Marketing OTEN (by distance) Certificate IV Course description


Marketing OTEN (by distance) Certificate IV Course description
OTEN (by distance)
Certificate IV
Skills List: ✓
TAFE NSW Course Number: 17855
National Course Code: BSB41307
Training Package: BSB07 Business Services
Course description
In our Certificate IV in Marketing course you will learn the knowledge and skills to work in
marketing roles across a wide range of industry contexts.
We highly recommend you complete a personalised career and study profile to
confirm this course is right for you, you will find the Career Voyage link below.
To ensure you leave us with the most up to date qualification...
If during or after your enrolment, the course in which you are enrolled is updated in line with
national industry standards, the Institute reserves the right to transition you into an alternate
course. If this becomes necessary, the Institute will advise you of the change and the
arrangements which will be available for you to complete your alternate course.
What are the entry requirements? (including Recognition of Prior Learning)
There are no formal education requirements for entry into this course. Preferred pathways into
this course include Certificate III in Business or other relevant qualification, or evidence of
competency in the majority of units in Certificate III in Business or other relevant qualifications.
Credit (or recognition) for modules/units may be granted based on previous learning, studies,
work and/or life experiences. For more information on Credit for this course please refer to 'If
you have the skills, get credit for a unit or this course' on the OTEN website.
Please note: Some industries have their own legislative or licensing requirements. TAFE NSW
recognition does not apply to these.
Under 17 and wanting to leave school?
If you are under 17 and want to leave school, your options have been affected by a recent
change in NSW law. From January 2010 you must complete Year 10 and then continue in
either full-time education, training, paid employment or a combination of these options until
you’re at least 17 years of age. More information about options for school students under 17 is
available from the NSW Department of Education and Communities - The new school leaving
What kind of work could I do?
You can be a direct marketing officer, market research assistant, marketing coordinator,
marketing officer or public relations officer.
1300 362 346 or (02) 9715 8333
What further study is available once I finish this course?
After you have completed this course, you can apply for BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing or
other specialist diploma qualifications in the Business Services Training Package (BSB07),
such as advertising or management. In addition, depending on units/electives completed in this
course, you can apply for advanced standing in other courses and other training package
Pathway to university or higher education
Thinking of studying next year? Not sure if you should go to TAFE or uni? Let us help you
decide. At TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute we offer you the flexibility to fast-forward
your career with Pathways.
Choosing to study at TAFE before going on to uni can see you graduating and entering a
competitive workforce sooner — and not with one, but two, nationally recognised qualifications!
For more information visit
What are the units I am required to complete?
BSBCMM401A – Make a presentation
BSBMKG401B – Profile the market
BSBMKG402B – Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets
BSBMKG408B – Conduct market research
BSBCUS402B – Address customer needs
BSBMKG413A – Promote products and services
BSBMKG414B – Undertake marketing activities
BSBPRO401A – Develop product knowledge
BSBREL402A – Build client relationships and business networks
BSBSLS502A – Lead and manage a sales team
The above list includes units being offered at OTEN and that are required to complete this
qualification. Other TAFE NSW colleges may offer different elective options. If licensing in
another State other than NSW is required, please check requirements with the relevant State.
Do I need additional resources to study this course?
1300 362 346 or (02) 9715 8333
You will need a computer with the following:
• email access
• CD/DVD drive
• a printer
You will also need access to audio visual recording equipment (e.g. video camera or similar
Web browsers, any of these:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 and above for PC
• Safari version 3 and above for Mac
• Firefox 1.5 and above for Mac and PC
Browser plug-ins:
• Flash Player version 9 and above
• Acrobat Reader version 9 and above
Computer operating system, any of these:
• Windows 7
• Windows Vista
• Windows XP Service Pack 2
• Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
• Mac OS X version 10.3 +
Internet connection
• 56k dialup or faster
Office program, any program that can open and save .doc files such as:
• Open office
• Microsoft Offic
Your learning materials will be provided in:
CDs. You may be required to print certain parts of these CDs.
This qualification is completed by:
• studying at home at your own pace
• assignment work which you send in to us for comment and assessment
• a test in some unit
How much is the course?
$570 per semester
Plus the $50.00 OTEN Student Materials and Handling charge.
Due to a policy change on 1 July 2013 enrolling students must have a NSW residential address
or be employed within NSW to be eligible to access government subsidised training places in
TAFE NSW. For full details of this new policy see
Important information for 2015
From 2014 there will be a staged implementation of Smart and Skilled, including the
introduction of an entitlement to government subsidised training from 1 January 2015. For more
information on Smart and Skilled and how it may affect the fees you pay in 2015, please visit
1300 362 346 or (02) 9715 8333
For full details on TAFE NSW fees please visit our page.
Are there any additional costs?
You will need to buy additional textbooks approximate cost $400.
How do I enrol?
To apply for this course please click on the Apply now button below. Once you have completed
step 1 of the enrolment process a teacher will contact you to assist you in completing your
Apply now (click below)
I would like to talk to someone before I enrol
Please contact The Marketing & Finance Teaching section: (02) 9715 8177 or 1300 652 550
We are committed to enhancing all students' prospects to reach their potential and achieve a
positive future. We recognise that for some students additional support services are
fundamental to ensure success. We have the following expert support services available which
you may access by calling (02) 9715 8446 or 1300 655 993 to make an appointment:
Counselling and Career Development, Disability, Aboriginal, Multicultural, Outreach, Adult
Basic Education and Open Learning Centre Support Services.
Need help deciding?
Our free online career and study planning tool can help.
You will receive a personalised career and study profile based on your responses. If you would
like to discuss your results in person, please contact our Counselling and Career Development
Unit by calling 1300 655 993 or 02 9715 8446. To get started click the link below:
Current as at 16/10/2014
1300 362 346 or (02) 9715 8333