation. If you are
using these numbers please check with the office to confirm the number you have been assigned.
bulletin board outside the office or
NATURE HIKE of Willowdale Ravine on Sunday October 26, 2-4 p.m. Meet at the Playground at
Silverview Park. See poster on the Board at the SW door or ask Janet Love for more info.
WILLOWDALE UCW - Concert featuring Robert Yeretch on Saturday November 22 at 1:30 p.m.
(Matinee), Willowdale UC, 349 Kenneth. $15 including refreshments. See bulletin board.
All are invited to join Lansing United Church on Saturday, October 25 at 2:00 p.m. This year we are
looking forward to entertainment provided by “The West Enders”. Lansing United Church is located at
49 Bogert Avenue, North York, 1 block south-west of Yonge and Sheppard Avenue East). Please call
416-221-1722 to reserve your ticket, $10.00 for adults and children are free. Tickets may also be purchased
at the door. Proceeds in aid of Lansing's Outreach Ministry, including donations to the Food Bank, Red Door
Shelter and the Yonge Street Mission, among others.
THE WOMEN’S INTER-CHURCH COUNCIL OF TORONTO is holding an Ingathering Service for the
Fellowship of the Least Coin on Tuesday, October 28, 1:30 p.m. at the former Northminster United Church,
255 Finch Ave. W. Guest speaker is Connie Rose of the Grant African Methodist Episcopal: Women’s
Missionary Society. Refreshments following the service. For information please contact: Ann Dilbey or
Laura Wilson. All women are welcome.
THANK YOU to Advanced Tree Care for their generous gift of time and services in pruning the trees on the
east side of the building. A lot of the overhanging branches and dead branches on the ground have been
removed to provide a more open brighter walk way.
CANTABILE CHORALE will be having a concert on Saturday November 1 at 2:00 p.m. in St. Matthew's
United Church 333 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill. The choir, along with the audience will be singing
some old, familiar war songs as well as anthems in which peace is the theme. Tickets are $20 and are
available from Carl Evans, Margaret Crowe or Jeannette McCullough.
SINGING IN THE SPIRIT - An Inspirational Workshop on Sunday October 26, 2-5 at Bayview United
Church, 2609 Bayview Avenue. Cost $10. See more info on the board outside the office. To register:
email or call416-447-5941 before October 21.
TORONTO WELSH MALE VOICE CHOIR AND CELTIC HARPIST Loril Shannik fundraiser concert Saturday October 25 at St. Timothy's Anglican Church, 100 Old Orchard Grove off Yonge Blvd.. The
concert will start at 7:30pm with a pre-concert marketplace at 6:30 pm. All proceeds go to the Grandmothers
to Grandmothers campaign for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Organized by 3 area grandmother groups
including Toronto Grandmothers Embrace which meets at CAUC. See the poster on the community bulletin
board at the SW Stairs for more details. Janice Coles will sell tickets at coffee time on Sunday, October 12
& 19. Advance tickets $25.
GIFTS OF VISION catalogue - To find out how to honour people in your life with a special gift, pick up a
catalogue in the Narthex or outside the Fellowship Room. Gifts can be arranged on-line. (year round gift
TIGIST - We have realized that we do not have a proper record of her stay with us. A book will be made
with photos and some of the history of her time with us. If you have any special Tigist stories, please drop
them off at the office, to Carol's attention.
Amnesty International - 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m. For info call Dorothy McElhinney.
Art Group Tuesdays at 9:00-11:30 New session. Oct 14-Dec 2. See Peter Journeaux.
CAUC Play Group every Thursday 9:30-11:30 am.
Chronic Illness Group - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 2 pm. See Karen Smith or Marilyn Reid-Cass for
Drop-Inn Every Wednesday year-round, 8-2 for the homeless and hungry.
English Conversation group meets after church every Sunday at coffee hour downstairs with new
Canadians to practise English conversation.
ESL Classes are on Monday and Wednesdays: Basic - 9:30-11:30.
Intermediate 12:30-3 p.m. - call 416-395-9794 and leave your name. Both classes are currently full.
Filipino Christian Fellowship Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. Fridays, at 255 Finch Ave. West
Fitness Class on Wednesdays starting in October 1 at 53 Cummer. Speak to Barb Anderson for more info.
Green Team - 2nd Sunday each month at 9 a.m. See Janet Love.
Messy Church/Family Fun Night For more info, please contact Kathleen Cairnie-Sorenson
Quilting Group, Thursdays, 9 a.m. until noon in the Fellowship Room. Started last week.
Social Justice Team meets after worship (usually on the 3rd Sunday of each month). All are welcome.
Toronto Grandmothers Embrace meets usually on the second Thursday of the month.
Yoga - Wednesdays - 9:30, 1:30 and 5:30 - Teacher Sara Machin.