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Week of January 27, 2014
T R AV E L T R A D E P U B L I C AT I O N S I N C E 1 9 6 8
0127PAGE01_02_04.indd 1
1/22/2014 12:40:51 PM
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0127PAGE01_02_04.indd 2
1/22/2014 12:40:31 PM
Week of January 27, 2014
ifteen years. That’s how long
you’ve been voting for your
favourites in the annual Baxter
Travel Media Agents’ Choice Awards.
Perhaps that because, as always, there
are amazing grand prizes incentives,
just for taking part. By voting this year,
members of the Canadian travel trade
will be eligible to win:
• A week at Club Diamond at
the Grand Bahia Principe
Tulum (plus air), courtesy
of the TravelBrand Inc.
brands Sunquest, Holiday
House and Intair;
• A $5,000 travel credit
towards a 2014 vacation
with any of the Globus
family of brands divisions: Globus, Cosmos,
Monograms or Avalon
• Roundtrip Elite Class seats on EVA
Air (from YYZ or YVR) to anywhere
the carrier flies in Southeast Asia (via
its Taipei hub).
Voting opens today (Jan. 24) and must
be completed by midnight, April 25,
Last year, more than 5,600 Canadian travel industry members took
part, ensuring that the reader survey
continues to be the largest of its kind
in the country.
All together there are 28 categories in which you can choose your
“favourites,” ranging from favourite
Adventure Operator to favourite
Winter Sunspot.
The Agents’ Choice Awards is
conducted by Canadian Travel Press,
Travel Courier and TravelPress.com. In
Quebec, the survey is promoted by Tourisme Plus.
Voting can be completed
online at http://travelpress.
com/ACA_2014/ via easy
dropdown menu. You
can also get to the online
ballot by clicking on the
Agents’ Choice Awards
icon on TravelPress.com
(top right corner).
A link to a printable ballot
that can be faxed can also be
found on the web site.
Watch upcoming issues of
Canadian Travel Press and Travel
Courier for more details and information on the sponsors and the
prizes they are offering.
Voting must be completed by midnight on April 25 to qualify, with the
results to be published in a standalone
supplement on June 23 featuring extensive national and regional breakdowns
and detailed analysis.
Select your favourites in
our 15th annual survey
Trip to Tulum. Mexico
$5,000 travel credit
Trip to Southeast Asia
See ballot, page 10
Call 1-800-545-8283 or visit sandals.com
Sandals® is a registered trademark. Unique Vacations, Inc.
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0127PAGE03.indd 3
1/23/2014 4:10:19 PM
0127PAGE01_02_04.indd 4
1/22/2014 12:40:00 PM
Industry resolves to fix Resolution 787
Conditions agreed, sent for DOT approval
IATA and Open Allies for Airfare
Transparency have agreed on a set of
conditions that they have jointly recommended to the US Department of
Transportation (DOT) in connection
with Resolution 787 and the NDC (New
Distribution Capability).
[Canadian Travel Press covered the
contentious issue in a Special Report on
May 13. 2013.]
The new conditions are intended to “add
clarity” to the resolution and have resulted
in Open Allies withdrawing its opposition
to Resolution 787 subject to implementation of the conditions.
IATA director general and CEO, Tony
Tyler stated: “We are pleased that we
were able to... strengthen the principles
underlying Resolution 787. These include
anonymous shopping, data privacy and
a voluntary open data standard available to all current and future travel technology suppliers.”
He added: “We urge DOT to approve
Resolution 787 in a timely manner so
that consumers may benefit from the
greater choice and transparency in air
travel shopping that the NDC standard
will enable.”
Andrew Weinstein, executive director of
Open Allies, hailed the agreement, which
“addresses only data transmission standard-
setting, not a new distribution business model.
“We believe these conditions will serve
all travellers by safeguarding transparency,
competition, and consumer choice, while
protecting privacy and ensuring that any
new standards developed under Resolution 787 are open standards available to all
industry participants,” he said.
IATA, Open Allies and the industry
partners it represents, as well as other
stakeholders, also agreed to establish an
industry forum to support future distribution issues.
To view the joint motion, go to http://
‘Best kept secret’ revealed to trade
comes to Canada
Booking.com has often been described as
the “Internet’s best kept secret,” according
to its CEO, Darren Huston, but clearly that’s
a description that won’t apply much longer
as the company continues to launch brand
awareness campaigns in its key markets
around the world, including Canada.
While the company has built its business
primarily through word-of-mouth, Huston
said it’s now moving to spread the word faster,
and during a late January stop in Toronto, he
officially launched Booking.com’s first-ever
branding campaign in this country.
That campaign will reinforce the company’s
“delight of right” message, with Huston, who
is a native of Hope, BC, observing: “Canadians
are prolific travellers, and we take our vacations very seriously – we travel longer, farther
and spend more than most around the world.”
He notes that Canadians also use Booking.
com more than their US counterparts and
write a lot of reviews on the site.
As well, a Booking.com customer survey
revealed that Canadians take a more mature
approach to travel, as reflected by the clear
distinction they make between “best value”
and “lowest price.” They also demonstrate a
preference for more independent accommoda- to add more locations.
tions options whether travelling domestically
Those using the service will find 414,000
or abroad.
properties in 193 countries (including 7,000
Huston, who was recently named president
in Canada) and 25 different property types
and CEO of the Priceline Group, which is the
including hotels, apartments, villas, hostels,
parent company of Booking.com, said, “I know farm stays, bungalows, and boats. Features
that Booking.com is a perfect match for the
include no reservation fees; customers pay
Canadian traveller because, as a company, we
after they stay for their accommodations and
are completely
can cancel free
caught up in the
of charge up to
delight that comes
24 hours before
from finding the
arrival (in most
perfect accommocases); 24/7 cusdation, every time.
tomer service
That means underavailable in 41
standing what
languages 365
delight means for
days a year; and
our customers
available to both
and consistently
leisure and busidelivering on that,
ness travellers.
all day, all night,
from anywhere in
has booked over
the world.”
one billion guest
Huston says
nights; and on
Darren Huston, CEO of Booking.com
that many travel
average, over
agents already work with the company, but he
550,000 room nights are booked every day.
admits that its commission rates are low.
But what makes Booking.com different?
Still, Huston says he would like to do more
“Our focus on the customer is deeper and
business with travel agents. The company
different,” says Huston, adding that to undercurrently has 5,000 affiliate and distribution
stand this, “You have to try us.”
partners and is in a couple of the GDS.
To check out Booking.com’s new brand
The company has offices in Calgary, Montawareness campaign, go to www.youtube.
real, Toronto and Vancouver and is planning
0127PAGE05.indd 5
1/23/2014 2:54:54 PM
The Sochi Olympics are
at hand and should provide a great promotional
platform for Russian tourism...
Paralympic Winter Games, will be
held from March 7 to 16. We have
different tours and packages on
this period.
I want to mention that Sochi is
How do they get there and
Russia’s largest resort city. Sochi
are there packages availhas a humid subtropical climate.
able? We have two Russian
It is the unofficial summer capital
airlines, Transaero and Aeroflot in
of the country. This is why the
Canadian market with non stop
winter Olympic games in Sochi
service Toronto-Moscow, which
is a unique project and will help
organize very convenient connecto use all the city’s resources not
tions via Moscow to Sochi. It is
only in the short summer season,
but all year around.
Sochi will host not
only the XXII Olympic Winter Games
and XI Paralympic
Winter Games
Yury Manukhov
in 2014, but the
Director, Business Development,
Russian Formula 1
Canadian Gateway
Grand Prix and
(CG Journeys)
also will be one of
the host cities for
the 2018 FIFA World
only a two-hour flight Moscow to
Cup. All these major and many
Sochi. As for accommodation,
other events will help to get a
there are many different opporsignificant increase in investtunities for any budget, startments to tourism and hospitality
ing from cruise ships and small
private hotels up to five-star
Is there still an opportunity major hotel chains. We will also
for Canadians to go to the
organize many extra services for
Games? Of course, it is
travellers, such as transfers, excurnot too late. The Games will take
sions in Sochi and Krasnodar
place from Feb. 6 to 23 and the XI region, and many others.
Vol. 46, No. 18, Published January 27, 2014
Edith Baxter, Editor-in-Chief
And what about tickets
to events? There are
Robert Mowat, Executive Editor
Michael Baginski, Managing Editor
several designated companies in the world, which under
the rules of the WOC have
rights to sell tickets to events.
But we are working very close
with them and have many
customers who bought tickets
to the Games and then booked
their flights, accommodation and
so on with us.
Where can
who want to
extend their games
visit conveniently
go in Russia? Most
flights to Sochi will
be via Moscow, so
we prepared many
interesting programs
from just one up to
10 days for travellers, who would like to extend
their visit to Russia. First of all,
we suggest seeing Moscow and
St. Petersburg on a one-week classic tour, or get any other experience, depending on their interests.
For more information and ideas
of tours and programs within
Russia, [travel agents can] visit
our web site cgjourneys.com or
Karen Maraj,
Travel Counsellors,
Brooklin, Ont.
“Every year at Paradise
Travel it’s busy, but this
rush of cold has sent
people to us like an
apocalypse was on its
way. As clients run into
our store, they can’t ask
fast enough, ‘when is
the next flight out? We
need somewhere where
it’s warm.’ So bring it on
winter, we are ready.”
“Oh, for sure it has.
Though this is typically
the beginning of our busy
booking season, the super
cold has definitely lit a fire
under many people.”
Wendy Sergeant,
Paradise Travel,
Bathurst, N.B.
Madeline Oldford,
Expedia CruiseShipCenters,
Kitchener, Ont.
“Yes, we have seen an
increase in demand.
Clients have seen prices
go up and want to book
now. They are also,
specifically, asking for
direct non-stop flights.”
Mike Dunbar, Assistant Editor
Greg Coates, Assistant Editor
Ian Stalker, Senior Writer
Ted Davis, Western Editor
Heifetz, Crozier, Law
Legal Affairs
Unterberg, Labelle & Associates
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Tel/Fax: (514) 695-8126
Has the trifecta of blizzards, ice storm and “polar vortex” sent customers scurrying into your agency looking to escape to warmer weather?
“Absolutely. I used the
#polarvortex hashtag
on Twitter with a photo
of a beach from Sandals
Whitehouse and received
multiple retweets, followers and enquiries.”
Johnny Koo, Art Director
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Published 47 times per year
Copyright 2013 PRINTED IN CANADA
W.H. Baxter
- 1919 – 2004
David McClung, President
Wendy McClung, Exec. Vice-President,
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government
of Canada through the
Canada Periodical Fund of
the Department of Canadian
Claude Lapointe,
Marlin Travel,
Embrun, Ont.
CTP masthead master.indd 1
0123PAGE06.indd 6
5/31/2013 9:23:42 AM
1/23/2014 4:09:16 PM
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©2014 Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships’ registry: Malta and Ecuador.
0127PAGE07.indd 7
1/22/2014 12:41:25 PM
Biz class a Dutch treat
Canadian travel agents
and tour operators got a
peak at KLM Royal Dutch
Airline’s new 747 World
Business Class in Toronto
airport last week.
The group actually
dined on the new business
class menu, designed by
Michelin-awarded chefs,
before being whisked
through security for an
on-plane site inspection.
The enhanced and redesigned service was introduced last summer and
made its debut on Canadian routes in November.
The new class of service,
which will be fully installed on the fleet by May,
features full flat seats with
personal storage, privacy
screen and personal entertainment system with
17-inch screens. There
is also adjustable lighting; a new cabin colour
scheme with warm colours
and handcrafted details;
carpet made from recycled
materials including the old
blue KLM flight attendant
uniforms; unique cutlery
pieces and tableware; and
avant garde amenity kits.
“It’s Dutch down to the
details,” enthused KLM’s
commercial director for
Canada, Femke Kroese,
adding that the number
of seats have been reduced
to 35 from 42 to allow for
more space. “The goal is
to create a personal space
within the cabin for the
passenger... Individual
space is really important
for us.”
Kroese noted that
Toronto is one of the first
KLM destinations to get
the World Business Class,
emphasizing the signifi-
cance of Toronto is a destination for the airline.
KLM flies daily from
Toronto to Amsterdam
during the winter with the
new business class available
on Monday, Wednesday,
Friday and Sundays.
KLM VP and GM Canada Fabien Pelous demonstrates the
new 180-degree fl at bed.
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Screens are 17 inches wide.
0127PAGE08_09.indd 8
1/23/2014 2:55:45 PM
Vcom seeks ‘leaders of tomorrow’
Addressing a growing concern about an aging workforce
in the travel industry, Vacation.com has formed a new
networking group for member agents called Vacation.
com Young Professionals (VYP).
According to Christine James, Vacation.com vicepresident Canada, the group was created to offer enterprising travel professionals under the age of 40 a chance
to collectively benefit from
each other’s experiences.
The mission of VYP is to
provide these agents with
the opportunity to develop
professionally and grow
personally by networking,
mentoring and collabo-
rating with like-minded
agents through a series of
events and webinars.
“The Millennial generation brings a lot of
transformation and
momentum to the travel
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industry. This trendsetting age group is a leader
of social media trends
that confidently markets
their services online,”
said James, “We should
embrace and cultivate
these forward-thinking
ideas, especially among
our travel agent community. The Vacation.
com Young Professionals
program will allow this
emerging generation of
travel agents with an opportunity to discuss the
most effective practices
in an enjoyable setting.
“These are the travel
leaders of tomorrow,”
added James. “We want
to help recruit them
and keep them engaged,
keep them inspired. It’s
an ongoing initiative.”
The inaugural VYP
event – which will involve
energetic roundtables,
enlightening panel discussions, a business card
swap and a cocktail hour
– will take place June 9
during Vacation.com’s
16th International Conference & Trade Show
at Caesars Palace in
Las Vegas.
Vacation.com members
who are interested in joining Vacation.com Young
Professionals or would
like more information can
contact Nicole Galowin at
com or visit the VYP Facebook group page at https://
These are
the travel
leaders of
We want to
help recruit
them and
keep them
keep them
0127PAGE08_09.indd 9
1/23/2014 2:56:08 PM
North American
vacations to rule in
2014, says study
There’s good news for
receptive operators in the
latest survey of Canadian
leisure travellers. But the
news for travel agents is
not so rosy.
That’s because a growing number of us are
planning to take extended
2014 vacations within Can-
ada or south of the border
where the drive market
rules, while demand for
air holidays to traditional
destinations is likely to be
flat at best.
According to the study,
highlighted by Deloitte
consulting firm and the
Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC),
Who’s Your Favourite?
$ ,
Win an
amazing trip
To enter this year’s 15th annual
Agents’ Choice Awards, conducted by
Canadian Travel Press, Travel Courier
and TravelPress.com, simply fill out
the online ballot (link below). All
participants will be eligible for
fabulous incentive prizes courtesy of
ACA sponsors. Prize winners will be
selected at random.
Grand Bahia Principe Tulum,
Southeast Asia
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VOTE HERE http://travelpress.com/ACA_2014/
Deadline for voting is April 25 at midnight (one ballot per agent).
the greatest increase,
at plus 5%, from the
last survey a year ago is
Canadians planning to
take longer vacations of
five nights or more within
North America.
Outside of North America, Canadians are saying
they will be less inclined
to visit the Caribbean –
minus 3% – and Europe
– minus 4%. On the plus
side, but only just, there
appears to be slightly more
interest in South America,
Australia, China and the
Middle East.
The publishers noted,
‘’The 55+ demographic
represents some of the
most active travellers,
with youth travellers
also representing an
important market.”
But they also noted
in the survey, “Leisure
travel spending is
down across all destinations, with Canada
and overseas declining
the fastest between our
survey last winter and
this year.”
On the incoming
front, they pointed out
that Canada’s tourism
industry is not faring
terribly well either.
Global arrivals for
the first half of 2013
increased 5% from the
same period a year earlier,
while arrivals to Canada
from the US were stagnant and other inbound
markets grew only 1%
largely due to declining
numbers from European
core markets.
Global tourism receipts
grew 3.2% in 2012
compared to a rise in
receipts from both domestic and international
travellers within Canada
of only 1.8%
And they explained,
“Domestic travel expenditures continued to
drive the overall industry
in 2013 as international
expenditures within
Can-ada fell flat.”
0127PAGE10.indd 10
1/23/2014 2:59:17 PM
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0127PAGE11.indd 11
1/22/2014 12:41:58 PM
Tour ops upbeat about Caribbean tourism
Tour operator buyers who attended the
Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s
Jan. 12-14 Caribbean Travel Marketplace in
Montego Bay returned home suggesting the
Caribbean’s tourism prospects in the coming
year are rosy indeed.
The annual event, which drew participants
from 20 countries, attracted this country’s
major tour operators, which pronounced
themselves pleased with the show itself and the
outlook for the Caribbean’s tourism trade.
“I came away from the conference excited
and pleased for the Caribbean destinations,”
said Air Canada Vacations’ director of product development, English Caribbean, Diana
Rodriguez. “There is a lot of change, growth
and investment coming. The Caribbean is
positioned to evolve – more beds, better infrastructures, touring opportunities abound.”
Rodriguez labelled each Caribbean
island “unique” and praised her company’s
“long-standing history to these beautiful
Host Jamaica “absolutely outdid themselves,”
she added.
Susan Oland, manager, program development for the Sunwing Travel Group, declared
the conference “outstanding... the organizers
who assisted with the conference and the staff
from the Montego Bay Convention Centre [the
venue for the event] were wonderful.”
Oland said the state of Caribbean tourism
has Sunwing “thoroughly looking forward to
The show itself drew 746 delegates from the
Caribbean’s tourism trade and 293 registered
buyer delegates.
CHTA officials said first-time buyers from
Chile, the Czech Republic and Hungary demonstrates broadening interest in Caribbean
“We were especially pleased with the high level
of optimism and enthusiasm at Marketplace
this year, a clear indication that interest is definitely increasing in the region,” said Richard
Doumeng, president of the CHTA.
Jamaican tourism officials noted their island
last year saw the number of stopover visitors
top the two-million mark for the first time in
a calendar year, and that and infrastructure
developments in Jamaica prompted tourism
minister Wykeham McNeill to declare that,
“We have good reason to be optimistic.”
Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson
Miller in turn said during the Jan. 12 opening
conference that Jamaica expects another year
of tourism growth.
But Doumeng urged those in the Caribbean’s
tourist trade to work together to jointly
promote the region, saying, “We are stronger
together as a region than any one country is on
its own.”
Meanwhile, the show served as a showcase of
sorts for the new Royalton White Sands resort,
which falls under the Sunwing umbrella and
which hosted a number of people attending
the show. “We’re super happy” with the resort,
which opened in mid-November, the company’s Todd Kirlik told Marketplace guests
during a Jan. 11 dinner.
The five-star resort is found between
Montego Bay and Ocho Rios.
The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association’s Caribbean Travel Markeplace
drew heavy hitters from the Caribbean’s tourist trade to Montego Bay.
Seen here are:
1) Rosemarie Johnson (l) of the Jamaica Tourist Board’s Montego Bay
offi ce and Maureen Barnes-Smith (c), who oversees Unique Vacations in
Canada took time during the opening ceremony to greet Sandra Scott, once
the Jamaica Tourist Board’s senior offi cial in Canada and now its deputy
director of tourism, marketing.
2) Paul Norman of Jamaica’s Dolphin Cove park was mobile on a Segway
and joined by a colleague who let visitors know about some of the wild
times that can await people at that park, which displays dolphins, sharks
and a host of other creatures.
3) Flying proudly at Marketplace were banners acknowledging Jamaica’s
success in Baxter Travel Media’s Agents’ Choice Awards.
4) Leon Pepermans (l) of Aruba’s E L Tours updated Eric Rodriguez of
Sunwing on all that’s happening in Aruba these days.
5) Sandals was well represented at the show. Seen here (l-r) are David
Roper, director, industry relations for the company; Jeremy Jones, Sandals
regional director, Eastern Caribbean; CEO Adam Stewart; Barnes-Smith;
and Gary Sadler, senior vice-president of sales for Unique Vacations in
North America.
0127PAGE12.indd 12
1/23/2014 4:47:57 PM
Tobago does
It differently
If you’re a small Caribbean destination with
a limited budget trying
to compete against the
“big” destinations, then
you’ve got to get creative.
And that’s exactly what
Tourism Tobago is doing
with the mid-January
launch of its 60 Days in
Paradise social media
initiative in Canada.
As the gang at MKTG
inc. – which has been
working with Tourism
Tobago on the project
for the past four months
– explains it, the island
it was a sponsor of Canada’s Got Talent, best Island Connoisseur.
giving away a trip to the island during
That panel will review the submisthat show.
sions and pick the top 10 and then let all
In 2014, Tourism Tobago has stepped
of Canada vote for the winner, who will
things up a bit, offering Canadians a
be chosen at the beginning of May.
chance to win the job of Island ConThe winner of the Island Connoisseur
noisseur and spend
competition will
60 days in paradise
then head to Tobago
telling other Canadifrom July 2 to Aug.
ans about their experi30, 2014 to take up
ences. Oh, and not
their duties of tellonly does the winner
ing Canadians about
have all their travel
Tobago’s attractions,
expenses covered,
culture, food, activithey’re also going to
ties, and lots more.
be paid $30,000 for
They’ll use a broad
doing the job.
mix of social media –
MKTG inc.’s Martin Jeffery
The competition
including Facebook,
– which runs from
Twitter, YouTube,
Reggie Kieda.
January to April of
Tumblr, Vine, Intathis year – is open to any Canadian over gram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, as well
the age of 18, so naturally, travel agents
as blogging – to tell the story of their
and their customers can take part in
experiences on the island.
it. All you have to do is put together a
For complete details on how you can
short bio and video telling a 10-member become Tobago’s Island Connoisseur,
industry panel why you’d be Tobago’s
go to http://www.60daysinparadise.com.
simply didn’t have the
kind of advertising
budget to compete with
destinations that are able
to spend much more on
promotions here in the
Canadian market.
So it became clear that
leveraging social media
to get its message out to
Canadians looking for a
Caribbean vacation was
the way to go.
And, in truth, this isn’t
the first time that Tourism Tobago has taken
a different approach to
promoting its attractions
to Canadians. Last year,
Viva new Sunwing
D.R. program!
age to the Riu Merengue
in Puerto Plata or Grand
Paradise Samana get to experience incredible added
activities, such as rum
tasting and education,
fairs, food, and more,” the
tour operator says.
“We specifically chose
these resorts because they
were able to collaborate
with us on a program that
Escape to
Sunwing is inviting
Canadians to brush up on
their merengue skills.
The tour operator’s new
Viva Dominicana program
enables travellers to “experience the local culture of
the Dominican Republic
through exciting activities. Customers booking a
Sunwing vacation pack-
offers true value to our customers and
tasty cocktails ... served in the husk of a
enhances their overall vacation expericoconut on the beach, a Dominican fair,”
ence, but more importantly,
and a jewellery exhibition.
they believe in differentiatThe Grand Paradise
ing the product offering to
Samana has traditional
make it more attractive to
décor, gardens and is
clients. The dedication of
on a white-sand beach.
their staff and pride in their
Viva Dominicana expericulture made this an easy
ences at that property
choice,” Eric Rodriguez,
include rum education
Sunwing’s vice-president of
and tasting, cigar educaproduct development, told
tion and appreciation,
Canadian Travel Press.
as well as an evening
The Riu Merengue is one of of traditional food and
The beach-fronting Riu
the featured resorts in the
Merengue features views
dancing. Dance and SpanViva Dominicana program.
of mountains and gardens.
ish lessons are available for
Those booking Viva Dominicana are
adults and children, as are scuba diving
See VIVA page 23
offered the likes of a “coconut party with
Bring your cameras and your smiles.
Sunscape Resorts & Spas featuring
Unlimited-Fun® for couples, families
and friends is ready for its close-up!
Learn more at AMRAgents.com
0127PAGE13_23.indd 13
1/23/2014 3:12:49 PM
This mural in the Hacienda side of the HRH Riviera Maya depicts some of the key performers at Woodstock, including Joe Cocker, Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin.
Hola, Mayan Hard Rock
New resort adds rock vibe, memorabilia to beach stays
At the more rockin’ Heaven, it’s an adults-only policy, while families
The brand alliance between Hard Rock Hotels and Palace Resorts hit its and quieter guests (i.e. honeymooners) can get their vacation R&R on
most recent milestone with the official opening of the newly rebranded
the Hacienda side. Heaven also gets access to a wider beach and lagoon,
Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya in early December.
with a long pier and enough sand space to set up an outdoor stage for
The monster resort – really two resorts on one long
live performances.
stretch of Mayan sand – debuted its new identity with a
The beach provides a natural dance floor, but for
fireworks show, full-on beach party and music by a slick
those who want the full-on nightclub experience, the
R&B band from Boston.
Club Heaven rocks well into the night. There is a total of
The property has been vastly revised, following
nine restaurants, eight bars/lounges and lots of meetan intense period of reconstruction from August to
ing/banquet space (8,260 square metres) at Heaven and
November when it was closed. The new HRH opened
the Hacienda. Meetings/conventions is a target market,
for guests in mid-November, although workers
and the MICE space at this property is the largest in the
remained on site in some areas in early December – for
Mayan Riviera region.
instance, the lobby and retail space in the Heaven side
Palace Resorts, owners of the property, were “a bit
of the resort.
that perceptions of the Hard Rock Hotel
Frank Maduro, VP marketing
Guests will want to know the difference between
brand might discourage families from visiting, said
for the HRH properties
Heaven and the Hacienda, the two halves of the HRH
Frank Maduro, the VP marketing for the Hard Rock
Riviera Maya, to make an informed choice on their accommodations.
Hotels in the Palace inventory. These include HRH resorts in Punta
The new “Hacienda of Rock” retains the same basic architecture as
Cana, Cancun and Vallarta. So the company has ensured that the
the former Aventura Spa and Aventura Cove Resorts, but almost every- Hacienda side of the resort has attractions specifically for kids.
thing else has been overhauled, including the interiors of all rooms
For instance, the Little Big Club by HIT Entertainment is a theand public spaces. There was no need to make changes to the inviting
atre-sized space with a variety of themed interactive play areas for kids.
beachfront water features and pools of the Adventura, which border the Girls can, for example, visit with Angelina Ballerina and dress up as
See HARD ROCK page 21
fabulous Mayan beach itself.
0127PAGE14_21.indd 14
1/23/2014 4:11:26 PM
Meliá Hotels International, one of the
world’s largest hotel brands, has just
announced the launch of an Adults Only
private environment at Meliá Caribe
Tropical in Punta Cana, the Dominican
Republic. The exclusive area provides
discerning guests exclusive and preferential
services and amenities, offering timeless
luxury and comfort.
Meliá Caribe Tropical feature a myriad of
special offerings and unique amenities
include Energy for Life activities designed
especially for adults, like Body Balance – a mix of yoga
and Tai Chi (additional charges may apply). Guests are
able to indulge in the new Experiences Menu, featuring
special workshops, dinners on the beach, romantic
private breakfasts and in-room dining experiences.
Concierges can also arrange for in-room whirlpool
preparation and priority reservations for à la carte
restaurants, YHI Wellness spa and fitness, golf courses,
tennis courts, and other activities. Adults Only guests have
access to a private part of the resort’s white sand beach,
as well as private pool on property.
“By offering this Adults Only category at the resort, Meliá
Caribe Tropical is responding directly to the desires of our
guests,” said Manfred Schoebel, General Manager for
Meliá Caribe Tropical. “Visitors have been requesting
high-end adults-only vacation experiences, and it is our
goal to offer these guests a truly exclusive and luxurious
option when visiting Meliá Caribe Tropical.” Cuatro is the
resort’s newest restaurant, created exclusively for the
Adults Only guests. This dining establishment is divided
into four sections including a steakhouse concept; a
Gastro Bar and Lounge; a Nikkei fusion cuisine restaurant; and Cuatro, a buffet concept serving international
cuisine with à la carte and snack options.
There are two categories of guest rooms for adults only,
including the Adults Only Suites and The LEVEL Adults
only with Whirlpool.
‡7KH$GXOWV2QO\6XLWHV are each 452 sq. ft. with one
king-size bed or two double beds. Each suite boasts a
privileged location, near the resort’s beach and swimming
Cuatro Restaurant
0127PAGE15-16.indd 15
pool. All of the suites feature a terrace with
a sofa and private patio with a Balinese
bed, or a private balcony with views of the
garden or swimming pool. Privileged
location close to the beach and pool.
:KLUOSRRO feature the same attributes as
The Adults Only Suites, with the addition of
relaxing in-room Whirlpools. Every LEVEL
guestroom category also features a private
check-in/out lounge for registration and
assistance; and access to the VIP Lounge
offering daily continental breakfast, free Internet access, premium beverages,
liquors, hors d’oeuvres, and coffee, tea service throughout the day; special
bathroom amenities such as a spa shower; bathrobes and slippers; a concierge
service; pillow menu and fragrance menu. LEVEL guests also have access to a
private LEVEL pool and beach area.
Meliá Caribe Tropical sets the standard for all-inclusive resorts focused on
couples families, meetings, groups and conventions. The resort features more
than 1,100 spacious suites, multiple pools, expansive beach, private Adults
Only area, THE LEVEL Adults Only, The LEVEL Families, a themed children’s
area with kids club, countless actives, two full-service YHI Wellness and fitness
centers, business center services, and a dozen restaurants with a vast variety of
culinary options. In addition, Meliá Caribe Tropical is home to 20,705 sq. ft. of
meeting space with a capacity for up to 1,000 people divided into 13 meeting
rooms, as well as two beautiful gazebos for weddings and special events.
Meliá Caribe Tropical is located in Punta Cana, on the east coast of the Dominican Republic. Only 15 minutes away from the Punta Cana International Airport,
20 minutes from Higüey, 40 minutes from La Romana
and two hours form Santo Domingo by land transportation. For more information about the new LEVEL at
Meliá Caribe Tropical, please click on the website at:
About Meliá Hotels International
Meliá Hotels International was founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and
is one of the world’s largest resort hotel chains, as well as Spain’s leading hotel
chain. It currently provides more than 350 hotels and 90,000 rooms in 40 countries
on four continents under its brands: Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Meliá Hotels &
Resorts, ME by Meliá, Innside by Meliá, Tryp by Wyndham, Sol Hotels, and Paradisus Resorts. Its product and service portfolio is complemented by Club Meliá, the
only vacation club operated by a Spanish company.
The LEVEL Adults Only Suite with whirlpool
1/23/2014 3:55:12 PM
Outrigger sets sail with Voyaging Society
Outrigger Enterprises
Group has launched a
strategic partnership with
the Polynesian Voyaging
Society (PVS), pledging
to provide more than
$500,000 worth of support
to further the mission
of the PVS Worldwide
Voyage through various
fundraising efforts, cross
marketing and global
hosting at Outrigger hotels
and resorts throughout
the Asia-Pacific region.
The partnership launch,
“Navigating the Way –
The Next Generation,” was
celebrated with a reception
at Outrigger Reef on the
Beach on Nov. 27 where
the steering blade of the
Hawai’iloa, which has
been housed at the resort
during restoration of the
sailing canoe, was ceremoniously passed back to
the navigators.
“Outrigger Enterprises
Group has been a longtime supporter of the
Polynesian Voyaging
Society, and its values
align with our guiding
principles, which include
perpetuating our culture,
protecting our planet, and
instilling these values in
the next generation,” said
Nainoa Thompson, president of the Polynesian
Voyaging Society and
Outrigger has teamed up with the Polynesian Voyaging Society to further the mission of the PVS Worldwide Voyage
through various fundraising efforts and cross-marketing campaigns. The iconic sailing canoe Hoˉkuˉ le`a, along with sister
ship Hikianalia, plan to travel to more than 20 countries and 60 ports of call during its fi ve-year Worldwide Voyage. As a
sponsor of the voyage, Outrigger will offer accommodations for the crew and provide educational opportunities and activities for the community.
navigator of the voyaging
canoe Hōkūle’a.
“We are honoured
to partner with the
Polynesian Voyaging
Society and help support
its Worldwide Voyage
mission of navigating
toward a healthy and
sustainable future,” said
Charles R. Kelly, chairman
of the board for Outrigger
Enterprises Group. “As a
Hawaii-based company
charting our own global
expansion, Outrigger is
mindful to be authentic
ambassadors of aloha,
while also being sensitive to local cultures and
customs – a management
and hospitality process we
call Ke Ano Waa or The
Outrigger Way that was
initially shaped by the
late Hawaiian scholar, Dr.
George Kanahele, nearly
20 years ago.”
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The iconic sailing canoe
Hōkūle’a, along with
sister ship Hikianalia,
plan to travel to more
than 20 countries and
60 ports of call during
its five-year Worldwide
Voyage. As a sponsor of
the voyage, Outrigger will
offer accommodations
for the crew and provide
educational opportunities and activities
for the community to
participate in at various
Outrigger properties in
Fiji, Australia, Bali and
its newest location in the
Indian Ocean, Outrigger
Mauritius Resort & Spa
– a five-star beachfront
resort at Bel Ombre
on the island nation of
Mauritius set to open in
early 2014.
The Polynesian Voyaging
Society’s Worldwide
Voyage began in June with
Hōkūle’a and Hikianalia
sailing between the
Hawaiian islands through
October to establish
Malama Honua (Taking
Care of Island Earth) at
home and to connect with
local communities before
leaving for the South
Pacific in May 2014 on the
first international leg of
the Worldwide Voyage.
0127PAGE15-16.indd 16
1/23/2014 3:55:14 PM
Florida’s Travel Women International Golf Society
(TWIGS), which typically has a healthy roster of
Canadian members/sponsors, celebrated its milestone 25th anniversary this year with its
annual pre-Florida Huddle trade show golf tourney. Held at the Westin Diplomat hotel in
Hollywood, Fla., the event boasted over 100 participants (above), with all proceeds from
the event and silent auction going to charity. Spotted posing in front of a Canadian Travel
Press sponsor sign were (at right, l-r) Maureen Wade of Virgin Holidays, Sara Engelskirger
of Marriott Hotels & Resorts, and Stacey Copeland of the Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB.
TWIGS celebrates 25 years!
High hopes for Florida at Huddle
Aims to be No. 1
tourism destination
On a day on which the Boss, Bruce Springsteen, released
his new album High Hopes, similar sentiment sprung
forth from tourism types in Palm Beach, at the annual
Florida Huddle trade show.
Designed to match global buyers, including men and
women from such Canadian outfits as TravelBrands Inc.
(formerly Thomas Cook), Sunwing, Westjet and Transat,
with local suppliers, the event also casts a spotlight on
Florida tourism to the extent that VISIT FLORIDA
stepped up to take the show this year from its previous
private ownership.
And with state tourism board backing the expanded
three-day event, which was this year hosted by the newly monikered Discover the Palm Beaches CVB, the
show welcomed more than 200 buyers and 600 delegates
from 19 countries, a 14% increase over last year. There
were also 190 “sellers,” ranging from standalone hotel
properties to the big theme
park companies Disney,
Universal and Busch
Entertainment, which
returned to the show after
long absences.
goal last year (when it
announced that it had
bought the show) of seeking to attract cruise companies into the fold did
not materialize, but will
undoubtedly continue
ahead of next year’s event
in Fort Lauderdale.
Despite that setback,
the mood was buoyant
at the show, not the
least because of VISIT
FLORIDA’s expectation
that 2013 will, in the words
of VF president and CEO
Will Seccombe, be the
“third straight record year”
for visitations to the state.
The Canadian market,
which jumped 9% to
3.6 million – astounding-ly almost one in 10
it was pointed
out – in 2012,
was also on pace
to set a record,
he added.
“It’s exciting
times for tourism in Florida;
Florida tourism
is strong, added Tammy
Gustafson, Director of
National & Group Sales,
Universal Orlando Resort,
and the chair of VISIT
FLORIDA. She added that
for the state to be “the No.
1 travel destination in the
To that end, Florida
governor Rick Scott, at an
event at Orlando airport,
was simultaneously announcing that
VISIT FLORIDA will receive
$100 million in
funding in the
2014/15 state
budget (up from
$63 million in
2013) in order
that the tourism board
will be able “to market
the Sunshine State yearround to domestic visitors,
increase marketing to international visitors, and assist
communities in attracting direct international air
service to Florida.”
Scott said, “Last year...
we made record gains
in tourism. We are on
track for another record
year, and we hope to
build on this incredible
0127PAGE17.indd 17
1/23/2014 3:51:43 PM
Viking expands European land options
Viking Cruises has announced the availability
behind the Iron Curtain, Viking’s Concierge
• French Riviera (three nights; available with
of six additional “Explore More” land extencan help guests plan a visit to the moving site
Portraits of Southern France or France’s Finest)
sions for 2014 that enable Viking guests to exof nearby Auschwitz or the Wieliczka Salt
– Guests can take in the glitz and glamour of
tend their stay and enhance their time abroad.
Mine. Prices start at $699 p.p.
Nice with a guided tour of the coastal resort
Similar to Viking’s carefully crafted cruise
• Nuremberg (two nights; available with
town; then relax on the beach; or take in the
itineraries, these new land extensions proRomantic Danube) – Guests will enjoy a
cosmopolitan sites of nearby St. Tropez, Cannes
vide guests with options to
or Monaco with customized
customize their experience
arrangements made by their
to suit their interests. All
Viking Concierge. Prices
begin with a walking tour to
start at $799 p.p.
familiarize guests with the
• The Hague (two nights;
area and include handpicked,
available with Tulips &
high-quality hotel accomWindmills) – Following a
modations. With a Viking
guided tour of The Hague,
Concierge available on-site
guests can have their Vikat the hotel, travellers have a
ing Concierge arrange
local host to help them make
for visits to local great
the most of their trip.
art collections from 17thNew excursions for 2014
century Dutch Masters like
Vermeer and Rembrandt,
• Bruges (three nights; availto modern works by Monet,
able with Rhine Getaway)
Mondrian and Picasso.
– Recently named one of
Prices start at $499 p.p.
the most popular cities in
• Lake Geneva (three nights;
Europe, Bruges offers some of
available with Rhine GetEurope’s finest dining, scenic
away) – Guests will enjoy the
Travellers sailing with Viking Cruises have additional land extensions to choose from.
squares set among medieval
scenery of Montreux, one of
houses, charming bridges and beautiful canals.
guided tour of historic Nuremberg Castle, and the loveliest resorts on Lake Geneva, and their
With the on-site Viking Concierge, travellers
Viking’s Concierge can help guests make the
Viking Concierge can provide a customized
will feel right at home. Prices start at $699 p.p.
most of their time by planning a visit to the
plan for a Swiss Riviera wine tour or a ride on
• Kraków (three nights; available with Elegant
Germanische National Museum or a nearby
the Golden Pass train through Alpine scenery.
Elbe) – In addition to exploring one of
Brauhaus to experience an authentic German
Prices start at $799 p.p.
Poland’s oldest and largest cities long hidden
beer hall up close. Prices start at $399 p.p.
Cruise Lines
Europe’s newest river cruise line is offering guests an opportunity to explore one
of Europe’s most magical regions – the
mighty Rhine and the scenic Moselle River.
Launching officially in April with two new
ships, Emerald Waterways promises to
“add a new layer of value to the four-star
river cruise market, with onboard pools,
movie theatres... and offering levels of service that are usually only found on higherend cruises.” Emerald Waterways is the
first new European river cruise company to
set sail in more than six years and its new
ships, custom-built to exceed guest’s expectations, will offer such amenities as a heated
swimming pool with adjoining bar and
gelati station, a movie theatre, two restau-
rants, and a new type of cabin design that
replaces the French Balcony with an indoor
balcony complete with decked area and
open-air system. (www.emeraldwaterways.
com).... For a limited time, AmaWaterways
is offering free airfare on select European
river cruise. For example, travellers booking a Category A or B stateroom on the
Paris & Normandy itinerary sailing either
April 10 or April 17 will receive free airfare
from New York (JFK); travellers booking
the Melodies of the Danube cruise out of
Budapest (again Category A or B stateroom)
sailing March 28 receive free airfare from
Toronto, Montreal or New York. The offer
ends Jan. 31. (www.amawaterways.com)....
GLP Worldwide Expedition Travel and
Tours, representing Go Barging in Canada,
has released a 64-page 2014 Luxury Barge
brochure with all pricing in Canadian dol-
lars. The luxury barges venture into remote
and smaller waterways that are inaccessible to larger vessels. Available itineraries
include the following destinations – France,
Belgium, Holland, Ireland, Scotland,
England, Italy, Germany, and Luxembourg.
Featured in the brochure, there are new
Longer Waterway Journeys, incorporating
several countries, as well as themed barge
cruises such as Wine & Vineyards and
Shopping & Markets. The brochure details
barge layouts, facilities and cabin descriptions, itinerary highlights and a map of
each cruise itinerary. Prices, terms and conditions are also included in the brochure.
Dining, luxury cabins, open bar, free bike
rental, admissions to attractions, tours, and
experienced staff are all included in barge
prices. (www.glpworldwide.com)
— Greg Coates
0127PAGE18.indd 18
1/23/2014 3:30:44 PM
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0127PAGE19-20.indd 19
1/23/2014 3:56:48 PM
The following people
identified the Dec. 23
“Where in the World”
as the Flower Carpet,
Grand Place, Brussels:
Timothy Edgecombe,
Rosewood Hotel
Georgia; Alvaro Lopez
de Haro, AMResorts;
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who serve them.
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Tanveer Qureshi, Marlin
Travel; Marilyn Lentz,
Bytown Travel; Nikki
Beszant, Miki Travel
Limited; Jocelyn Silver,
Continental Travel
Group; Chris McSavaney,
Link With Home Travel;
Dov Saitowitz, Aufgang
Travel; Eric Barber;
Joe Lupiani, New
Wave Travel; Barb
Hricina, Carlson
Wagonlit; Tres
Lobo, Connaissance
Travel and Tours;
Barbara WetmorePatel; Maria
Carriero; Elisabeth
Anniehs, Expedia
Juliet DiGennaro,
Ranalli Travel
Agency; Madeline
Oldford, Expedia
Dagmar Chochol,
Royal Scenic; Randy
Hughes, TravelOnly;
Kim Leblanc, Club
Voyages; Claude
Lapointe, Marlin
Travel; Michael
Padovani Travel
Group; Susan
Hopkins, Advantage
Intravel; Terri
Brophy, Terri’s
Travel and Cruise
Centre; Kathryn
Butt, McTavish
Travel; Wendy
Sergeant, Paradise
Travel; Nancy Orfeo,
Amex Canada;
Gail Madigan;
Ron D’Souza,
Vision Travel;
Arno Reudelsdorff,
Tours; Francine
Prud’homme, TTI
Voyages; Bobbie
Carter, Celebration
Travel; Ashley
Howard, Alberta
Motor Association;
Marina Unger,
Vision Travel
0127PAGE19-20.indd 20
1/23/2014 3:56:49 PM
Insight shuns surcharges
Those planning on travelling with Insight Vacations
in the near future won’t
suddenly be asked to fork
over more dough.
Company CEO John
Boulding told a Jan. 21
Toronto audience that
there’s a “very, very
volatile” situation with
currencies these days that
the travel industry must
contend with, but Insight’s
pricing in the Canadian
market is “pretty spot
on. We’re holding prices
because we got our calculations right.”
Boulding said 2013 was
the best year in the tour
operator’s 35-year history,
with Canadian bookings
up 11% and bookings from
all markets up 8% or 9%.
Canada now accounts
for about 15% of UK-based
Insight’s business and
a growing share of that
overall business.
Boulding labelled the
last couple of years a
“watershed” for Insight,
which is hosting 100,000
clients a year. Those
clients are increasingly
seeking experiences that
reflect the destinations
they’re in, which can
include “dining in the
local style,” and meeting
people who can explain
the menu, he said.
“Just to meet these
people and see things
through their eyes is tremendously important...”
Boulding said. “People
want to be part of the
An Insight promotional
campaign is touting its
and unique itineraries,”
which take clients “off
the beaten track to meet
local characters and
Boulding added that
Insight is increasingly
attracting people who
once would have chosen
independent travel.
Meanwhile, Cris David,
who oversees Insight’s
Canadian operation,
told the gathering that
Insight is paying a lot of
attention to the Eastern
Mediterranean, which
is seeing a “fantastic
The tour operator is
seeing a 40% increase in
bookings to Greece, which
has largely been making
news in the past few years
because of its economic
Hard Rock
Continued from page 14
dancers, play with interactive
dance videos etc. Boys, meanwhile,
can check in at Bob the Builder’s
craft area, where aspiring builders
use child-safe tools for their own
construction projects. Other star
characters are Thomas the Tank
Engine and Barney.
The rooms at both properties
have been fully remodelled, and
all were appointed with new
furniture, bedding, decor, layout, floors, etc. Double-level Sky
Terrace rooms are available, and
all rooms have hydro tubs. The
all-inclusive service covers a good
selection of libations in the minibar, 24-hour room service, plus
free phone calls to Canada and
the US in a current promotion.
“Greece is back and we’re
absolutely excited about
that,” David said.
Insight Vacations CEO John Boulding (second from r)
joined his The Travel Corporation colleagues (l-r) Marie
Anne MacRae, Michelle Lee-Hoy, Cris David, Carla Brake,
and Karen Parucha at a Toronto dinner.
Both Heaven and the Hacienda
devote lots of space to rock memorabilia collections, in keeping
with the traditions of the Hard
Rock brand. Featured in the gallery on the Hacienda side is everything from an early Who/Keith
Moon drum kit to the bass guitar
once played by Sex Pistol Glenn
Matlock. Like other Hard Rocks,
this collection will evolve with
regular new exhibits. Guests can
tour it themselves or book a tour
with the curator of the collection.
No matter where they are on
property, guests will be treated
to the “vibe” that is the essence
of the HRH experience. This is
largely communicated by music,
which gets a much more immersive treatment than might be
provided elsewhere.
Last week’s lineup...
There is even a Vibe Manager
on site, and it is his job to ensure
that the music groove is in
keeping with guest expectations
at different parts of the resort,
ranging from pool side to the
interior public spaces, restaurants
and lounges.
VM Jose Vargas also oversees
the Sound of your Stay program,
which really raises the bar on
music interactivity, adding a
whole new dimension to stays. For
instance, guests have the opportunity to download HRH playlists
with the Tracks program. They
can also learn how to do music
mixes with the Mix program. They
can even sharpen their guitar
chops with an electric axe and
video lessons in their room, with
the Picks program. Rock on!
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0127PAGE14_21.indd 21
1/23/2014 4:11:53 PM
Cape Breton Island,
Nova Scotia
“People want experiential travel; they want sight-doing,
not sight-seeing.”
— Abdul Razzaq Arabiyyat, Managing Director of Jordan
Tourism Board on the latest trends in tourism
Please send your answer to:
“Where in the World?” at ctp@baxter.net
This unique venue has reopened after a two-year renovation just in time (significantly) to mark the
start of the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, though it is not located there... The venue’s
charm is enhanced further by its stunning location overlooking a lake, the largest in the country, in
a place best known for its mountain vistas and its chocolate. Where in the world is it?
Gear To Go
A guide to some of the amazing devices that make
travel a little bit easier, or more fun
The Xolar3000 offers golfers a convenient way of
charging USB-powered devices on the go. The
3000mAh battery can be charged via solar power,
computer USB port or wall outlet, and then taken
anywhere for a lightweight, portable solution for
powering up mobile devices. The solar power option
offers the dual benefit of charging the Xolar3000 and
mobile device battery simultaneously.
“Simply connect a mobile device to the Xolar3000
via a standard USB cable for a charge whenever
needed. A charge level indicator shows the battery’s
0127PAGE22.indd 22
status,” the manufacturer says.
Xolar3000 will retail for $49.95 MSRP.
Bracketron will officially unveil the Xolar3000 at
the 2014 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida.
It is available for pre-order at www.bracketron.com.
Products will ship in May.
The best whale-watching
experience I ever had was
off Cheticamp, Cape Breton
Island. Kid you not, at one
point, there were so many
pilot and minke whales
around the boat I could
have used them as stepping
stones and walked across
the water. Absolutely incredible! And unforgettable.
Cape Breton is like that.
Once you’ve been there,
you’ll never forget the
ocean scenery, the hiking trails, the music and
the warmth of the welcome.
Music runs through the
heart of Cape Breton and
the island has produced
great musicians and singers. One
of the best
times to
visit is
the Celtic
– for nine
days every Cathy Stapells
the island
celebrates music and
culture to the max. A
focal point is the Gaelic
College of Arts and Crafts
at St. Ann’s Bay, which is
devoted to the preservation of the culture, music,
language, arts, crafts,
customs, and traditions of
the immigrants from the
Highlands of Scotland.
Other stops that share
the soul of Cape Breton:
the Cape Breton Miners’
Museum at Glace Bay,
tours led by retired miners
with fascinating stories
to tell; the Alexander
Graham Bell National
Historic Site in Baddeck;
daily demonstrations of
music, dancing, cooking and military drills at
the 300-year-old Fortress
of Louisbourg National
Historic Site; the calm
beauty of the Bras d’Or
Lakes; and the worldfamous scenic highway,
the Cabot Trail, that runs
through Cape Breton Highlands National Park.
1/23/2014 3:30:06 PM
over the past six years,
including approval and
construction of the Glacier
Skywalk and the acquisition and integration of the
Banff International Hotel.
Brewster Travel
Brewster Travel Canada
has announced that David
McKenna, vice-president
of hotels and attractions,
will assume the position of
interim president. Michael
Hannan, former president
of Brewster and the Viad
Travel & Recreation Group,
has resigned for personal
reasons and is leaving the
company. He will be available on a consulting basis
to ensure a smooth leadership transition.
McKenna will report to
Paul Dykstra, chairman,
president and chief executive officer of Viad. Cynthia Ognjanov will continue to serve as the president
of the Glacier Park, Inc.
business unit (Glacier Park),
and will assume the position of president of the
Alaska Denali Travel business unit, also reporting to
Dykstra. McKenna is a dedicated member of the Canadian tourism community
and has played a critical
role in business development efforts at Brewster
Continued from page 13
lessons in a pool.
“Many of our customers want to experience
local culture, taste local
cooking, enjoy the region’s signature cocktails
and meet the people of
the destinations they
visit,” Rodriguez said.
“This program gives
them a unique, fun
and hassle-free way of
doing this, as well as
Carlson Wagonlit
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
(CWT) reports that Una
O’Leary has joined the
company as senior director,
Marketing and Supplier
Management for CWT’s
North American Leisure
organization. She will focus
on growth and revenue
generation for leisure operations in Canada and the
United States, including
the US Military & Government (M&G) business serviced by CWTSatoTravel.
She also joins the North
American Leisure Leadership Team. O’Leary has
more than 18 years of experience in both supplier
management and marketing in the leisure travel,
financial, credit card and
insurance industries, and
has held numerous positions in product development and market distribution. She is based in Toronto.
she spent four years as the
area sales manager with
various other companies
in the sales position. She
will be responsible for
further developing the sales
and group relationships
Barcelo has with retail and
tour operator partners in
Ontario and Manitoba.
Mancini can be contacted
by e-mail at l.mancini@
barcelo.com or by calling
Barcelo Hotels
Barcelo Hotels and Resorts
has named Liliana Mancini
as its new sales manager,
Ontario and Manitoba.
Mancini was most recently
with Park ‘N Fly where
Uniworld Boutique River
Cruise Collection has
announced the appointment of a new sales manager for Eastern Canada
– Mark Dzerowycz. As
the opportunity to take
some artwork or crafts
home as souvenirs.”
Rodriguez said
Sunwing has seen increased demand from
clients for local experiences and is confident
Viva Dominicana will
accommodate those
interested in Dominican culture. “Sunwing’s
focus has been on updating the mainstream
all-inclusive concept by
working with our hotel
The Globus family of brands celebrated its new
location at 3300 Bloor St. W., Centre Tower, Suite
2400, in Toronto last week with an open house for friends and well-wishers. Some of
the Globus team on hand for the event included (l-r): Patrice Geske, marketing manager; Kim Clarke, director of sales; Carm Orr, reservations manager; Stéphanie Bishop,
managing director; and Antonella Santia, director, operations.
On the move with Globus:
partners to add inclusions that exceed the
expectations of today’s
traveller. The program
was designed to offer
our customers a unique
experience and prove
local experiences add to
their D.R. Vacation.”
The tour operator earlier launched a Viva Cuba
program that saw “great
success,” he added.
Sunwing Airlines has
direct flights to Puerto
Plata from five gateways.
a business development
manager for Princess
Cruises and Cunard Line,
Dzerowycz spent nine years
developing and implementing strategic sales plans for
both organizations. Before
that, he served as a district
sales manager for Princess
for eight years, where his
many duties included
developing and administering marketing programs,
co-ordinating educational
and training programs,
and servicing individual
and national accounts.
Signature Vacations
Signature Vacations has
announced the grand
prize winners of its “Everyone’s a Winner” fall campaign. Congratulations
go out to Grazyna of Piast
Travel who won a Canon
EOS T5i 18-55mm SLR
camera, Louise from
Tripcentral Hamilton
who won a Samsung
46-inch television, Sheri
from Sears Travel Pointe
Claire who won a Samsung
46-inch television, and
Nathalie from Voyages
Club Evasion Inc. who
won a Canon ELPH 115
digital camera.
Cunard flagship Queen
Mary 2 lent a mid-Atlantic
helping hand to Canadian
solo woman rower Mylene
Paquette after receiving
a request for assistance
in July. Paquette had lost
her anchor and a satellite phone among other
items in the remnants of
a storm and the Queen
Mary 2 donated a new
phone, anchors and food.
But it was not possible to
squeeze in a blanket that
she requested. Paquette
went on to become the first
North American woman to
row solo from Canada to
France, a total of 130 days
at sea. On Dec. 15, Queen
Mary 2 Capt. Kevin Oprey
and Paquette met aboard
the Queen Mary 2 in
Southampton, and he presented her with the missing
blanket. “We were happy
to have given assistance
to Mylène and helped her
recover from the damage
inflicted by the storm, but
at Cunard, we like to finish
the job, which is why I was
so keen to meet Mylene
to congratulate her on her
extraordinary feat – and
to present her with the
blanket!” Oprey said.
0127PAGE13_23.indd 23
1/23/2014 3:13:18 PM
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Be enticed and enchanted by Jamaica with one of Signature
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Signature Vacations offers an extensive collection of all inclusive
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Negril, Jamaica
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Deluxe Grandview Room
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+ $390 taxes
Toronto departures. All prices are per person based on double occupancy for 7 nights on all inclusive vacations (unless otherwise specified) and were available at time of printing. Seats at the above prices are
limited and capacity controlled. Applicable local taxes payable in destination upon return are extra. Transportation taxes & related fees shown must be pre-paid. For full terms and conditions, please refer to our
current brochure. All flights are with Sunwing Airlines or Travel Services. Sunwing Vacations Inc. D/B/A as Signature Vacations, 27 Fasken Drive, Toronto, ON. Ont (Tico) # 2476582 | 01272014
0127PAGE24.indd 24
1/22/2014 12:42:35 PM