EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH Phone: 613-733-0437 Email: Website


EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH Phone: 613-733-0437 Email: Website
Phone: 613-733-0437
Email: office@emmanuelunited.ca
Website: www.emmanuelunited.ca
Minister: Peter Lougheed
Lay Minister: Christine Williams
Leader of Music Ministry: Theresa Clarke
Accompanist: Chao Chen
Church Office Administrators: Louise Burness, Pat Harris
Volunteer Associate Minister: Rev. Stewart Hewlett
No Scents Makes Good Sense –Help Us to Be A Scent Free Church
SUNDAY, November 9th, 2014
WELCOME TO EMMANUEL! If you are a newcomer or visitor, our welcome host will
be available to meet you in the narthex after the service for a personal welcome. We
invite you to sign our guest book and join us in a time of fellowship in the CE Hall
following worship.
If you would like to use a hearing amplifier, a copy of the scriptures, or a large print copy
of the hymns, please speak to the Head Usher.
BIBLES are available for use during Worship Service. Please pick one up beside the
Memorial Book and return it at the end of the service.
THANK YOU to the following who are taking part in today’s service:
Lay Reader:
Don Hamilton
Nicholas Langner, Alison Lines, Brendan Lines, Jeremy Wallace,
Cullen Armstrong
Head Usher:
Pierre Péron
Janice Péron, Shirley Monsebraaten, Art Monsebraaten
Coffee Hosts:
Cathy and Ed Borza, Joan and Bert Reveler
Colleen Calvert
Welcome Host: Peter Rice
Sound System: Michael Langner
Thank you to Laurel Ralston for playing the trumpet today.
Today's flowers are in loving remembrance of Jean McNiven, placed by Alistair Fraser
and Carol Scott.
Congratulations to Debbie and Paul McIver on the birth of their daughter, Sloan, on
November 4, 2014. Proud grandparents are Peter and Jan Lougheed.
All are invited to an afternoon of Sacred Celtic songs and refreshments Sunday,
November 23, 2:00-3:30. Tickets ($15 & $10) will be sold at coffee time or contact
Carol at 613-795-8183. Half the proceeds are for Emmanuel and half for the Glengarry
Highland Society.
Life & Work Packet – The November packet is available in the narthex.
Men’s Club Breakfast – Saturday, Nov. 15th at 8:15 am at Perkins Restaurant.
New Members will be received next Sunday, November 16th. Anyone wishing to
transfer their membership, join by re-affirmation of faith or profession of faith, should
call the church office at 613-733-0437 or speak with Peter.
Christian Hispanic Community Dinner – You are invited for a delicious roast beef
dinner in the C.E. Hall on Saturday, November 15th. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15
for those under 16. Tickets will be available after services on Sunday and from the
church office during the week.
Sophie McDonald
Caleb Celestin
November 9
November 11
MONDAY, November 10
Take Time to be Wholely
10:30-11:30 am
Book Club
7:00 pm
Christian Meditation
7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
TUESDAY, November 11
10:00am – 3:00 pm
Alzheimer Society
10:00 am – noon
Coffee & Conversation
2:00 – 3:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, November 12
Women’s Connection
9:30 am – noon
Active Artists
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friendly Bridge
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Introduction to Advent
5:00 pm
Alzheimer Society
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
THURSDAY, November 13
Thurs. Morning Disc. Group 9:30am-11:
Alzheimer Society
10:00 am – noon
6:15pm -7:30pm
Senior Choir
Al Anon
7:30 - 9:30pm
FRIDAY, November 14
TTBW Exercise & Lunch
SATURDAY, November 15
Men’s Breakfast
8:15 am
Global Partner Dinner
C.E. Hall
Room 24
Room 7
Starbucks Elmvale
Room 9/10
C.E. Hall
C.E. Hall/Kitchen
Room 9/10
Rooms 6&7
Room 9/10
Room 24
C.E. Hall/Kitchen
Perkins Restaurant
C.E. Hall/Kitchen
Upcoming Services
November 16 10:00 am Reception of new members, Emmanubells
November 23 10:00 am Youth Sunday
Stewardship Lunch
Gaelic Music Fundraiser
Reflection Space for You
What in our worship time provoked, inspired, encouraged, sparked
further thought, memories, feelings, actions? …