Document 6571078


Document 6571078
Crossroads Care
Are you looking after a relative or friend who couldn’t manage without your help?
The Crossroads Care Charity is available to provide emotional and practical support
through many methods including a Carers’ Café.
A new Carers’ Café is opening on 22nd October at Cedars Park from 10.30 to 12.30.
It’s designed for carers who are looking after someone at home, who wish to meet new
people and socialise. Booking is not required; refreshments will be provided free of charge.
For more information contact Crossroads Care on 01462 455578,
or at
—————————————————————————————————————Noticeboard items
We have received various items of interest, from the Circuit/District and elsewhere,
which are displayed on the noticeboard. These include:
Autumn News from All Nations Training College, Ware
Enfield Chamber Orchestra: at Enfield Baptist Church on Saturday 15th November
—————————————————————————————————————Mission to Chile
Luke and Mary (née King) Foster and family are planning to go to Chile in January,
where Luke will be teaching Church leaders. Please remember them in your prayers as they
make final arrangements. Their prayer letter can be obtained on
They are still trusting in the Lord for funding, so if you would like to support them you can give
via the same website or send a cheque to them.
Please note that any notices required to appear in the News Sheet should be
forwarded to Lesley Batts by 7 pm on Thursdays.
Telephone number 01707 874092
Goffs Oak
Methodist Church
Newgatestreet Road
Goffs Oak, Herts
Minister: Rev. Alan Combes
Tel: 01992 762317
News sheet
Sunday 19th October
We do hope you enjoy your time with us today
Circuit Prayers
This Sunday we are asked to pray for all those who attend
Bush Hill Park Methodist Church in our circuit.
Sunday 19th
Church Anniversary
Service with Rev. Alan Combes
The Sunday Club
Church Council meeting, open to all, and including a
bring and share lunch.
Love Feast closing Act of Worship
Service of Holy Communion with Rev. Papa Owusu
Monday 20th
Beavers in the Scout HQ
Tuesday 21st
10am to 12
Weekly Open Church Coffee morning.
Do drop in for a chat and refreshments.
Cub Scouts in the Scout HQ
Thursday 23rd
Friday 24th
12.30 pm.
Monthly mid-week lunch at St. James’s Church.
Menu: Soup, filled roll, dessert, tea or coffee - £3.50p.
All are welcome.
Scouts’ meeting in the Scout HQ
Meet for Prayer at the home of Doreen Lewis,
83, Greenfields, Cuffley. All are welcome.
Sunday 26th
Service with Miss Margaret Carr
The Sunday Club
“Inspire” Bible Fellowship
Most of you will know by now that the Reverend Geoff Cornell, our Superintendent
Minister, died very suddenly last Sunday while leading worship at Edmonton Church.
Geoff had a great gift of ministry, of thoughtful preaching, of pastoral care,
of creative expression of his faith and of careful administration, and he will be deeply
mourned and greatly missed. Please continue to pray for his immediate family.
There will be a private committal service.
A Thanksgiving Service will be held at 2.00pm on Wednesday 29th October at
Southgate Methodist Church, The Bourne, London N14 6RS, at which Circuit friends will
be very welcome. There will be a larger gathering at Hinde Street Methodist Church,
London W1U 2QJ at 2pm on Saturday 29th November to celebrate Geoff's life.
For your diary
Tuesday 4th
7.30 to 9pm (approx.). Re-scheduled 5 of 5 - Bible Study on Hebrews,
led by Alan, our minister, in the Church lounge. All are welcome.
Early notification...
Sunday 30th
4.00pm. Towards Christ in Advent - a journey in word and song, to be
held at St. James’s Church. All are welcome. There will be no evening
service at GOMC.
Sunday 7th
10.15am. Gift Service
3.00 to 5.00pm. Holiday and Sunday Club Christmas Party
Sunday 21st
4pm. Carol Service
For notices, see overleaf >>>>>
Prayer List
The Sunday Club is for children aged 3 and over. Younger children are most welcome to spend time
in the left hand bay at the front of the Church, where there are toys and colouring books.
Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee after this morning’s service
On the table in the Church vestibule there is a list where you can write your prayer
requests, which will then be prayed for during the Sunday services.
Alternatively, ring Barbara Hall (01707 872472) for inclusion in the prayer chain.