
Thank you to House 2 for providing worship support and hospitality today.
MISSION STATEMENT: We are a Christian community seeking to grow in faith, reaching out to others,
and working for social justice.
Sunday, November 9 - TODAY - Renovation Project - Thank you for all that attended the 1st session of our
Renovation Project Visioning workshops. The second and last session for the Renovations Project Visioning
workshop will be held on today in the Auditorium. The purpose of the second session will be to determine
the vision for CAUC after the renovation. Basically what type of facility you envision our building to be in
order to carry out our Mission statement and stay within our Core values. Mark Ellwood will again be our
facilitator. It is important that all available members of the congregation attend this last session to ensure that
we have a clear understanding of our vision. This will again be working lunch after the service starting at
12:00 pm and lasting for about 1-2 hrs. We hope to see you there and look forward to everyone's input.
Sunday, November 9 TODAY- Newsletter Deadline - please submit your articles by 12:30 pm today.
Thursday, November 13 - Reading Group will meet at 12:30 pm to share ideas on the book "Up and Down"
by Terry Fallis. New members welcome.
Sunday November 16 - after worship. Newcomers Meeting. You are invited to meet with our minister, Rev.
Vivian Yarwood, members of our Pastoral Care Team, and other newcomers in the Fellowship Room. Let us
know how you came to our Church, what you are looking for, any special gifts you would like to contribute
or needs you may have. Light refreshments will be served. We hope you will be able to join us.
Tuesday, November 18 - UCW - Plan to be with us at 12:00 noon when the UCW expresses thanks and a
special farewell to Rev. Irene Ty as she joins us to reflect upon her ministry experiences. Please remember to
bring a sandwich. Tea and goodies are supplied. We invite all women in the congregation to join us.
Tuesday, November 18 - Cummer Ave. Men’s Group Dinner
Please join us for Fellowship at 6:00 pm followed by Dinner at 6:30 pm. The speaker will be Bill Gooding
(member of the congregation) who will relate his story about his fascinating visit to Antarctica and some of
the amazing facts about the area. Tickets: $22.00. As usual, the ladies are invited to join us around 7:30 pm
to hear the speaker.
Friday, November 21 - Family Fun Event - Messy Church. We will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner. Other
than food, we have identified that we really need to have more people to help clean up and put things away.
So, please consider helping out however you can and sign up on the sheet outside the office."
Sunday, November 23 - Thank you to Carol Crump. See insert for more information.
Wednesday, November 26 - Fund Raising Dinner For Pearson Place - 6 pm Genghis Khan Mongolian
Grill. 900 Don Mills Road, unit #2 Cost $30 pp. Tickets available from Irene Carriere, Jim Dillane,
Genevieve McMath, Harry Ort, and Susan Liao, or pick up an order form in the Narthex or beside the
Fellowship Room. Our fund-raising target is $12,000. These funds will enable us to continue to offer
affordable rents to our tenants. See you on November 26.
Saturday, November 29 - Help Decorate our Church - 10:00 am - noon. Come prepare for the Advent
season by helping to decorate the church. Cider and cookies will be served.
Saturday December 6 at 7 p.m. - In the Christmas Spirit - Hold the date so that you don't miss this
wonderful evening of seasonal music and stories. More information about the programme will be posted in
November. We always needs lots of volunteers to usher, sell tickets etc. and to bake cookies/squares and
serve those with hot cider after the show. See Gordon Robertson, or sign the list across from the office.
UCW FUNDRAISER - Again, this fall, UCW members will be selling Empire Cheese as a fundraiser.
Orders will be taken in the Auditorium during Sunday morning refreshment time today and each Sunday
until November 16. The date for the cheese delivery is Tuesday, December 2.
Drop off children at 10:00, Pickup from 11:30.
School Group (Ages 5-12) - Explore this week's theme through stories, drama, active play, crafts, and even
Youth Group (Ages 13-18) - Discuss important issues such as faith, justice, and finding a purpose in life.
Nursery (Birth - 4 years) - Play and do age appropriate crafts.
ADVENT STUDY GROUP: Tuesdays November 25 - December 23, 7:30 pm. Based on the book: "Not A
Silent Night: Mary Looks Back To Bethlehem" by Adam Hamilton. This book begins at the end, with Mary
at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses Jesus' life and ministry; and ends at
the beginning, with the Christ child-Mary's beautiful baby-born in a stable. Cost for the book: $20.00. Sign
up across from the church office.
THANK YOU - to the Stewardship Team for their generosity of time in putting together this year's
Stewardship Campaign: Jim Acheson, Frank Bernardinis, Jim Dillane, Derek Emery, Sally Hogarth, Andrea
Journeaux, Francis Lindayen, and Elizabeth Magee.
PAR CARDS - If you have arranged Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR), your offering may be blessed with
the envelopes, by using a card - available in the ushers' room just inside the door, or on the table outside the
Fellowship Room.
It has been decided that we should make our food distribution more efficient. We have stopped giving 3-item
food bags at the Drop-Inn. Starting in November:
- We will not give food bags at the door, but we will be giving larger gift certificates for fresh food. The
people who need food certificates will be given a set time and will see Sandra Seepaul. If you were in the
habit of bringing food, we encourage you to replace the food with a regular donation to the Sharing Fund
(you will receive a tax receipt and you don’t have to lug the groceries!)
- From time to time we will request in the bulletin certain foods required for the Drop-Inn meal preparation
or for Christmas Hampers etc. Any items unneeded for our own program will be taken to Lansing Food
VIGIL FOR PEACE: On Sunday, November 9, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at St. George on Yonge, 5350
Yonge Street (between North York Centre and Finch subway stations). We will remember all the various
areas of our world where there is war, violence, and oppression and pray for peace, justice, and respect, and
for all leaders who make decisions. We will process with candles from St. George on Yonge to North York
Civic Centre. Plan to come; invite your families and friends. Let’s be a prophetic voice calling for peace
among all people.
VICTORIA COLLEGE CHOIR FALL CONCERT - Sunday, November 9, 4pm. directed by Taylor
Sullivan. Held in the Victoria College Chapel, steps from the Museum Subway stop - free admission
REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE - Tuesday, November 11, 7:15 am. R.S. Kane Funeral Home, 6150
Yonge Street. Please call the office at 416-221-1159 to advise the number attending (you don't need to leave
your name).
WILLOWDALE UCW - Concert featuring Robert Yeretch on Saturday November 22 at 1:30 p.m.
(Matinee), Willowdale UC, 349 Kenneth. $15 including refreshments. See bulletin board.
BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: Friday, November 28, 3:30 - 7:30 pm
Goulding Community Centre, 45 Goulding Avenue. Book your appointment at or 1-8886283.
2016 BULLETIN COVER PHOTOS - The United Church is seeking EXCELLENT QUALITY photos or
jpegs on CD with high-quality colour printouts for the bulletin covers. Payment of $100 for each photograph
used. Deadline for submission: December 5, 2014. More info on the bulletin board by the church office.
THE HOPE COLLECTION - "God is doing a new thing through us. Let's witness and share it." An
expanding library of inspirational stories about people - including communities of faith and national and
global partners - who are following the call of the Spirit in creative and life-giving ways!
If you have a use for any of the following items, please take:
from ushers' room: a stretcher, 2 sets of crutches, 5 wreath stands;
from the NE Stairwell: eavestrough (which came with the metal shed but is not required).
Amnesty International - 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
For information call Dorothy McElhinney.
Art Group Tuesdays at 9:00-11:30 Current session: October 14-December 2 See Peter Journeaux.
CAUC Play Group every Thursday 9:30-11:30 am.
Chronic Illness Support Group - 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 2:00 pm.
See Karen Smith or Marilyn Reid-Cass for information.
Drop-Inn Every Wednesday year-round, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm for the homeless and hungry.
English Conversation group meets after church every Sunday at coffee hour downstairs with new
Canadians to practise English conversation.
ESL Classes are on Monday and Wednesdays: Basic - 9:30-11:30 am. Intermediate 12:30-3:00 pm - call
416-395-9794 and leave your name. Both classes are currently full.
Filipino Christian Fellowship Bible Study: 7:00 pm Fridays, at 255 Finch Ave. West
Fitness Class Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Speak to Barb Anderson for more info.
Green Team - 2nd Sunday each month at 9:00 am. See Janet Love.
Messy Church/Family Fun Night For more info, please contact Kathleen Cairnie-Sorenson at
Quilting Group, Thursdays, 9 a.m. until noon in the Fellowship Room.
Social Justice Team meets after worship (usually on the 3rd Sunday of each month). All are welcome.
Toronto Grandmothers Embrace meets usually on the second Thursday of the month.
Yoga - Wednesdays - 9:30, 1:30 and 5:30 - Teacher Sara Machin