2014 12th, r


2014 12th, r
Trophy of God’s Grace
Judges 16
Sunday, October 12th, 2014
Today’s Sermon:
Baptist Church
235 Albert Avenue, North Bay, Ontario
(705) 474-0448 contactus@greenwoodbaptist.ca
Lead Pastor - Tim Hawman
Executive Pastor - Trevor Peck
Today at Greenwood:
Sunday, October 12th
Brent Tremblay is speaking today.
9:00 am First Worship Service
Nursery (0-18 months). Sign in before the service.
Kids Church (18 months– grade 8). Will be dismissed from the sanctuary.
11:00 am Second Worship Service
Nursery (0 months—3 years old). Sign in before the service.
Kids Church (JK—Grade 4). Will be dismissed from the sanctuary.
This Week:
Monday, October 13th
7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study
809 Norman Avenue
Tuesday, October 14th
7:00 pm Junior Youth (Grades 5-8)
Room C8.
7:00 pm GCL Small Group
here at the church AND
60 Ellendale Drive
Wednesday, October 15th
12:30 pm Grief Share
here at the church
7:00 pm GCL Small Group
674 Lavery St AND
15 Brookland Drive
Thursday, October 16th
6:30 am Men’s Prayer & Bible Study
here at the church
10:00 am GCL Small Group
here at the church
7:00 pm GCL Small Group
671 Ski Club Road
Friday, October 17th
7:00 pm Senior Youth (Grades 9-12)
Room C8.
Upcoming Events:
Please Pray For:
Giving at Greenwood
 Hope Awaits Ministries as they
Trusting God For: $6,800.00
prepare for their Benefits Concert and
Thanking God For: $5,156.00
seek God in what building to
2014 Offering Envelopes are available.
Please see Ray Peake for more information.
Missions Update
CAFÉ: Potluck Brunch with Burns
As the LOTTS minister in Papua New Guinea sharing the Jesus video to tribes
Saturday, October 25th at 10:00 am.
and servicing missionary vehicles, please remember then in prayer for wisdom
Student Luncheon
in parenting, spiritual protection for their 4 boys and themselves and God’s conSunday, October 26th at 12:30.
tinue direction for them.
Hope Awaits Benefits Concert
Saturday, November 1st at 7:00 pm at the
Capitol Centre. Tickets are $20 each. All
proceeds go toward opening a new
homeless shelter for men in North Bay.
Contact Nicole Millage for more information If you plan on registering for either of these items, please tear off and place in
at nicolemillage@hopeawaitsministries.com the offering plate or bring to the Welcome Centre when the service is finished.
Newcomers Lunch
New to Greenwood? Join us Sunday,
Hermeneutics Class
Greenwood Gals Getaway
November 2nd for our annual newcomers
Dr. David Barker will be teaching a
The weekend of October 17th and
lunch. This is a great opportunity to meet the
hermeneutics class, free of cost,
18th at Camp Norland. Cost is $60
staff and ministry directors of Greenwood!
Saturday October 18th
per person, and if you need a ride,
Please email contatus@greenwoodbaptist.ca from 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
please indicate. For more details
to confirm your attendance!
Please bring your own lunch.
contact Cheryl McFarling.
Concert of Prayer
Name: _______________________
Name: _______________________
International Day of Prayer for the PersecutPhone Number: _______________
Phone Number: _______________
ed Church, Sunday November 9th at 7:00 pm.
Email: _______________________
Email: _______________________
Plan to Protect Orientation
Please Register
Saturday, November 8th from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Contact Larissa Kelly for more information at
_____ I need a ride
_____ I will be driving