Westminster Presbyterian Church


Westminster Presbyterian Church
The story of the conversion of the centurion Cornelius sets in motion the most critical phase of the expansion of God's people.
. . . which would involve the greatest
struggle and demand the most fundamental self-reinterpretation. That God intended all along for the Gentiles to share in the
blessings of Abraham—which Luke understands as the gift of the Holy Spirit
through Jesus—could not be more clear.
- Luke Timothy Johnson, Acts
What is at issue between Peter and the
heavenly voice is not Peter's luncheon
menu but the way he applies the terms
"profane" and "unclean" — his assumption that he knows what is clean and what
is unclean. - Beverly Gaventa, Acts
The gift of tongues and other such things
ceased long ago in the church, but the
spirit of understanding and regeneration
thrives and always will.
- John Calvin, Acts
October 19, 2014
Service for the Lord’s Day
Calvin Acolytes
César Franck
(During the Call to Worship in Music you are requested to enter into a time of silence,
actively opening your spirit to God’s presence in your midst.)
INTROIT - “O Be Joyful in the Lord”
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands! Serve the Lord with gladness,
and come before his presence with a song, bless the Lord!
John Yarrington
The Reverend Laurie Brubaker Davis
(Please greet your neighbor with a Christian welcome. For example, "Peace be with you" or
"The peace of Christ be with you." Respond with "And also with you.")
°*HYMN 460 - “Holy God, We Praise Your Name”
Merciful God,
in baptism you promise forgiveness and new life,
making us part of the body of Christ.
We confess that we remain preoccupied with ourselves,
separated from sisters and brothers in Christ.
We cling to destructive habits, hold grudges,
and show reluctance to welcome one another;
we allow the past to hold us hostage.
In your loving kindness, have mercy on us,
and free us from sin.
Remind us of the promises you make in baptism
so that we may rise to new life,
and live together in grace.
(Silence is kept for personal confession.)
All Sing:
Leader: Anyone who is in Christ
is a new creation.
The old life has gone;
a new life has begun.
Friends, believe the Good News.
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
Grosser Gott, wir loben dich
H. W. Greatorex
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Leader: With the whole church, let us confess our faith.
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty?
People: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
Leader: Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
People: I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
Leader: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
People: I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Leader: Evan Alexander has been
received into the one holy catholic and
apostolic church through baptism.
God has made him a member of the household of God,
to share with us in the priesthood of Christ.
Let us welcome the newly baptized.
People: With joy and thanksgiving
we welcome you into Christ's church
to share with us in his ministry,
for we are all one in Christ.
Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
HYMN (all sing) - “Baptized in Water”
Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit,
Cleansed by the blood of Christ, our King;
Heirs of salvation, trusting the promise,
Faithfully now God’s praises we sing.
Elder Judy McCormick
ANTHEM - “From the End of the Earth”
Alan Hovhaness
Hear my cry, O God,
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee,
When my heart is overwhelmed:
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For thou hast been a shelter for me,
And a strong tower from the enemy.
I will trust in the covert of thy wings.
Psalm 61:1-4
SCRIPTURE LESSON - Acts 10: Selected Verses
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Pew Bible, pp. 128-130 NT
*HYMN 256 - “Let the Whole Creation Cry”
(At the beginning of the hymn, children in Pre-K - second grade may leave for Children and Worship and Come
and See. They will be met in the Narthex, the main Sanctuary entrance, and escorted to Rooms 102 and 104.)
The Reverend Dr. Richard L. Baker, Jr.
Crossing the Line
Text: “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people
who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” So he ordered
them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 10:47-48a
(During the Offertory, please fill out the Fellowship Pads and pass them up and down the pews
in order that we may greet one another by name after worship.)
Offertory Anthem - “Beati quorum via” (sung in Latin)
Beati quorum via integra est:
Qui ambulant in lege Domini.
Charles Villiers Stanford
Happy are those whose way is blameless,
who walk in the law of the Lord.
- Psalm 119:1
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
*HYMN 386 - “O for a World”
(As a symbol of our call to “Take the light of Christ into the world,” the Acolytes carry the flame
out of the Sanctuary. At the beginning of the hymn, children attending CrossRoads: Education
for the Journey and youth attending the Youth Class will be met in the Narthex.)
*RESPONSE - “Go, My Children”
Go, my children, with my blessing, never alone.
Waking, sleeping, I am with you, you are my own.
In my love’s baptismal river, I have made you mine forever.
Go, my children, with my blessing, you are my own.
Ar hyd y nos
(The Concluding Voluntary is the final Alleluia of our worship.
You are invited to remain in silence.)
°Latecomers may be seated at these times.
David German
*Please rise in body or spirit.
Head Usher: Stan Shinkle
Church Office Receptionist: Virginia Miller
Head Greeter: Linda Hargis
CPR/AED: Scott Porter, Susan Weaver
Music Participants: Westminster Choir – Jerry Taylor is organist – John Neely is directing the choir.
Today’s Music: Alan Hovhaness (1911-2000), the composer of “From the End of the Earth,” was an Armenian-American composer. The Boston Globe music critic Richard Buell wrote: "Although he has been stereotyped as a self-consciously Armenian composer, his output assimilates the music of many cultures.
What may be most American about all of it is the way it turns its materials into a kind of exoticism. The
atmosphere is hushed, reverential, mystical, nostalgic." Hovhaness was among the most prolific of 20th
century composers, his official catalog comprising 67 numbered symphonies (surviving manuscripts indicate over 70) and 434 opus numbers.
Add your prayer to our Prayer Wall, located in the Sanctuary near the Chancel on the east wall. You will find
blank prayer papers and pencils in the four mini-desks built into the wall. Write your prayer on the paper, roll
up the paper, and insert it between the bricks of the wall. These prayers are completely private, between you
and God. After the first Sunday of each month, the wall will be cleared and all prayer papers will be respectfully burned. Prayer Wall postcards are now available to send to someone for whom you prayed. They are
located in the Prayer Wall mini-desks and the Narthex.
I will call upon you, O Lord; come quickly to me: give ear to my voice when I call to you. Let my prayer be
counted as incense before you. Psalm 141:1-2a.
Dr. Richard L. Baker, Jr.
Sunday, November 2
3:00 p.m.
Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall.
Wednesdays in October
5:00 p.m. - Class (West Parlor)
6:00 p.m. - Taizé Service (Sanctuary)
6:40 p.m. - Light Supper (Fellowship Hall)
Childcare available (Infant through Kindergarten)
The Four Loves, taught by Dr. Richard Baker
Order me in my loves, O Lord, order me in my loves—so goes the famous
prayer of St. Augustine. As Augustine saw it, we cannot help but
love; it is part of what makes us human. But it is all too easy for our
love to go wrong: for us to love the wrong things, in the wrong way,
and worst of all, to the exclusion of loving God. Using C.S. Lewis’
The Four Loves, this series of classes will consider the four kinds of
love--storge (affection), philia (friendship), eros (romantic love), and
agape (charity)—and how God orders them rightly.
Taizé Service and Light Supper
A meditative service of songs and prayers in candlelight.
All are welcome.
The word “Taizé” may be unfamiliar to some. For many people
the name “Taizé” evokes a certain style of singing that has
become popular in more and more churches, retreat centers,
campus religious groups and even seminaries. For some the
word also suggests retreats and gatherings which attract large
numbers of young adults. Still others are aware that Taizé is
in fact an ecumenical community located in a small village in
eastern France. This community has produced some of the most
beautiful and moving music that has ever been composed for
participation by the whole community of faith (congregation,
choir, clergy, and instrumentalists).
We are glad you are here. After the service today, on
your way out please stop by our Welcome Center just
outside the Sanctuary’s double doors. We have a small
gift for you to say, “Thanks for being here” and adding
to our worshipping community today.
Have you enjoyed visiting Westminster? Would you
like to know more about us and how to become a
member of our congregation? Do you wonder what it
really means to be a Presbyterian? If so, you are warmly
invited to our Investigating Church Membership
Seminar that continues today, October 19, and for two
more weeks, from 11:05 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. It will be held
in the Resource Center, across from the Sanctuary on the
east side. You are encouraged to attend whether or not
we know you are coming! We will be delighted to
welcome you to the seminar.
The flowers in the Chancel are given in loving memory
of Jeff Butterworth by Dan and Kathy (Butterworth)
The flowers in the Narthex are in honor of Alaina Arnhart and Matthew Wilson, who were married in our
Sanctuary on October 18.
Being baptized today is Evan Alexander Cavinder, son
of Jennifer (Brady) Cavinder and Jason Cavinder.
Please join us following worship for Coffee Hour,
downstairs in Fellowship Hall. You are invited to enjoy
some light refreshments and fellowship. Donation
containers for members are placed near the coffee.
Don't miss the opportunity to have your blood pressure
checked in the Chapel Reception Room immediately
following worship.
Only One More Day! Order Pecans Today! Come
by the Pecan Table in Fellowship Hall to sample the
wonderful pecans being sold by Westminster Presbyterian Women – and place your order for delicious
new crop pecans today. The pecans are $12 per pound
for halves or pieces. They are packaged in one pound
bags – just right for using or gift giving. The pecans
should arrive no later than the middle of November.
Large orders of pecans will be delivered to your home.
Small orders may be picked up at church or by arrangement. All orders must be prepaid and all orders must
be received by tomorrow, October 20. More questions?
Please contact Julie Preisser (937-436-1391, cell 937-4749721 or julie.preisser@yahoo.com).
Need a flu shot? Join the Deacons and Rite Aid Pharmacy for a flu clinic next Sunday, October 26, in the
Chapel Reception Room, between 11:15 a.m. and 1:15
p.m., and get it done! Insurance filing provided or a
private pay cost of $29.95. Adults only, please.
Large print bulletins, hymnals, Bibles and sermons are
available in the Narthex, from an usher, or at the hearing
aid table by the elevator.
During the service, if you notice someone who appears
to require medical attention, please raise your hand
in the air or contact the head usher. Response Team
members will see your hand and care for the person.
If someone asks you for money, we encourage you
instead to give them one of Westminster’s Emergency
Assistance Cards, which are available in the Narthex or
the Church Office.
Each week the churches of the Presbytery of the Miami
Valley keep one particular congregation in their prayers.
This week the churches are praying for Sugar Creek
Presbyterian Church in Dayton.
Need to speak with a pastor after worship? Here
is where you can find them: Richard – Narthex; Laurie –
front door; Sue – Perry St. door; Nancy – Fellowship Hall.
Fall is now upon us. As the air cools, ensure that you
are elongating and stretching your muscles. Join us for
Gentle Yoga. Practice breath work, relax and even sleep
better by practicing some simple poses. Each Tuesday
12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Stargazer Theatre. You can attend
at any time – no experience necessary. Bring a mat
(loaners are also available), a light blanket, water, and a
friend. Remember – real men do Yoga! $8 per class.
Taught by Certified Yoga Teacher Susan Allen.
Come and be a part of one of our Interest Groups. All
of these groups are open to everyone and provide a
great place to bring a guest or two or three! Singles,
beginners and all walk-ins are welcome.
 Bridge Interest Group #2 will meet on Monday,
October 27, at 6:30 p.m., in the West Parlor.
Women, Wine & Wool: Info Session, Wednesday,
October 29, 7:00-7:45 p.m. Are you a woman 18 - 29
years old, who has a yen to work with yarn? Actually
make something useful from a ball of wool and two
needles or even a crochet hook? Maybe even in time for
Christmas? Come see what your creation might look
like. Talk about when you might be able to knit this
group into your crazy schedule. Childcare could
happen if needed. Start-up materials will be supplied.
Contact Laurie Davis (Laurie@westminsterdayton.org)
or Joyce Ferguson (Joycereliv@woh.rr.com if interested).
The Westminster Camping Interest Group will be
planning trips for the 2015 season. If you are interested
in joining the camping group, please contact Julie
Drumheller (jdrumheller@woh.rr.com) for more details.
Drop-ins are always welcome at all of our Sunday Morning
Adult Education classes. No prior preparation expected.
New Classes Begin Today!
October 19 – November 23
11:20 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
World Upside Down? Christian Faith and Contemporary Culture. Led by Dr. Larry Welborn of Fordham
University (West Parlor). Is the Christian West at war
with Islam? Meanwhile, at home in America, culture
wars rage between the left and the right over gay rights,
abortion, immigration, and health care. Religion plays a
prominent role in all of these debates. What is the right
relationship between Christian faith and contemporary
culture? Opposition? Accommodation? Negotiation?
In the Book of Acts, the apostle Paul and other Christian
missionaries are accused of having “turned the world
upside down” by teaching things contrary to Roman
law and custom and by proclaiming that there is another king other than Caesar, namely Jesus. Is Christian
faith on a collision course with contemporary culture?
Margaret Edson’s Wit: A Tale of Redemption – Led by
Vail McGuire (Room 209). Margaret Edson’s Pulitzer
Prize winning play Wit is a profound, sometimes disturbing, sometimes humorous account of a woman’s
journey with advanced metastatic ovarian cancer. It has
a great deal to say to the challenges in today’s health
care system, but more importantly, it is a tale, in Edson’s
own words, “of redemption.” It offers thought provoking views of grace, sin, and salvation, many of which
run counter to common cultural perceptions. We will be
watching HBO’s production of Wit, starring Emma
Thompson. We do offer a disclaimer: the play contains intense scenes of dealing with cancer, some of which may be
disturbing for individuals who might currently have, or have
recently had, an experience with cancer in some way.
Song of Songs – Led by Dr. Richard Baker (Chapel). For
all the scriptures are holy, but the Song of Songs is the holiest
of all.--Rabbi Akiva. For centuries, Rabbi Akiva's view
has held sway: The Song of Songs (also called The Song
of Solomon; located the end of the Wisdom Literature in
the Old Testament, right before Isaiah) has been considered the holiest of all scriptures. In fact, through the
centuries, it has been the third most commented-upon
book of the Bible. Of course, readers recognized it as
love poetry, but they understood it as describing the
love between God and God's people, God and the
church, God and the individual soul. In modern times,
however, the Song of Songs has fallen on hard times-dismissed as curiosity, a mild scandal, and by and large,
ignored. In this class, we will read the Song of Songs to
compare ancient readings with the modern (non-)
reading, and to see what it has to teach us about God's
love and our own.
Every Monday
5:30-6:45 p.m.
Bible 101 – Led by Dr. Richard Baker and Laurie Davis
(West Parlor). Do you wish you had a better basic
knowledge of the whole Bible? This class began studying the New Testament in September and will offer a
survey of its 27 books. It is a basic introduction and
assumes no prior knowledge of the Bible. If you would
like to join us, please contact Laurie (223-7285 or Laurie@westminsterdayton.org).
Infants and Young Toddlers (Infant - 4 years old) are
cared for from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Room 108.
Parents of infants are provided a beeper by the nursery
staff in case immediate communication is needed.
During the worship hour, the 2-4 year olds are told a
Bible story, participate in an activity, and enjoy a snack.
We welcome young children to worship in our
Sanctuary. We have prepared cloth worship bags with
quiet, worship-related activities, including a children’s
bulletin and felt board designed specifically for today’s
service. The bags can be found in a basket on a bench in
the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and upstairs in
the balcony. All children are invited to use one throughout the worship time and then return the bag to its original location, taking the papers home with them. If you
need help finding a bag, ask an usher for assistance.
Pre-K and Kindergarteners are invited to Children and
Worship, a unique and interactive introduction to the
stories and practices of our faith. As the second hymn
begins, these children will be met in the Narthex (main
Sanctuary entrance) and escorted to Room 106. Children and Worship concludes at 11:30 a.m. From there,
children will be escorted to Genesis Singers (Pre-K) in
Room 104 and Cherub Choir (K) in the Theater. Children not attending choir need to be met by their parents
at 11:30 a.m.
Children in grades 1 and 2 are invited to Come and
See/Godly Play, a unique and interactive worship experience for younger elementary children. As the second
hymn begins, these children will be met in the Narthex
(main Sanctuary entrance) and escorted to Room 104.
From there, they will be led by their shepherds to their
CrossRoads workshops at 10:55 a.m.
CrossRoads: Education for the Journey features varied
and engaging activities for children in grades 1-6, 10:5511:30 a.m. Today children continue the new five-week
workshop, “Moses and the Burning Bush.” As the final
hymn begins, children are invited to meet their agegroup shepherds in the Narthex (main Sanctuary entrance) and be escorted to their workshops. Workshop
location signs are posted in the west end of the Narthex
and on the Fellowship Hall stage. Choir children will be
escorted directly to their rehearsals. Other children may
be picked up from their workshops at 11:30 a.m.
From the Garden — Pick up fresh vegetables and
plants grown specifically to support an important local
mission. The money donated each Sunday for these
home-grown products is combined with our monthly
Hunger Sunday Offering and given to support our local
Food Bank. Donations of herbs, flowers, houseplants,
perennials, and vegetables are always welcome.
Choirs for children and youth today. New members
are always welcome!
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Genesis Singers (4 and 5 year olds, Pre-K) - Room 104
Holly Martin, Director
Cherub Choir (grades K-2), Theater
Rachael Boezi, Director
Calvin Choir (grades 3-6), Room 100 (Choir Room)
John Neely, Director
Carillon Bells (grades 7-9), Room 301
Brent Manley, Director
Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12), Room 300
Jerry Taylor, Director
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Knox Choir (grades 7-12), Room 100 (Choir Room)
John Neely, Director
Supper and youth fellowships follow.
All are welcome!
Our ipad giving kiosk is located in the Narthex near
Sanctuary doors. It accepts contributions for any
program of the church. Donations may be made by
Visa, Master Card or Discover credit cards. Donations
may even be made anonymously.
Use your smart phone to scan the QR code on the back
cover of the bulletin to visit our website and donate now
Confirmation (grades 9-12) − This class is open to any
senior high youth who wishes to explore their faith and
what it means to become a member of Westminster
Presbyterian Church. The class meets each Sunday
morning from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. in Room 209.
Youth Class (grades 7-12) meets on Sunday mornings
from 10:55 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 301. Youth interested
in participating should meet in the Narthex at the beginning of the final hymn. This interactive, relational, Bible
Study Class is led by Gene Saunders and Amy Lachman.
Junior High and Senior High Youth Fellowships
meet from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. All
youth in grades 7 through 12 are welcome. Dinner is
served at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please bring
$2.00 to help cover the cost of meal.
Please help your pastors help our members, especially
in times of illness or accident. When you, a relative, or
friend enter the hospital, or are scheduled for inpatient
or outpatient surgery, please phone the Church Office
with that information - name, place and date.
Members known to be in the hospital as of Thursday,
October 16: Miami Valley Hospital – Sue Merz.
Congratulations are extended to Alaina Arnhart and
Matthew Wilson who were married October 18.
A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held
for Stavely Kober on Friday, October 24, at 1:00 p.m. in
the Sanctuary.
Noonday Organ Recitals
Thursdays during October — Continuing this Thursday, October 23
12:10-12:35 p.m.
John W. W. Sherer, Xenia native and Organist/Director of Music, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago,
will perform. Each recital is free and a quick lunch is served for $6.00 following each program.
Thank you for your presence here in worship today. Every Sunday God blesses us with the gift of new visitors.
Some of you have come across town or across the country and found your way here today. This may be your first
time ever, or first time in a long while to be in a church on a Sunday morning. Or you may be a member of
another congregation. Whatever tradition you may have come from, we are delighted to have you here today and
invite you to experience our worship, Coffee Hour, Sunday classes, or whatever captures your imagination
and need. To learn more about us, visit our website, www.westminsterdayton.org, “Like Us” on Facebook, take a
brochure from the pew rack, or contact Laurie Davis, our Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth, by e-mail
(Laurie@westminsterdayton.org) or by calling or texting her (937-284-2212).
We have good news for you: Westminster is a safe place to ask questions and to live the questions of life that have
no easy or pat answers. We believe that Jesus welcomes all people, just as they are, and so do we. We understand
the life of faith to be a journey better walked together than alone. Westminster is an exciting congregation where
you can grow in faith and discover meaningful opportunities to be a part of a community where loving God and
neighbor is transforming lives. That’s our purpose. And that takes all of us.
God’s grace and peace to you this day,
Westminster Pastoral Staff and Congregation
All members of the Church
Richard L. Baker, Jr. ................................. Pastor/Head of Staff
John W. Neely ...................................... Assoc. Pastor for Music
Nancy S. Hodgkins........... Assoc. Pastor for Youth & Mission
Laurie B. Davis ..................Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Growth
Susan G. Hamilton ......Pastoral Affiliate for Congregational Care
Jim Henry* ...................................................... Mission Associate
Jerry Taylor* ...................................................... Music Associate
Craig Showalter ................................... Business Administrator
Amanda Newhart...................... Music & Education Secretary
Carol Porter ........... Membership and Pastoral Care Secretary
Kate Stephenson ............................ Communications Assistant
Shari Hulsman*......................................................... Bookkeeper
Judy Hamilton* ..................... Executive Assistant to Dr. Baker
Wayne King* ....................................... Maintenance Supervisor
Marvin Fleming ................................................................. Sexton
Officers of
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Class of 2015
Jane Collins
Pat Torvik
Leon Vandecreek
David Weaver
Class of 2016
David Boezi
John Jahoda
Larry Pugh
Georgie Woessner
Class of 2017
Karen Clute
Jennifer Hoehn
Gene Saunders
J. D. Whitlock
Class of 2015
Pat Garland
Paul Holcomb
Robbie Nash
Mike Toerner
Class of 2016
Kathryn Lake
Jon Manuel
Vail McGuire
Scott Porter
Class of 2017
Bob Hargis
Jennifer Myers
Eric Weibel
Lou Ann Wilson
Standing Committees of Session
Building and Grounds
Education and Practice
Evangelism, Hospitality and Membership
Stewardship and Finance
Worship, Music and Fine Arts
Westminster Presbyterian Church:
Where Loving God and Neighbor Is Transforming Lives
Event Schedule
Visit our website at www.westminsterdayton.org for possible calendar changes.
Thursday, October 23
Sunday, October 19
Nursery (birth-age 4)
Confirmation Class (grades 9-12)
Blood Pressure Check
First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3-4) 106
Children and Worship (pre-K - K)
Come and See (grades 1 and 2)
CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6)
Youth Class (grades 7-12)
Blood Pressure Check
Coffee Hour
Investigating Church Membership Seminar
Adult Education
Genesis Singers (pre-K, ages 4 and 5)
Cherub Choir (grades K-2)
Calvin Choir (grades 3-6)
Carillon Bells (grades 7-9)
Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12)
Youth Band
Knox Choir (grades 7-12)
Youth Dinner
Youth Fellowship (grades 7-12)
Monday, October 20
12:00 Invested Funds Meeting by phone
5:30 Bible 101
Building and Grounds Committee
Tuesday, October 21
Staff Meeting
ID Ministry
Miami Valley Pipe Band Lessons
Miami Valley Pipe Band
Deacons Meeting
Personnel Committee
6:30 Education and Practice Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 22
Prayer Shawl
Dayton Cooks
WINGS Monthly Luncheon
EJB Tutoring
“The Four Loves”
Stephen Ministers Training Class
Stephen Ministry Supervision
Taizé Service
6:40 Light Supper
9:30 Capital Campaign Leadership Team
Sewing Circle
12:10 Noonday Organ Recital
12:35 Lunch
1:00 W.I.N.G.S.
1:30 Dayton Cooks
4:00 EJB Tutoring
6:15 Westminster Ringers
6:30 Small Group/Lake
7:30 Westminster Choir
Friday, October 24
1:00 Service of Witness to the Resurrection for Stavely Kober
1:30 Stavely Kober Family Reception
Saturday, October 25
No Scheduled Events
Sunday, October 26
Nursery (birth-age 4)
Confirmation Class (grades 9-12)
First Lessons in Faith for Toddlers (ages 3-4) 106
Children and Worship (pre-K - K)
Come and See (grades 1 and 2)
CrossRoads: Education for the Journey (grades 1-6)
Youth Class (grades 7-12)
Coffee Hour
Investigating Church Membership Seminar
Adult Education
Genesis Singers (pre-K, ages 4 and 5)
Cherub Choir (grades K-2)
Calvin Choir (grades 3-6)
Carillon Bells (grades 7-9)
Te Deum Ringers (grades 10-12)
Rehearsals for Christmas Mini-Drama
Knox Choir (grades 7-12)
Youth Fall Festival
CRR—Chapel Reception Room
FH—Fellowship Hall
HH—Heritage Hall
RC—Resource Center
WP—West Parlor
Westminster Presbyterian Church
125 N. Wilkinson Street • Dayton, OH 45402
voice: (937) 223-7285 • fax: (937) 223-9085
e-mail: wpcdayton@westminsterdayton.org • web: www.westminsterdayton.org