EFCHB Newsletter - Evangelical Free Church of Huntington Beach


EFCHB Newsletter - Evangelical Free Church of Huntington Beach
The EFCHB Connection
May 2015
Church Budget Forum and Annual Meeting
All-Church Meetings
New Church Directories
Simple Supper
Awana Grand Prix Winners
Men’s Breakfast
Magic for Missions
Recycling for Youth Mission
Jesus Film Presentation
Pastor’s Points
On Sunday, May 17, we will hold our Annual Meeting during
the Sunday School hour. At that time there will be a vote
taken on the budget.
Reminder to Members: To ensure that your membership status remains active and that you are able to take part in voting on the important issues, please be sure to register your attendance on a Welcome
Card at least one Sunday each month.
The church bylaws state that membership status changes to inactive if
attendance is not registered for six consecutive months. Inactive members may not vote, may not hold office, and shall not be counted in the
roll for the sake of establishing a quorum. Members who have not registered attendance for a period of twelve consecutive
months will be dropped from the membership roll.
Inside this issue;
Awana Grand Prize Winners
The annual “Budget Forum” will be held on Tuesday evening,
May 12 at 7 p.m. to establish our budget for the coming fiscal year. Come and be a part of this procedure. There will
be no further input on the budget at the Annual Meeting.
Men’s Breakfast
Magic for Missions
Recycling for Youth Mission
Jesus Film Presentation &
Mother’s Day Reminder
Pastor’s Points
Make sure you pick up the new church
directory placed in the Lobby!
Simple Suppers—Awana parents and church family are invited to
come, relax, and enjoy a great meal on Wednesday evenings.
Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the East Overflow of
the Worship Center. Suggested donations are: adults $4.00 and children $2.00 (max of $11 per family).
The menus are as follows:
Asian Pasta and Mac & Cheese
Mexican Build-your-own Burrito
Enchiladas and Chicken & Rice
Mexican Build-your-own Burrito
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The EFCHB Connection
Congratulations to our Awana Grand Prix winners!
For Speed:
1st place - Liberty Johnson
2nd place - Leila Dandan
3rd place - Justice Johnson
For Design:
1st place 2nd place 3rd place -
Lauren Thorpe
Noah Wick
Lily Thorpe
Ministry to Men Breakfast
When: May 2, 2015
Where: East Overflow
When: 6:45 a.m. for preparation
7:30 a.m. for breakfast
8:15 for program/prayer
“Magic for Missions” Show
Our own Johnny Ace Palmer, world-renowned magician, will be presenting two magic shows on
Saturday, May 9, at 4 pm and 7 pm. All proceeds will go to help the High School missions team
whose vision this summer is to put on a Vacation Bible School and do construction work in the
Navajo Nation. The tickets are on sale for $10 per adult and $5 per child.
During intermission at each show there will be snacks and drinks , proceeds also going to the fund
Bakers are needed to provide these treats and they need your help. They are looking for
volunteers to bake treats or donate candy to be offered for the snacks.
If you can help, please sign up with Katie Makley or Chloe Daniels. For more information contact
Katie at (714) 825-0357 or rmmkly@att.net, or Chloe at (714) 840-7786 or cdanyells@yahoo.com.
Your donations can be delivered to Evangelical Free Church on May 9th, at 3:00 pm.
Please have items ready to serve on a disposable tray.
Support the High School Mission Trip to the Navajo Nation by bringing your recycling to the Hut. Please bring only clean glass, plastic and aluminum bottles
and cans that say “CA CRV.” All the money collected from the recycling will be
put towards the mission trip. Thank you so much for your support!
The EFCHB Connection
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Coming Soon to EFCHB in Huntington Beach!
Saturday, May 16, 5:00 -8:00 pm
We will be showing The Jesus Film in Spanish. Our guests will be our
local Hispanic community. Please pray that the harvest is plenty.
Invite your Hispanic friends. If you have any questions, please contact
Jenny Waldschmidt, 714-887-9396.
Lupe will be sharing with those who watch The Jesus Film. Her focus: “Jesus has
come into my life!” Omar Rodriquez from E-Free Fullerton will be our emcee and will
present the Gospel.
A nuestra communidad Hispana De Huntington Beach. El
dia 16 De Mayo 2015. Nuestra familia Evangelical Free Church
de HB. Le quiere invitar a usted, su familia y amigos a un evento
especial. Estaremos ensenando la pelicula de La vida de Jesus. Como
esta escrita en la Biblia.
Sera un honor si asistiera. Lo esperamos. Nuestra Iglesia esta localizada:
1912 Florida Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
El evento sera de 5:00 a 8:00 p.m.
Se servira un refrigerio al final.
We thank each of you for your cheerful cooperation during our
church construction project.
Celebrate Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015.
Dear Church Family,
Birthday Surprise. What a special surprise that you
would remember my birthday with a cake and cards.
Reading the cards and the comments was very meaningful. Thank you for your graciousness and love; it
is very evident.
Upcoming Events. I am very excited about several
upcoming events this month.
“Magic for Missions” Show, Saturday, May 9,
featuring Johnny Ace Palmer. There are two
showings--4 pm and 7 pm, at EFCHB. All the
proceeds will go to help the High School missions
“Hispanic Outreach” on Saturday, May 16. We
will be showing “The Jesus Film,” sharing a
testimony, and having the gospel presented.
Please pray for relationships to be built and for
spiritual fruit. I’m really excited with this ministry.
Evangelical Free Church
Huntington Beach
1912 Florida Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
We will also be having our annual “Budget Forum”
on Tuesday evening, May 12, and our “Annual
Meeting,” during the Sunday School hour on
Sunday, May 17.
Mission Statement.
Together, we are glorifying God as we
Love Him,
Love one another, and
Live to show the world the way of Jesus.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid
down his life for us. And, we ought to lay down our
lives for our brothers.” 1 John 3:16
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes
from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God
and knows God.” 1 John 4:7
May we experience God’s love today!
Pastor Kirk