Skill Levels For Weavers


Skill Levels For Weavers
Skill Levels For Weavers
Please evaluate your skill level not only for your total weaving experience, but also for your experience in the techniques offered in the class you are considering. For example, if you are an advanced weaver in naturals but have
never woven with round reed, you are a beginning weaver in a round reed class.
Weavers are becoming proficient in basic weaving techniques including over/under weaving, start/stop weaving,
twining, and rim lashing. They are learning to control shape. They will be introduced to new pattern weaves such as
twill, different twining methods, and rim and handle finish variations. If you are taking a class in a material you
have never used, you are a beginner in that class.
Weavers are gaining proficiency in weaving techniques. They have no trouble setting up bases, twining, over/under
weaves and rims using the materials offered for a class.
Weavers are proficient or have mastered weaving techniques. They are ready to take on more challenging projects.
Teachers depend on students to have achieved this skill level to attend their class. Basic skills are not reviewed due to
time constraints.
Class Listing
Basket Dimension Abbreviations
L .............. Length
W ............ Width
H ............. Height
C ............. Circumference
D ............. Diameter
w/hdl .......... With Handle
wo/hdl ........ Without Handle
Class Code Abbreviations
W ............ Wednesday
Th ........... Thursday
F .............. Friday
S .............. Saturday
U ............. Sunday
AM ............... Morning
PM ............... Afternoon
001 –084 ... Class Numbers
12 WTh 002. .12-hour class #002 meets Wednesday and Thursday
morning and afternoon
12 FS 035 .......12-hour class #035 meets Friday and Saturday
morning and afternoon
08 F 036 ..........8-hour class #036 meets Friday morning and afternoon
06 S 064 ..........6-hour class #064 meets Saturday morning and afternoon
04 S-AM 070...4-hour class #070 meets Saturday morning
04 S-PM 074...4-hour class #074 meets Saturday afternoon
Page Number(s)
Adams Sutton, Polly ..................................................... 9, 12, 15
Atkinson, Sandy................................................................ 11, 14
Atkinson, Steve ................................................................. 18, 19
Campbell-Amsler, Jo ...................................................... 7, 8, 18
Ciammaichella, Char ............................................ 8, 11, 13, 19
Gleixner, Dianne............................................ 8, 10, 13, 18, 20
Herman, Andrea........................................................................ 9
Hoppe, Flo ..................................................................... 9, 14, 16
Kieft, Gina .............................................................. 8, 14, 17, 20
Kotecki, Karen .............................................................. 6, 11, 19
Kraayeveld, Annetta ..................................................... 8, 10, 17
Lang, Carol ..............................................................................17
LaPorte, Eileen .................................................................. 14, 16
Moore, Marilyn ..................................................... 6, 10, 14, 17
Mount, Shirley ................................................................... 6, 13
Mroczenski, Debbie ......................................................... 10, 12
Ogden, Alice ................................................................. 6, 11, 16
Owens, Billy ........................................................ 15 (2), 16, 20
Reed, Jean.......................................................................... 15, 16
Ross, Joni-Dee............................................................... 9, 15, 17
Schorsch, Cass .............................................................. 6, 12, 18
Talsky, Pam ............................................................ 7, 10, 12, 19
Taylor, Eric ................................................................... 9, 13, 18
Taylor, Nathan .......................................................... 13, 18, 20
Tembreull, Karen ......................................................... 7, 17, 20
Tessler, Kathy ........................................................................7, 9
Weber, Barbara ..................................................... 7, 10, 12, 20
Whalen, Sandy ................................................................. 13, 16
Wilson, Judy .......................................................... 7, 11, 14, 19
Convention Schedule
Outside Grand Ballroom, East
Tuesday ........................................................................................................................... 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Wednesday ...... 7:30 am-9:30 am.................... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Thursday .......... 7:30 am-9:30 am.................... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Friday ............... 7:30 am-9:30 am.................... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Saturday ........... 7:30 am-9:30 am.................... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... Evening (on call)
Extra Class Sales
Outside Grand Ballroom, West
Tuesday ........................................................................................................................... 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Wednesday ...... 7:30 am-9:30 am (on call) .... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 6:00 pm-7:00 pm (on call)
Thursday .......... 7:30 am-9:30 am (on call) .... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 4:00 pm-5:30 pm (on call)
Friday ............... 7:30 am-9:30 am (on call) .... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 5:00 pm-7:00 pm (on call)
Saturday ........... 7:30 am-9:30 am (on call) .... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... Evening (on call)
Merchandise Pick-up
Next to Registration Desk
Tuesday ........................................................................................................................... 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Wednesday ......................................................... 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Thursday ............................................................. 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Friday .................................................................. 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call) .......... 5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Saturday .............................................................. 12:00 pm-1:30 pm (on call)
Information Table/Message Board
Outside Grand Ballroom, West
Grand Ballroom E
Wednesday ...... 12:00 pm-11:00 pm .............. Set up only
Thursday .......... 8:00 am-5:30 pm ................... Set up only
5:30 pm-9:00 pm ................... Showcase Extravaganza
Friday ............... 10:00 am-5:00 pm ................. Public / Visitors’ Day
6:30 pm-10:00 pm
Saturday ........... 10:00 am-7:00 pm ................. Public / Visitors’ Day
7:00 pm-11:00 pm ................. Move out
Sunday ............. 7:00 am-1:00 pm ................... Move out
Exhibit Room
Imperial Room
Wednesday ...... 3:30 pm-5:30 pm ................... Drop off only
Thursday .......... 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Friday ............... 10:00 am-5:00 pm ................. Public / Visitors’ Day
6:00 pm-10:00 pm
Saturday ........... 10:00 am-6:00 pm ................. Public / Visitors’ Day
10:00 pm-11:00 pm .............. Pick up only
Open Weave
Grand Ballroom F
Open all times during convention except during Lunches, the Reception and Annual Meeting.
Convention Schedule
Public/Visitors’ Day
Friday ................10:00 am-5:00 pm
Saturday ............10:00 am-6:00 pm
Grand Ballroom G
Friday ................7:30 pm-8:30 pm ....................... Set up only
8:30 pm-10:00 pm .................... Open
Lunches (descriptions on separate sheet)
Grand Ballroom F
Wednesday .......12:30 pm-1:30 pm .................... Prepaid Lunch
Thursday ...........12:00 pm-1:30 pm .................... Exhibit Room Awards (prepaid)
Friday ................12:30 pm-1:30 pm .................... Prepaid Lunch
Saturday ............12:30 pm-1:30 pm .................... Prepaid Lunch
Grand Ballroom F
Saturday ............7:00 pm-7:30 pm
Raffle Winners & Viewers’ Choice Awards
followed by Annual Meeting & Election of Officers
Grand Ballroom F
Saturday ............7:30 pm-10:00 pm
Programs (descriptions on separate sheet)
Grand Ballroom F
Wednesday .......7:00 pm-8:00 pm ........... Jo Campbell-Amsler
Wednesday .......8:30 pm-9:30 pm ........... Sheri Van Duyn
Thursday ...........8:30 pm-9:30 pm ........... Polly Adams Sutton
12 hour
8 hour
6 hour
4 hour
Wednesday .......9:30 am-4:30 pm ........... 8:30 am-5:30 pm .......... 9:30 am-4:30 pm ........ 1:30 am-5:30 pm
Thursday ...........9:30 am-5:00 pm ........... 8:00 am-5:30 pm .......... 9:30 am-5:00 pm ........ 8:00 am-12:00 pm
1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Friday ................9:30 am-4:30 pm ........... 8:30 am-5:30 pm .......... 9:30 am-4:30 pm ........ 8:30 am-12:30 pm
1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Saturday ............9:30 am-4:30 pm ........... 8:30 am-5:30 pm .......... 9:30 am-4:30 pm ........ 8:30 am-12:30 pm
1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Sunday ........................................................................................................................................ 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Registration Information
 The AMB Convention is for ADULTS only (18 or older).
 All members of the AMB as of January 31 will receive the
first mailing of the 2014 Convention Selection Brochure
including the registration form.
 Subsequent mailings will be charged a prepaid mailing
fee of $5.00.
 Registration for Convention does not guarantee placement in requested classes.
 Please note the cancellation policy.
Registration Form
 Be sure to make a copy of the completed registration form
for your own records.
 Payment must be enclosed when returning the registration form.
 Failure to follow all instructions may result in your registration being returned or delayed.
 The registration form must be signed and dated.
Convention Fee
 The registration fee for Convention is $85.
 Registration includes up to 14 workshop hours with
functions and activities included. If you want more than
14 hours, the extra hours box must be checked on the
registration form.
Registration does not include workshop material fees,
lunches, or reception.
If there are available classes, you may be assigned additional workshops if requested on your registration form.
If more than 14 workshop hours are assigned, additional
registration fees of $5 per hour will be required.
Material fees and extra hours fees are due upon notification of workshop assignments.
Refer to the “Reeder” for scholarship information.
 Listing only one workshop does not guarantee your
 Registration forms postmarked before or on June 15 will
be treated as “first day” registrations.
 Workshops will be filled by random computer selection
from these forms.
 Forms postmarked after June 15 will be assigned space, if
available, according to the postmark date.
 After June 15, a $10 late fee will be required in addition
to the registration fee.
Class Choices
placement in that workshop.
Only list choices for the days you are planning to attend
Convention. If you are arriving Thursday, do not list any
Wednesday classes!
Do not list any classes that you are unwilling to take.
Once you are confirmed in a workshop, you may not
switch it for another workshop. There are no exceptions.
Do not send workshop material fees until you receive
workshop confirmations.
A late fee of $10 per class will be charged if fees are not
received by the date indicated on the notification letter.
Do not worry about workshop times; the computer will
not schedule two classes for you at the same time.
No registration refunds will be issued after August 15,
After August 15, workshop material fee refunds will be at
the discretion of the instructor.
Cancellations for the entire convention MUST be in writing and sent to:
Kathy Tessler
1552 Mallard Pond Drive
Howell, MI 48855
(727) 543-1396
Cancellations for a specific workshop MUST be in writing
and sent to:
Andrea Herman
225 Maplebrooke Lane
Cadillac, MI 49601
(231) 876-0669
If there is a waiting list, those wishing to cancel after August 15 will be given the name of the next person on the
list and may sell their entire package to that person.
As long as classes are available, the cancellation fee will
be withheld.
Material fee checks will be held until convention.
Hotel Forms
 Hotel reservation information will be mailed with the
workshop confirmation letters.
 To get the special convention room rate - call and say
you’re with the Association of Michigan Basketmakers.
Give group code BASKET14. Check your hotel reservation
form for phone numbers.
 Enter the correct and complete workshop code when filling out the form. Workshops are assigned according to
these codes. Write clearly and legibly.
 List choices in order of preference.
 List one choice in each box.
Exhibit Room Information
The AMB Exhibit Room is designed to perpetuate the art
of basketry, to stimulate interest and knowledge in all
phases of basketry, and to promote public enthusiasm
for its value in the community.
The AMB Exhibit Room is open to convention attendees
and the public during all posted hours.
AMB membership renewals and raffle tickets are also
Viewers’ Choice
The Exhibit Room is divided into the following sections:
 Raffle display.
 Sharing exhibit area is available to any basket from a
member or their private collection.
 Juried exhibit for baskets to be critiqued by AMB Boardapproved jurors.
 Special exhibit display. See “Reeder” for details.
AMB members who visit the Exhibit Room may vote for
the Viewers’ Choice Awards from juried exhibit entries.
The entry with the most ballots cast will be the winner.
The Teacher/Professional or General Member who
submitted the entry will be presented with the “Fred Ely
Award,” a gold miniature Nantucket basket necklace.
The entry with the most ballots cast from the other
group (Teacher/Professional or General Member) will
be the second Viewers’ Choice winner. The Teacher/
Professional or General Member who submitted the
entry will be presented with the second “Fred Ely
Award,” a gold bell necklace.
In case of a tie, a random drawing will decide the
The basket and gold bell necklaces are traveling awards
and will stay in the winners’ possession until the next
AMB convention. These awards must remain in the U.S.
at all times.
Juried Exhibit
Art Piece-unique sculptural design of any material
Miniature-measurements less than 2” x 2” x 2”
Nantucket Style-woven over a mold with a wooden base
Ribbed Construction-includes a frame for the rim,
skeleton (ribs) and handle, if used
Miscellaneous Materials-any fibrous or pliable material
New Weaver-someone weaving two years or less
In order to submit a basket for jurying, the individual
must be an AMB member as of August 31 of current
convention year (this includes teachers).
Entries to the juried exhibit are divided into two groups:
Teacher/Professional (any teacher/professional who has
taught at an AMB Convention or derives a significant
amount of their income from basket making activities)
and General Member (anyone who has not taught at any
AMB convention).
Each participant may enter only one basket per category.
Baskets must be the work of the submitter.
Each entry will receive a comment sheet completed and
signed by the jurors.
Only the jurors, clerk(s), and the Exhibit Room
chairpersons will be present during jurying.
Jurors may, at their discretion, select a winner from
each group (Teacher/Professional and General Member)
per category.
Entries for each group and category are juried
The award monies will be paid by the AMB General
In the event of a tie in a group or category, prize money
will be split equally between the winners.
If awarded, the New Weaver winner will receive $25.
All other category winners receive $50.
Jurors may award up to five Exceptional Merit awards at
their discretion. Each winner will receive $25.
An individual may not win in more than two juried
Basket Drop-off
Baskets must be delivered to the AMB Exhibit Room on
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 between 3:30 pm and 5:30
pm or contact Carol Matthews or Cheryl Schutt for special
Questions regarding the AMB Exhibit Room should be
directed to:
Carol Matthews
1523 N LaPearl Road
Weidman, MI 48893
(989) 644-3518
Cheryl Schutt
4882 W Sunrise Drive
Weidman, MI 48893
(989) 289-1889
Juried Categories
Baskets may be submitted in the following categories:
 Reed-majority of basket is made with commercial reed
 Wood-basket made of any type of wood
 Coiled
 Naturals
12 WTh 001
12 WTh 002
12 Hour
12 Hour
Cass Schorsch
Nantucket Style Purse
Shirley Mount
Clarkdale, Arizona
Gilman, Wisconsin
The inspiration for this basket came from a
50 cent basket purchased at a thrift store.
For your pleasure, you will be weaving with
black ash, elm bark and rattan. The techniques you will learn, besides working with
naturals, are the diamond weave, chase
weaving, adding a foot and a great foldedover rim. This is a great class for shaping
Get compliments on this stunning, but sturdy
purse! Weave on a mold using cane, learn to
place spokes into a base & how to follow a
graph for your pattern choice on the front.
The adjustable leather handle is included.
Students can choose oak, walnut or cherry
for the base, rim, & lid. Liners will be available for purchase.
Dimensions: 21”C x 7”D x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $95.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 10”L x 5”W x 8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $120.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
12 WF 003
12 Hour
12 WF 004
12 Hour
08 W 005
8 Hour
Northwoods Tote
Karen Kotecki
A Little Twist
Marilyn Moore
Franklin, New Hampshire
Dousman, Wisconsin
Seattle, Washington
This basket is woven using 1/32˝ black ash
splints to create a unique and delicate oval
feather basket. The basket is woven the
first day, and the quatrefoil twill lid is
woven the second day. The handle is prenotched and oiled for easy attachment.
This is a showcase basket utilizing skills of
lid and handle placement, chase weave and
quatrefoil twill pattern.
This dynamic tote attracts attention wherever
you take it. Trees appear both outside and
inside as you weave this twill design. A
graph of the tree pattern guides you through
the eight trees on this basket. Finish with
shaker tape handles and lash with a blanket
stitch of waxed linen. Bring insta-cure glue
(purple label).
There is something magical about baskets,
and this one is no exception. Using copper
strips and copper wire for spokes, learn to
blend color with fine colored wire. The
basket makes a “little twist” as new spokes
are added. Students should bring small
wire cutters, chain nose pliers, round nose
pliers, small packing tool and 1-5 embroidery needles. Task light and extension cord
Dimensions: 14”L x 7’’W x 10’’H
Material & Preparation Fee: $95.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 5”C x 1”D x 1-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $55.00
Beginner /All Weaving Levels
Shaker Oval Feather
Alice Ogden
Dimensions: 4”L x 3-1/2”W
x 5-1/2”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $140.00
Advanced Weaving Level
12 hour—6 hours on Wednesday (9:30 am-4:30 pm) and
6 hours on Thursday (9:30 am-5:00 pm)
or 6 hours on Wednesday (9:30 am-4:30 pm) and
6 hours on Friday (9:30 am-4:30 pm)
8 hour—8:30 am-5:30 pm
6 hour—9:30 am-4:30 pm
4 hour—1:30 pm-5:30 pm
08 W 006
8 Hour
08 W 007
8 Hour
08 W 008
8 Hour
Coptic Stitch Photo Album
Karen Tembreull
Stix & Skins
Jo Campbell-Amsler
Arlington, Virginia
L’Anse, Michigan
Monticello, Iowa
This basket is woven over a mold using painted
paper strips, then taken off the mold to complete the shaping. Silk fiber is added to the
outside of the basket using varnish, then dried.
After completing the rim, the “lace” is added by
looping waxed linen. Students will have a
choice of silk and waxed linen colors. Bring
scissors, micro-clips and a tapestry needle.
Make a birch bark photo album with
spruce root and waxed linen edging. The
cover may be simple or decorated with
patches for the more ambitious. Learn
Coptic stitch bookbinding with waxed
linen as well as a Monks’ Lace closure with
leather. An optional needle lace edging is
also taught. This piece is very functional
with high quality paper and photo corners.
Combining willow bark and willow as
weavers creates a whole new dimension to
this rib-style basket. The class will learn
the basics of gathering and preparing willow bark for use in baskets and how to
combine it with willow rods. Attaching an
interesting “found” branch to a shaved rim
gives each basket a special touch and new
techniques for your weaving skills.
Dimensions: 3-1/2”C x 2-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $40.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 8”L x 6”W x 1-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $75.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 17”L x 10”W x 6”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $48.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Fusion and Lace
Barbara Weber
08 W 009
8 Hour
06 W 010
6 Hour
06 W 011
6 Hour
Kathy Tessler
Spirit Twined Tray
Judy Wilson
Daisy Spin
Pam Talsky
Howell, Michigan
Palmetto, Georgia
Waterford, Wisconsin
This big basket highlights Kathy’s method
for construction of double base/double
wall baskets. Emphasis will be on freehand
shaping of the cathead base, shape control
and rim techniques for large baskets. Students will need to stand to weave parts of
the basket.
This is a brand new tray with all brand new
colors. It is twined using two sizes of waxed
cotton cord. The colors epitomize the Southwest. The matching glass beads are outlined to
compliment the other colors. Emphasis in class
will be on hand skills, tension and neatness.
Students need to bring small embroidery-type
scissors and a small awl. A task light may be
Learn the art of Tenerife and the pleasure of
working with specially prepared glycerin
pine needles. Students will have their choice
of dyed with glycerin or nutty brown needles
for their one-of-a-kind work of art. This is a
great first time pine needle project and a
great way to explore the possibilities of Tenerife. Bring small sewing scissors. A task light
may be helpful.
Dimensions: 55”C x 13”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $65.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 4-1/2”D x 1-5/8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $30.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 6”D x 1-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $55.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
06 W 012
6 Hour
06 W 013
6 Hour
04 W-PM 014
4 Hour
Gina Kieft
Pick Your Holiday Twill
Char Ciammaichella
Beloit, Wisconsin
Rothbury, Michigan
Aurora, Ohio
“Sakura” means “cherry blossom.” Cherry
is the focus of this basket: cherry base,
delicate cherry spokes and cherry rim.
Carefully placed copper overlays add a
subtle glint to your basket. Seed beads add
a touch of finesse. Students will focus seriously on shaping a small basket using a
gentle touch. Tool box provided; consider
bringing a task light.
Display fall, Christmas or spring décor, as
well as fruit, in this beautiful table basket.
Start with an oval base with the spokes
glued in prior to class. Learn to shape the
basket’s sides, as you weave, with spoke
pressure and weaver tension hints. Top the
basket with a beautiful Gretchen border.
This basket is started by inserting alternating colors of spokes into a round wood
base. Techniques include: 2 rod twining in
an over 2, under 2 weave, and twill weave
in an over 2, under 1 weave. Shaping will
be a challenge! Students will choose the
colors of their spokes to weave a Christmas, spring, fall or patriotic basket. Several tie-ons will be available for purchase.
Dimensions: 3-3/4”D x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $44.00
Intermediate/Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 16”L x 12-1/2”W x 4-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $40.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
04 W-PM 015
4 Hour
Spring Fling Williamsburg
Dianne Gleixner
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Students will weave a solid filled base, do
plain start/stop weaving, chase weave,
triple twining, and add spoke overlays.
Shaping will be emphasized so the basket
sides follow the gentle curve of the Williamsburg handle. Color choices will be
available for the triple twining and the
overlays. Bring a spoke weight.
Dimensions: 12”L x 9”W x 5”H wo/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $38.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 20”C x 6-1/2”D x 9”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $24.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
12 hour—6 hours on Thursday (9:30 am-5:00 pm) and
6 hours on Friday (9:30 am-4:30 pm)
8 hour—8:00 am-5:30 pm
6 hour—9:30 am-5:00 pm
4 hour—morning: 8:00 am-12:00 pm
afternoon: 1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Annetta Kraayeveld
12 ThF 016
12 Hour
Willow Carry All
Jo Campbell-Amsler
Monticello, Iowa
This basket is a traditional willow melonshape with a one-piece lid that slips on and
off over the handle. The lid construction
makes this basket very versatile. You decide
lid or no lid depending on the use. Use of
willow, shaving, scalloming, double rim, and
shaping are some of the techniques to be
learned and used in this class. Cording and
combining beads will finish off the closure.
Dimensions: 16”L x 12”W x 10”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Advanced Weaving Level
08 Th 017
8 Hour
08 Th 018
8 Hour
08 Th 019
8 Hour
Double Decker Cedar
Polly Adams Sutton
Cherokee Pipes
Kathy Tessler
Trisket Basket
Joni-Dee Ross
Seattle, Washington
Howell, Michigan
Summerfield, North Carolina
Using a structure of twined wire over cedar bark, this little basket transitions into
twining with x’s and woven ash. Two different borders are incorporated into the
Working with Bob Coker’s ash, students
will weave a stunning twill ash basket using a charted design. Emphasis will be on
mold weaving techniques, and rim preparation and application. Twill experience is
necessary to complete basket in class. All
tools will be provided.
This Nantucket is completely unique from
the rectangular slip-on rim to the unique
base. The hardwood staves are not bent, so
no steaming or boiling is necessary. Many
tips will be given during class to make
weaving Nantucket baskets easy.
Dimensions: 3-1/2”L x 3”W x 4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $79.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 2-1/2”Square x 4-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $55.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 11”L x 3-3/4”W x 3-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $110.00
Intermediate Weaving Levels
08 Th 020
08 Th 021
8 Hour
8 Hour
08 Th 022
8 Hour
Christmas Tree
Andrea Herman
Flo Hoppe
Twisted Pencil Basket
Eric Taylor
Cadillac, Michigan
Rome, New York
McMinnville, Tennessee
Starting with a wooden base and using a
modified interlacing technique, you will
create a twill-like pattern on the front of
the basket and a twill pattern on the back.
You will incorporate reed, cane, waxed
linen, seagrass and seagrass tape in this
detailed basket. Bring a small packing tool.
Kenilworth begins with a double-cross base
woven with a spiraling weave. Colorful
beads make up the central design which is
bordered with dyed 3-rod arrows above and
below. The border is a unique variation of a
looped border.
Now there is a new twist to the Cottage
Pencil basket. Have some fun and learn to
curl. The basket is woven over a mold
using hand-pounded brown ash weavers.
Flared cherry handles and pre-bent rims
give this basket a distinctive look.
Dimensions: 7-1/4”L x 6”W x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 29”C x 9”D x 4-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $50.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 3-1/2”L x 3”W x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $95.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
08 Th 023
8 Hour
06 Th 024
6 Hour
06 Th 025
6 Hour
Midnight Enchantment
Debbie Mroczenski
Take Flight Pendant
Marilyn Moore
Northern Lights
Annetta Kraayeveld
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Seattle, Washington
Beloit, Wisconsin
Start this basket with a wood base, attach it
to a class mold, and shaping is easy. Then
you can concentrate on learning triple
twining with a step-up, inserting overlays,
and weaving the arrow pattern. Lash with
a blanket stitch using waxed linen. Students will need Insta-cure purple label
Twining with fine wire and learning to shape
and blend colors will give you this beautiful
pendant. This is worked in two pieces, and is
stitched and twined together. As an added
embellishment, attach a bead for a touch of
elegance. Students should bring small wire
cutters, chain nose pliers, round nose pliers,
small packing tool, size 1-5 embroidery needles, task light and extension cord.
The focus of this miniature is lashing techniques—from a chevron base to inside and
outside Ti-twining (lattice twining) to rim
lashing. It is woven completely with black
ash, waxed linen and a touch of sparkly
thread to accent your “Northern Lights.” A
variety of color choices will be available.
No mold is used. Bring a #20 tapestry
needle and task light, if desired.
Dimensions: 12”D x 5”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $60.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 1-3/4”W x 2-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $53.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 1-1/4” Square x 1-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $25.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 Th 026
6 Hour
06 Th 027
6 Hour
06 Th 028
6 Hour
Copper Highlights
Barbara Weber
Cedar Treasures
Pam Talsky
Teacher’s Tote Basket
Dianne Gleixner
Arlington, Virginia
Waterford, Wisconsin
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Copper and monofilament are challenging to
work with. This basket is for weavers who
are looking for something a little different
and/or who want to try new materials. This
basket is woven using heavy gauge copper
on a class mold. Monofilament is twined up
the sides and also used to lash. Spokes are
rolled to complete the basket. Bring small
round-nose pliers and microclips.
Learn the joy of weaving with hand harvested and prepared western red and Alaskan yellow cedar bark. You will learn traditional Haida techniques: preparation and
weaving with cedar, a unique style of
twining, adding in weavers, plaited weaving with continuous 2/2 twill, solid woven
bottom and beaded accent. Bring small
awl, good scissors, towel and spray bottle.
Students will insert natural and dyed reed
spokes into an oval slotted wood base, do
start/stop weaving, paired triple twining,
and concentrate on shaping. Leather handles are added before rimming this sturdy
and useful basket. Some color choices will
be available at class time. Bring quick
curing glue.
Dimensions: 2”Square x 1-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $30.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 4-1/2”Square x 3-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $65.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 14”L x 9”W x 11”H w/o hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 Th 029
6 Hour
04 Th-AM 030
4 Hour
04 Th-AM 031
4 Hour
Counter Book Basket
Char Ciammaichella
Papago Tray Necklace
Judy Wilson
Diagonal Twill Weave Basket
Sandra Atkinson
Aurora, Ohio
Palmetto, Georgia
Lennon, Michigan
This is a great sized basket to put your
cookbooks, magazines or towels in to set on
a counter or bookshelf. The basket is
started by inserting spokes into a wood
base. Techniques include start/stop weaving, 4 rod twining using 2 colors of round
reed, inserting overlays and decreased
weavings on the front only. The metal
flower is added to the front of the basket.
The necklace is woven with small waxed
cotton cord over large paper rush. Color
choices available. Kit makes two necklaces.
Class time will cover weaving techniques,
neatness and tension. Neck cord has matching beads and is adjustable. Medium to firm
hand strength needed. Bring small embroidery type scissors and small awl. Magnifier
and task light will be helpful.
This intermediate pattern is a little tricky, but
well worth the effort! The base utilizes a two
and three twill layout. Diagonal weave is
used up the basket sides. Dyed reed is used to
help “see” the pattern for better understanding. Students will be surprised to see the base
layout becomes the sides of the basket. Colors
to choose from: dark brown, dark green, and
dark blue with natural reed and cane.
Dimensions: 15”L x 10”W x 8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $50.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 2”D
Material & Preparation Fee: $20.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 32-1/2”C x10”D x 8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $48.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Luncheon &
Exhibit Room Awards
Thursday, October 16
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Cost for lunch: $12.00
04 Th-PM 032
4 Hour
04 Th-PM 033
4 Hour
Ashley for Beginners
Alice Ogden
Karen Kotecki
Franklin, New Hampshire
Dousman, Wisconsin
This basket is ideal for the first time black ash
weaver. Basic weaving skills will be taught,
such as bottom construction, overlapping and
Taby weaving. Added highlights of elm bark
and decorated curly cues will be added to
make this small basket leave you with many
fond memories of your first black ash basket.
This family of paper baskets come in small,
medium and large. Weave the medium in
class with supplies for all three included.
Create corners, create shoulders, and weave
an overlay. Rimming is a challenge using the
blanket stitch with waxed linen. Then tie on
a bead-they are different for each size. Color
choices will be available.
Dimensions: 4-1/4”L x 3-1/2”W x 3-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $30.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 7-3/4”L x 3”W x 4-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $45.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Saturday, October 18
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Cost for reception: $7.00
Raffle Winners,
Viewers’ Choice Awards,
Annual Meeting &
Election of Officers
Saturday, October 18
7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
If you are planning to attend the
luncheon or reception, be sure to
indicate that on the Registration Form
and include payment.
There is no charge to attend the Exhibit
Room Awards.
12 hour—6 hours on Friday (9:30 am-4:30 pm) and
6 hours on Saturday (9:30 am-5:00 pm)
8 hour—8:30 am-5:30 pm
6 hour—9:30 am-4:30 pm
4 hour—morning: 8:30 am-12:30 pm
afternoon: 1:30 pm-5:30 pm
12 FS 034
12 Hour
12 FS 035
12 Hour
Pine Needle Tote
Pam Talsky
Luscious Lattice
Debbie Mroczenski
Waterford, Wisconsin
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Learn the “Carlson combo” it creates the
lattice look to the stitching. Shape control,
keeping a full gauge and even stitch tension are critical. Learn how to transition
from row to row. Start with a footed base
(choice of hardwood), finish with quality
Nantucket leather handles and bone knob.
Bring sewing scissors. Task light may be
helpful. NOT for the first time coiler.
Start weaving on a custom wood base with
a specially attached handle. Large sized
weavers will be a shaping challenge. Learn
the woven lattice technique and wrapped
handle. The basket was designed to hold
most 9” x 13” pans and large casserole
dishes. Divider stand included. Color
choices available. Bring Insta-cure purple
label glue.
Dimensions: 9”L x 5”W x 6”H wo/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $125.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 21”L x 15”W x 15”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $100.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
08 F 036
8 Hour
08 F 037
8 Hour
08 F 038
8 Hour
Mini Tree
Barbara Weber
Triple Wall Cedar
Polly Adams Sutton
Hanging Birch Basket
Cass Schorsch
Arlington, Virginia
Seattle, Washington
Clarkdale, Arizona
This little Christmas tree may be used as a stand
-alone decoration anytime or as an ornament
for your Christmas tree. It is woven over a tree
-shaped mold using cotton threads and the
looping technique. Miniature “ornaments” are
added upon completion. This is a relaxing
project and it’s perfect for gift-giving.
Three layers of cedar and ash create the
structure of this basket. Techniques include
twining with wire and splitting cedar bark.
It finishes with two folded borders.
This basket is very similar to my Stilted
Totemic. The base is so unique, I wanted to
teach it again but with a different application. A small can or plastic container inserted into the basket will make it a beautiful hanging plant holder. The entire basket
is woven with Premium Birch Bark, and
the hangers will be corded out of raffia.
The rim is half-round rattan.
Dimensions: 2-1/4”C x 3-1/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $25.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 3”L x 2-3/4”W x 5”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $89.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 14”C x 5”D x 4”H w/o hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $75.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
08 F 039
8 Hour
08 F 040
8 Hour
Nesting Nantuckets-Small & Med
Shirley Mount
Cottage Mail Basket
Eric Taylor
Gilman, Wisconsin
McMinnville, Tennessee
Weave the small and medium Nantucket
baskets (3-1/2” and 5” class molds) from a
set of 3. Learn to weave on a mold using
cane, inserting spokes correctly, easy weaving techniques and various pattern styles.
Pattern them the same or different. Choose
from oak, walnut or cherry for the wood
base, rim and lid.
One of the first, and one of my favorites, the
Cottage Mail Basket is back. It has been refined with alternating width uprights. This
basket is woven on a mold and finished with
cherry nailed rims.
Dimensions: Small 13”C x 4-1/2”H w/lid
Medium 17”C x 6-1/2”H w/lid
Material & Preparation Fee: $80.00
Beginner /All Weaving Levels
08 F 042
8 Hour
Dimensions: 11”L x 6”W x 8”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $130.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
08 F 043
8 Hour
08 F 041
8 Hour
A Shaker Reproduction
Mt. Lebanon Carrier in Cherry
Nathan Taylor
Hohenwald, Tennessee
This is the much-requested Shaker Mt.
Lebanon Carrier with cherry handle and
rims. Students will weave on molds that
were copied from the Shaker original. It is
woven of historic pounded black ash splint,
prepared using the same methods the Shakers perfected.
Dimensions: 14-1/2”L x 9”W
x 11-1/2”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $139.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
08 F 044
8 Hour
On the Shelf
Sandy Whalen
Your Twilly Oval
Char Ciammaichella
Confetti Double Wall Bowl
Dianne Gleixner
Milford, Michigan
Aurora, Ohio
Brookfield, Wisconsin
On a shelf or hanging on a wall, this fun
willow basket will fit the bill. Students will
learn many techniques, from a single scallom in the base to attaching the back
stakes. Dry corner posts help to emphasize
the straight back. Open notches add interest.
Students will decide the twill they want to
use and insert the correct number of spokes
into the wood base to begin this basket.
Techniques include 4-rod twining, continuous over/under twill weave and a herringbone lashing on the false rim and the top
rim. The herringbone lashing gives the rim
a great braided look. Color choices are
green, black or brown.
The inside wall of this double wall bowl is
woven using space dyed reed. The outer wall
is woven with natural reed and a few accent
rows of space dyed reed. Techniques include
start/stop weaving, twining, chase weaving,
triple twining and learning how to rim a double wall basket. The basket is woven over a
class mold. Two color choices will be available. Quick curing glue is optional.
Dimensions: 11”L x 6”W x 9”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $59.00
Intermediate/Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 10”L x 8”W x 8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $49.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 12”C x 6”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 F 045
6 Hour
06 F 046
6 Hour
06 F 047
6 Hour
Moon Rocks Earrings
Marilyn Moore
Adobe Blue Twined Basket
Judy Wilson
Little White Dove’s Trinket Box
Sandra Atkinson
Seattle, Washington
Palmetto, Georgia
Lennon, Michigan
Shaped like the crescent moon, these graceful
earrings are fun and easy to make. Using fine
colored wire and prepared copper spokes,
learn to twine and shape the earrings. Hang
your “rocks” from the moon with a length of
chain and head pins. Students should bring
small wire cutters, chain nose and round nose
pliers, small packing tool, embroidery needles,
task light & extension cord.
Learn all the techniques to create this basket
that has the soft warm colors of the Sedona,
AZ area, complete with the turquoise blue
that windows and doors are trimmed in there.
Matching glass beads compliment the basket
colors. Class emphasis will be on hand skills,
neatness and tension. Students need to bring
small embroidery type scissors and a small
awl. A task light is most helpful.
This beautiful Native American twill is woven
in the base layout and in the lid. The twill is a
little harder to do, but doing it twice on the
same basket helps in understanding the
weave. Using two shades of brown makes the
twill weaving pop out exceptionally well. The
fitted lid and basket rims are lashed with
waxed thread. Pine needles or sweet grass are
used for rim fillers on both rims.
Dimensions: 1-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 3-1/2”D x 3”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 5-3/4”L x 5-1/4”W x 4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $42.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 F 048
6 Hour
06 F 049
6 Hour
06 F 050
6 Hour
Flo Hoppe
Block Party
Gina Kieft
Zig Zag Twill Wastebasket
Eileen LaPorte
Rome, New York
Rothbury, Michigan
Washington, Michigan
Adagio is a smaller oval basket woven with
#4 spokes and #2 weavers. The sides are
woven using a Japanese weave with double
weavers. The focal point of the basket is the
top band of diamond weave woven over
smoked flat oval reed. The 4-row rolled border is worked over a #6 core.
Made with black ash, this challenging twill
project will look beautiful hanging on any
wall. Students will be asked their choice of
color prior to class. Students will learn to
follow a graph and be taught techniques to
keep the project straight to fit in the handmade barn wood frame. Twill experience is
required to finish the project.
This practical wastebasket begins on an oak 2”
base. It is woven over a clear acrylic oval
wastebasket to be used as a liner when finished. The sides are woven in a lazy twill.
Dimensions: 6”Square (11”Square frame)
Material & Preparation Fee: $50.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 33”C x 11”D x 13”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 9-1/2”L x 7-1/2”W x 4-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $48.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
04 F-AM 051
4 Hour
04 F-AM 052
4 Hour
04 F-PM 053
4 Hour
The Caddy
Billy Owens
The Herb
Billy Owens
Summerfield, North Carolina
Jenkins, Missouri
Jenkins, Missouri
This basket needs no tapering on the
staves! The rim is slip-on. Lots of tips will
be given to make Nantucket weaving easier. This should be a quick and fun class.
The basket is completed with a dated ivory
plug. There will be many kit choices using
different kinds of wood. Please contact the
teacher to reserve your wood choice.
Using hand split white oak material, this
basket (my most popular) begins with a
woven oak herringbone bottom, has a solid
oak handle and comes with a divider/
insert making it perfect for carrying your
cutlery or basket weaving tools. I will
share all things concerning white oak,
from how I select my trees to the Owens’
method of rimming.
Using hand split white oak material, this
basket (one of the newest that I teach) begins with a woven oak herringbone bottom
and has a solid oak handle. I will share all
things concerning white oak, from how I
select my trees to the Owens’ method of
rimming. Everyone should leave with a
beautiful, finished basket that will last a
Dimensions: 17”C x 5”D x 2-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $64.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 10”L x 6”W x 11”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $65.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 8”Square x 12”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $60.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
04 F-PM 054
4 Hour
Shaker Tape-Diamond Weave
Jean Reed
Hill, New Hampshire
In a few hours you will learn one of the
classic Shaker patterns, woven on a handcrafted formal foot stool of hard wood.
There will be some discussion of shaker
history and other patterns.
Dimensions: 14”L x 12”W x 12”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $95.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
8 hour—8:30 am-5:30 pm
6 hour—9:30 am-4:30 pm
4 hour—morning: 8:30 am-12:30 pm
afternoon: 1:30 pm-5:30 pm
5” New Tray
Joni-Dee Ross
08 S 055
8 Hour
Cedar Stripes
Polly Adams Sutton
Seattle, Washington
Using wire and ash over cedar bark spokes,
this basket will be twined with two methods
of “x’s.” The pattern will vary from side to
side. Two types of folded techniques are
incorporated into the border.
Dimensions: 3-1/2”Square x 4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $79.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
08 S 056
8 Hour
08 S 057
8 Hour
08 S 058
8 Hour
Cheese Weave Ashley
Alice Ogden
Hiding Treasures
Eileen LaPorte
Flo Hoppe
Franklin, New Hampshire
Washington, Michigan
Rome, New York
Using a form, a cheese weave is jump started
for this basket. Students will work over an
oval form to create this cute open weave basket. Rim and handle attachment, cheese
weave and lashing will be taught. Use this
basket in the kitchen for garlic, as I do, or
place it as a sweet little basket in any room.
This basket begins with a twined base. You
will do twining, triple weave and continuous weave. Top the basket with a sturdy
rim and then weave a ledge for the lid.
This basket has an unusual variation of chase
weave. Tripled spokes are spread apart on
each side of a central spoke to join with a
single spoke to again make tripled spokes
creating a striking leaf-like pattern. The top
band of color is a combination of twining and
randing that I learned in Japan from a master
basket maker. The border is a simple 3-row
rolled border.
Dimensions: 4-1/4”L x 3-1/2”W
x 5-1/2”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $75.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 25-1/2”C x 8-1/2”D
x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $48.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 32”C x 10”D x 5-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Advanced Weaving Level
08 S 059
8 Hour
08 S 060
8 Hour
08 S 061
8 Hour
With a Flare
Sandy Whalen
Caning on Footstools
Jean Reed
The Gathering
Billy Owens
Milford, Michigan
Hill, New Hampshire
Jenkins, Missouri
This is a round willow basket that flares
outward. Students may choose from a
wide assortment of sea grass to suit their
own decorating colors. Students will learn
how to attach a foot border.
Cane your day away! In a day you will
learn the basic seven steps of caning on
beautifully hand-crafted footstools of hard
wood with a satin finish. You will be able
to apply your new skill to all the chairs you
have in the attic.
Using hand split white oak material, this
basket begins with a woven oak herringbone bottom and has two solid oak bushel–
style handles. I will share all things concerning white oak, from how I select my
trees to the Owens’ method of rimming.
Everyone should leave with a beautiful,
finished basket that will last a lifetime.
Dimensions: 42”C x 13”D x 7”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $59.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 14”L x 13”W x 8-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $75.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 15”L x 9”W x 11”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $80.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
08 S 062
8 Hour
08 S 063
8 Hour
06 S 064
6 Hour
Around the World
Gina Kieft
Indian Trails
Joni-Dee Ross
Sea Urchin Pendant
Marilyn Moore
Rothbury, Michigan
Summerfield, North Carolina
Seattle, Washington
This is my favorite twill yet and the basket
holds everything I need to take on an outing! The two swing handles provide easy
carrying. The fun color play in the spokes
and weavers make horizontal stripes on the
outside and vertical stripes on the inside.
Color choices will be available. Spoke
placement and shaping will be emphasized. The rim is lashed with waxed linen.
Students will be given many tips to make
weaving Nantuckets easier. Special attention will be given to tapering correctly for
ovals. A unique way of weaving the waxed
linen and copper wire will be taught. The
ivory capped knob is included. Scrimmed
knobs will be available for an extra charge.
Class molds will be used. Contact teacher
for wood options and logo button options.
Using a stone donut as an armature, wire
and beads knit and crochet this elegant
pendant. This is reminiscent of a sea urchin. Pearls or beads enhance this effect.
Knowledge of simple crochet is necessary.
Students should bring wire cutters and
awl. A task light and extension cord will
be helpful.
Dimensions: 16”L x 9”W x 15”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $60.00
Advanced Weaving Level
Dimensions: 6-1/2”L x 5”W x 4-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $132.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 2”L x 2”W
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 S 065
6 Hour
06 S 066
6 Hour
06 S 067
6 Hour
Pine Needle Basketry
Carol Lang
Button Basket
Annetta Kraayeveld
Bias Woven Barks
Karen Tembreull
Carlsbad, California
Beloit, Wisconsin
L’Anse, Michigan
Learn to coil a pine needle basket around a
Chinese coin. Emphasis will be on regular
spacing of stitches. Using waxed linen, the
swirling stitch, the wrap stitch and the
wing stitch will be executed while other
types of stitches, adding beads, and leaving
sheath ends exposed for design purposes
will be discussed and demonstrated. Bring
small, sharp scissors and task light.
A simple twill, philodendron wrapped rim
and button embellishments make this an
eye-catching little basket. The simple 2/2
twill pattern is spiced up by reversing the
twill. Two techniques for reversing the
twill are featured. Students may choose
from the teacher’s button collection or
bring a couple of favorites. Bring a large
tapestry needle and small packing tool.
Weave this bias-woven birch bark basket
with a textural twist. Gradually decreasing
sizes of poplar and elm barks are laced into
the weave to create a strong and unique
design. The rim consists of birch bark with
an elm filler and is buttonhole stitched to
create a nice, clean boxy finish. Bring a flat
packer, clothespins, needle-nose pliers and
Dimensions: 10-1/2”C x 3”D x 1-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $45.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 4-1/2”L x 4”W x 5”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 19”C x 5-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $70.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
06 S 068
6 Hour
06 S 069
6 Hour
04 S-AM 070
4 Hour
Spiral Pathways
Dianne Gleixner
Catalan Platter
Jo Campbell-Amsler
Looped Agate Donut
Cass Schorsch
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Monticello, Iowa
Clarkdale, Arizona
Students will insert smoked reed spokes
into an oval slotted wood base; concentrate
on shaping to fit the swing handle; learn
triple twining; continuous weave with a
spiral; and add a unique decorative overlay. The combination of smoked and natural reed creates a beautiful, useful basket.
This is my version of the Catalan Platter as
learned from Joe Hogan in Ireland. Start
with practice of making a twisted rim.
Then learn how to interlock willow rods to
fill in the tray’s space and secure tightly
with 3-rod wale. Such a simple form with
so many possibilities!
Being addicted to “looping,” I found that
looping on an agate donut is very pretty.
Along with the looping, you will capture
20 gauge silver or copper wire, which is
also used for the bail. Beads are used on
the outside row. Kit includes: choice of
agate donut, choice of 20 gauge wire,
beads, and ribbon or leather necklace.
Dimensions: 12”L x 9”W x 7”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $53.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 24”L x 13”W x 1-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $27.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 6”C x 2”D
Material & Preparation Fee: $35.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
04 S-AM 071
4 Hour
04 S-AM 072
4 Hour
04 S-AM 073
4 Hour
Cottage Smalls Desk Tray
Eric Taylor
Salesman’s Sample Picnic Basket
Nathan Taylor
Teddy & Me Bench
Steve Atkinson
McMinnville, Tennessee
Hohenwald, Tennessee
Lennon, Michigan
Try your hand at weaving brown ash on
the smaller scale. Eric has shrunk down
one of his most popular baskets, the Cottage Desk Tray. All the same processes that
are used in making the larger version are
used to make this small beauty. Nimble
fingers and good eyesight are a must.
This basket is made of pounded black ash
and cherry wood. It is the size and type of
basket carried as a small sample of the
basket for sale. It sports a slotted rim, three
piece lid with brass hinges and two handles. Designed by Kathy Taylor, it is one of
my most popular new styles.
Just the right size for Teddy and me to read
together or share a cookie. Weave with
your color choice of Shaker Tape or nylon
webbing to create your own color combination. Learn two different weaves-the
twill weave on top and the checkerboard
pattern under the seat. The pine double
seat comes stained, varnished and ready to
Dimensions: 3”L x 2-1/2”W
x 1-3/4”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $75.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 5-1/4”L x 3-3/4”W
x 5”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $89.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 16”L x 9-1/2”W x 16”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $58.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
04 S-PM 074
4 Hour
04 S-PM 075
4 Hour
04 S-PM 076
4 Hour
Karen Kotecki
Double Heart Child’s Rocker
Steve Atkinson
Aurora, Ohio
Dousman, Wisconsin
Lennon, Michigan
Students will begin by learning to open and
close jump rings seamlessly. They will
then begin the Byzantine pattern weave
using copper jump rings. Once comfortable, students will switch to sterling silver
to create this great looking bracelet. Task
light and extension cord may be helpful.
A hexahedron is a three-dimensional figure with six sides. This one is covered in
reed. A poster board structure will serve as
the mold. Weave over, under and around
the six triangular surfaces, creating a double-wall basket. Two baskets, one with
color, should be completed.
There is enough room in this little rocker
for a small child and their teddy bear or
dolly. The seat is woven with paper rush
using an easy technique that is easily applied to larger chairs later. This sturdy
chair has security rockers and comes
stained, sealed and ready to weave on.
Dimensions: 7-8”L x 1/4”W
Material & Preparation Fee: $80.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 2-1/2”L x 2-1/2”W
x 2-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $45.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 14”L x 18”W x 18”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $55.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Silver Byzantine Bracelet
Char Ciammaichella
4 hour—8:30 am-12:30 pm
04 U 077
4 Hour
04 U 078
4 Hour
Pot Bellied Netted Gourd
Judy Wilson
Alaskan Cedar Bangles
Pam Talsky
Palmetto, Georgia
Waterford, Wisconsin
This is a fun piece to make. Students will
learn knotless netting around a fat little
gourd. Many colors will be available to
choose from. The leather lacing and feathers
are hand-cut leather and are part of the class
kit. Students will learn how to cut the lacing
and feathers in class. Glass beads adorn the
Learn the joy of weaving with handharvested and prepared Alaskan yellow cedar
from Thorne Bay, Alaska! Everyone will finish one in class. Materials provided make
two bracelets. Some may finish both in class,
or take a kit home to reinforce what you
learned. Bring a spray bottle, clothespin,
scissors, packing tool, needle nose pliers and
a towel.
Dimensions: 2-1/2”D x 3”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $20.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: Sized to fit x 5/8”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $30.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
04 U 079
4 Hour
04 U 080
4 Hour
04 U 081
4 Hour
Barbara Weber
Poplar Bark Bullnose
Karen Tembreull
Berry Patch
Nathan Taylor
Arlington, Virginia
L’Anse, Michigan
Hohenwald, Tennessee
“Square” is another in my series of ash and
copper baskets. This one is accented with
rows of copper and completed with copper
rims and copper wire lashing. The basket is
woven over a class mold with finely prepared
ash and hand-cut copper strips. Prior experience weaving with ash is very helpful. Bring
a small container for water.
Weave a bias bullnose-shaped pouch out
of poplar bark. Sew the rim on with iris
leaves, soft rush or basswood fiber (or a
combination of the three). Learn to make
cordage for a hanging handle and rim
Make one in class and take a kit home to
complete at any time. This is the quintessential berry basket with country charm. It is a
free hand basket and requires no mold.
Made from materials that will last a lifetime,
it is black ash made affordable. Students will
learn a unique handle attachment method.
Dimensions: 2-1/2”Square x 1-3/4”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $32.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 4-1/2”L x 2-1/2”W
x 4-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $40.00
Intermediate Weaving Level
Dimensions: 5-1/2”D x 6-1/2”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $65.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
04 U 082
4 Hour
04 U 083
4 Hour
04 U 084
4 Hour
Little Sock Bucket
Gina Kieft
Colorful Cathead Basket
Dianne Gleixner
The Small Shopper
Billy Owens
Rothbury, Michigan
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Jenkins, Missouri
This great basket is a smaller version of my
original Sock Bucket. Start on a wood base
with the spokes already glued in place. Prior
to class, students will be contacted for their
choice of two contrasting colors. The two
different size weavers add dimension to the
side weaving. Two round hoops will be
added as handles.
Students will weave a square, open base, then
learn how to get a perfect cathead shape
while using a continuous weave up the sides.
The spokes and weavers are space dyed with
two colors. The top features rows of triple
twining and start/stop weaving with natural
reed. The rim is lashed with waxed linen
using a variation of traditional lashing
stitches. Bring a large-eyed, blunt tip needle.
Using hand split white oak material, this
basket (one of the more popular sizes for
carrying everyday) begins with a woven oak
herringbone bottom and features a solid oak
handle. I will share all things concerning
white oak, from how I select my trees to the
Owens’ method of rimming. Everyone will
leave with a beautiful finished basket that
will last a lifetime.
Dimensions: 33-1/2”C x 11”D x 9”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $40.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 10”D x 6”H
Material & Preparation Fee: $47.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels
Dimensions: 10”L x 5”W x 14”H w/hdl
Material & Preparation Fee: $65.00
Beginner/All Weaving Levels