February 2015 - Greenwood College


February 2015 - Greenwood College
Greenwood College — An Independent Public School 79 Coolibah Drive, Greenwood WA 6024
Ph. 9243 9200
Fax: 9246 2456
ABN: 31 997 963 629
Greenwood College Calendar for Term 1
Year 7 Great Escape - Hillarys
All dates are subject to change, please contact front office or teacher for confirmation
Wed 25 Feb
Wed 25-27 Feb
Mon 2 Mar
Wed 4 Mar
Thur 5 Mar
Fri 6 Mar
Mon 9-11 Mar
Mon 9 Mar
Tues 10-13 Mar
Wed 11 Mar
Thur 12 Mar
Thur 12-13 Mar
Wed 18 Mar
Thur 19 Mar
Fri 20 Mar
Greenwood College
Yr 7-8 Swim Carnival
Yr 9 Camp
Yr 10 Outdoor Ed Excursion
Yr 12 Art Excursion
Yr 12 Photo Excursion
Yr 10-12 Volleyball
OLNA Writing
Yr 7 Aviation Excursion
Yr 11 Outdoor Ed Excursion
Yr 11 Art Excursion
Yr 12 S&E Excursion
February 2015 issue includes:
Yrs 7-12 Int. School Swim Carnival
Yr 7-12 Leadership Excursion
Yr 11 Science Excursion
Yr 8 Immunisations
Yr 7-12 Volleyball
Yr 12 School Ball
February 2015
Principal’s Message Pg. 1/2
Online School Interviews Pg. 9
VET Pg. 18
Councillor Notes Pg. 16/17
Canteen Menu Pg. 22
Page 1
Principal‘s Message
”The starting point of all achievement is desire” - Napoleon Hill
New Year
Welcome everyone to our first newsletter for 2015. Throughout the year I will endeavour to
keep you all updated on what is happening around the college as well as reminders of
significant up-coming events.
I must say I was extremely proud of all students in the first week of school. It was a
particularly smooth start even managing to fit everyone into our gym for the first assembly.
Many thanks to our older students who have been extremely helpful in assisting and
welcoming all our new young people.
New Students
Mrs Joanne Harris
It was wonderful to see our Year 7 and Year 8 students settling in so well. I have received
particularly positive feedback from teachers and I visited the Great Escape excursion for
both years where all the students appeared to be really enjoying themselves! A reminder
to all parents and guardians that it is vital you establish lines of communication with the college. The Year Coordinators, I know, have emailed parents introducing themselves and these staff are often a good starting point if you
have anything you wish to discuss.
We also had approximately 50 new students starting in the other years which has meant our current school population
is 956 students making Greenwood a small to medium sized secondary school. Sincere thanks to all our parents and
students who assisted in the uniform shop at the start of the year. Sandy Elliss and her team of volunteers do a stellar
job in ensuring all students are outfitted appropriately.
New and Returning Staff
Welcome to our new staff for 2015 (pictured below in order) Ms Arns (English), Ms Ayers (Phys-Ed), Ms Gale (Society &
Environment), Mr Law (Media/IT), Mr Millar (Science), Mr Norris (Phys-Ed), Ms Palmer (Science), Mrs Quinlan (Society &
Environment), Mr Weber (Science), Mr Pielow (Student Services) and Ms Elieff (Education Assistant).
Welcome back to Mrs Young, Mr O‘Brien, Ms McKinnon and Mr Sawyer. Our new highly
experienced Canteen Manager Ms Michelle Smith has joined us this year after Ms Bev King
retired from the post after 26 years. Michelle (pictured right in the middle of Mrs Lesley Mackrill
and Mrs Nolene Radici) and her team of volunteers work tirelessly and would love some help for
an hour or two one day a week from any parents/guardians who would love to volunteer.
Excellent Results 2014
Congratulations to our 2014 Year 12 cohort who attained excellent results: 96% of students gained an ATAR greater
than 55; 63% of students gained an ATAR greater than 70 and 42% of students gained an ATAR greater than 80. The
College median ATAR of 75 is the highest it has been in the last five years. Our attainment rate (students graduating
with an ATAR higher that 55 and/or Certificate II or higher) was 94%, an excellent effort. One hundred percent (100%)
of our students achieved their WACE Certificate (graduation); 95% of students who applied were offered university
places in the first round, three students were offered places at Melbourne University and one student offered a place
at Sydney University. Two students Anji Tao and Jess Evans received Commendation Certificates (gaining 20 ―A‖
grades over two years). Outstanding Individual Achievements: Kun Li (98.70), Anji Tao (98.15), Fragkiskos Gile 95.30,
Sarah Lee (89.55), Emma Philippe (89.30), James Eccles (88.30), Abbie Hill (87.45) and Callum Macliver (86.65).
College Uniform
The College Board and the P&C fully endorse and support all uniform initiatives and last year passed the ruling that
ANY clothing article worn to school MUST have the Greenwood logo or lettering on it. The only exception is Year 12
boys where we will accept the plain cargo shorts for this year only. We have worked hard to provide students with a
wide range of options so there is no reason why they cannot find an article that suits them. I must say the vast majority
of our students are excellent in their attire and the small minority who may choose not to conform are very quickly
counselled through their CARE group teachers or Student Services personnel.
Parents’ Participation
It was terrific to meet with the Year 7 and Year 8 parents at the recent barbeques. We encourage parental
involvement as much as possible here at Greenwood. There are a number of active parent committees such as
Dance, Music and Aviation, as well as the P&C which holds meetings once a month. New members to these groups
would be most welcome and much appreciated!
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 2
Principal‘s Message cont.
Capital Works
Over the holidays we have continued with the buildings and grounds improvement plan. Even though we would love
a new gymnasium, realistically this is unlikely. As our specialist
Volleyball program has grown, we have built an outdoor
volleyball court behind the gym. The area looks great and Mr
Guard has said his Phys-Ed staff will also utilize the area for a
range of sports such as soccer and netball. The plants in the
central garden area (see photo right) in front of Home
Economics have really started to take off and the area looks
fantastic. Currently it is mainly utilized by the younger students.
The plans for the toilet and change rooms upgrade are well
under way. Work on these projects will hopefully start in June.
Our lockers have firstly been offered to Year 11 and 12 students
and will now be offered to other students. We will be purchasing
another set later on in the year, so if students miss out this time
they will have another opportunity to
access a locker. We have also, with the
assistance of the P&C, purchased a new and improved school sign (see picture left) which I
think you would agree, looks fantastic! There is also a new improved digital media/sound
system in the gym and new stage curtains are
on the way. The latter we hope in time for the
upcoming college musical production. Mr
Mazzulla, Mr Law and Mr D‘Agostino are very
happy with the new photo/media studio (see
picture right). Our College website is currently
being refurbished and we are hopeful this will
be completed in the next week or so. This will
provide more up to date information for parents and students about college events, policies
and programs on at Greenwood.
This nine week term is going to pass by extremely quickly. I have already met with all our Year 12 ATAR students and I
know Mr Pohara, Mr Bowdell and Mr Tennakoon will be following up with any student who is not currently on track to
graduate! We have the OLNA tests coming up, the usual flurry of excitement around the College Ball is mounting
already, all year groups will participate in the Swimming Carnivals this term and most importantly the Interim Parent
Open Reporting Day is scheduled for 31 March, just to name a few significant events.
Lastly good luck to Brendan Burnside and Kelsey Dwyer Kelso (Year 12) in the upcoming Lions Club Youth of the Year.
Well done to Jasmine Pugh (Yr 7) for coming first in both 800m and 1500m in the recent WA State Track & Field
Competitions. Congratulations to our 2015 Head Girl, Jessica Laden and
Head Boy, Brendan Burnside (pictured left). I am looking forward to
meeting with all Student Counsellors later in the term after the Year 7
and 8 elections have been held. Well done to all students for a very
positive start to the year.
Year 10 Most Improved Awards
Mrs Hollis
Maths Teache
One of the many objectives of school is to encourage students to be the best they can be. Not all students are high
achievers, but all students have the potential to improve. The
following 12 students who had the largest academic improvement
from Semester two Year 8 to Semester two Year 9 and their
achievements have been recognised with a Certification of
Achievement. Congratulations to the following students pictured
Lee Watson, Mohammad Safari, Anuwat Sommasomdi,
Shakira Gregory, Madison Lee, Emilie Bell-Tentori, Jarrod
Schmid, Dominick McColl, Jessica Dower, Jade Craig (not
present in photo), Ian Carl Tababan, Jack Stirling.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 3
Student Services Summary
Mr. Williams
Student Services Manager
Firstly, welcome to the 2015 school year to all students (in particular our new Year 7s and 8s who have started the year
off so successfully), staff and families.
There was plenty of interest around how the Year 7s would cope with college life. What I noticed was they settled in
very quickly, adjusted to the routine of the school very quickly and after a few days, it looked like they had been here
for years. The same applies to the Year 8s who we made sure were not forgotten.
Well done to both new year groups for their positive start to their college careers.
Each year, I start the first newsletter article off talking about ―The Big 3‖- pastoral care: attendance and behaviour.
Three extremely important areas that determine the DNA of every school.
Pastoral care is exceptionally important to Greenwood College. It can be tricky to measure, however we know for
certain that Greenwood College is a very welcoming and caring environment inside and outside the classroom. This
care also extends to families.
Behaviour is essentially the core business of a Student Services Team. Behaviour is very easy to measure. All sorts of
data is available now. One statistic that is very telling is that since 2010, there has been a 59% drop in the number of
suspensions. Our suspension numbers were never high to begin with. In 2014, 80% of our students did not receive a
behaviour report.
Attendance is a real success story for Greenwood College. It is our main focus each year. Every successful school has
high rates of attendance. Over the past few years, Greenwood College‘s attendance rate has increased. In 2011, our
average rate was 90.8%. In 2013 it was 92.1%. Last year we were just under that with 91.6% The Student Services Team
is particularly proud of these achievements. We are aspiring to achieve an average of 92% for 2015 and we are
confident the new Year 7s and 8s will provide a boost. To achieve this we need strong support from students, parents
and carers. As of Friday February 13, our average was 95.17%. We will continue to acknowledge students with
percentages between 90% and 100%; especially 100% as we did very successfully last year, with 13 students
maintaining perfect attendance for the whole year.
The above success stories are due to many factors. Elite sporting clubs, large corporations/businesses etc all talk of
culture. When new people arrive to a club or business, they are encouraged and expected to ―buy into‖ the culture
of that organisation. That is exactly what we have created here. Students adopt and maintain our culture of caring for
one another, excellent behaviour and outstanding attendance.
There has been full support from the student population in wearing appropriate school uniform. This is very noticeable
when I walk around the school at recess and lunch or visit year assemblies. Only one or two students per day need to
borrow school uniform. Given we have over 940 students here, that is outstanding. The Year 7 and 8 students look very
sharp in their new uniform too. The full uniform policy can be found in your child‘s diary.
School grounds
The school grounds continue to be clean and tidy with very little litter after recess and lunch. Staff new to this school
have quickly noticed this. Plenty of students are physically active (which is strongly encouraged) during break times;
table tennis, down ball, basketball and soccer are very popular. It is always a good sign when big numbers of students
are engaging in something constructive and healthy during break times.
Great Escape fun days
On Friday February 6, 134 year 7s and Monday February 9, 121 year 8s and staff enjoyed two fantastic days at the
Great Escape Water Slides in Hillarys. Again, we were very lucky to be the only school there for the two days. No
queuing up; well except for lunch! All students behaved impeccably and thoroughly enjoyed their time at the slides. It
was interesting to see how many new friendships were formed. That is why we do it. Thanks to Ms Fenner, Mr Filidei, Mrs
Shipham, Mrs Hart, Mr Woodard, Ms Hollis, Mrs Strahan, Mr Tennakoon, Mrs Newman, Mr Mayes and Mrs Harris for their
support on the day. And another big thank you to the Year 10 and 11 students who performed their roles as 7mates
and 8mates so enthusiastically.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 4
Student Services Summary cont.
Year 7 and 8 Parent Evening/BBQs
On Tuesday February 10 and 17 we opened up our pool for the Year 7 and Year 8 parent evenings. The BBQ was
cranked up and the smell of sausages drifted through Greenwood. Both evenings were very informal which is why I
believe they were both so well supported. No speeches, no appointments, just a friendly atmosphere whereby parents/
carers and staff can mingle and chat. It was terrific to see so many people there and so many kids in the pool.
Year 9 Camp
We run many camps here but the ―Big‖ one is for the Year 9s which will be at Ern Halliday Camp School in Hillarys from
Wednesday Feb 25 to Friday Feb 27. We want as many Year 9s to come along as possible. I appreciate that $220 is a
big chunk of money and not always easy to find. When I look at what the students get for that money, it is very
impressive: all meals (and the meals are top quality), fun activities run by trained staff, accommodation, transport to
and from, prizes and over two hours at the Great Escape water slides on the Friday afternoon.
As always, parents/carers are welcome to phone me to discuss possible payment options. Students not going to the
camp are expected to come to school and attend their timetabled classes. A more detailed report on the camp will
be in the next newsletter.
Adventure World
We did finish off last year with a fun day at Adventure World. The day is a fading memory now but I do know our
students enjoyed and behaved themselves as you can see from the photos below. We will be back there again later
this year.
2015 Student Services Team
Murray Williams – Manager Student Services (murray.j.williams@education.wa.edu.au)
Kristy Hart – School Psychologist
Raylene Shipham - Chaplain
Kristy Fenner – Year 7 Coordinator
Fil Filidei – Year 8 Coordinator
Antony Woodard – Year 9 Coordinator
Nanette Hollis – Year 10 Coordinator
Stacy Strahan – Year 11 Coordinator
Kasun Tennakoon – Year 12 Coordinator
Anne Pugh – School Officer
Nicole Newman – First Aid
Jo Calautti – First Aid
Linda Tulip – Education Assistant
Christina Kolodij – Education Assistant
Vesna Peou – Education Assistant
Carolyn Ganzer – Education Assistant
Helen Elieff – Education Assistant
Finally: Year 12s— the year can be summed up in a few words. ―Four terms of work crammed into three terms of
school.‖ I wish you well!
School Information Calendar for 2015 (Dates may vary)
Term Dates
School Development Days
(Pupil Free Days)
Public Holidays
Term 1
Mon 2 Feb—Thurs 2 April
Thursday 29 January
Friday 30 January
Monday 2 March
Friday 3 April
Tuesday 31 March
Reporting Parent Open Day
Students early closure 12.30pm
Parents booked between 12.30-7.30pm
Term 2
Tues 21 April—Fri 3 July
Monday 20 April
Wednesday 1 July
Reporting Parent Open Day
Students early closure 12.30pm
Parents booked between 12.30-7.30pm
Term 3
Tues 21 July—Fri 25 Sept
Monday 20 July
Term 4
Tues 13 Oct—Thurs 17 Dec
Monday 12 Oct
Friday 18 Dec
Greenwood College
February 2015
Monday 27 April
Monday 1 June
Page 5
Raylene Shipham
Chaplain Chatter
Direct line: 9243 9237
Welcome to 2015, this year has started with us welcoming not one but two year groups. I have had the privilege of spending some
quality time with them in the first week of the school year. The first day watching them all pile into our gym and not knowing if they
were going to fit to watching them sitting on the bench feeling awkward. A week down the line and they have started forming a
group of friends. I am amazed at how our children often teach us adults a thing or two. As adults we are cautious about speaking to
strangers or striking up a conversation with someone who is new to the workplace. As a matter of fact stepping out of our comfort
zone is quite daunting. Our children amaze us with their resilience and ability to take on new and challenging environments and
embrace them with so much enthusiasm.
On 5 February City Youth, a group of young people from one of our local churches Kingdom City brought in a rap artist to entertain
the students during lunch time. A lot of fun was had by all. On that note they will be organising events like this
twice a term and we look forward to seeing what they have in store.
We had two fabulous days at the Great Escape with both Year 7 and Year 8 students where they enjoyed the sunshine and
friendship. It is good to see them being active and participating in the many activities on offer. I and another colleague were saying
that we don‘t remember being offered such fun activities to complement our learning when we were at school. It is a day for us as
staff to get to know them in a different light and spend some time mingling and mixing.
Our year 7/8 welcome BBQ is always a highlight of the year as it is in the middle of summer and we open the pool and the families
are able to get to meet staff and other families who they will sharing the high school journey with for the next few years. It is always
very well attended and it epitomizes the culture of a community that our school is known for.
Finally a little bit about myself I have been in this role at Greenwood since 2013 but this is my 7th year as a chaplain. I am passionate
about seeing young people achieve their potential whatever that may be. I believe in the power of building solid relationships and
hope to be able to be available to your children in a way that they may deem necessary. I love the variety of the role and that I am
able to celebrate both the positives and the negatives. I learn something new from each person that I am in contact with and I
count it an absolute privilege to be able to share a part of life‘s journey with them. I am available on ext. 237 and will do my best to
assist you and your family where possible.
Until next time
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 6
Deputy News
College Guidelines
Student attendance procedures
Greenwood College recognises that punctuality and regular attendance at school is a major factor affecting student
academic success. The College therefore adopts a zero tolerance approach to unexplained absences and lateness.
These procedures are used to guarantee the safety of your children as well as to support your childrens‘ educational
Parents and students are reminded that all absences must be explained by parents using any ONE of the following
methods; a note, a phone call, an email or by direct contact. Notes must state a legitimate reason for the absence,
the date of the absence and must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Parents are advised that they are not authorised to give their children permission to stay at home from school without
a valid reason. The College is required by the Department of Education to seek verification from parents if their child
does not bring a note explaining absences after arriving back at school.
Lateness to school
Students who arrive late to school cause unnecessary clerical work and disrupt care group and classes. The reasons
for lateness vary greatly but those that are unexplained, or are for unsatisfactory reasons, will be dealt with in a
systematic and consistent manner.
Students who are late to school without an acceptable reason, provided by parent note, phone call or SMS to the
school will be placed into lunch detention. If the Care Group bell has sounded, students must report to the reception
area absentee desk and will then be referred to the relevant deputy principal or Student Services Manager, to explain
their absence and receive a lunch detention notice. Teachers will not allow late students into class without a formal
late note. Failure to attend lunch detention will result in more serious consequences.
Parents taking their children out of school for holidays
Parents are advised that the Department of Education has formally
notified schools that student absences caused by the taking of holidays
during the school term, are regarded as ―unauthorised absences‖ unless
the absence has been pre-approved by the school principal and the
principal is satisfied that reasonable grounds for authorising the absence
In this case, the College will use the absentee code, K = students whose
parents have taken them on an in-term holiday and the principal has not
authorised the absence.
Where permission to take a holiday during the school term has been preapproved by the school principal, the school will use the absentee code,
V = the absence has been negotiated in advance and the principal is
satisfied that reasonable grounds for authorising the absence apply.
If the approved absence extends beyond the negotiated number of
days, and no acceptable reason is provided, the additional absences should be recorded with an X (unacceptable
Children who become sick during school hours
Greenwood College uses an effective means of managing student illness, whilst at school, developed over many
years of experience. Students MUST NOT contact their parents independently, by mobile phone, to inform them that
they are sick. Students are regularly informed by the college that the correct procedure is for them to attend the First
Aid Officer, allow them to determine the validity of the illness, have the First Aid Officer contact their parents, if
required, and then obtain an official leave form. This proven method guarantees that all parties are kept informed,
that minimum time is wasted, that absentee records are up to date, prevents students from truanting for trivial reasons
and ensures that appropriate medical care is provided.
Students who SMS or ring their parents requesting them to pick them up from school, undermine these established
and efficient procedures which are designed to minimise disruptions to parents, staff and the students‘ learning
programs. If parents do receive phone calls or SMS messages from their children, please remind your child, of the
college‘s clearly advertised procedures and instruct them to attend the First Aid Officer for proper assessment.
D requested to support the college‘s efforts to properly manage student illness and prevent students missing
LLEG trivial reasons by phoning the college first if their children contact them regarding illness. The college can
then inform
of the exact nature of the illness, the medical aid required and whether or not they are required
SMS 5parents
7 0
7 08
to attend
040 the college to remove their children from classes.
Parents are encouraged to contact the college if they have any questions regarding the college‘s absentee
David Mayes—Deputy Principal
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 7
Mr Pohara
Upper School
Deputy Principal
Upper school
I would like to thank Upper School students for the standard and tone they have set in the school. With the influx of
nearly 300 year 7 and 8 students, upper school students have been patient and supportive with the historic move of
new students to our campus.
Upper school students have settled down quickly and there were fewer changes to courses this year than in 2014.
With two weeks of the term gone at the time of writing, changing courses is now well and truly over. From time to time,
changes are made but these are in very extreme circumstances.
Year 12 students are fully aware that they have virtually only three terms in which to complete their courses and attain
their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
Assessment Policy
Within the diary issued to all students is the Greenwood College Assessment Policy. Students should be familiar with
that policy as it is a support mechanism for graduation and the attainment of WACE. Greenwood is insistent that all
assessments must be completed by students, allowing exceptions in extenuating circumstances only. A directive from
the Director General of Education is that going away on holiday is not an excuse for missing assessments.
Year 11 and 12 students in ATAR courses are reminded that Semester 1 Exams will be held in Term 2 during Week 6
from Monday 25/5/2015 to Friday 29/5/2015. Students should be studying for those exams now and ATAR students
should be completing a minimum of 3 hours per session, 6 times per week as a rough guide of what is expected,
discriminating between homework and study. All students must hand in assessable work punctually to avoid possible
Year 10
Planning for Year 10 student courses in 2016 has commenced and there will be a Parent Night for year 10 students next
term informing them of the process for upper sSchool selection. As a general rule, students need to be attaining A/B
grades in the core areas if hoping to pursue a full ATAR course in year 11. When making selections, it is more realistic
to be selecting if, in year 10, students have demonstrated ability and commitment to study rather than the potential
they may have and that suddenly students are going to change in Year 11 after a six week holiday.
Year 10 students will be completing OLNA tests this term, which is a prerequisite for Graduation and in week 5 of next
term will have exams in selected courses. All students must take OLNA very seriously and students intending to select
ATAR courses will need to perform well in exams so commence studying for them now.
I wish all students a successful year and a reminder that the more students get involved in school activities, the more
enjoyable the year will be.
Maths Department—Moodle
Mr Martin
Head of Maths
Last year we started publishing on Moodle for students in any Maths course
their year program with assessment schedules
copies of the relevant chapters in the text (for years 7-10)
homework exercises
all free of charge !
This year you will find the number of courses featured on Moodle is greatly increased. Not only that but many have
past assessments included too.
The upper school ATAR courses have past exam papers and sometimes tests too for your young person to practise.
More may have been added by the time you read this!
To access these go to http://moodle.greenwood.wa.edu.au/login/index.php
Have your child sign in with their school network user name and password, and then go to the relevant Mathematics
We hope this will help you keep in touch with what your child is doing in Maths. If you want you can always help them
with their homework! Lower school Nelson homework exercises also give explanations before questions, so this is not as
difficult as it may sound!
Incidentally, each student‘s fluency in numeracy can be greatly improved by Mathletics interactive software. Your
child has a user name and logon for this too, courtesy of Greenwood College, and these will be given to students
shortly! Please contact me or your child‘s teacher with any queries or concerns with this.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 8
Dear Parents
Greenwood College‘s Term 1, 2015 Parent Reporting Open Day, will be held in the College Library, Society &
Environment and Science rooms on Tuesday 31 March (week 9) from 1pm—7.30pm. The College now uses an
online parent and teacher interview booking system. Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these
simple instructions. Note that the booking system will be open to parents at 9am on Monday 23 March and close
at 4.30pm on Monday 30 March.
Enter THIS school event
Then follow the 3 simple
When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you
automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email
You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time and change your
interviews - until bookings close.
Note that you will need to have your child’s college timetable with you to select
their subject codes and teacher names.
Parents can change their interview bookings any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the
www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Remember to use the same
name and email address you used when you made your original booking.
Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date, should contact the school
directly on 9243 9200.
Parents who do not have access to the internet at home may ask their children to make bookings
for them at school using school computers.
Students can, with their parent‘s permission, log onto the online booking system, at
www.schoolinterviews.com.au enter the event code, K54PS, and make interview bookings on their
parent‘s behalf.
We hope that this online booking system, which parents have asked for, allows for more time
efficient and flexible booking procedures.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 9
Congratulations! Students of the Week
Congratulations to Jackson Bryant (Yr 10) who was
rewarded with a $25 Coles/Myer voucher and
Student of the Week Certificate for his help being
an active member of the 7mate program.
Well done to Jason Smith (Year 10) for helping
to co-ordinate, prepare and assist the new
Year 7s at various events.
It makes the
transition for the new students into college life
Congratulations to Lee Watson (Year 10) for his
friendly and supportive manner in dealing with
the new Year 7 students at the Great Escape
and Parent BBQ. Helping to prepare, clean up
and mingle with new Year 7s makes the events
run smoothly.
Greenwood College is a member of The School Volunteer Program
(SVP), which aims to strengthen school engagement and increase
resilience in school aged children at risk of not achieving their
educational potential by providing high quality mentoring programs
and other in-school volunteer activities.
At the centre of SVP‘s work is a belief in the power of relationships. For
children to thrive they need to be connected to, and supported by, an
extended network of caring people with the skills and time to listen and
provide guidance.
SVP recruits, screens and trains volunteers, who either work one-on-one
with students for one hour a week, or assist in areas such as literacy
support, classroom assistance, design and technology and more. For
more information, please visit the SVP website www.svp.org.au.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 10
IEC—Qinyu Mao and Xiaocheng Wang
Hello, everyone! Our names are Qinyu and Xiaocheng and we are the IEC Student
We both come
from China. We
forward to our new
roles in the school.
Last December, we
Boyi, who was graduating from 4.2,
played the piano for the ceremony.
did a wonderful
j ob.
gave speeches about
their home countries and
their time in the IEC: Sara
Tahooneh, from Iran,
Sakura Koyama, from
Japan, Vivien Zhang,
from China, and Gabriel
Gomig, from Brazil. All
the graduates enjoyed an excursion to iceskating after the ceremony.
This year, we have new students from Russia, Mexico, Korea and other countries. There are more than eighty
students in the IEC who come from many different countries, such as Chile, Cuba, China, Poland and Zambia, just to
name a few! Thanks for reading our article and you will hear from us again soon.
Intensive English Centre
Mr Dunn
The Intensive English Centre has started the year with strong enrolments from a variety of countries. Some of our newly
arrived students are from countries such as, Mexico, Cuba, Bhutan, Mauritius and Denmark. All students have settled in
well and are enjoying their new environment.
The IEC students are looking forward to their swimming carnival coming up shortly. We have a huge range of abilities
including students who have never been in a swimming pool through to highly skilled and well trained swimmers. Our
Phys. Ed staff will keep a close eye on all of our swimmers with a special eye on spotting new talent for the interschool
swimming carnival.
One of the support programs for
migrant students is coming to
Greenwood College on February
Thursday 26th. It is the Star Search for
Schools program and is run by the
Metropolitan Migrant Resource
Centre. Interested students from
migrant backgrounds can audition
to join in the talent quest.
The IEC has an exciting year
planned ahead of us. World Day will
feature again and an IEC camp will
also go ahead later in the year.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 11
Great Escape—Hillarys
Greenwood College
February 2015
Year 7 Students
Page 12
Parent School Pool BBQ
Greenwood College
February 2015
Year 7 Students
Page 13
Great Escape—Hillarys
Year 8 Students
It couldn‘t have been a more perfect day to escape to Hillary‘s Boat Harbour. Three buses carrying over a hundred Greenwood
College Year 8s eagerly set forth to the Great Escape. There, our fresh cohort would spend the day plunging into water slides, putting
on the minigolf, and springing on trampolines. The whole park was ours for the enjoyment, and the Year 8s were quick to socialise,
making new friends along the way.
The atmosphere was positive and fun, a wonderful start to the Year 8s calendar of events. The day went off flawlessly thanks to the
good behaviour of our Year 8s, and the support of all staff who attended. A huge thank you goes out to Mr Williams who organised
the day, as well as Mr Tennakoon, Mrs Strahan, Mrs Shipham, and Mrs Newman who made sure everything ran smoothly.
Mr Filidei—Year 8 Co-ordinator
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 14
Parent School Pool BBQ
Greenwood College
February 2015
Year 8 Students
Page 15
Year 9—Myriam Ould Ely and Hayden Shillito
Welcome back to Greenwood College everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday.
A special welcome to all the new Year 7s and 8s and a warm welcome to all the new
students in all years—and to all the new teachers too.
Hello, our names are Myriam Ould Ely and Hayden Shillito. We are the Year 9 Student
Councillors for 2015 and our role is to represent the Year 9s and perform the duties required by
the school as Councillors for 2015.
We are going to do as best we can to make this year as fun and enjoyable as it can be. We have a choice of many
subject options now that we are in Year 9 such as : Outdoor Education, Specialised Volleyball, Mechanical
Workshop and Drama etc.
The events coming up this term for us all are the Year 9-10 Swimming Carnival on Friday 20 February and Year 9
camp from Wednesday 25 February to Friday 27 February. Great events to look forward to and to be involved in.
Hope everyone has a good term. Bye for now….
Year 10—Emilie Bell-Tentori and Gavin Anderson
Hello everyone
I hope that you all had a fantastic holiday it is now time to get back into the old swing of
school, study and homework.
I am Gavin Anderson and this will be my third year as a student councillor at Greenwood College.
A few facts about myself; I enjoy playing volleyball and I am a part of our volleyball specialist course but I also
participate in beach and hard court volleyball out of school. I went to Rawlinson Primary from the start of pre-primary
to Year 7. In Year 8 I was the Student Councillor working with Hannah Waddell, in Year 9 I worked with Despina
Koulianous and this year I am looking forward to working with Emilie Bell-Tentori. I will have a lot to live up to as I have
been doing this role for quite a while and I will do my best not to disappoint.
Hello students and parents from Emilie Bell-Tentori.
It‘s great to see that the Year 7s and 8s have settled into Greenwood College with ease and I assure you that your
time at this school will be pleasant. The staff and older students are here to help guide you along the way. I‘m the 2015
Year 10 student councillor, Emilie Bell-Tentori. I‘ve been at Greenwood College since grade eight and I‘ve significantly
proved my diligent and kind behaviour to those around me since. Before high school I attended Goollelal Primary
School. My interests include the dramatic arts and I tend to have massive hunger for learning new things. I love to
watch people strive for their dreams. I hope to be a great influence on you all, pushing you to do your best at every
Year 10 is one of the most important years of high school as it is the year that you decide your future. It is the year that
you choose which subjects to study in Year 11 which then determines which subjects you study in Year 12. With the
new national curriculum, you have to decide which pathway you want to take… university, TAFE or work. So you can
see why it is an important year. For you to get into the subjects you want, you need teachers to recommend you for
those subjects. To get the recommendation you need to demonstrate to the teachers that you are capable and that
you have a good work ethic. So NOW is the time to start working….don‘t leave working until it is too late.
There have been a couple of events that have included Year 10s. Approximately 20 Year 10s that had attended the 7
mates program in 2014 accompanying the Year 7s to the Great Escape. I heard quite a few compliments saying how
surprisingly well-mannered the Year 7s are and what a great help the Year 10s were. It was a great excursion. The first
volleyball competition will be held on the 7 March and will be a beach volleyball tournament. It will be our first official
beach competition and we are really looking forward to bringing home some medals (hopefully).
Until next time
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 16
Year 11—Carys Hunter and Ishaan Bhatia
Hi, we are your new Year 11 Student Councillors for 2015, Ishaan Bhatia and Carys
We will try and make this year as enjoyable and memorable as we can for everyone.
Even though it‘s been a couple of weeks, term 1 has been very eventful, starting with
some of the Year 11s attending The Great Escape with the new year 9s. We were able to
get to know the year 8s and make them feel welcome and make the transition into our
college as smooth as possible.
This is a big year for all of us ATAR students preparing for exams and VET students starting TAFE courses. This year will
be a bit more stressful for us as we are being introduced to the new curriculum. Facing new challenges will be hard
work but it will pay off, so stay focused and motivated.
The swimming carnival is coming up shortly so please be aware of the tryout times and the best of luck to everyone
competing. The Year 11 formal is also coming up shortly and anyone interested please visit Mrs Strahan for more
information about tickets and helping to organise the event.
Finally Carys and I would like to thank everyone who voted for us and we look forward to making this year and our
year group the best it can be.
Have a good one….
Year 12—Brendan Burnside and Jessica Laden
Hi everyone!
Finally we have made it to the top of the social ladder of Greenwood College; the top of
the food chain if you like. We have looked forward to this year since the start of our high
school lives and it‘s now here.
This year comes with some major social events unlike any other but also has a fair amount
of academic work attached to it. A good balance right? Well it has to be since this year is
not only our most important but also our shortest with only three terms for us to complete all
our school work before we are released into the real world to do whatever we like. Our year is set out a little
differently as our first semester ends halfway through Term 2 with our first set of exams in about week 6. This means
that there is no time to ease back into school life; it‘s all go, go, go from day one.
During the first two weeks back, each of the ATAR students have received their ATAR predictions based on last
years semester two results. Because of where the results came from, they are a little inaccurate but they certainly
give a rough idea of what you‘re sitting on and what you should be aiming for in each of your subjects this year. If
you aren‘t happy with your current courses and want to switch a few classes around, you need to do that ASAP so
that no time is wasted and because the door allowing you to is slowly closing.
It‘s not long now until the greatest, most anticipated social event of our entire high school career is drawing
closer—the school Ball. The date is set for March 20 and we are busily planning everything from invitations to
decorations in order for it to be a great night and amazing experience for us all. Remember to get your money in
by the 27th of this month and to return any forms that you need to if you‘re bringing a date from out of school.
Can‘t wait to see everyone scrubbed up and in their finest.
Now the current question on everyone‘s lips is ―When are we going to get our leaver‘s jackets? ‖Well, we‗ll be able
to be distinguished from the other 800 students in a couple of week. These jackets have been long awaited but not
too much longer now kiddies.
That‘s all from us….
Mr Mazzulla
Musical Teaser ...
Drama Teacher
A hilarious, comical musical called
“Shiek, Rattle ‘n’ Roll “
28, 29, 30 April 2015
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 17
Vocational Educational Training
Mr Bowdell
VET Manager
2015 is well underway and my office has been very busy getting students off and running into VET studies. VET studies
(nothing to do with animals!) is about studying industry qualifications under the Vocational Education and Training
umbrella. From the time I started in this role (1999) I have seen huge expansion of VET to the point now that it is as
major a part of Greenwood College‘s curriculum as it is in all Australian schools.
Currently we have 51 students in years 11 and 12 enrolled in the following training organisations going out one or two
days a week for 2015:
Trades North Clarkson (Electrical and Metals )
West Coast TAFE (Health Support Services, Automotive, Horticulture)
Central TAFE (Health Support Services, Education Support, Building and Construction – non trades.)
Polytechnic West, (Construction, Business, IT and Media and Animal Studies)
Jandakot Airport: (Pilot Studies, Avionics)
Master Plumbers Association (Pre Apprentice Plumbing)
School Based Traineeships (students are employed as trainees and paid for two days a week)
Public Sector Traineeship
Hospitality Group Training
WA Group Training Hairdressing
As well as this we deliver six VET programs at the college:
Cert III Visual Art
Cert III Visual Art Photography
Cert II Sport and Recreation
Cert II Information Technology
Cert II Child Care
Cert II Music
Cert II Foundation Skills
Cert II Business
During X Files last week I delivered an induction course in competency training to all students doing Certificate courses
at school.
Included under VET is Workplace Learning where students enrolled in Career and Enterprise go out for two placements
into industry. Most Year 12s go out next week in Term one and Term two and most Year 11s go out terms two and three.
Finally if students in Year 10 wish to apply for a VET external program in 2016 they need to make sure their Semester one
report is a good one as this is used in TAFE applications as well a school reference. TAFE courses and Pre
Apprenticeship programs at school are becoming more and more competitive to get into. VET studies at school are
considerably cheaper when compared to TAFE full time fees which have risen dramatically.
Congratulation to the following Year 12 2014 students below who have been awarded Curtin University Scholarships
for 2015 based on school recommendations:
Parham Bakhtiari Haftlang
Matthew Langford
Greenwood College
Marco Lenghel
February 2015
Page 18
Mr Salmon
Music Committee
Welcome to 2015 !
Next Meeting Date
Monday 23rd
The Music Committee invites
Parents to come along and join in the
Annual General
great vibe of the Committee
We support the Music Department
Tuesday 10th
by arranging functions and sourcing
instruments, equipment & good times !
7-00 pm
NO music abilities required !!
Staff Room
Just a desire to help our children ...
Come Along !!
Music Timetable
Rock Band
Concert Band
Classical Guitar Ensemble
Rock band
Vocal Ensemble
Voice Lessons
Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone Lessons
Trumpet, Trombone and Euphonium Lessons
Classical Guitar, Contemporary Guitar and Percussion
Music Camp
Music Camp
Fri 19-22 Jun
Wed 5 Aug
Sat 7 Nov
Music Camp and Primary School Music Tour
Winter Concert
Music Dinner
SMS 50
7 08
Winter Concert
Music Dinner
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 19
Contributions and Charges
School Fees
Contributions and Charges are now due to be paid to the college. Please endeavour to pay by Friday 6
March 2015 or alternatively contact Deborah Jones on 9243 9202 to arrange a payment plan. Please note
the following information regarding how to make payments and obtaining financial assistance.
How to Make Payments
In Person payments can be made by cash, cheque, or credit card (Visa,
Telephone your credit card details can be given over the phone. A receipt will be
forwarded to you.
Faxing your credit card details through to the Administration Office on fax 9246
2456. Simply complete and fax the credit card payment form. A receipt will be
forwarded to you.
Posting a cheque (made out to Greenwood College) or your credit card details to
the college – 79 Coolibah Drive, Greenwood WA 6024. Simply complete and
return the credit card payment form. Visa and Mastercard will be accepted. A
receipt will be forwarded to you.
Direct Deposit the required amount to: BSB: 066 040 A/C: 1990 0460
Please state the “student name” and "fees" as your reference.
Financial Assistance is available for parents who hold the following;
Centrelink Family Health Care Card
Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card (Blue Card)
$235 Secondary Assistance towards the Voluntary Contributions and Charges
In accordance with the Department of Education and Training policy the secondary
assistance scheme must be deducted from the Voluntary Contributions in Years 7-10 with any
balance being deducted from the Charges and all from Charges in Years 11 and 12.
$115 Secondary Assistance towards School Uniforms
This will be deposited into your bank account directly from the Department of Education on
completion of the Secondary Assistance Form. However, if you wish the clothing allowance
can be signed over to the school to go towards the Voluntary Contributions and Charges.
The Card must be VALID during first term
Applications close Friday 27 March 2015
A claim can be made for each eligible enrolled student.
How to Claim:
Complete application form at the Administration Office before Friday 27 March 2015.
The signature on the form must be that of the person who holds the card.
The card must be presented at the time of application.
The subsidy will be deducted from your child‘s statement.
Payment of the balance is to be made, or arrangements to pay the balance can be
Applications can be made at the Administration Office between 8.00am – 4.00 pm
If it is difficult for you to attend during these hours, please phone the College Reception on
9243 9200 to make alternative arrangements.
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 20
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2015 Uniform Shop Price List
Greenwood College
February 2015
Open Tuesdays and Fridays 8.20—8.45am
Page 21
Canteen Menu 2015
(prices subject to change throughout the year)
Mon—Hot Chicken Roll
Tues—Chicken Burger/Salad
Ham and Salad
Wed—Hot Dog
Cheese and Salad
Thur—Chilli Chicken Sub
Egg and Salad
Chicken and Salad
Macaroni & Cheese
Tuna and Salad
Soup (Term2/3)
Cheese and Pineapple
Chilli Con Carne
Curried Egg and Salad
Ham and Pineapple
Chicken strip wrap & salad
Toasted Ham and Cheese
Focaccia (asstd. fillings)
Toasted Cheese and Pineapple
Steamed Rice, Chicken, Chilli
Cheese and Vegemite
Caesar Salad
Banana Bread
Wedges (Term 2/3)
Lite Yoghurt
Hot Dog
Anzac Cookies
Ham cheesie
Fruit Salad Tubs
Whole Fruit (seasonal)
Good Eating Pie (Mon, Fri)
Jelly Cups
Good Eating Sausage Roll (Mon, Fri)
Potato Pie (Mon, Fri)
Pasta (T,W,Th)
Spaghetti & Meatballs (T,W,Th)
Hash Brown (Term 2/3)
Flavoured Milk (lge)
Flavoured Milk (sml)
Juice Pops 100%
Ham or Cheese and Salad
Chicken or Tuna and Salad
Orange C (sml)
Extras all .30c Mayonnaise, Pickles, Mustard, Gherkin, Beetroot,
Lol drinks
Cheese, Sauce
Nutrient Water
Salad only
WITH Chicken or Tuna, ham, cheese or egg
Greenwood College
February 2015
orders can be made before school or at recess.
Ice-creams sold at lunchtime only
Page 22
Community Advertising
U/12's—BORN (2003 or 2004)
13's - 15's— BORN (2002 - 2000)
16's - 18's— BORN (1999 - 1997)
Open Div— BORN 1998 or older
Coaches & Umpiring Positions available
PHONE RUTH 0413962177
or email prelates@westnet.com.au
Producing Perth’s finest talent
for over 30 years
Boys & Girls Toddlers to Adults
Exams & Competitions optional
Qualified Teachers
Fully equipped dance and vocal recording studios
Current and graduate students now performing in national &
international musicals, stage productions, TV commercials,
mini-series and films.
Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club (WGJFC)
is holding its 2015 Registration Day on Sunday the
22nd of February at Ellersdale Oval, Warwick. We
are running on-line registrations and payment can
be made by credit card, direct debit or cash.
9am – 12pm : Auskick (Pre-Primary – Year 3)
12pm – 2pm : Modified and Opens (Year 4 – 12)
All new players are welcome,
Auskick through to Opens. We support a full
rotation policy, which means everyone gets a go!
See our website
www.warwickgreenwoodjfc.org.au for
more details.
WACE Plus Education
April Revision Program 2015
Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision – Naplan
For all students from Year 7 to 12
This revision program aims to prepare students for Naplan
and First Semester Exams. Course will be conducted on
the Hale School Campus
10% discount for Greenwood College students
For further information please contact 9486 1377 or visit
Email admin@waceplus.com.au
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 23
Community Advertising
Busy Elves Cleaning
For those busy, time strapped
mums/dads who need help with
either a weekly vac or mop to
complete house cleans. We do a
good job at a good price.
Call Penny, Chief of Elf Service on 0409 293 742
for more details. Insured and police checked.
Established 1997
Dance Classes for All Ages in Two Locations.
17 months to adults. No exams. No competitions.
Lots of performance work. Easy, inexpensive costumes.
Two Locations:
Mondays & Wednesdays @
11 Canham Way, Greenwood - (Lakeside Christian Church Building)
Mini Bop for toddlers aged 17 months - 4 years $75.00/term
Little Juniors for children aged 4 years - 6 years $75.00/term
Juniors for children aged 5 years to 9 years $85.00/term
Junior Star for children aged 10 years to 13 years $85.00/term
Inter/Advanced14 years + $85.00/term
Yummy Mummy’s For our Mum’s $85.00/term
Special Needs For special needs children (all ages) $85.00/term
Acrobatics For all ages $85.00/term
Ballet For all ages $85.00/term
Performance Invitation Only $60.00/term
Tuesdays @
South Ballajura Community Centre, Cnr Bellefin & Hamelin Drive,
Juniors for children aged 5 years to 9 years $85.00/term
Junior Star for children aged 10 years to 13 years $85.00/term
Inter/Advanced 14 years +$85.00/term
Yummy Mummy’s for our Mum’s $85.00/term
Principal: Nicole Newman
Mobile: 0401 866 811
Email: nicole@timefordance.com.au
Website: www.timefordance.com.au
Greenwood College
February 2015
Page 24