Our young people' s work touches over 200 young people... come with me. I intend to do this until Easter...


Our young people' s work touches over 200 young people... come with me. I intend to do this until Easter...
come with me. I intend to do this until Easter so feel
free to join me anytime.
Lyn Milns 01362 289365 or email me for details of
route etc. lyn.milns@tiscali.co.uk
Dates for your Diary
Dereham Churches Together Evening of Prayer,
Praise & Fellowship will be held here at DBC on
Tuesday 25th November at 7.30pm. Please plan to be
here if you can.
Toy Service on Sunday 30th November. Please bring
gifts of new or good as new toys for the Salvation
Army to distribute to needy children in this area.
Christmas Fair in the Church & drive on Saturday
20th December. Further details and offers of help,
please speak to Trevor.
First Aid. We are hosting a First Aid Course on
Saturday 28th February 2015 at DBC.
The course is available on a “first come—first served”
basis and there are only 16 places. Please book
early. Contact Andrew Frere-Smith. The course fee
of £40 will be reimbursed by the Church.
Hi everyone, I’m spending my gap year as an intern at
YMCA Exeter working with vulnerable and homeless
young people. On Sat 6th Dec. I’m doing a Santa
Abseil - abseiling from a multi-storey car park
wearing a Santa suit! This is to raise funds for the
work the YMCA are doing with their housing
residents, job clubs, youth clubs and local prison. If
you’d like to sponsor me you can do this online using
this link https://www.justgiving.com/M-ANGELL or
you can see my mum, Helen , who will have a
sponsor form with her! Thanks for your support and a
big thank you to everyone who’s been praying for
me . Meg Angell
EBA ask us to pray for Sheringham
We give praise to God as we celebrate our first year at
the Lighthouse. It’s been an amazing year of seeing
God make absolute full use of the building as we
reach out to the community and they enjoy the
facilities this new building provides. The cafe has
been a huge success with five days of the week
providing a place of meeting and food for all ages.
Our young people' s work touches over 200 young people a
week thro" mix" and "schools out " at the church and the
football teams outside. Do check out our new website.
But most of all the Lord continues to touch the lives of His
people through our Sunday services and midweek study
streams. It’s been an incredible journey with Him and
there is much more to come.
BMS ask us to pray about Gender Based Violence
This week we’re praying for the BMS Dignity initiative
– supporting communities worldwide to take a stand
against gender based violence (GBV) as it shows up in
their own neighbourhoods.
Join with us in prayer, that the Holy Spirit will
open closed minds and hostile hearts through the
programmes and resources on offer.
For Connect Groups:
Worship Read Hebrews 13v12 together and spend a few
moments giving thanks to God for Jesus, for the price He
paid and for what He has won for us.
Word Read Hebrews 13. What are the promises in this
passage and how have they proved true in your life?
This passage contains a number of different pieces of
practical advice. Which ones stand out for you and why?
Is there anything in this passage that surprises you, raises a
question in your mind or you don’t understand?
Continue to pray for one another on your Front Lines.
Pray for the Christmas events and the people you will be
Close by praying v20-21 over each other.
Please Note information for the weekly notice sheet needs
to be given to the Church Office by Thursday. email:
office@derehambaptist.org .
Church Contacts
Church Annexe, Norwich Street, Dereham, NR19 1BX
Phone:01362 695221 Open 10-12 Mon—Fri
www.derehambaptist.org email: office@derehambaptist.org
Ministers: Rev: Chris Densham email:chris@derehambaptist.org
Rev. Jorge Damasceno email:jorge@derehambaptist.org
Counselling Service: Phone 01362 851101
Pastoral Contacts: Richard & Frances Cracknell 696214
Or Barbara Yaxley—Church Office 695221 or 695847
Youth Work Contact:
Andrew Frere-Smith—690941 email: youthwork@derehambaptist.org
Week commencing
23rd November 2014
Welcome to our church .We trust you enjoy being with us
today and hope you will be able to join us again in
worship. Please join us for refreshments after the service.
Morning Worship
Preacher is Rev. Chris Densham
Little Fishes are meeting at Toftwood.
A team are serving refreshments at Swanton Morley
Football Club.
Reminder to parents: Please remember to collect your
children promptly from Kidz Church and that after the
Sunday Service it is your responsibility to ensure their
Crèche available upstairs
There is a box available for your gifts towards the
Lord’s work in the entrance hall.
There are people available to pray or talk to after
the service.
Monday 24th November
U3A Table Tennis
Little Fishes at Toftwood
Funeral Service
Tuesday 25th November
Work Club
Prayer House
Churches Together Prayer & Praise
Wednesday26th November
Tots and Tines at the Church
Little Fishes at Toftwood
E.S.O.L. Class
Thursday 27th November
New Directions
The Hub for Young People
Music Group
12.– 3pm
Friday 28th November
Coffee Shop
U3A event
Y Friday
Dereham Lights ... Dereham lights switch on ... Can
Saturday 29th November
Sunday 23rd November
10am -1pm
1.30- 4pm
Portuguese Speaking Service.
Each week we have “Connect Groups” meeting in
various homes in the area. These informal small groups
aim at connecting with God, one another and the local
community. If you would like further details, or be part of
a new one, please contact the Church Office or speak to
one of the Ministers or Elders.
Sunday 30th November
Early Service
All Age Service
Preacher is Rev. Chris Densham
This will be our Annual Toy Service. Please Brings gifts
of new or as good as new toys to be received by the
Salvation Army for distribution to families in need in this
Would members of the fellowship please remember that
the church is hired out to various groups when we are not
using it ourselves, so it’s not always convenient for you
to park in the drive or to use the toilets.
We still need more people to help on the Coffee Rota for
Sunday mornings. Lots of people stay for coffee, but
only a few are willing to help make it! At present there is
no one to make coffee on 7th December . Please could
you help on that day. Contact the church office.
2nd Manse. As part of our plans to continue God's
Work in the future, we have decided to progress with the
purchase of a 2nd Manse. To enable us to do this, you are
invited to consider making a gift, or a loan, or a
commitment to monthly giving, to enable the finances to
be met. Further details of the plans, and the means of
giving, are outlined in the Pledge Forms which are now
available. Please speak to any of the Leadership if you
require any further information.
BMS Birthday Scheme The amount donated so far
this year is £947.20 (£561.00 of this given as Gift Aid)
Thank you on behalf of B.M.S. Owing to all the conflict
of recent months, the need for medical outreach is greater
than ever and this is the area where your Birthday
Scheme giving helps.
A reminder to those of you who have forgotten to
respond, there are not many more weeks to this year!!
you help with the Stable Family Photo to either (1) set up
the gazebo and display at around 1.00pm OR (2) help at
the stall as part of a rota for (say) an hour between
2.00pm to 5.30pm, OR (3) help take the gazebo down at
5.30pm. If so, please contact Ian Gardner. Thank you
Pastoral Contacts Meeting. All Pastoral Contacts are
invited to a meeting in the church lounge on Dec 11 th at
Daily Prayer Reminder for use with the Directory
of Congregation for December is available today.
Directory of Congregation 2015 I am currently
working on next year’s Directory and would like to have
all additions/amendments and photos by the end of
November please. Even once I have all the details there
is still a lot of work needed to get it finalised before
going to print. This means you have just 2 weeks to let
me have any additions/amendments and photos. If you
have recently joined us I do need your details so they can
be included. If you have moved this year or are in the
process of moving I need to know so your address can be
amended. It is very difficult to try and catch everyone
on a Sunday so I do need you to help me with this. Any
updated photos would also be appreciated! You can
email details and photos to me or to the church office.
Thank you. Christine Dove
Christmas Card Each year we produce a Christmas
Card on which we invite you to include your greetings to
others in the fellowship. This is in lieu of individual
cards and we then invite you to give a gift to Spurgeons
Childcare, a charity we support at this time each year.
Please write your greeting in BLACK ink on a slip of
paper and place in the box provided in the hall. Please
put your donation in the offering box marked “Spurgeons
Childcare”. Cheques payable to Dereham Baptist
Church . The deadline for your greetings is Sunday 7 th
December. The cards will be available on 14th.
Weekly Prayer Walk
I'm doing a prayer walk round the town every Friday. It
takes 45 mins leaving at 6pm from the bottom of the
Church drive. It would be great if you would like to