Trinity Tidings


Trinity Tidings
Trinity Tidings
Sunday, Sept., 7, 2014
We will have an 8 am and
10 am blended service.
After the 10 am service we
will be heading to the
Myrtle Beach State Park
for fun, food, and
fellowship! Our shelter is
#2, directly across from the
boardwalk to the beach! It
has lots of picnic tables and
a shaded lawn behind it,
close to the restrooms, and
has a playground. How
awesome is that!!
Hamburgers, hotdogs,
buns, ketchup, mustard,
and mayo, along with paper
goods will be provided.
We are asking that if your
last name begins with A-G
please bring a beverage to
share, H-N please bring a
side dish, salad, or chips
to share, O-Z please bring
a dessert to share.
Cost to enter the park will
be $5 per adult, $3 per
child ages 6-15, free for
ages 6 and under, $3.25 per
person 65 and older. You
pay at the park upon
entering. Please sign up at
the entrance to Gravely
Individual Highlights
Birthdays & Anniversaries 3
HER Ministry
Pastor for Member Care 5
Family Ministry
From the Associate Rector 6
Music Notes
HER Ministry
“Trinity Church exists to share the
Gospel and make Christ-Centered
September/October 2014
Volume 15, Issue 5
Don’t you want a break?
“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my
yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will
find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew
11:28-30 ESV)
Many of us have met Jesus and have tasted something of this rest, and yet our lives
look more like those whom Jesus saw as “harassed and helpless.” We’re tired.
We’re overwhelmed. And we never know how we’re going to get everything done.
We think that what we need is to take off our yoke, but what we need instead is to
stop serving our jobs, our reputations, our bank accounts, even our families,
churches, and communities and start serving Jesus. Will this require some effort on
our part? Yes. But as Dallas Willard has said, “Grace is opposed to earning, not
effort.” Or to put it another way, we strive for what we love.
I know how busy the fall can be with children going back to school, football, soccer,
and everything else. I do not want church to be one more thing to add to your
schedule. However, Jesus has promised that if we take His yoke and learn from Him,
we’ll find rest for our souls. I want to propose several ways you can take His yoke
on this fall.
1. Come to church on Sunday Morning. Every Sunday. A consistent and
reliable study done by the Gallup Research Center has shown that while 40% of
Americans say they attend church each Sunday, only about 20% of Americans are
actually in church on any given Sunday. The reason for this discrepancy is simple.
We come to church when we feel like we can and we excuse ourselves when we have
something else that is more important to us. I think we would be surprised at how
much more consistent our spiritual lives were if we regularly attended to the
preaching of God’s word. I would encourage you even when you travel on the
weekends to find a church where the Gospel is preached and attend it during your
travels even if you are away to attend something as pagan as a USC football game.
2. Come to church on Sunday night. I have long heard it said, but seldom
seen it practiced, that there is no such thing as a lone ranger Christian. We need one
another. This fall, we are going to be gathering together as a church family on
Sunday nights to grow in our relationships with one another. This is a way that we
can come together and sit at Jesus’ feet to learn from Him.
3. Come to church on Wednesday night. Donnie McDaniel has put together a
really wonderful offering for us to look at our church connections beyond our local
community with his series “Celebrating Anglicanism.” His intention here is not only
to expose us to what Anglicanism is, but to see how we can live into what God is
doing in Anglicanism in the 21st Century. Anglicanism is the 3rd largest body in
Christiandom and in many places is advancing the Kingdom of God in mighty ways.
What a thrill to be a part of something bigger than ourselves!
I know this seems like one more thing to add to your schedule. However, I have
never met anyone who regrets one second they have invested in their relationship
with Christ. I look forward to seeing you all this year.
In Him, Iain
Sunday Morning
Beginning on Sept. 14, 2014
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist, Rite I,
Nursery Available (ages 3 &
Contemporary Worship,
Rite II
Children’s Worship
Discipleship classes and
Traditional Worship, Rite II
Children’s Worship
Vestry Nominees
and Nominees for
Are you called to lead?
Do you know someone
who is? Nominations to
the Vestry, the lay
governing body of
our church, and for
delegates to our Diocesan
Convention will be open
until Oct. 27th. Vestry
members are expected to
be active members who
are growing in their
relationship with Christ.
Nominations must be
submitted to Sandra at the
church office no later
than Oct 27th at 3:00
p.m. Please pray about
whether you are called to
one of these places of
Parishioners for whom prayers are requested
Genevieve Bestermann, Connie Bleaken, Ellen Bost, Martha Brown, Harry Charles, Dionisio family,
Pedgy Ficken, Karen Geary, Josie Gimino, Edward Gonzalez, Kay Hall, Stuart Henderson, Frankie
Herring, Chuck Hovermale, Emily Hubbard, Milan Johnson, Harold Kaiser, Ryan Kee, Dyane & Fred
Kellogg, Art Koch, Anna Lewis, Tamara Mack, Cathy Maffett, Mary Marks, Bobbie Mattiske, Eric
Meace, Wickie Moore, Preston Payne, Dana Polatschek, Dolores Pringle, Jack Reed, Helen
Ridgeway, Grace Rouse, Catherine Sims, Veanna Talbot, Alan Von Schoppe, Martha Weaver, Nancy
Welch, Ellen Wheeler, Letty Wilder.
Others for whom your prayers are requested:
Debbie Baker (Linda Lawlor’s sister), Lee Bessemer (Bobbie Sands’ friend), Tom Blanton (Sally
Anne Kaiser’s friend), Fred Caldwell (Beth Slack's friend), Shane Carmadella (Nancy & Joe Jarrett’s
niece’s husband), SueAnn Carter (Dick Foltz’s mother), Chisolm (Suzanne Tata’s nephew), Mary
Coleby (Greg Todd’s friend), Kelli Corfield (Sandy Benson’s daughter), Julie Lynne Scherer
Creamer (Richard Scherer’s daughter), Charles Disorbo (Connie Lawson’s nephew), Helen Ellison
(Lane Smith's aunt), Mary Farmer (Ed Farmer's mother), Dan & Pam Fitzgerald (Dave & Barb
Hilgeman’s friends), Sophia Rose Foster (Irene Moody’s Gt. Granddaughter), Pam Fowler (Brenda
Singletary's friend), Becky Gallagher (Beth Slack’s friend), Liam Gilroy (Mark Basile’s brother),
Caron Gladfelter (Sheila Myers’ sister), Ed Glover (Evelyn Brown's dad), Jenny Grant (Teah Grant’s
mother-in-law), Ryan Grimm (John & Terri Rhodes' friend), Lilli Hachmer (Susan Shank’s daughterin-law), Robert Hamby (Everett & Linda Butler's son-in-law), Jean Heselbarth (Chris Copeland’s
mother), Todd Clayton Holmes (Caroline Holmes' son), Ellen Justice (M.J. Aguirre’s mother), Kyler
Kahn (Kay Hall’s grandson), James & Emily King (Lydia Akel’s parents), Catherine Kresken (Nancy
Jarrett's friend), Elva Lamm (Sue Ellen Katancik’s mom), Laurel Lobianco (Julia Slack's mom),
Anthony Lopomo (Dave & Barb Hilgeman’s friend’s son), Tom Love (Susan Shank’s brother-inlaw), Francisco Lozada-Reboredo (Susan Lozada-Hernan), Mildred Lux (Joseph Decker’s son),
Janice Martin, Brian McMullen (Janet Haigh’s cousin), Paulie Mengel (Bob Benson’s sister), Chris
Moore (Dolorene Arruda's friend), Sue Neal (Chris Copeland's friend), Marie Niculcea (Art & Peggy
Koch's daughter), Price Oulla (Emily Hubbard’s first cousin), Betty Patterson (Claudia Farmer's
mother), Bob Patterson (Claudia Farmer's dad), Norma & Tom Pegram (Kay Hall's friends), Bill
Rapoport (Susan Shank’s friend), Nicholas Romita (Spencer & MaryAnn Birt’s grandson), Hugh
Rose (Sara Hope Smith’s great newphew), Dan Settle (Sandra Mercavich’s friend), Chris Shanks
(Cindy Lilly's brother), Sally Shelburne (Tom Shelburne's mother), Sharon Sides (Donna Welsh’s
friend), Ashley Patterson Silverman (Claudia Farmer’s sister-in-law), “Skip” Slack (Beth Slack’s
son), Wendy Spagnoli (Nancy Jarrett’s sister), Allan Stalvey (Sarah Hope Smith’s brother), Mary
Ann Stalvey (friend of Sarah Hope Smith), Howard Stapley, IV (Howard & Betty Stapley’s son),
Cassi Stewart (Brandy Dingley’s sisiter), Charles Strobino, Gary Stumpo (Tami Brooks’ godmother),
Gloria Surdi, Michelle Thompkins (Nancy & Joe Jarrett’s friend), Pam Verble (Claudia Farmer’s
friend), Isabelle Waldron (Susan Shanks’ friend), York Place.
Parish Offices Closed
The Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, September 1st for Labor
New Members/Adult Confirmation Classes
Classes will be from 12:30 pm-2:00 pm on the following Sundays in
2014: September 14, 21, and 28. A sandwich lunch will be provided.
You are welcome to attend this class if you have been coming to Trinity for
years or for only one Sunday.
Mobile Meals
Trinity's next time to serve is Mon., September 15th-Fri., September 19th.
Please contact Caroline McKee at 449-3629 or Lou Smith at 692-8066 if you can
Helping Hand Month is October for Trinity Church
Only non-perishable items please. Call David Gravely at 449-3149 to find
out more about this important ministry.
September Birthdays
Eric Meace
Lauren Akel
Gregory Delco
Betty Anne Mills
Wilson Wicker
Carter Smith
Josiah Boyd
Tony DeFelice
Tom Drumwright
Mark Basile
Jim Merritt
Tom Lorenz
Georgia Ann Monckton
Hayden Dargan Shilling
Spencer Birt
Beulah Butler
Parker Wisler
Joshua Basile
Matt Cullum
Al Wiggin
Genevieve Bestermann
John Palmer Graham
Danny MacDonald
John Dalness
Harold Moody
Helena Lloyd
Jacob Rice
Natalie Ciavarella
JoAnn Lloyd
Sydney Ventura
Linda Dehmer
Ben Akel
Joe Akel
Colin Burch
Vance DeFelice
Vicki McCutcheon
Ashley Sosis
Anna Gray Pruett
Hayley Rawcliffe
Fred Rivenburgh
Will Gravely
Nancy Jarrett
Sally Cunningham-Kee
Sally Gonzalez
Lesli Shelburne
September Anniversaries
Colin & Kristi Burch
Garnett & Gail Ramsbottom
Sami and Brandi Al-Taher
Gerald & Karen Jackson
Fred & Lydia Akel
Ron & Suzanne Tata
Tim & Trish Taylor
Everett & Linda Butler
Eugene & Beulah Butler
Francisco & Amanda Lozada- Hernandez
October Birthdays
Barbara Hilgeman
Max Wisler
Fred Akel
Robert Lee
Barbara McIntyre
Joyce Singleton
Joseph Akel
H.T. Rice
Weldon Smith
Juliann Talbot
Becky Ventura
Connie Bleaken
Roury Perry
Frank Sloan
Jamie Colway
Ray Foltz
Sarah LaBruce
Gabrielle Moore
Thomas Sloan
Beth Fryar
Iain Boyd
Gerald Jackson
Sandra Lucas-Hyde
Ginny Merritt
Taylor Payne
Nancy Welch
Helen Forehand
Mary Marks
Gary Pringle
Patricia Drumwright
Martha Weaver
Ann Monckton
Garnett Ramsbottom, III
Linda Shade
Wilfred Brown
Robin Akel
Joy Graham
Samuel Smith
Kelly White
Matt Branstrom
Jim Grayson
Stacey Wisler
Trip Spann
Dick Gehrman
Carter Kelley
Marcia Martin
Rodney Meade
Jason Shroff
Logan Heirholzer
Eric Estes
Pedgy Ficken
Anna Grace Jordan
Minerva Deegan
Erick Ficken
Austin Wakefield
Tyler Wakefield
October Anniversaries
Vance & Julie DeFelice
Arthur & Heather Dionisio
Scot & Stacey Wisler
Carter & Weldon Smith
Tom & Patricia Drumwright
Charles & Sandra Mercavich
David & Cynthia Lilly
Mark & Mandy Basile
Mackey & Joyce Singleton
Robert & Nancy Welch
H.T. & Lee Ann Rice
Wilfred and Shirley Brown
Mark Your Calendar
The September CONNECT meeting will pose the question . . . . What would you do if God called you
to completely entrust your son or daughter to Him? God used Isaac to test Abraham's faith in Genesis
22. How will you respond if He pushes your faith to the brink of falling apart? Please come and hear
Carol Kent speak. Her life changed forever when her twenty-five year old son, a graduate of the U.S.
Naval Academy and a lieutenant in the navy with an impeccable military record, shot and killed his
wife's ex-husband. Carol tells her heartbreaking story and opens her heart to share priceless lessons on
choosing hope (JOY) over despair.
OCTOBER – 2014
At the October CONNECT meeting we will bring back two of your favorite speakers, Nicole Johnson
and Anita Renfroe. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Nicole will perform a drama
called “Stepping Into The Ring”, the story of a woman’s desperate fight with breast cancer and her
deeper enemy – despair. Anita will then lighten our spirit as only she can do with her comedy - talking about mammograms and a salute to underwire.
“Bring your lunch”. WEAR A PINK SHIRT and join the fun! We will have multiple door prizes and
educational material on hand from the American Cancer Society, concerning breast cancer
prevention and what we as woman can do to protect ourselves. Please, do not miss this meeting! The
life you save may be your own.
Childcare is available for our meeting, for planning purposes we do appreciate you signing up at the
front desk. Check us out on Trinity’s website at TRINITYMYRTLEBEACH.ORG/HER
“What does love require of me?”
Not only have women been discussing “JOY” (our one-word theme for this year) at the HER CONNECT
meetings and what The Bible teaches us about joy. In addition, we’re discussing how loving God and
loving your neighbor (Mark 12: 30-31) is the filter through which we should ask ourselves “What does
love require of me?” before responding to any given situation. To help as a reminder to think of this
“way to live” BEFORE any response (spoken/written/etc.) and to raise money for the HER Ministry, we
are selling wristbands ($2.00 each) with “What does love require of me?” imprinted on them. Get your
reminder wristband by attending a CONNECT Meeting or contacting a member of the HER Ministry
leadership team!
Sympathy is expressed to...
Fran Reid and family on the death of her husband, Rev. Manney Carrington Reid (Rector Emeritus-Trinity Church),
who died on Thursday, July 17, 2014. A memorial service will be held for Manney on September 13 at 11am
at the Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church in Pawley’s Island, SC.
Irene Lichy on the death of her husband, Dr. Charles (Chuck) T. Lichy who died on Monday, July 21, 2014.
Chuck served as an 8am usher here for many years.
Dave & Barbara Hilgeman, and family on the death of his sister-in-law, Ann Hilgeman, who died on Saturday,
August 2, 2014.
Sami Al-Taher and family, on the death of his mother, Doris Ann Al-Taher, who died on Sunday, August 3,
From the Pastor for Member Care
E100 Bible Study
See the card with the reasons why you should come. It is on the
table in the main hallway of the church. Also, pick up the E100
Challenge Guide at the Office M-F, 9-5 and read the first 5
readings, In the Beginning for September 16. The cost of the book is
$12. The class session is for 10 weeks on Tuesdays from noon-1pm in
the Parlor.
Grief Support Group
If you are wondering whether you should come, pick up the
Christian Grief Support Group brochure on the table in the hall
outside the worship space. Please give the brochure to family or
friends who might need a Christian Support Group.
Then purchase your 4 booklets for $10 at the office M-F, 9:00-5:00.
Read the first booklet for the first class which will begin on Tuesday,
October 7 from 7-8pm.
Wednesday @ Trinity
Will begin on Sept. 10th. Dinner begins at 5:30, Adults $5.00,
Children (under age 10) $1.00, Max family $10, then at 6pm we
have Nursery for Infants-Preschool, Children’s & Youth
Programs, and Teaching and then breakout small groups. For the
first ten weeks we will be teaching Celebrating Anglicanism.
Sunday Nite at Trinity
Are you looking for a way to connect with the families of your
children’s friends at Trinity? Then, we have a great opportunity
for you beginning September 14. Each week we will gather for a
common meal ($10 per family) in Gravely Hall at 5:00pm. Youth
group will be offered for students in grades 6-12. We will also
offer childcare so that parents with young families can come out
and get to know each other better.
While the youth and kids are busy, the adults will have classes
led by our pastors that will be interactive and provide plenty of
opportunity for you to be involved. This will be a great
opportunity for all of us to connect in a smaller setting that will
allow us to connect on a deeper level. Please consider coming out
and supporting this ministry. We will meet weekly on Sunday
nights from 5:00 to 7:00 during the standard school semester.
Bible Study
Fellowship is
Trinity will be a host site
for a new satellite Bible
Study Fellowship (BSF)
evening class for women
beginning this fall. This
study is open to the
community and we
encourage you to invite
interested friends and
neighbors. The first class,
as well as a
Class, will
begin Thursday,
September 11,
6:30PM and will be about
the life of Moses.
Please contact Susan
Payne if you would like
more information:
New at the Bookstall!
Come see our new gift
items for Fall. Beautiful,
Fair Trade jewelry and
accessories from Also
arriving, new Servant's
Heart gifts for Christmas,
including special South
Carolina Christmas gifts
in both Garnet and Black
and Orange and Purple.
Check out our Women's
Bean Project soup, dips
and baking mixes ALL
Half Off. Keep an eye
out for a new Bookstall
feature the "Staff
Recommends" shelf.
Coming Soon!
Family Ministry-Ministry to Children, Youth and Their Parents
KidZone Children’s Ministry
Children’s worship will continue through the summer at the 9am service and in August at the combined
10am service. We are looking for at least 2 adult volunteers each week to help with the ministry. Please
sign up on the sheet at the Family Ministry Table by Gravely Hall.
Family Ministry Team
There is still time to be part of the team if you are interested. We currently have a core group that came
out of our Generation to Generation weekend event, however we are open to having additional
members join as they feel led. We began meeting on June 11 and will continue every three weeks
through September 3, at which time we will decide about future meetings.
Our meetings will have three elements to them. First and foremost, we will spend time in prayer; prayer for
the church, the families and the ministry. Second, we will talk about the content of the information that is
the focus for that meeting (that will be read in advance). Thirdly, we will have a time of talking about
ideas, additional materials we can share on the topic, and as time progresses we will begin to discern
how Family Ministry at Trinity will serve the families and the church. Unlike a committee that is created to
make decisions, this team will be an ongoing group (with members changing as availability or desire to
participate changes) who will support the staff of Family Ministry in discerning programs and events.
There is a pre-requisite to join the team and that is to listen to the talks from the Gen to Gen event. We
have created a link on our website that will let you hear Iain’s talks and then respond to a few questions
at the end of each talk to get some input from you. After you have completed the three talks and the
questions you are welcome to join the team and begin the journey with others who are eager to pray,
learn and discern family ministry.
Family Ministry Questions?? Contact Melissa Ciavarella, Family Ministry Director at or 843-448-8426, or cell 703-507-3042.
From the Associate Rector
Opportunities Abound
Fall is a season of change and new beginnings. School is back in full swing, high school and college
football are back in our lives, and we often get new assignments and projects at work. Everywhere we look, we
have opportunities to get involved in new activities. Church is no exception to time of expanded opportunities, and
I want you to pray about where you may be able to plug into something new or different here at Trinity this fall.
In particular, I want you to be aware of the many discipleship opportunities that we offer here at Trinity.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:11-12 that, “God gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and
teachers to equip the saints for ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” It is the goal of the pastoral staff here
to quip you to serve the body of Christ. God has called us all to be a kingdom of priests before the Lord. The
discipleship programs that we offer here are great opportunities for you to grow both in your knowledge of God
and your love and affection of one another.
For the ladies in our congregation, I point you to our Her Connect portal on our revamped website. There
you can find all the information that you could need about the many wonderful bible studies and other activities
that we offer each week. Men, we have many opportunities for you as well. We offer two early morning men’s
Bible studies that will get you to work in plenty of time. Our pastor, Iain Boyd leads the Wednesday morning Bible
study at church. They meet at 7:00am, and I lead the Thursday morning men’s Bible study; we meet at 7:30am at
Croissants restaurant on the corner of 38th and Grissom. Please come out and join us at one of these studies.
We also offer many activities for youth and children ranging from choirs to Bible studies. I do hope that
you will prayerfully consider how you can get involved, and if you have any questions, then please call or email
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Donnie
Trinity Learn & Play Preschool
Trinity Preschool, Learn & Play Registration for the 2014/15 school year is open. We have expanded the
program to 5 days a week for 3's and 4's, and remain at 3 days a week for the 2's. For more
information, please pick up a brochure at the Learn & Play board by the back doors or contact Becky
Ventura at
MOPS is moving: The leaders of the steering committee for MOPs have decided
to merge into one MOPS group that will meet at the First Baptist Church. For more
information, please contact either of the two group coordinators - Betsey Costner,
843.685.3235 or or Stephanie Tahtinen, 843.267.2820 or
Music Notes…
St. Augustine Adult Choir
Ages: Grades 9 and up.
Weekly Rehearsals held on Wednesdays, 7-9pm in the choir room.
First Rehearsal: Wednesday, August 20th but new members are always welcome!
Canterbury Bells Handbell Choir
Ages: Grades 7 and up.
Weekly Rehearsals held on Tuesdays, 4-5pm in the choir loft.
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, August 26th
Music Reading Classes
Ages: Grades 7 and up.
Beginner Class: Sundays from 12:30-1:30 (after the 11am Service) in the choir room
First Class: Sunday, September 14th (Bring $6 to order a book)
Intermediate/Advanced Class: Wednesdays, 6:00-6:45pm
First Class: Wednesday, August 27th (Bring $6 to purchase a book)
St. Cecilia Children’s Choir
Ages: 2nd-5th Grade
Weekly rehearsals: Wednesday, 4:15-5:15 in the choir room. (Note time change)
First Rehearsal: Wednesday, August 27th
St. Gregory Youth Choir
Ages: 6th-8th Grade
Weekly rehearsals: Wednesday, 4:15-5:15 in the choir room.
First Rehearsal: Wednesday, August 27th
Cherub Choir
Ages: Kindergarten and 1st Grade!
Weekly rehearsals: Thursdays, 4:00-4:30 in the choir room.
First Rehearsal: Thursday, September 11th
Pre-School Music Classes
All Trinity Church Families Welcome
Ages: Weekly Classes held on Wednesday mornings in the choir room
First Classes: Wednesday, September 3rd
Age 2 10:30-10:50, Age 3 11:00-11:20, Age 4 11:20-11:50
Trinity Church
3000 N. Kings Hwy
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Permit # 91
Myrtle Beach, SC
Saturday, October 4th,
4pm Choral Evensong
“Stanford, Howells and Vaughan
Williams” with St. Augustine
(Adult) Choir and members of
other area adult choirs featuring
the music of C. V. Stanford,
Herbert Howells and Ralph
Vaughan Williams. Led by
visiting Choral Clinician, Dr.
Matthew Hoch.
You will be able to attend both of these
events if you desire, just please make sure
you RSVP by September 26th for the Mystery
Dinner and have purchased your tickets by
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
Phone (843) 448.8426
Fax (843) 946.9637
Save –The –Date
Saturday October 4th
Trinity is planning a fun-filled evening of
Mystery Dinners for the parish on Saturday
October 4th , starting at 5:30 pm, which will
benefit Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach, The
Community Kitchen and Campus Outreach
Ministries. Look for your invitation
in early September.
Thank you,
Donna and Rod Sanders-Nancy and Don
Kobs-Sara and Tom Webb- Jim and Jane
Simpson-Amy Shroff