B C T h


B C T h
What honestly comes to your
mind when you hear the word
“Outreach?” It’s a word we
hear often when talking about
activities in the church – “Well,
we’re having a special time of
‘outreach’ next week at 6 pm on . . .” Outreach. What is
outreach, really? How do we do “outreach?”
October 2014
shifts so that it turns on its back far enough that the feet no
longer touch the ground. It may feel a sense of panic and
start to paw frantically. It rolls over even further so it is
impossible for it to regain its feet.
A glimpse at Matthew 9:35-38 shows us the example of
Jesus and we gain insights into expanding our thinking
about genuine “outreach,” bringing biblical meaning to
the process. It begins with going, teaching, and proclaiming the Gospel (v. 35).
A "cast" sheep is a very pathetic site. Lying on its back, its
feet in the air, it flays away
frantically struggling to stand
up, without success. If the
shepherd does not arrive on the
scene within a reasonably short time, the sheep will die.
We live in a world that is hurting (cast down). Our world
is crowded, urbanized, suffering, persecuted, lost.
First, we observe that Jesus was seeing the people.
Jesus, in Matthew 9:36, “Seeing the people”; “Seeing
the people, He felt compassion for them because they
were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.”
Jesus was seeing people, feeling compassion for them.
Then observe His words in verse 37-38; “Then He said to
His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are
few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out
workers into His harvest.’”
What we are determines what we see. Remember the
little ditty you heard as a child:
“Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
where have you been?
"I've been to London to visit the queen."
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
what did you there?
"I frightened a little mouse
under her chair."
The third insight, He called for prayer for laborers – going with our feet. The harvest is God’s. Harvest time is a
small window of time when laborers must go or suffer loss
of the harvest. “To send out” is a strong word (ekballo,
which means to cast out.) Here is “outreach” in its fullest
extent – go out into the neighborhoods and serve!
Just imagine that cat coming home with slides of her
trip, and all she shows is a mouse under the queen’s
chair. Jesus saw the people. Remember at the well he
saw a woman who was thirsty. The disciples saw a Samaritan woman – someone despicable in the eyes of
Jews. But Jesus saw a needy person.
Jesus not only saw the people, second, “He felt compassion for them.” Jesus had compassion because he saw
the need. The people were “distressed and dispirited.”
They were like sheep without a shepherd.
The terms are graphic in terms of sheep who become
“cast down.” This is an old shepherd's term for a sheep
that has turned over on its back and cannot get up again
by itself. A heavy, fat, or long fleeced sheep will lie
down comfortably in some little hollow or depression in
the ground. It may roll on its side slightly to stretch out
or relax. Suddenly the center of gravity in the body
Fourth, proclaim the Gospel of Grace. We need to speak
with our mouths. Now let’s be careful to observe that the
Lord is the Lord of the Harvest. It’s His harvest. God is
preparing hearts, and there are those ready to hear and trust
the Gospel of Grace.
Don’t know what to say? Start a conversation. Ask questions. When appropriate, ask “Would it be OK with you if I
tell you what someone shared with me that changed my
Let’s get a good grip on genuine outreach! Seeing people
with needs, having compassion for them, stepping out to
serve and to minister to them, proclaiming the Gospel of
Grace! It’s what Jesus did, and what He prepared His disciples to do. Dare we try for less?
Pastor Garry
Scripture from NASB ©1988, 1995, used with permission.
Garry Hogan
Senior Pastor
the Birds’ Way
The Fabulous Friends Fellowship invites
everyone to a covered dish dinner, Friday,
October 17, 2014, at 6:00 pm, at the
Drake House. Please bring a generous dish for each adult in your group.
During this meeting you will be given an opportunity to
sign up to attend the play/musical White Christmas
(featuring 17 Irving Berlin songs), for Friday, Dec 5, at the
Whole Backstage Theatre in Guntersville. If we have a
group of 12 or more the tickets will be $16. Each person
will arrange for his/her transportation, and each car pool
group can decide if they want to go early
and eat in Guntersville or just attend the
play. Either way – it should be a good
For the program, Jon Ahlquist will tell us about “Homing . . .
the Birds’ Way” – don’t miss it.
Bring your family and invite friends.
Please call (256-881-2559) or e-mail (wapat2@yahoo.com) if
you need additional information.
Thanks, Wayne & Sue
Wayne & Sue
Join us for worship each Sunday at
10:45 am
(The Lord’s Supper
is celebrated on the first Sunday
of each month.)
Join Pastor Garry as he continues to lead us in a study in
Office Hours
Warning! This book may be hazardous to your
Christian living!
Sunday, 9:15 am, Fellowship
9:30 am, Classes Begin
Elective: Dwight Waldrop, Teacher,
Titus, Room 4, FLC
Ladies: Donna Burrow, Teacher,
“Becoming a Woman of Simplicity,” Room 2, FLC
High School: Bob Pozzo, Teacher,
God’s Wisdom, Room 3, FLC
Middle School: Barry/Jeannie Burgess, Teachers, Bible-in-Life,
Room 1, FLC
Calvary Bible Church
607 Drake Avenue ♦ Huntsville AL 35802
256-881-4381 ♦ 256-881-4393 (fax)
E-mail office@cbchsv.org ♦ Website www.cbchsv.org
Senior Pastor
Garry Hogan ............................................. Ext 204
Sunday Evening
Choir Director
Frank Gauldin .......................................... Ext. 210
5:45 pm - Evening Worship
“Why I Believe,” video series with discussion to follow each week
Administrative Assistant
Robyn Patterson ...................................... Ext. 201
Wednesday Evening
Financial Secretary
Paul Englund ........................................... Ext. 207
6:25 pm Awana, ages three years
through high school
6:30 pm Adults meet under the balcony as Pastor Garry continues in the
series: “A Glimpse at Some Not-SoMinor Prophets.”
7:00 pm College students meet in
FLC room 3 with Drew and Rachel
Spaugh leading a topical study using
various scripture references.
Ministry Assistants
Ruth Bates ............................................... Ext. 202
Barbara McIntire ..................................... Ext. 205
Aleks Hatrusov
Chairman, Board of Elders
Drew Spaugh
Chairman, Board of Deacons
Stephen Mattick
Friday, October 3, 9:00 am, Circle of Friends
6:30-10:30 pm, Youth Depot Night
Sunday, October 12, 4:00 pm, Missions Committee Mtg
Wednesday, October 15, 6:30 pm, Annual Business Meeting
Friday, October 17, 6:00 pm, Fabulous Friends Fellowship
Sunday, October 19, 4:00 pm, Awana Directors’Meeting
Saturday, October 25, 10:00 am, Ladies’ Luncheon/Pack Gift
Bags for Shut-Ins
Sunday, October 26, 3:00 pm, Service at HarborChase
Wednesday, October 29, 6:25 pm, Awana FUN Night
Weekly Activities
9:15 am - Fellowship
9:30 am - Sunday School for All Ages
10:45 am - Worship/Children’s Church
4:30 pm - Choir Practice
5:45 pm - Evening Worship
Mondays - Office Closed
9:00 am - Ladies’ Prayer Time
11:30 am - Staff Meeting
9:15 am - Precept Bible Study
6:25 pm - Awana, age 3 through high school
6:30 pm - Bible Study/Prayer
(Under Balcony)
7:00 pm - College Group (FLC room 4)
8:15 am - Men’s Bible Study
Beginning now, we will be collecting
non-perishable food items to be donated
to the Downtown Rescue Mission during
the Missions Conference in November.
These items would be used in cooking
for the 250 people they serve daily.
Some suggestions were: canned vegetables, large packages mashed potatoes, rice, stuffing, pasta, noodles, macaroni
and cheese, oatmeal, grits, cereal, corn meal, spaghetti sauce. They have requested NO flour, bread, or sugar at this time. Thanks!!!
October 15
6:30 pm
Mary Lou Walker
Andy Phillips
Robyn Patterson
Allen Dale
Bryan Cole
Christian Phillips
Kim Repolesk
Caleb Park
Patricia Purdy
Kaitlyn Schaaf
Sharon Gregg
Donna Poitevint
Judy Romans
Jane Bowdle
Irene Cole
David Ashley
10 John Christian and Deanna Patterson
Thank you notes have been received from
Joie Adkins, Steve and Carol Bocek
(Englunds’ daughter and son-in-law), Pat
Legg, Clara Jo Scott, and Cathy Watts.
They have been placed on the bulletin board
in the hall.
The November 2014 Calvary Connection will be
posted in late October. Please send all articles via email attachment to barbara@cbchsv.org. Deadline for
the articles is Sunday, October 19. Any articles received after the deadline will be placed in the next
issue if applicable. Thank you.
Mary Alice Lane
Carl Amborksi
Betty Spann
Barry Burgess
Clara Jo Scott
Jo Free
Lonna Lenning
Meg Kraai
The DEPOT Times
Sunday School: 9:15-10:30 am
Depot: High School
Wednesday, 6:25-8:10 pm
Middle / High School and College
First Friday of m
Each Month 6
Check out the new Depot page on facebook!
High Sc
hool Stu
On the R
ock: Und
Bible Do standing Basic
9:15 am
High School
Sunday School
Don’t miss a minute of
this new Awana year!!
Middle School
His Story
Trek Bible St
Room 1
“Is Bible prophecy relevant today?” The lessons
will examine current events in light of Biblical
prophecy. We will go back to the Old Testament
roots, trace the historical events that have transpired according to prophecy, and see the significance of prophecy as it unfolds today. Some topics to be covered are the rebuilding of literal Babylon; the history of Esau and the Edomites; the rise
of Islam; the alignment of nations; and two Israels. Topics in the news will be brought into focus as necessary.
We will do that again but this year we are planning to devote
the entire month of October to Missions Emphasis.
We will actually begin the first of October by initiating our
Can-a-thon food drive for the Downtown Rescue Mission.
The Downtown Rescue Mission is collecting food to help to
replenish their dwindling food supply. They welcome any nonperishables that can be used to cook in large quantities. Suggested items can be found on page 2 of this issue. Our contact
at the DRM says they have plenty of flour, bread, and sugar.
We are off to a good start of our 41st year of Awana with more
than 130 clubbers and over 40 leaders already involved. Our
clubs have all enjoyed their "Open Houses" with many parents
and other family members participating.
October 19-20, 11 Trekkies and seven leaders braved the elements on the back side of Green Mountain at Vision Ministries
Campground for a camp-out. With David and Nancy Ashley
providing extraordinary meals, Gus Tucker sharing a real “starstudded” devotion under the stars, a huge bonfire complete with
s’mores along with some great discussion and fellowship, a
great time was had by all. Oh, I forgot to mention that due to
some strange phenomenom, sleep does not come easily on the
back side of the mountain. Wonder why?
Here is the complete schedule for the next two months:
Begin Can-a-thon drive
October 8 NO CLUB, Fall Break
October 15 - NO CLUB - CBC Business Meeting
November 5 - Missions Conference with missionary
November 26 - NO CLUB, Thanksgiving break
We will not have club on the 8th due to Fall Break nor the
15th because of the Church Annual Business Meeting that
Our clubs are off to a roaring start, and we are trusting God to
do great things in and through our clubbers this year!
Jerry Gregg
In November, we always have a missions emphasis on the
Wednesday of our church Annual Missions Conference when
we have actual missionaries available to speak in all our clubs.
At alvary
Join us on Saturday, October 25, 11:00 am
Room 5, Family Life Center
Bring your lunch and help us fill gift bags for our shut-ins.
All materials will be provided.
Afterward, we will pair up and deliver them.