The Lamplighter - Fredericktown First Baptist Church


The Lamplighter - Fredericktown First Baptist Church
The Lamplighter
The Newsletter of Fredericktown First Baptist Church
~ April 2014 ~
From the Desk of Pastor Martin…
At the parsonage, one day in the week of March 10, I
noticed the first spring flowers pushing up through
the light layer of snow still on the ground. The
calendar says that Spring began on Thursday, March
20, though you probably could not convince many
people of that! However, Spring follows Winter, and
it won’t be too long before you will hear your
neighbor say, “My, isn’t it hot?”
I like this time of the year. True, you
have to clean up after a harsh winter. I
like getting out in the yard, raking up
the debris, fertilizing the lawn, spading
up the flower gardens, deciding what
new flowers you might like to plant,
getting the mowers tuned up for
another season, etc. In fact, last week I
traded in my 14 year old riding mower
for a new zero turn mower.
Just as summer brings about a new
era, so does the Lenten season. This is
the time when we are invited to walk
with Jesus to Jerusalem where He will
live out the last week of His life. Lent is when we are
not asked to “give up” things necessarily, but rather,
to “add to” in our spiritual walk, such as, reading a
spiritual book, viewing a Biblical DVD, listening to
gospel CD’s, attending a Lenten Bible Study,
participating in the activities of the church, praying
regularly, or reading the Bible more than usual.
Lent is also helpful to understand the time-line of the
last week in the life of Jesus. According to the Gospel
of Mark, it unfolds like this: Sunday – Jesus rides into
Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, what we know as
Palm Sunday. Monday – Jesus returns to Jerusalem
and throws out the moneychangers from the Temple
and proclaims, “My house shall be called a house of
prayer!” Tuesday – Jesus spends the day in teaching
and discussing a variety of topics with His disciples,
the people, and the Temple Priests. Wednesday –
Jesus stays away from the city. Most scholars say
this is the day Judas slips away and makes plans with
the Priests to betray Jesus.
Thursday – Jesus makes plans to have the disciples
meet in the Upper Room for their last meal and time
together, a day we call “Maundy Thursday.” Friday –
After the Thursday meal, Jesus prays in
the Garden. Then comes the arrest, an
appearance before Annas, Caiaphas,
Pilate, Herod, back to Pilate, and the
condemnation to death. By 9:00 a,m.,
Jesus is on the cross. He dies at 3:00
p.m., and is placed in the tomb.
Saturday – Jewish Sabbath is from
sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.
Sunday – The women arrive at the
tomb only to find that Jesus is not
there; He has risen!
Read about the Holy week activities in
the newsletter. Join in as many as
May this Easter be
memorable and spiritually fulfilling!
Message from Pastor Martin
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Quarterly Business Meeting
Mission Trip Update (Marissa Dowalter)
Holy Week Activities
…and much more!
April 27
Join us after
Worship for this
important quarterly
business meeting.
Kathryn Williams
Sally Fox
Joan Losey
Matt Sharp
Ashley Rule
Heidi Henwood
Hadassah Lux
More details to be
Jacob Haip
Joyce Henwood
Christa Thomas
Don & Barb Spearman
Jim & Anna Ronk
Matthew & Stephanie Hill
March 22, 2014
A kindergarten teacher gave her class a “show and
tell” assignment of bringing something to represent
their religion.
The first boy got in front of the class and said, “My
name is Benjamin, and I am Jewish. This is the Star
of David.”
The second boy got in front of the class and said, “My
name is Mark. I’m Catholic, and this is a Crucifix.”
The third boy got in front of the class and said, “My
name is Tommy, I am Baptist and this is a casserole.”
Thanks, Catherine Klever for submitting this cute joke
for the newsletter! If you have something you would
like to submit, please contact Anita in the office!
Pastor Martin will be
on vacation from
April 27 – May 4. If
you need assistance
during this time,
please contact the
Deacon of the month.
Guest Speakers:
April 27 – Dr. Larry Swain
May 4 – Pastor Carolyn Fergus
Monthly Mission
Kim Brown
Kim’s work includes
Christ-like ministries
for tribal people who
are coping with the
problems caused by
AIDS, disabilities, and
migration from their
traditional villages to
urban slums through
Integrated Ministries
for Ethnic Minorities
Foundation (IMEMF).
The Thailand Karen
Baptist Convention sponsors these ministries:
Worship Leaders
Pastor Martin
Casper Schmidt
Carolyn Fergus
Jim Ronk
Kathy Williams
Dean & Linda Shira
Tom & Carolyn Craze
Marvin & Pat McQuigg
April Ministry Team
Andy Fox: 694-1586
Dave Hatton: 397-7058
Dean Shira: 694-3696
Kathy Williams: 694-1203
Casper Schmidt: 694-0902
Carolyn Fergus: 501-0284
The House of Love is a home for women and
children. This includes women who had been
sold into prostitution, AIDS orphans, and
children taken out of their homes by the Social
Welfare Department because of abuse. Many of
the residents do not have Thai citizenship and
have few rights in Thailand.
The Christian Center for the Development of
People with Disabilities reaches out to families
who are caring for disabled in tribal villages. The
disabled are often hidden away. This project is
designed to help the disabled reach their full
potential and be accepted within their families
and communities.
The House of Blessing Day Care Center
provides a safe place for children who live in the
slums to come during the day. It prepares
children to enter Thai schools, and also works to
strengthen their families.
Thank you for bringing in your empty printer
ink cartridges. I recently had to order a new
printer for the church office, and I am pleased
to say that we received $40 off because of all
the ink cartridges I have been turning into
Staples for $2 credit each! Please keep
bringing them in for me. . . just leave them at
the back of the sanctuary or in the Annex!
Thanks Again!
Mission Trip – Johnson City, TN
Hello, Church Family! As promised, here's a
summary of my mission trip to Johnson City, TN.
Saturday - We arrived at Grandview Christian Church
around 2 pm and met the pastor and our host families.
We then went to our host families houses and settled
in. Two other girls and I stayed with Lee Fierbaugh.
She works at Milligan College. After we got
unpacked, we went to a local restaurant called Cootie
Brown's for dinner and a time of fellowship. We spent
the evening after Cootie Brown's at Dr. Paul Blowers'
home. He is a professor at Emmanuel Christian
Seminary. It was a lot of fun getting to know him and
his wife Sandy.
Sunday - We went to Grandview Christian Church for
their 9:30 service. The congregation was so
welcoming and really made us feel at home. They had
the orchestra from Milligan College there that Sunday
and they sounded beautiful. Pastor Aaron Wymer did
his sermon on how our relationships should be
compatible with God's agenda. After church, we went
to Crazy Tomato for some delicious Italian food. That
afternoon we worked at Family Promise, a Christian
organization that works with homeless families. We
washed and cleaned out their vans that they use for
transportation of the families, we spread fertilizer on
their garden, and we also organized donations in their
storage unit. After we were done, we got to meet
some of the families in their program and hear about
how it has helped them. It was a great experience!
Monday - We worked at Second Harvest Food Bank
from 9 am-4 pm. It was a huge warehouse, and it was
crazy how much food they had there. I was on a team
of 4 people that painted a line along the exterior walls
of the building, while the rest of our team helped
throw out expired yogurt. They got through 12 of the
16 pallets before they ran out of dumpster space.
After we were finished at Second Harvest, we went to
the Blowers' for dinner, and then we watched a movie
before returning to our respective host families.
Tuesday - In the morning, we went to the Campus
House (home of an organization similar to our
campus ministry at OU) at ETSU for a devotion and
then ate lunch with the students there. It was a really
fun time of fellowship and it was cool to meet so
many new people. After that, we helped with the after
school program at Coalition For Kids. We played
games with the children, ate snacks with them, helped
them with their homework, and sat with them during
their Bible Time. It was a lot of fun, especially getting
to help them with their homework. We finished at 7,
went to eat a late dinner at Jack's City Grill, and then
returned to our host families.
Wednesday - For our last day in Tennessee, we went
to Emmanuel Christian Seminary and sat in on one of
the New Testament classes. It was really interesting;
it went very in-depth about the cultural and contextual
aspects of Paul's letters. We sat in on their chapel
service, then ate lunch with some of the students and
professors and it was really cool getting to talk to
them. After that, we went on a hike to the Balds near
Roan Mountain. It was really beautiful and the
weather was really nice. Then we brought dinner
(barbecue, yum!) to the Campus House to share with
the students before we participated in their
Wednesday Night service. ETSU offers a major in
Bluegrass, so we got to sing along with a bluegrass
praise band, which was really cool. Mike (the Campus
House youth minister) then facilitated a discussion
about what kinds of things get in the way of worship
and how we can get past them in order to glorify God
without barriers. After the service, we hung out for
awhile and played games with the ETSU students
before going home.
Thursday - We left a little after 8 am and made it to
Myrtle, WV before we were slowed up by a flat tire
due to a bad pothole. Luckily we weren't very far
from a Wal-Mart and we were
able to get the tire changed
relatively quickly. Prayers
were answered!
Thank you all for supporting
my trip! I really had a great
experience and it was fantastic to be able to take a
few days and just be a servant to others in the name of
the Lord. I hope everything is going well at home, and
again, thank you so much!
Much love!
Marissa Dowalter
First Baptist
Church of
Easter Flowers to decorate the
sanctuary are available for purchase
until Sunday, April 6.
Palm Sunday is April 13. Join us for a special
time of morning worship at 10:15 AM. We will
share in this time of remembering Jesus’
triumphal entry into
Jerusalem and the
beginning of Holy
Week, the last week
of our Lord’s earthly life. Please remember that
Palm Sunday is the day to bring your
“Thirty Pieces of Silver” Offering.
You can choose from:
Lily - $10
Tulip - $10
Hyacinth - $10
Look for an insert in your
bulletin for the next two weeks.
If you would like more information,
please contact the church office at 694-2856.
On Maundy Thursday (April 17)
we remember Jesus’ last evening
with His disciples, when he
instituted the Lord’s Supper. We
will share in a special service
ending with communion.
Friday, April 11, at 7:00 PM
Join us for a fun night of games!
Good Friday is our solemn
Spring Rally on April 6
has been canceled.
remembrance of the crucifixion
of our Lord and His sacrifice
for our sins. Join us for our
community Good Friday
Service at 7 PM at The First Church of God,
19535 Zolman Road (St. Rt. 13).
A Fall Rally is being planned.
Sunday morning, April 20, at 7 AM,
the Deacons will be leading us in
our Easter Sunrise Service on the
front porch of the church building.
Immediately following this service,
please plan to attend the Annual
Pancake Breakfast served by the
Deacons and men of the church.
Join us in Easter Worship at 10:15 AM
Celebrate with us - Jesus is Risen!
H e is not here, but is risen!
Luke 24:6
22 East Sandusky Street
P.O. Box 125
Fredericktown, OH 43019
----Interim Pastor – Rev. Reginald Martin
Sunday School - 9:15 AM
Worship Service - 10:15 AM
Parsonage: 740-848-4214
Pastor’s Cell: 740-221-5247
Church Office: 740-694-2856
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
email us:
Anita -
Pastor –
Visit us on the web….