This week at Grace: WELCOME TO GRACE COVENANT CHURCH The Church’s Life Together Tuesday: 10:00 am Ladies’ Bible Study 6:30 pm Leadership Team Mtg. Wednesday: 6:30 pm Student Ministry 6:30 pm Pathfinders 6:30 pm Christianity Explored If you are visiting for the first time, please take a welcome booklet and sign our guest book in the Welcome Center. Thursday: 9:15 am Moms of Grace 6:30 pm Music Team Practice Thank you for joining us today! The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Thank you for your support of the students who will be attending CHIC 2015 (Covenant High in Christ). Our yard sale, auction and contributions have raised over $9,300.00. God did accomplish infinitely more than we ever dared to imagine. Thank You!!!! Matthew 4:3 SAVE THE DATE!!!! This Week’s Songs of Worship: Song Of Gathering: Because Of Your Love When I Think About The Lord God Is The Strength Our God Song Of Response: It Is Well If our purpose in life is to glorify God (keep in mind that we have seven days per week and 24 hours per day or 168 hours per week) isn’t it ridiculous for us to think that God would be happy with one hour on Sunday morning? [Charles Stanley, Worship: A Biblical View]. ATTENTION: Are you looking for some easy and fun exercise? Grab a friend and sign up to help us keep Grace Clean!!! Responsibilities include tidying up and vacuuming the sanctuary, and making sure all Sunday School rooms are clean and straightened. Depending on the number of folks on the cleaning schedule you would be responsible once every 4-6 weeks. If you are interested please contact the church office at The Sunday School Offering will go toward the following: Pastor Bill’s Retirement Celebration Sunday December 7th 1:00pm-5:00pm Byron & Joy Gary (Philippines) SAVE THE DATE: Evening of Thanksgiving Sunday November 16 @ 5 pm Sunday Service Times More Information to Come!!!! 8:30 am 1st Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am 2nd Service Email: Web: Would you like a copy of this week’s sermon? Download the podcast from our website or request a CD at the Welcome Center. Ministry Schedules Sermon Text: See Insert Week Beginning: 10/19 10/26 11/2 Discovery Zone (age 4-2nd grade) 1st Service Alyx Evans Dave & Suzanne Snyder Communion Sunday NO DZ Discovery Zone (age 4-2nd grade) 2nd Service Suzanna Taddeo Josh Elmer Suzanne Taddeo Josh Elmer Communion Sunday NO DZ Cleaning Beth Casler Marianne Burdick Lynne Wolfe Steve Logee Counting Bill Powell Bruce McGregor Jenny Coble Mary Hock Jeff Elmer Rachel Putnam Nursery 1st Service McGregor Family Jay & Elisha Awad Andy & Sharon Peebles Nursery Sunday School Jim & Missy Hoch Don & Linda Godard Nursery 2nd Service Paul Hogan Rick LaCourse Jay or Andrea Rigdon Megan Hilton Shari Manchester Dave & Lisa Lysack Alyx Evans James Baehr Jake Lysack Ushers Dave &Kim Yerton Paul Hogan Dennis & Diana Stucker Greeters Herb Smithson Josh Elmer Millers/Coble Video 1st/2ndService Ron/Brad Dustin/Carter Emily/Joey Sound 1st/2nd Service William/Tim Bill/Bruce Lisa/Jeff October 19, 2014 All-Church Prayer Reminder Dear Grace Family, Please continue to pray and fast each Tuesday for the Pastoral search committee. You need not come to Grace, but rather incorporate fasting and praying into your daily routine the best you are able. Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am-9:45 am Nursery : Infant/2 & 3 years old Children: 4 years old through 6th grade Jr./Sr. High: 7th-12th grade Adult: The Book of Revelation, chapters 1-11. Led by: Pastor Bill (in the Sanctuary). Revival Prayer Group: Led by: Cheryl Lindsay, Suzanne & Mike Taddeo (24/7 room).