Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville, VA
Wednesday`s Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville, VA
Wednesday’s Word A weekly publication of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church A community of faith, formation & fruitfulness March 4, 2015 Rev. Landon Collins & family Meet Our Candidate for: Associate Pastor of Formation Saturday, March 7, 3-5pm Meet & Greet Landon alongside his wife Erin in Revitalized Basement Sunday, March 8, 8:30 & 11am Hear Landon’s Faith Story as part of each worship gathering Sunday, March 8, 9:30 & 12pm Called Business Meeting CG members are requested to attend a called business meeting following worship. The only item of business will be to formally vote on Landon Collins, the candidate for Associate Pastor for Formation as recommended by the Associate Pastor Search Committee. Continued on page 2 Family Game Night On Friday, March 13, 6-8pm you are invited to Chestnut Grove to share and play a variety of games. We will gather around tables to connect with in fun and new ways. Pizza, drinks, and popcorn will be provided. Bring your family’s favorite game and invite others to learn and play it with you. Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 11 by emailing the office at Questions please call Barbara at 978-3819. Baby Shower for Brittany Mullinex Please join us for a Baby Shower honoring Brittany Mullinex. We will begin celebrating at 1pm on Saturday, March 14 in the Revitalized Basement. Come prepared to eat lots of tasty treats. Brittany and Deven are registered at Target and Babies R' Us. Questions, please contact Katina Dudley at 962-3707 or Deb Robbins at 989-7959. Finding Your Voice Do you like to sing but aren’t sure if you’re doing it right? Would you like to read music but don’t know where to start? Join Susan Emert and Katie Alfano for a 3 hour workshop on Saturday, March 21 from 9am -12noon in room 103. We’ll start with the basics to help you find your voice! This workshop is open to youth (high school) and adults. Registration is free - but is required. Please contact Katie at or call the church office at 978-3819 by Thursday, March 12. Gifts of Hope for The Homeless We are collecting diapers, pull-ups— size 5+ and larger, wipes and travel/ small size toiletries. The diapers and wipes will be given to a family whose children are autistic, living at The Salvation Army. The small size toiletries will be used by the Salvation Army PACEM and Word of Faith to share with the many homeless in our local communities. A new toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, shampoo, deodorant, women’s personal hygiene products are all small but very effective means of improving the quality of life many of our neighbors are experiencing. Collection boxes are located in the Welcome area through the end of March. Celebration Join us on Sunday, March 15 for our Basement Note Burning Celebration during coffee hour in our Revitalized Basement. Refreshments served. Caring Toward Alzheimer’s Fellow Chestnut Grovian Mary Cail will be featured this year in the ever growing Charlottesville based cultural event: Virginia Festival of the Book, a five day expose of new literary creations of all types. Mary’s book, Alzheimer’s – A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives earned her place in this year’s festival. You’re invited to join Mary on Tuesday, March 10 at 7pm, in the Upper Room at CG for a one hour talk about caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease. This discussion is geared toward anyone in contact with people suffering from dementia, whether patients, parents, or friends. For more, http:// What’s Happening at the EE ?? Exchange for a Change is having a prom clothes event! Boutique sessions on March 14 & 21, ESL Classes are beginning at the EE with a conversation partner program. The program will connect an English speaker with an individual seeking to practice his/her conversational English. The partners will set the meeting time and location. Partners will meet weekly for 30-60 minutes. No foreign language experience is necessary, just a willingness to talk and listen with others. If you are interested, contact Heidi Farr at 964-9323 or Continued on page 3 This Sunday’s Text: 1 Corinthians Chestnut Grove treasures our team of volunteers. This week’s (Sunday, March 8) children’s workers are: 8:30 Ralanta Thomas, Nickie Huff, Grace Apple 9:50 Melissa Ballif, Beth Berry, Kim Casteen 11:00 Deana Spence, Kris Moran, Sarah Moran Robyn Kelly, Davey Schenck, Reilly McCann, Shannon Brown, Tony Brown Thank you for loving and sharing God’s love with our children. Chapter 6 What does the Scripture say to you? Inclement Weather Info In the event of inclement weather on Sundays, CG will post announcements as follows: - CG website homepage: - CG outgoing voicemail: 978-3819 - CBS Newsplex - NBC 29 - WINA AM 1070 If Sunday morning worship is cancelled, evening gatherings will be cancelled as well. Wednesday* evening cancellations will be posted on the CG website and CG voicemail by 2pm. (*A church-wide email will also be sent to all active Chestnut Grovians for whom we have addresses). Once you receive notification, feel free to pass it along as desired. Golden Can Award The Disciples' class keeps the Golden Can Award trophy for the fourth month in a row with their contribution of 110 boxes of cereal. Congratulations! The Faithbuilders' class collected a total of 65 boxes for the second place title. A total of 238 boxes of cereal will be delivered to the Feeding Greene Food Pantry in Stanardsville. The March food item is peaches. Thanks! Thank you to all who rolled their sleeves up and shared 22 pints of life giving blood for our community. Next blood drive will be in the fall. Prayer List Our church is dedicated in prayer for each person on our prayer list. Please contact Lorraine Williams at 973-5194 if you wish a card to be sent. Please update the church office on the individuals you have placed on our prayer list so that our records are current. PRAYER REQUESTS Please call or email prayer requests and updates to the church office 434-978-3819 Mike Amos (Deb & Jeff Robbins) 2-11-15 Virgil Berry 2-11-15 Sierra Detamore 2-25-15 Zoe Edwards (Barbara Edwards) 2-25-15 Bill Greer 2-11-15 Chris Hertel (Grant Brownrigg) 2-18-15 C.T. Huff 2-25-15 Mary Huff 3-4-15 Frances Jones 2-25-15 Diane Lambert 2-18-15 David Maddox (Mark Roberts) 3-4-15 Garland Oliver 3-4-15 Cathy Sullivan 2-25-15 Camille Sweeny & Family (Bill Sutherland 3-4-15) Bill Wharam 2-18-15 Kenny Williams 2-25-15 *Food Collection Item for March: Peaches Continued on page 4 THE MONTH AHEAD Worship Gatherings—Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School—All ages 9:50 am Music Weekly Rehearsals Sunday: 5:30pm Youth Praise Band rehearsal in Upper Room 6:20pm Music Group for Him on stage Monday: 3:15pm Radical Ringers bell rehearsal in room 103 7:30pm Glorify bell rehearsal in room 103 Wednesday: 4:45pm Beginners Ukulele rehearsal in room 103 6:30pm Adult Choir in Sanctuary 4:15pm Ukuleaders rehearsal in room 103 Thursday YOUTH ACTIVITIES Sundays 6:30pm Meal and Gathering Wednesdays (September—May) 5:30 L.I.F.E. Together Dinner 6:30 Small Group Gatherings For the latest on rehearsal schedules see the music calendar on our website SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI March 4 March 5 March 6 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner SAT March 7 3-5pm Meet & Greet Landon 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together March 8 March 9 8:30 & 11am Landon’s Faith Story 10am Laurels Ministry 9:30 & noon Business Meeting March 10 9:30am Discerning the Voice of God 4pm Bible Study Group 7pm Caring Toward 6:30 Tween Gathering March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 6pm Family Game Night 1pm Baby ShowerMullinex March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together Alzheimer’s March 15 6:30 GA Meeting March 16 10am Laurels Ministry March 22 6:30 Tween Gathering March 29 Palm Sunday March 23 10am Laurels Ministry March 30 10am Laurels Ministry March 17 9:30am Discerning the Voice of God 10am Church at Grace March 24 9:30am Discerning the Voice of God 10am Church at Grace 4pm Bible Study Group March 31 9:30am Discerning the Voice of God 10am Church at Grace 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 9am Finding Your Voice Workshop 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together March 25 March 26 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner March 27 March 28 April 3 Good Friday April 4 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together April 1 April 2 noon Mid Week Prayer 7pm Maundy Thursday Worship