Notices 01.03.15 - Keswick Methodist Church


Notices 01.03.15 - Keswick Methodist Church
Keswick Methodist Church
Southey Street, KESWICK
Grant to us Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and to do always
those things that are right; that we, who can do no good thing
without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your
will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday 1 March 2015
10.45 Service of Holy Communion led by Rev Sue Edwards
Coffee and tea will be served in
the Grisedale room after the service
All are welcome.
Flowers this week: In memory of Eric Baker
If you wish to take flowers to someone, please make it known after the service.
To all our visitors
Welcome to our church today.
We hope you enjoy worshipping with us.
Please sign our visitors' book and pin your pin on the map which
is at the back of the Grisedale Room - and we would welcome
any suggestions you might wish to make that would help us
improve our hospitality.
Children are welcome in our services. A box of toys
and activities is available. Please ask a steward.
Loop System: If you wear a hearing aid, please adjust it
Hymn Books with Tunes are available. Please ask a Welcome
Large Print Hymn Books are also available from the Welcome
Intercessions Book The intercessions book is kept in the
Grisedale Room and will be brought up during the service each
week. Please write in any individuals, groups or situations that
you would like us to pray for during the Sunday service. Please
check that anyone you enter is happy to be included.
Notice Sheet
Please send or ring notices for next week through to David Low
on 017687 74573 or by e-mail to
by Thursday evening
This Coming Week
Monday 2 March
8.30am Prayer Meeting for all at Crosthwaite Church in the
Sunday School room
Tuesday 3 March
1.30pm - 2.30pm Churches Together in Cumbria Prayer
Meeting in the Quaker Meeting House.
Wednesday 4 March
7.30pm Circuit Meeting at Loreton Street.
Thursday 5 March
9.30 -10.00am Prayer Group in the Church
10.15 to 11.30 am “Jubi-latté” Drop in for coffee
12.00 noon Lent Lunch at the St Herbert’s Centre followed
by a talk about the Argentinian Pope Francis by Father Tom
Friday 6 March 10.30am and 6.45pm / 7.30pm Women's
World Day of Prayer
Sunday 8 March
10.45pm Morning Service led by Dr Martyn Evans
6.00 pm Churches together Fairtrade Service
Flowers next week: Women’s World Day of Prayer
*** ***
Advance Notices
Monday 9th March
7.30pm Local Preacher’s Meeting at Loreton Street
Wednesday 11 March
12.45 Convention Prayer meeting
Newsletter for Lent and Easter
The Newsletters for March and April are now ready for
collection in the Grisedale room. They include a copy of the
plan for March, April and May. Joyce
Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB)
Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) aims to link all women in
Methodism. Within Cumbria it produces a newsletter, full of
interesting articles and the latest edition (Winter 2014/15) is now
available at church. Please take one, read it and pass it on or
bring it back to church for someone else to read.
Cumbria MWiB also has regular get-together days to which all
women are welcome. The next one is the Spring Day on
Thursday 12 March at Grange over Sands Methodist Church 10.15 Coffee | 10.45 Council Meeting | 12.45 Lunch | 1.45
Angela Mills from Capernwray : “Running on Empty?” Bring a
packed lunch, coffee and tea are available and refreshments will
follow at 3.15pm. If you’d like transport please contact Anne
Hasson (017687 75818).
Get Online!
We had a really good morning at Jubi-latté on Thursday when
the Cumbria Methodist District drop-in computer centre called
in. It will be calling again on 5 and 12 March. So bring
your laptop, iPad or tablet along if you’d like some help with
them or if you’ve always wondered how to get online come and
find out. There’ll be two laptops and an android tablet available
to try if you haven't got your own. This is a great opportunity if
you just want to find out more about computers or getting
online. Come and have a cup of coffee and see what it’s all
Fairtrade Fortnight 2015
This runs from 23 February to 8 March and ends with an
ecumenical service in our church at 6pm on Sunday 8 March.
Don't forget to look out for fairly traded products while you're
shopping - and if you buy anything from Greggs before 8 March
they'll give you a free Fairtrade coffee! And remember to check
out what our Fairtrade stall in the Grisedale Room has to offer.
One to One Mentoring Services provides offenders leaving
custody or serving community sentences with individual support
to overcome barriers to rehabilitation. These barriers may arise
from social exclusion, limited basic skills, low self esteem,
financial and accommodation problems and a range of other
issues. Service users will be encouraged to move on to play a
more positive part in the wider community, including moving on
into further education and employment.
Volunteers will be provided with training, introductions and
ongoing support to help service users to engage with resources
in the community in accordance with a sentence plan provided
by Probation professionals.
None of the service users on this project will have been assessed
as posing a high risk of harm in the community.
It is important that any volunteer is non-judgemental, has a
respectful attitude and believes that people are capable of
change. They would need to understand the rules of
confidentiality and be patient, empathetic and positive about
helping people move forward in their lives.
For further information on the One to One Mentoring Service,
please contact me or come to The Quaker Meeting House
onThursday 19 March at 7.30pm
David Hasson
Women’s World Day of Prayer
This united service will be held in this church on this Friday, 6th
March. The service this year has been prepared by Christian
women in the Bahamas.
There will be 2 services. The first will be at 10.30am. There will
also be an informal service at 7.30pm, preceded by a light meal
at 6.45pm. Everyone, men and women, are invited to join us.
Sunday Evening Housegroup.
We meet this evening 7pm at 38 Briar Rigg. We shall be looking
at the 4th session of our Lent course on ‘Songs of Praise in the
New Testament’. This week Rev David Hasson will introduce
our evening on ‘New Birth’ as we study 1 Peter 1 : 3-12. All are
welcome to join us.
Joyce Ellis
Get Baking
Most of you have a copy of the Keswick Methodist Church
Recipe Book which was produced a while ago in aid of the
Redevelopment Fund. For those who haven't yet got one you'll
be pleased to know that Brian has discovered a small number
and these are for sale in the Grisedale Room at £4 each. Only a
few left so get yours now.
Ann Hasson