THAMES VALLEY CRICKET LEAGUE Annual General Meeting Agenda Est. 1972


THAMES VALLEY CRICKET LEAGUE Annual General Meeting Agenda Est. 1972
Est. 1972
Annual General Meeting Agenda
Thursday, 20th November, 2014, 7:45pm
Venue: Slough C.C.
Apologies for Absence
Minutes of the 2013 AGM
Matters Arising from the 2013 Minutes
Chairman’s Address
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report /Finance
Electronic Reporting
Overview of proposed electronic reporting strategy
Review of Online Umpire Performance Report
Introduction to new Online Match Result Report (including overview of
procedural changes) which the management committee proposes to introduce
in 2015
Introduction to new Online Team Report which the management committee
proposes to introduce in 2015
Rules & Match Conditions
Proposals for Changes to the Constitution and Supplementary Documents
Election of Officers
Fixture Secretary
Other management committee members
Honorary Independent Examiner for 2014/15
Any Other Business
Clubs are reminded that failure to send a representative to the AGM will result in a fine of
£50 being levied against them. (Please refer to Constitution Rule 6d (iii) – Representation &
Voting at General Meetings. Applicable to Full and Associate Member Clubs.)
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Hon. Secretary’s Report
The 2014 season was my first as league secretary. I was extremely fortunate to have Raj
Patel as my chairman and to be able to draw on his experience of doing my role
whenever required. I would like to thank him and also the rest of the management
committee and all the sub-committees for their help and support during the year.
Like several seasons in recent years, 2014 was dominated by the weather. It was not as
bad as it was in 2012 but, in the early part of the summer at least, every time it rained it
seemed to be on a Saturday! The rain when it came also tended to be very localised and,
as a result, some teams lost more matches than others. This may have skewed some of
the league tables, to some degree, but the vagaries of the weather have always been
part and parcel of the game!
The Division 1 championship was hard fought all season and, with a handful of weeks to
go, it was a four horse race between Datchet, Eversley, Wokingham and Kew, with the
latter in the end deservedly prevailing. Our other divisional champions were Cookham
Dean (2A), Stoke Green (2B), Hurst (3A), Old Merchant Taylors’ (3B), Amersham II (4A),
Cove II (4B), Stoke Green II (5A), NPL Teddington (5B), Hillingdon Manor II (6A),
Bagshot II (6B), Chiswick & Latymer III (7A), Henley IV (7B), Yateley III (8A), Eastcote IV
(8B), Stoke Green III (9A) and Amersham IV (9B). Stoke Green clearly had a great
season with all three of their teams winning their respective divisions, and two of
Amersham’s teams did likewise. Congratulations to all these winners, and to the other
teams who also gained promotion, and bad luck to those who got relegated – there is
always next year! There were several notable individual performances during the season,
and full details of these can be found elsewhere, but I should mention Scott Morton, who
took all ten wickets for Wargrave III against Amersham IV on 7th June in Division 9B.
There was considerable turmoil in the HCPCL structure last winter, with the Hertfordshire
clubs leaving, the HCPCL reorganising into just two divisions and three TVCL teams
being promoted to make up a second division of ten teams. This year was also eventful,
with our champions, Kew, not being accepted for promotion by the HCPCL. Datchet, our
runners up, were accepted in their place, so they go up with Chesham and Falkland
coming back down to the TVCL. As a result of two TVCL clubs coming down from the
HCPCL an extra team was relegated from each of the levels in the TVCL.
Most of our divisions last season were extremely close fought, which reflects well on the
new structure that was first introduced fourteen years ago and which allows lower club
XIs to move up and down the structure independently from higher XIs in the same club.
However, it is becoming increasingly noticeable that some clubs are disrespecting the
integrity of our competition by strengthening lower XIs if a higher XI has nothing to play
for in the last couple of matches at end of the season. I therefore take this opportunity to
ask all our member clubs to respect the spirit as well as the letter of our player eligibility
match rules – otherwise I think that the latter will, regrettably, need to be tightened.
We are planning a club survey following the AGM to get your opinions on a wide range of
topics, including: following the HCPL format and, if so, at what levels; the length of
matches in the lower levels; limitations on overs per bowler per innings; the 25/20 split for
winning matches and the double batting points rule; and player umpires in the lower
levels. Based on the results of this survey, if we feel that there is a strong desire for
change in a particular area, we will either set up a working party (for complicated
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changes with a view to implementation in 2016) or put some proposals to an EGM in the
New Year (for simple changes that could be implemented in time for the 2015 season).
One concern for me during the year was the poor response I got from a small minority of
club secretaries, who did not read emails promptly and failed to pass on information to
their clubs. This at times made my job harder than it should have been. For instance,
barely half our member clubs bothered to vote in the pre-season EGM, which was very
disappointing. I hope that all our member clubs will engage actively with the forthcoming
We introduced the first of our electronic reporting initiatives in 2014 – the online umpire
performance report. This has been well received and next season we will be introducing
three more new electronic forms - for the result sheet, the team sheet and the panel
umpires’ report. The benefits to both the league and our member clubs of automating
these reports will be significant. We do not, of course, have an unlimited IT budget, and
the forms have been designed and developed by volunteers. John Bushby has done the
development work and the TVCL is greatly indebted to him for all his hard work. The new
result and team sheet forms will require changes in the process of reporting results, but
this is too big a subject to cover here in detail. There will be a captains’ meeting in the
spring to discuss the new processes, how the data will be used and what is expected of
the person filing the relevant report.
One of the most obvious benefits of the new result sheet will be that we should then be
able to automate most, if not all, of the results process, and evolve it from a data entry to
a checking process. At the moment our four results secretaries spend an hour or so
every Saturday evening manually entering the results and updating the league tables, a
thankless but absolutely crucial job in the smooth running of our league. It goes without
saying that we are hugely indebted to the efforts of John Goodman, Paul Dean, Vic
Devers and Stuart Hill. Hopefully, we will soon be able to make their jobs a little bit
The Discipline and Complaints Sub-committee was again kept busy during the 2014
season with 25 cases to deal with. Some of these were minor matters but the number is
nonetheless higher than we would like and player behaviour remains a concern. One
growing area of concern in the lower levels is the problems caused by player umpires
who seemingly do not understand the laws of cricket. We are looking into what can be
done to improve matters in this area and have some ideas which we will put to the clubs
in due course.
We played three Representative XI fixtures in the 2014 season against Hillingdon Manor,
Harefield and Windsor; a fourth match against Chesham unfortunately fell victim to the
weather. These matches were all very enjoyable social occasions and if any of our
member clubs would like to host the Rep XI in 2015 then do please let me know. We
have one fixture already pencilled in against Hurst in June. I personally would like to
develop the idea a little bit next season; these matches tend to be focussed on players in
the higher divisions and I think it would be really nice to have a match for players in the
lower divisions as well. Again, if anyone has any ideas on this one then do please get in
Finally, and sadly, three stalwarts of the TVCL left the crease during 2014: Graham Varty
of Datchet C.C.; Dick Skellington, one of our panel umpires; and Jeremy Suter,
Beaconsfield’s wicketkeeper/batsman, at the tragically young age of just 23! They will all
be sadly missed.
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Hon. Treasurer’s Report
N.b. these accounts are unaudited
Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 30th September 2014
Cricket balls 2014
Fines & Penalties 2014
Unaccounted fines 2013
Respect your league
Dinner 2013
Misc income
Interest received
Total Income
Cricket Balls 2013
Representative matches
Dinner 2013
Trophies & engraving 2013
Results & League table Service
Hire of facilities
TAX & bank charges
Officer & Committee
Misc. Expenditure
Respect your league
Total Expenditure
Surplus (Deficit) of Income
over Expenditure
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Fixed assets
Current assets
Sundry Debtors & Prepayments
Bank current Account
Bank Business Account
Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
Represented by
Balance 30/09/2013
Add:- Surplus (deficit) for year
Est. 1972
Rule Changes Proposed by the Management Committee
Dear all,
Previously we circulated some needed updates particularly to the Format of the League and
Player Eligibility rules prior to the beginning of the season. Now we are proposing to
conclude this review with a bumper set of updates to Constitution, Match Rules and D&C
chapters. The driving purpose is to bring consistency to terminology used and to consolidate
the information in an order which will hopefully assist when needing to reference specific rule
situations in future.
As this was my first season on the Management Committee, it has been a learning curve and
I have benefited greatly from listening to the knowledge of its dedicated participants, in
particular my thanks to Matthew for all the emails. I have also been very willing to take on
feedback from clubs and umpires about their experiences and issues throughout the season
as to any lack of clarity to the current rules. In this light, particularly you shall find enhanced
definitions and explanations throughout, for example the treatment of Cancelled Matches
(being expanded to both Forfeit or Washout) which hopefully will assist with a more efficient
understanding and operation in 2015.
Proposals Part D - whilst we did not specifically receive any formal proposals from clubs, we
were made aware of multiple comments through the season as to adopting a HCPCL style
competition or the perceived inequality surrounding the benefits of winning the toss vs. points
system. A common theme was use of the old ball in the 2nd innings. This last item we are
now putting to the Clubs for your own consideration and decision.
With regards to points systems and playing format, at this time there are too many options for
this to be put to this AGM in a straight “Yes/No” proposal without watering down opinions &
therefore we shall instead be hosting a forum/discussion specifically to discuss these topics
& understand the best direction of travel for all our Clubs across all Divisions. By this time we
should have received the results from the 2014 ECB player survey which will highlight the
views of our players across the game. Consensus can then lead to clear proposals for
change (or not) being published. I believe it is worth taking this time to separately review this
topic collectively in detail after the AGM.
Additionally the D&C chapter is being proposed to be replaced with a new version as
adopted by ECB Premier Leagues and therefore being part of the HCPCL pyramid it seems
appropriate to adopt the majority of the same processes especially where we have clubs
across both competitions.
As a final explanation, in Parts A & B of the Proposals – I have included the Clause
References of both the 2014 Handbook & of the “Proposed Documents”, hopefully this is
clear. The Proposed Match Rules & Proposed Constitution documents attached would
become the final versions should all related proposals be adopted, but will be adjusted
accordingly if not. As alluded above, the number of proposals to follow is significant (I do
apologise in advance), but hopefully many of these are straight forward due primarily to the
restructuring of the documents and additional clarifications. The conclusion of these changes
will however generate a consistent platform for future seasons.
Should you have any questions or if I've not been clear with these proposals please do send
me an email in advance of the AGM to clarify. Thank you in advance for your review.
Yours faithfully,
Martin Wilson
Est. 1972
AGM Proposals PART A - Changes to the Constitution
Proposal A1
It is proposed to refresh the Constitution to ensure terminology used is consistent and additionally to
re-order sections, update any linked references and numbering, and generally clarify the contents to
have a more logical and clear format.
See attached clean version of the new layout of the Proposed Constitution 2015 for reference.
Rationale: Tidy up and clarification
Paragraph References for further proposals will be quoted in both existing & proposed new
numbering formats for ease of reference.
Proposal A2
Constitution (“CN”) – Clause 4E (p83 of 2014 Handbook)
Proposed Constitution (“PCN”) – opening paragraph
It is proposed to move this paragraph and combine into the first paragraph of the Constitution.
Rationale: Tidy up
Proposal A3
CN Clause 1 – 1 Paragraph
PCN Clause 1
It is proposed to delete & replace the definition of “the League” with “the TVCL”.
Note: This change shall also be applied to any such reference in the Supplementary Documents.
Rationale: to remove any potential confusion in this or the Supplementary Documents with references
to other cricket leagues.
Proposal A4
CN Clause 1 – 2 Paragraph
PCN Clause 8.3E
It is proposed to delete and replace the 2 paragraph with the following wording and move to the
appropriate section regarding General Meetings:
“The Member Clubs may elect a President and/or Vice Presidents at an AGM. All nominations for
President or Vice Presidents shall first be approved by and nominated by the Management Committee
and included in the AGM Papers.”
Rationale: Tidy up
Proposal A5
CN Clause 2 – Intention
PCN Clause 2 - Intention
It is proposed to replace the paragraph and add 2 new 3 paragraphs as follows:
“The intention of the TVCL shall be to organise cricket on a Championship basis for the Member
Clubs, with the object of playing club cricket in the spirit and laws of the game as it exists and as it is
understood by all who play within the auspices of the England and Wales Cricket Board “ECB” and the
Club Cricket Conference.”
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“The TVCL is affiliated to the ECB and is an important component of the ECB Premier League
structure with promotion and relegation to and from The Home Counties Premier Cricket League “the
“The TVCL intends to promote the highest standards in all facets of the game.”
Rationale: Update and further information.
Proposal A6
CN Clause 3
PCN Clause 3.5 & 3.6
It is proposed to add these 2 new paragraphs:
“The TVCL seeks to ensure that all present and future Members Clubs receive fair and equal
“The TVCL takes seriously its responsibilities to all its Member Clubs and players, including the
welfare of young players. To this end, the TVCL fully endorses, as maybe amended, the ECB Club
Inclusion & Diversity Policy and the ECB Safe Hands – Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
Policy. The TVCL requires all Member Clubs to observe all such youth mandates, directives and
guidance issued by the ECB and requires all Member Clubs and TVCL Match Officials (Umpires,
Scorers and Captains) to ensure that they are enforced.”
Rationale: update with latest references to ECB guidance for Constitutions.
Proposal A7
Match Rule 3D – 1 Paragraph (3 & 4 Sentences) + 2 Paragraph
PCN Clauses 5.4 & 5.5
It is proposed to delete these administrative points from Match Rules Clause 3D 1 Paragraph (3 &
4 Sentences) + 2 Paragraph, relating to the supply of TVCL Match Balls, and add the revised 2
paragraphs below into the Proposed Constitution Clause 5 Membership Obligations.
To note the deadline date for payment for TVCL Balls has also been changed from the 30 April to the
31 May.
“TVCL Balls shall be supplied to the Member Clubs by the Management Committee and the Member
Clubs shall pay the TVCL Treasurer no later than the 31 May each year. Failure to pay by this date
will render the offending Member Club liable to a surcharge per ball as determined by the
Management Committee.
In the event that the Management Committee arranges a meeting of all the Member Clubs before the
start of any TVCL Season for the purpose of distributing the TVCL Match Balls, should any Member
Club not send a representative to collect them, they shall be liable to a fine of £25.”
(Note: if Proposal A8 below is not approved these paragraphs would be added into the current Clause
3 - Composition).
Rationale: consolidation of Member Clubs administrative obligations and penalties. Plus date for
payment delayed by 1 month following change in process applied in the 2014 season to assist
Member Clubs with cash liquidity.
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Proposal A8
CN Clause 3, 4 & 5
(p82 & 83)
PCN Clauses 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
It is proposed to delete Clauses 3, 4 & 5 and to replace with the expanded definition within the 5
Clauses titled Membership of the TVCL, Changes to Membership, Membership Obligations,
Administration and Functions of the Management Committee.
(Noting if proposal A6 above is not approved, Proposed Constitution Clauses 3.5 & 3.6 would not be
included. Similarly, if proposal A7 above is not approved Proposed Constitution Clauses 5.4 & 5.5
would not be included).
To save space and paper – the 3 New Clauses are shown listed in the attached Proposed Constitution
2015 document.
Rationale: Tidy up, consolidation and clarification of information.
Proposal A9
CN Clause 6 & 7 – General Meetings & Postal Voting
PCN Clause 8 – General Meetings of the TVCL
It is proposed to delete Clauses 6 & 7 and replace with the contents of Proposed New Clause 8 from
the Proposed Constitution.
To save space and paper – the Proposed New Clause wording is shown in the attached Proposed
Constitution 2015 document.
Rationale: Enhanced order, addition and alignment of notification dates should such a meeting be
called by either the Management Committee or by Member Clubs.
Proposal A10
CN Clause 8C – Finance
PCN Clause 9.2
It is proposed to delete this paragraph:
“The League Accounts shall be held by a local bank as decided by the Management Committee.
Cheques drawn on this account must bear the signature of the Treasurer and either the Chairman or
And replace with:
“The TVCL Bank Accounts shall be held by a local bank as decided by the Management Committee.
Cheques drawn on these Bank Accounts must bear the signature of any 2 from the Treasurer,
Chairman or Secretary. The Treasurer is restricted to payments of a maximum of £500 per day via
online access to the Bank Accounts.”
Rationale: Clarify the process and include information with regards to online banking.
AGM Proposals PART B - Changes to Match Rules
Proposal B1
It is proposed to refresh the Match Rules chapter to ensure terminology used is consistent and
additionally to amend the order of sections, update any linked references and numbering, and
generally clarify the contents to have a more logical and clear format.
See attached clean version of the new layout of the Proposed Match Rules 2015 for reference.
Rationale: Tidy up and clarification
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Paragraph References for further proposals will be quoted in both existing & proposed new
numbering formats for ease of reference.
Proposal B2
Match Rules (“MR”) Clause 2 – paragraph 2
Proposed Match Rules (“PMR”) – Clause 1
It is proposed to delete the 2
“As appropriate before the start of a league season, the Management Committee shall inform all
Member Clubs of any Laws that are not to be applied in League Matches that season, to which
Division of the League such Laws are not to be applied, and any further action regarding such Laws
that is to be taken in that season by Member Clubs.”
Rationale: not required
Proposal B3
MR Clause 1A – paragraph 4.
PMR Clause 3.4
It is proposed to replace “no later than noon on the Monday before the match.”
with “no later than 10:00pm on Wednesday preceding the TVCL Match.”
Rationale: To bring into line with any need to notify of Cancellations.
Proposal B4
MR Clause 1C – paragraph 1.
PMR Clause 4.1
Addition of additional supportive paragraph:
“Note: Except in exceptional circumstances a Team will be deemed to have failed to honour a TVCL
Match where that Team are not ready and prepared to commence the match by the latest appropriate
time listed in Match Rule 14.5. In such circumstances only after that time has passed may the game
be declared as Cancelled (Forfeit).”
Rationale: This note is to provide clarification as to the earliest a Match can be called off in such a
Proposal B5
MR Clause 1C – paragraph 2
PMR Clause 4.2
Cancellations - Addition of the words “ (& receive acknowledgement) “
Rationale: to confirm that the responsibility is with the Cancelling Club to ensure that all persons are
suitably contacted.
Proposal B6
MR Clause 7
PMR Clause 5
(p104 + sections from Match Day Requirements)
Pitches - It is proposed to consolidate the information contained in Clause 7 by adding the information
provided in the separate Match Day Requirements section, which is not currently part of the rules, so
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that all this information is available in one section.
Additionally (similarly as per Proposal B3 above) it is proposed to replace
“a minimum of 72 hours notice, prior to the designated start time of the match”
“by 10:00pm on the Wednesday prior to that Saturday TVCL Match (or equivalent period prior to a
fixture arranged for any other day)”
Addition of the sentence:
“Failure to do so will result in a penalty being imposed by the FRSC.“
An additional note has been requested to be added, to advise that it would be advantageous to
Umpires if the popping crease length was extended beyond that required by the Laws of Cricket.
Rationale: Align notification times, consolidation and clarification.
Proposal B7
MR Clause 3F1 – paragraph 1
PMR Clause 7.1
Umpires - Addition of new sentence:
“All Umpires who officiate regularly, but are not members of ECB ACO, also need to be DBS checked
as per ECB Safe Hands Guidelines.”
Rationale: clarification of requirements.
Proposal B8
MR Clause 3F1,2,3 &4
PMR Clause 7
Umpires - It is proposed to delete and replace the existing 4 clauses and replace with the whole new
Clause 7 (7.1 to 7.8 inclusive).
(Noting if proposal B7 above is not approved that sentence will not be included)
To save space and paper – the New clauses are shown listed in the attached Proposed Match Rules
2015 document.
Rationale: Tidy up and clarification
Proposal B9
MR Clause 3F5
PMR Clause 8
Scorers - It is proposed to delete Clause 3F5 and replace with the whole new Proposed Clause 8
To save space and paper – the New clauses are shown listed in the attached Proposed Match Rules
2015 document.
Rationale: Tidy up and consolidation of information from Match Day Requirements so all related
information is available in one section
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Proposal B10
MR Clause 10
PMR Clause 9
Clothing – It is proposed to extend the first sentence with the words:
“, including any under garments with longer sleeves.”
Rationale: with the increasing popularity of ‘skins’ it is to be pointed out that should these have long
sleeves that they must also be white if worn under a short sleeve shirt.
Proposal B11
MR Clause 9
PMR Clause 10
ECB Youth Mandates and Directives and Guidance - It is proposed to delete and replace all of Clause
9 and replace with the new Clause 10.
To save space and paper – the New Clause is shown listed in the attached Proposed Match Rules
2015 document.
Rationale: It is not necessary to detail all the ECB guidelines within the TVCL Match Rules. Should the
ECB change its guidelines then currently this requires the TVCL to vote on these changes – however
these should be mandatory. Hence the specific guidelines are proposed to be removed from the
Rules. However we shall continue to provide details of the ECB Guidelines in the TVCL Handbook for
ease of reference in an Appendix outside of the “Rules”.
Proposal B12
MR Clause 3B
PMR 11.3 – Drink Breaks
New Clause - It is proposed to include the following new paragraph:
“Drink Breaks, will be agreed by both of the Captains, with any Umpires, at the meeting for the Toss. A
drinks break would normally occur (100 overs):
A) Following the 26 over of the first innings.
B) Following the 24 over of the second innings.
Umpires, in the interest of time, may call the drinks break early should there be a fall of a wicket in the
preceding over.”
Rationale: Additional information
Proposal B13
MR Clause 3G
PMR Clause 13 & NMR 11.3
Over Rate - It is propose to amend the 3 paragraph, by replacing the words “scheduled drinks break”
with “1 drinks break”.
Additionally to add a new 4 paragraph:
“Should a second drinks break be agreed at the Toss, the Umpires shall allow a further 3 minutes for
that innings.”
Additionally to add a further paragraph 3 to the new Clause 11.3 proposed in 11 above
“In the event of hotter weather, a 2nd drinks breaks may be agreed for each innings. Umpires will
factor in sufficient additional time to cover such additional drinks intervals with regards to any Over
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Rate calculation.”
Rationale: there have been occasions where a 2 drinks break on a hot day has been declined due to
concerns regarding over rate penalties. We need to be mindful of players health in such conditions
and therefore the over rate calculation should be adjusted accordingly.
Proposal B14
MR Clause 3A – 2 sentence
PMR Clause 11.4
It is proposed to increase the Tea interval from 20 to 30 minutes, by deleting and replacing the 2
sentence with the following:
“Up to 30 minutes shall be allowed for the Tea Interval between innings, or at a time agreed by both of
the Umpires, or by both Captains in the absence of Umpires.”
Rationale: Tea intervals rarely last only 20 minutes and a clarification of the wording as to who agrees
when Tea shall be called.
Proposal B15
MR Clause 3E – Last Over
PMR Clause 11.5
It is propose to delete the 2
& 3 sentences shown below:
“Throughout the innings of the side batting first, the number of completed overs received should be
recorded on the scoreboard. During the innings of the side batting second the maximum number of
complete overs remaining to be bowled should be similarly recorded.”
Rationale: not related to this section of the rules, plus it is anyway not straight forward to show
complete overs remaining on electronic scoreboards in the 2 innings and can be a source of greater
confusion than it was intended to prevent, hence the proposed removal of this part of the Rule.
Proposal B16
MR Clause 3D
PMR Clause 12
Ball - It is proposed to combine information from the Match Day Requirements into expanding Clause
3D regarding Balls, to also include information on The Toss and The Team Sheet.
(Note – this section is linked to Proposal A7 with regards to updating the Constitution.)
It is therefore proposed to delete and replace Match Rule Clause 3D and replace with Proposed
Clause 12 in the Constitution.
To save space and paper – the New Clause is shown listed in the attached Proposed Match Rules
2015 document.
Rationale: Clarification and removal of duplication
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Proposal B17
MR Clause 3C
PMR Clause 15.6
New Clause - It is proposed to add the following paragraph:
“If play has been suspended in the second innings, and has not recommenced by 7:40pm (for a
1:00pm start) or by 7:10pm (for a 12:30pm start), then no matter the number of overs remaining, the
Match Result shall be declared as Abandoned. Should play be suspended after these times, then the
Match Result shall also be declared as Abandoned.”
Rationale: Following feedback received this season of matches which were not concluded until very
late, the proposal is to provide a cut-off time after when if the Ground/Weather/Light conditions have
not improved that the match shall be abandoned rather than continuing to wait around.
Proposal B18
MR Clause 3C & MR Clause 1A – paragraph 5 (p99-100 + p98)
PMR Clause 14 & 15
Delayed or Interrupted Matches - It is propose to delete & replace Clause 3C & Clause 1A –
paragraph 5, with the Proposed Clauses 14 & 15.
(Noting if proposal B17 above is not approved, this shall not include Proposed Clause 15.6)
To save space and paper – the New Clause is shown listed in the attached Proposed Match Rules
2015 document.
Rationale: to clarify the wording surrounding the differences between a Cancelled Match and an
Abandoned Match. Plus an additional note advising how any such travel expenses will be calculated.
Proposal B19
MR Clause 4
PMR Clause 16
Points Awarded - It is proposed to delete and replace Clause 4 with the Proposed Clause 16.
To save space and paper – the Proposed Clause is shown listed in the attached Proposed Match
Rules 2015 document.
Rationale: Clean-up and Consolidation of Definitions
Proposal B20
MR Clause 5A – Notification of Results
PMR Clause 17.2
It is proposed to replace Clause 5A with the new wording below:
“Following the conclusion of a TVCL Match, even if Cancelled or Abandoned, in all Levels the Home
Team must complete and submit the Electronic Result Sheet on the same day by no later than
8:30pm for a 1pm start (or 8:00pm for a 12:30pm start).”
Rationale: Move to online reporting.
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Proposal B21
MR Clause 5B– Notification of Results
PMR Clause 17.3
It is proposed to delete & replace only the first 3 paragraphs of Clause 5B with the new wording below:
“Following the conclusion of a TVCL Match, except in the instances of a Cancelled Match, both Home
& Away Teams must complete and submit the Online Team Sheet by no later than 10:00pm on
Tuesday following that TVCL Match.”
Rationale: Online reporting will enhance the TVCLs administration and saves Clubs the cost and
delays of sending reports by 1 Class Post.
Proposal B22
MR Clause 3F1 – Paragraph 2
PMR Clause 17.4
It is propose to delete Clause 3F1 2
Paragraph and replace with the new wording below:
“In Levels 1-4, except for a Cancelled Match, both Home & Away Team Captains shall each
separately assess the performance of the Umpires standing (both Panel and Club appointed) and
must complete and submit the Electronic Umpire Performance Report by no later than 10:00pm on
Tuesday following that TVCL Match.”
Rationale: Online reporting has already been introduce during the 2014 season and this is now
confirming the process change and has saved Clubs the cost and delays of sending reports by 1
Class Post.
Proposal B23
MR Clause 5B – Notification of Results
PMR Clause 17.6, 17.1 & 17.5
It is proposed to delete Clause 5B – paragraph 4 and replace with:
“A fine of £15 will be levied against the Member Club for each and every infringement of Match Rules
17.2, 17.3 and 17.4 by its Teams, and will be payable as per the TVCL D&C Rules on Non-Payment of
Additionally to add 2 new paragraphs:
“The format of communications shall be determined by the Management Committee prior to each
TVCL Season.”
“Panel Umpires shall complete the Umpires’ Report Card at the end of each TVCL Match to assess
various criteria inclusive of Ground, Pitch, Home Players Discipline, Away Players Discipline, Umpires
Facilities, both Captains and Hospitality. Each of these should initially be given 6 marks (the maximum
possible) and then any deductions made where the Umpires observe shortcomings.”
Rationale: Tidy up and inclusion of need for Umpire reporting, plus flexibility of Mancom to determine
which electronic system may be used in future.
Est. 1972
AGM Proposals PART C – Other Proposals
Proposal C1
Disciplinary Complaints and Appeals Procedures
It is proposed to delete and replace the whole supplementary document and re-issue with the
separately attached document which for convenience is titled “Proposed Disciplinary Complaints and
Appeal Procedures 2015”
Rationale: Re-write to incorporate the ECB Model as adopted by the HCPCL plus retaining those
items specific to the TVCL.
Proposal C2
Format of the League – Clause 3.5 (Grading & Standards)
It is proposed to extend this sentence to include the words:
“, by 30 September in the same TVCL Season.”
Rationale: clarification of by when Clubmark Status must be received.
Proposal C3
Player Eligibility – Clause 7.3
It is proposed to delete and replace this clause about Fines:
Any penalty fine levied under these procedures must be paid to the League within twenty eight
calendar days of the Member Club being notified of such fine.
Any such penalty fines still outstanding after twenty nine calendar days shall be increased by 100% of
the amount due.
Should this occur a senior officer of the offending Member Club shall be notified to the effect that the
fine is still outstanding and given a final reminder that if after a period of a further fourteen calendar
days from that reminder, the penalty fine is still outstanding, an additional penalty of a deduction of five
points shall be made from the Team of the Member Club which incurred the fine. The penalty fine will
still be due, but no further increases will be applied.
with the following:
“Any fine levied under these procedures will be payable as per the TVCL D&C Procedures on NonPayment of Fines.”
Rationale: Removal of duplicate information and as updated text incorporated into new D&C chapter.
Est. 1972
AGM Proposals PART D – Match Rules
Proposal D1
New Ball Mandatory
MR Clause 3D
PMR Clause 12.3
It is proposed to replace the following paragraph
“One new TVCL Ball shall be used for each innings, except that the Captain of the Team fielding
second may call for the new TVCL ball at any time in the second innings. Once the new ball has been
taken in the 2 innings, the ball in use at the end of the 1 innings may not be used again (unless
used as a spare ball). “
With this new paragraph:
“One new TVCL Ball shall be used from the start of each innings. The ball used in the 1 innings may
not be used in the 2 innings (unless used as a spare ball).”
Rationale: The HCPCL previously adopted this rule. Creates a more equal game scenario and less
reliance on the outcome of the Toss.
Est. 1972
Nomination of Officers
The management committee nominates the following officers for re-election:
Fixture Secretary:
Raj Patel (Kew)
Matthew Stevenson (Chalfont St Peter)
Martin House (Slough)
John Goodman
The management committee also nominates the following committee members for reelection:
Development - Nick Piper (Amersham)
Discipline and Complaints - Richard Thomas (Gerrards Cross)
Gradings and Standards - Wilson Carlisle (Falkland)
Player Eligibility - Mike Woodwards (Harefield)
Rules and Match Conditions - Martin Wilson (Wokingham)
Scorers - Julia Farman (Chalfont St. Peter)
Umpires - Rod Dye (High Wycombe)
Simon Webb (Hillingdon Manor)