March 2016 - Creedmoor - First Baptist Church Creedmoor
March 2016 - Creedmoor - First Baptist Church Creedmoor
March Calendar of Events March March March March 1 3 5 6 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. March 7 March March March March March March March March 8 10 12 13 15 16 20 21 March March March March 23 24 25 26 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. March 27 Upward Practices Keenager’s Outing Upward Games (FBCC & Christian Faith Center) Children’s Department Breakfast (FLC Mary Curl Group Fundraiser Luncheon (FLC) Senior Staff Meeting WMU Circle Meetings Upward Practices Upward Practices Upward Games (FBCC & Christian Faith Center) Daylight Savings Time Ends Keenager’s Breakfast (Finch’s) Relay for Life Hot Dog Fundraiser (FLC) Palm Sunday Senior Staff Meeting Deacon’s Meeting (Conference Room) Easter Covered– Dish Meal and Presentation Maundy Thursday Service & Communion Youth Trip to Winterjam Upward Award Celebration (Christian Faith Center) Children’s Easter Egg Hunt (Saunders’ Farm) Easter Sunrise Service (Saunders' Farm) Easter Breakfast (Creedmoor United Methodist) Sunday School Worship Service Weekly Schedule Sunday Schedule: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Youth—Dive Wednesday Night Schedule: 6:30 p.m. ONE Among Many Servants FIRST Connect March 2016 WORSHIP 2016 EASTER PLANNING THE LAST WEEK M & M (Music & Missions) (Age 3 –Grade 5) Youth (Grades 6-12) Adult Choir Practice Mission Schedule: Wednesdays—9:00-11:30 a.m. Food and Clothing Mission Open Thursdays– 10:00-12:00p.m. Share the Warmth (Church Office) Wednesdays and Saturdays—10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Cottage Thrift Shoppe Open First Baptist Church Creedmoor Food & Clothes Closet Need The Food and Clothes Closet is in need of blankets. We thank you all for your continued support of this ministry. 2016 Deacons Sammy Moore- 919-603-4057 Robin Newton- 919-528-3760 Howard Wynn- 919-690-5135 Robert Way- 919-201-9270 Homer Grause- 919-528-9315 Tommy Hardee- 919-528-1328 Wade Wickre- 757-288-3123 Hanna Lawler- 919-714-2956 Jeff Faucette- 919-528-3685 Ralph Seagroves- 919-528-4068 119 South Main Street PO Box 38 Creedmoor, North Carolina 27522-0038 919-528-2351 Church Office Hours FBC Academy Hours Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Contact Information Rev. James Shelley Senior Pastor Ext. 105 Rev. David Richardson Associate Pastor / Administrator Ext. 101 Rev. Tim Laurent Youth Pastor Ext. 104 Rev. Nick Garner Children’s Pastor Ext. 103 Amy Holder Director of Academy 919-529-1307 ext.201 Michelle Bailey Administrative Assistant Ext. 102 Betsie Forsythe Director of Music Ext.113 Dianne Bennett Instrumentalist Nancy Wynn Instrumentalist MISSIONS Dear FBCC member and guest, March this 2016 I am sharing some plans in outline form for our Easter Bible study, hoping will encourage you to be involved in our total learning and worship experience. Our studies are designed to help us understand the ‘Week of Easter’ and the trauma and degradation that our Lord experienced. Please join us for these studies. Adult Bible Study (Choir Room) 7:30 p.m. MINISTRY LESSON ONE: FEBRUARY 17 Sunday: Tr iumphal Entr y into J er usalem LESSON TWO: FEBRUARY 24 Monday: J esus clear s the temple LESSON THREE: MARCH 2: FFN IN FLC TUESDAY; Jesus' authority challenged in the temple; Jesus teaches in stories and confronts the Jewish Leaders Greeks ask to see Jesus; The Olivet Discourse; Judas agrees to betray Jesus WEDNESDAY: REST AND PREPARATION The Bible does not say what Jesus did on this day. He probably remained in Bethany with his disciples. LESSON FOUR: MARCH 9- CHOIR ROOM MAUNDY THURSDAY The Last Supper; Jesus speaks to the disciples in the upper room LESSON FIVE: MARCH 16- MAUNDY THURSDAY CONTINUED Jesus struggles in Gethsemane, Jesus is betrayed and arrested LESSON SIX: MARCH 23- FLC THE LAST DAY WE WILL REVIEW ON AN HOURLY BASIS THE LAST DAY OF JESUS’ EARTHLY LIFE. WE CREATE A TIMELINE OF TRIALS, ACCUSATIONS AND STATEMENTS LESSON SEVEN :MARCH 24 - SANCTUARY MAUNDY THURSDAY; WE WILL RELIVE THE UPPER ROOM COMMUNION EXPERIENCE; PASTORAL STAFF WILL LEAD IN WORSHIP AS WE RECALL A VERY HEART RENDING EVENING. MARCH 27-EASTER SUNDAY; WORSHIP: SANCTUARY SONRISE AT THE SAUNDERS; FBCC STAFF PROVIDES THE SERVICE; UNITED METHODIST SERVES BREAKFAST. OUR MUSICIANS AND PASTOR WILL PRESENT IN MUSIC AND NARRATION ‘THE EASTER EXPERIENCE.’ WE WILL BE REMINDED THAT EASTER DEALS WITH DEATH, BUT, MORE IMPORTANTLY, EASTER OFFERS LIFE. LET’S LEAVE OUR EASTER WORSHIP EXPERIENCE MOTIVATED AND HAPPY WITH PLANS FOR THE MORROW. LESSON EIGHT: MARCH 30- CHOIR ROOM WE WILL REVIEW JESUS’ ENCOUNTERS WITH INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS AFTER HIS RESURRECTION A NEW DAY; JESUS’ ASCENSION Blessings, Pastor Shelley March Birthdays March March March March March March March March March March March 1 2 2 5 5 5 5 8 8 9 13 Hirman Webb Brenda Davis Carl Norgaard Gina Glover Bill Montren Ron Roberts Toni Blair Bobby King Becky Richardson Tabitha Defries Debra Talley March March March March March March March March March March March 14 14 15 20 20 22 23 24 25 31 31 Bill Parrott Hannah Edwardson Christina Goodwin Tommy Jenkins Hannah Lawler Clifton Preddy Coley Lyon Mike Zollo Stephanie Carnell Jimmy Fleming Randy Broughton From the Heart By: Betsie Forsythe I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on recent messages and Bible Study topics that have been offered to us as a faith family. I have felt God speaking to my heart about our church leaders and our congregation, and I have been thinking about where God is leading us. Last week, during Pastor Shelley’s sermon about the story of the Good Samaritan, I wrote down the attitudes that were depicted by people in this story. The robbers (what’s yours is mine), the Priest and the Levite (what’s mine is mine), and the Samaritan (what’s mine is yours). Then yesterday, during Pastor Nick’s sermon, I was struck by how simple and childlike the scriptures seem that have to do with love within our faith family: Love one another-John 13:14 Be at peace with one another-Mark 9:50 Be devoted to one another-Romans 12:10 Honor one another-Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another-Romans 13:8 Accept one another, then, just as Christ has accepted you-Romans 15:7. from Pastor Nick’s sermon. As we were preparing for worship yesterday morning, I could feel God’s Spirit speaking, drawing us closer to Him, and I thought once again about this journey we call life, and our need to be in constant communication with God, in an attitude of love towards one another, and in a state of expectancy, watching and waiting to see where God wants to take us. I would ask that we watch and wait together as we pray that our hearts will remain open to what God has for us, and that we will respond with great passion! Mary Curl Group Hot Dog Luncheon The Mary Curl Group is having a Hot Dog Luncheon on Sunday, March 6th in the Family Life Center after worship. They will serve baked beans, homemade slaw and chili, all other fixings, chips, and homemade desserts. Donations will be taken to support their mission projects. First Wednesday Night Meal The Mary Curl Group will be serving soup on Wednesday, March 2nd for our First Wednesday Night Meal. We look forward to you coming out and enjoy a good evening of fellowship. Donations will be taken to offset the cost of the meal. Easter Egg Hunt This year we will have our Easter Egg Hunt at the Saunders Farm on March 26th at 1 p.m. We will have Hot Dogs, chips, and drinks for Lunch, a short devotion, and an Easter Egg Hunt for both younger and older kids. I hope that you and your children will join us this year, and don’t forget to invite some friends. If you have any other questions, please see Nick Garner. FBC Academy News By: Amy Holder The annual Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success. We were able raise $1,170.00 towards new books for the Academy and After School Program. It was excited to see all the children’s happy faces as they are searching for that special book. We will continue to encourage reading at the Academy as we celebrate Dr. Seuss Week. During the first week of March, the children will participate in fun activities promoting Dr. Seuss classics, while the teachers get to play dress up and make learning fun for everyone. Books have the power to benefit children at a very young age. Reading is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your child with a foundation for academic excellence. Please join us for our Relay for Life Hot Dog Supper on Wednesday, March 16th at the Family Life Center. Plates will be served for dine-in or pick-up from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For just $5.00 you will get two hotdogs with all the trimmings, chips, and a drink. All the proceeds from this event will go towards Relay for Life in Granville County. Tickets will be available for purchase in the church office and at the door. Please join us in fellowship as we August 2012 help to find a cure for cancer. We are all looking forward to our special Easter presentation scheduled for Thursday, March 24th in the Sanctuary beginning at 10:30 a.m. The pastors and Academy staff have joined together and planned this wonderful time of fellowship for our children and their families. Before leaving for the Easter holiday we will all join together for an egg hunt and party in the classrooms. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” John 10:11 Mentor Program at Creedmoor Elementary We are reaching the final planning stages of the Mentor program. What we need is people who are willing to meet with children at Creedmoor Elementary School throughout the week, to build relationships with the kids, help with homework, and show them the love of Christ. If you are interested, we will need your name, phone number, and a time during the week that you would be available to go over to Creedmoor Elementary. You can bring this information to Nick Garner, David Richardson, or the Church Office. Backpack Buddies Thank you for everyone who has helped out with Backpack Buddies. We are now delivering 16 backpacks a week to Creedmoor Elementary, and both the teachers and the children receiving the backpacks are excited each week to receive them. Our biggest needs right now are for juice boxes, pop-top cans of ravioli, pudding cups, and fruit cups. If you are looking for a way to get involved, you can simply pick up a few of these items while shopping and bring them to the Church Office. Sunday School and Mission Opportunities By: Toni Anne Wheeler The month of March brings new life through the season of Spring and the message of Easter. Sunday School classes and mission groups are asked to use the opportunities offered this month to challenge each other to take part in as many services and events as you can starting with the First Family Meal on Wednesday, March 2 served by the Mary Curl Mission Group on through the Easter Sunday service. On Wednesday night, March 23 Sunday School classes should plan to sit together as we dine in the Family Life Center for our special night during this Holy Week. Invite your friends and members of your family to join in with the “sweet spirit” during these special times. Read more about this week throughout the newsletter. Two mission projects for everyone to join in during March are: Let’s br ing in 100 cans of green vegetables for our Food Closet by the last Sunday in March. You can do it. Sunday School classes collect the cans in your room- Who can collect the most? Youth or Adults or Children?? We will see who really reads this too. For the CCM collection this month to catch up: Bring toothpaste and toothbrushes (individually packaged) - put in container outside the Sunday School office. Take Note for April - coming on April 2, the NCBM Dental Bus will be at West Oxford Baptist Church. The Baptist Children’s Home of NC Food/Supply Roundup will be during the month of April. More detail on these projects will be coming closer to their times.