The Catholic Leader - still only $2. On sale at the doors. In this week’s issue: * Proposed Brisbane city council laws to fine homeless sleeping in parks described as “kicking people when they’re down” * Gold Coast priest takes virtual “walk” through new parish church * Improvements to marriage and seminary preparation major focus for synod on family * Carmelites worldwide celebrate the 500th anniversary since St Teresa of Avila’s birth * Newly professed Sister of the Immaculata makes Hobart history * Special features on Mission Sunday 2014 and Christmas Gift Guide * Former teacher and Presentation Sister Peggy Dolan reflects on her life on her 100th birthday * Talking point: Brisbane Catholic Steve Jorgensen on the path to realistic compassion PLUS: A regional focus on Rockhampton diocese. Catholic Archdiocese invites applications for a full time and part-time position of Housekeeper (Both positions offer some flexibility in day and hours in Inner Brisbane location) The successful applicants will have: Experience in domestic or commercial cleaning. Attention to detail and a high standard of cleanliness. Level of fitness as stairs and lifting involved. Energetic and adaptable as some days can be strenuous and unpredictable. Flexibility for days and hours of work. Ability to converse with all levels of people including foreign visitors. The ability to work hard and be able to work independently and unsupervised, yet be happy to follow directions and take instructions. An awareness of or willingness to learn safe work practices and manual handling techniques. Specific responsibilities include: all aspects of laundry, care of floors, cleaning of windows, both inside and out, thorough cleaning of bathrooms and toilets, daily dusting, polishing of silver and brass, dishwashing, setting up for meals, morning teas, assisting in the setting up and service of functions. To apply for these positions, please send a copy of your resume and a covering letter outlining your suitability for the position to Cindy Hayer, Archdiocesan Services, GPO Box 282, Brisbane QLD 4001 or email For more information contact Cindy Hayer on 3367 6332 or Applications close on Friday 31st October 2014 3rd Sunday of the month Cuppa after Mass today 18/19 October at the Cathedral following 6.00pm, 8.00am & 10.00am Masses. Parishioners, visitors, friends, new families are welcome. A gold coin donation supports the Always People projects. With the G20 being held on 3rd Sunday of November, there will be no Cuppa after Mass next month. “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God” This famous quotation -“Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God” has been one of the timeless quotes in human history because today it still speaks to our sensibility in our everyday affairs. On the other hand, it has been sometimes misrepresented and misused. In the gospel, the actions of the Pharisees and the Herodians, two different and opposing groups, teaming up to use the question about taxes to test Jesus in order to have something against him and have him killed, showed how uncomfortable and uneasy they were with the soul searching teachings of Jesus. Nevertheless, Jesus being aware of their mischief and evil intentions gave a disarming response - “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” This has been described by many scholars as an elusive response. However, Christ by that statement, made it implicitly clear that respect to Caesar, by extension civil authorities which is a moral duty, must not be at the detriment of our faith and the worship we give to God, who is revealed in the first reading as the Lord unrivalled by any other god. Again, as R.J. Rushdoony puts it, “He wanted to deliver them, in the Socratic manner, not a priori, but a posteriori. Not their logical or moral sense, but their historical situation and attitude would bring the truth to light. [Because Jesus knew that] something is to be seen, and deduced, from the denarius itself.” Jesus’ message is that life is a unity; it is not separated as a result of our religious and civil obligations. God willed it that we live our life in the world paying taxes, obeying secular laws and working for the betterment of the society, though with our eyes set on our commitment to the creator who owns everything (Psalm 24:1) including Caesar. In the world today and in different countries, there are laws that are oppressive to the plight of women, the refugees and the poor. Amidst such situation, we ought to live our life with the mindset of obedience to God and when laws are morally questionable to become instruments of God’s love and justice. Fr Leonard Uzuegbu TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 19 OCTOBER 2014 Most Rev Mark Coleridge BA DSS Archbishop of Brisbane Very Rev David Pascoe Dean Rev Anthony Ekpo Rev Leonard Uzuegbu Associate Pastors Sr Gabriel Williams OSU Sacramental Coordinator Br Patrick Tobin Sacristan Mr Bob Crapnell Mr Lloyd Eickenloff Assistant Sacristans Dr Ralph Morton Director of Music Mr James Goldrick Assistant Director of Music Ms Carmel Devery Office Co-ordinator Mr Terry Tolhurst Mrs Nicola Vincent Administrative Assistants Mr Vince Crisci; Mr Isaac Morton; Mr Patrick Yzelman; Mr John Cusack; Mr Peter Van Wienen Facilities & Maintenance We are pleased to announce that Fr Bob Harwood has been appointed as Coordinator of Priest Hospital Chaplains, as well as part-time Associate Pastor at the Cathedral of St Stephen and the parish of Kangaroo Point and East Brisbane. This appointment will take effect from 1 January 2015. The next Brisbane menALIVE in the City —Thursday 23 October 2014; 5.45-7.30pm Francis Rush Centre, (Mass in the Chapel at 5.10pm) topic: DON'T GET COMFORTABLE! Growth is an active thing. Saturday 25 October—Parishioners are invited to celebrate the Annual Rosary Procession in honour of Our Lady of Fatima. Rosary at 10:30am, Mass at 11:30am (which will be celebrated by the Archbishop and concelebrated by Father Greg Jordan and Father Michael Grace), and a Rosary Procession to "Villa Maria" which will be led by Father Michael. "Shine On” Kids Retreat Day—Saturday 25 October A day of fun for primary school aged kids with the Brisbane NET team hosted by Emmanuel Community’s eKids team. Prep to Gr 3: 9am-1pm; Gr 4 to Gr 7: 2pm-7pm. Emmaus Centre, cnr Herbert St & Central Ave, Paddington Cost: Free. $2 donation requested for Gr 4-7 group for dinner RSVP: Monday 20 October, ekids or telephone 3217 5199. COSSAG Annual Fair Trade Artisans Market Hands of the World will be held for four days only 31 October to 3 November 9am—5pm daily in the Hanly Room, FRC. Christmas shopping at its best. Discover unique gifts handcrafted by artisans from over 19 countries. Shop and support fair and safe work conditions, and no child labour. All Hallows Past Pupils Association extends an invitation to the ANNUAL MASS for deceased Past Pupils and staff to be held in the Chapel at 10.30am Saturday 1 November followed by morning tea in Loretto Hall, $15 per head. Registration & payment at the AHS website EVENTS. Further information: Lenore Thompson 3831 5632. “Add your voice” to the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry conversation and go in the draw to win a GoPro Hero3 White Young people (aged 13-30), as well as the wider Catholic Community, are invited to add your voice to the conversation around youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The Archdiocese has taken 2014 as a year for listening within the area of youth ministry. To have your say, please go to Questions regarding this survey, contact Teresa Delsorte at Evangelisation Brisbane on 3324 3446. G20 Weekend—Friday 14, Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 November 2014 Change to Mass Schedule at the Cathedral There will be major disruptions in the CBD during the weekend of the G20, which has necessitated changes to the regular Mass & Reconciliation schedule at the Cathedral. Friday 14 & Saturday 15—there will be NO Masses or Reconciliation Sunday 16— 8am & 10am Mass as scheduled. There will be NO 12 NOON or 7.30pm Mass St Patrick’s — Sunday Mass will be held as scheduled at 9am & 12 noon. Parishioners who do not live in the CBD are encouraged to attend Mass at their local parish that weekend. Flyers are available at the doors of the Cathedral and St Patrick’s. NB: 3rd Sunday of the month cuppa will NOT BE HELD after the Masses that weekend. CATHEDRAL LITURGIES THIS WEEK SATURDAY 6.00pm SUNDAY 8.00am, 10.00am, 12 midday, 7.30pm WEEKDAY MASS TIMES THIS WEEK MONDAY—FRIDAY 8.00am, 10.00am, 12.30pm, 5.10pm SATURDAY 11.30am MORNING PRAYER FRIDAY 8.30am in the Chapel EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT MONDAY—FRIDAY 10.30am—12.15pm BENEDICTION MONDAY—FRIDAY 12.15pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE MONDAY—FRIDAY SATURDAY 10.30-11.30am; 1.00-1.30pm; 4.30-5.00pm 10.00am-11.00am; 4.30pm-5.30pm ST PATRICK’S CHURCH, FORTITUDE VALLEY SUNDAY MASS 9.00am, 12noon ST JOSEPH’S, KANGAROO POINT SUNDAY MASS 8.30am ST BENEDICT’S, EAST BRISBANE SATURDAY 6.00pm MAY THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED REST IN PEACE: Marie HATHERELL, Anna HOFFMANN, Ailsa KAMLER, Ronnie ROSS-GILDER, Marjorie MURPHY, Anthony HOBAN, John MOORE, Fr Jim HYNES, Ross GIRGENTI, Allan MICHAEL, Ken RUSSELL, Michael CHUNG, Fr Bill MURPHY, Jack HOWELL, Greg FIGG, Virginia PACIS, Gabriel FERNANDAZ, Antony PINHEIRO, Gregorio LAXAMANA, Michael WALDUCK, Potenciano GARCIA, Abundia GARCIA, Myrna HASSLER, Isabel MAPULA, Ambrosio MAPULA, Alejandra MAPULA, Resinito DELA CRUZ Snr, Simplicio LIM, Honorato CARDEDO, Generosa CARCEDO, Anelka MINDLOVA, Fe ZELIER, Maria BENGIL, Remedios CARCEDO, Teofila DELA CRUZ, Jose DELA CRUZ, Francisca BERNALES, Almaquio BERNALES, Benito BUSCANO, Zosima BUSCANO, Florencio BUSCANO, Beverley McPHEE, Holy Souls, Robin HOUSTON, Jozef FRUNI, Hő Thi Phó, Ngô Lâm, James WHEATLEY (Snr), Ruby ROZELLS, Kevin FILAN, Terry DOREY. Deceased members of the LOFTUS family. For those of the AQUINAS, ST PAUL and PERPETUAL ADORATION Book. Readings First Second Gospel This Week Next Week Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 Matthew 22:15-21 Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Matthew 22:34-40 This weekend our Mass Presiders are: Cathedral 6.00pm Saturday 8.00am 10.00am 12.00 noon 7.30pm Fr Anthony Ekpo Fr Leonard Uzuegbu Fr Anthony Ekpo Fr David Pascoe Fr Leonard Uzuegbu St Patrick’s, Fortitude Valley St Benedict’s, East Brisbane St Joseph’s, Kangaroo Point 9.00am 12 noon 6.00pm Saturday 8.30am Sunday Fr David Pascoe Fr Michael Rego SM Fr Leonard Uzuegbu Fr Orm Rush COMMUNION HYMN For the Beauty of the Earth 1. For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies: 3. For your church, that ever more Lifts its holy hands above, Off’ring up on ev’ry shore Its pure sacrifice of love: (R) Lord of all, to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 4. For yourself, best Gift Divine! To this world so freely giv’n; Word Incarnate, God’s design, Peace on earth and joy in heav’n: 2. For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree and flow’r, Sun and moon, and stars of light: Communion Motet 10.00am My Shepherd is Lord Music for the Liturgy The 10.00am Mass will be led by the Cathedral Choir and 12noon by the Cathedral Schola PROCESSIONAL HYMN 1. Holy God we praise your name! Lord of all, we bow before you; All on earth your pow’r proclaim, All in heaven above adore you; Boundless is your vast domain, Everlasting is your reign. Sancte Deus Sancte Deus, Sancte Fortis, Sancte et Immortalis, miserere nobis. Nunc, Christe, te petimus, miserere, quaesumus. ui venisti redimere perditos, noli damnare redemptos: Quia per crucem tuam redemisti mundum. Amen. RECESSIONAL HYMN Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) All Creatures of Our God and King 3. O flowing waters, pure and clear, Make music for your Lord to hear. Alleluia! Alleluia! O fire so masterful and bright Providing us with warmth and light, O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 2. O rushing wind and breezes soft, O clouds that ride the winds aloft: Alleluia! Alleluia! O rising morn, in praise rejoice, O lights of evening, find a voice. O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 4. Let all things their creator bless, And worship God in humbleness, Alleluia! Alleluia! Oh praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, Three in One! O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! © Oxford University Press ORGAN VOLUNTARY Kyrie Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy and Immortal One, have mercy upon us. Now, O Christ, we ask thee, we beseech thee, have mercy. Thou who came to redeem the lost, do not condemn the redeemed: For by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world. Amen. 1. All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing; Alleluia! Alleluia! O burning sun with golden beam And silver moon with softer gleam: O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Toccata Dubois 2. Hear the loud celestial hymn Angel choirs above are raising; Cherubim and Seraphim In unceasing chorus praising, Fill the heav’ns with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord! 3. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name you; While in essence only One, Undivided God we claim you, And adoring bend the knee, While we own the mystery. Harrison Oxley (1933-2009) My Shepherd is Lord, I have all I need, giving me rest in green and pleasant fields, reviving my soul by finding fresh water, guiding my ways with a shepherd’s need. My shepherd is Lord, I have all I need. Though I should walk in death’s dark valley, I fear no evil with you by my side, your shepherd’s staff to comfort me. You spread my table in sight of my foes anoint my head, my cup runs over, you tend me with love always loyal. I dwell with the Lord as long as I live. 12 noon Holy God, We Praise Your Name Gloria A New Song 12 noon James MacMillan (b.1959) O sing unto the Lord, unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the whole earth. Sing unto the Lord and praise His Name, be telling of His salvation from day to day. Oh sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the whole earthy. For He cometh, for He cometh to judge the earth, and with righteousness to judge the world and the people with His truth. O sing unto the Lord, unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the whole earth. Sanctus Responsorial Psalm Memorial Acclamation Music © Ernest Rayson SSS WOL Licence 361 Gospel Acclamation Amen Agnus Dei Offertory Motet 10.00am Laudate Dominum Laudate Dominum omnes gentes Laudate eum, omnes populi Quoniam confirmata est Super nos misericordia eius, Et veritas Domini manet in aeternum. Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper. Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) Sing praise to God above all ye nations, praise Him ye people, all ye souls on earth, For He hath shown His kindness toward us, His love and merciful kindness and the truth of God lasteth for ever lasteth forever for all eternity. Praise to the Father and Son also, and the Holy Spirit, as it was then and will ever be, both now and always through the centuries everlasting. Amen