Citigo Brochure
Citigo Brochure
SIMPLY CLEVER ŠKODA CITIGO Me and my girls. ba by foo d and cha ngi ng Sha ring not es on ba by nam es, nd shi p. No w Eva and An na dia pe rs had de ep ene d our frie We ag ree d to me et at the we re to inh erit our frie nd shi p. old chi ldh ood tra dit ion of far me rs ma rke t in Pra gue - an We ret old me mor ies to our Ma rtin a and I. It wa s nos talg ia. by the ir gig gly mot her s. da ugh ter s wh o we re am use d The day ended our adven tures but only with a promis e to do this again next week. Let's bridge them in the comfo rt of our new ŠKOD A Citigo . It happened one day. Like love, friend ship too needs refres hment at times. Rome promi sed a break from old routin es and habits so we heade d there, huntin g for surpri ses. Every windin g street whispe red an invita tion. And just like that, new shops, new cafés and new experi ences sudde nly said hello. The street s are waitin g for us to discov er them with the conven ient CV sensor in our new ŠKODA Citigo . The never ending song. Being DJs was our excuse to make friends and meet fans of music. Before our regular jobs beckoned us back the next week, Fabian and I had two last gigs that Saturday night. The first one was a sell out. They loved us. The swelling Berlin fans queued up for us at the second club. Success followed us there too. As I started packing with bittersweet memories I couldn’t believe my eyes. Our music idol teared through the applause that still filled the room. The biggest DJ on this planet was to become our saviour. Meet him on Big fun needs big space. We are prepared with the large boot of our new ŠKODA Citigo. A family by choice. Hom e is a p lac e I m iss ed as an exc han ge stu den t in Lon don . A f ew oth ers like me arr ang ed a m eet up in the end les s gre ens of Hyd e Par k. It fel t like mee tin g mys elf aga in and aga in. We all had sim ilar sto ries to tel l of life in pul sat ing Lon don and of our hom es we wou ld soo n ret urn to. Fris bee , mus ic and bar bec ue did the res t and tho se onc e str ang ers soo n bec ame frie nds . Lon don sud den ly did n’t fee l gre y or col d any mor e. For eve ryo ne els e it was jus t ano the r laz y Sun day in the par k. For us it was the quic kes t flig ht bac k hom e. Frie nds are pre ciou s. I dr ive the m hom e saf ely and com for tab ly in my new ŠKO DA Cit igo. Get our fre e Me et App : A second first date. Eight een years of wedloc k had deepe ned our love but faded the roman ce. Memo ries that began in Paris were beggin g to be revive d. With our bikes on bo ard, a long drive brough t us to the city that had playe d cupid once upon a tim e. Days were filled chasin g spots where we first held hand s, first kissed and first said goodby e. Eveni ngs took us to old friend s who now, like us, looked differ ent but had chang ed little since that summ er. We didn’ t renew our vows. Inste ad we went into our past and brough t it home as a souv enir. Some people just belong togeth er. And so does the ŠKOD A Citigo and the ŠKOD A Genui ne Access ories. "TTHIS MUST BE A ŠKODA" wii llll c om w o m e to o y ou our m mii nd n d u po p o n ffii rs r st s t ggllan l aann cee . Itt s ddii stt iinn ct c t a nndd c o onn fi f de d e ntt dent des desi de sii ggnn w it i t h a ffii nn n n edd g ri r i lle lll l e se set e t in i n a c hr h om o m ee-- plat pll aatt ed e d f ra rame m , la l rg r ggee wi w i nndd ow o s ann d prec e i sel e l y shh aap el p ed ed h e ad head he a d laa mp p s ma m a ke k e s th t h e ne new w ŠK Š K OD D A CCii ttii ggo o a p ro roud u d a ndd f itt ttii ng n g m em m be ber e o off t he h e Š KO KODA D A f am DA m ily. y. y. The contours of the bottom window edges rise gently, giving the car a pleasant dynamic feel when viewed from the side. You can also choose SunSet: glass with a more pronounced tint for the rear, which will improve the exterior look and passenger comfort. The rear windows in the five-door version tip out. The car is also available in a three-door version. The electrically-adjustable panoramic sunroof, which opens a large space over the front seats, increases the passengers’ enjoyment of the ride. It is also a unique design feature. The tail lights, located just over the bumper, are obviously based on a fresh design and functional concept. They feature an important detail: the C-shaped lighting, included in all the current ŠKODA models. The vertical fifth door is topped with an effective spoiler with an integrated extra stop lamp. The massive rear bumper gives the car the necessary amount of robustness. w s the wa thh e ma m a inn idea id ea b ehh ind inn d th t e inte inn ttee ri rior o r d es or s igg n co c o ncc ep eptt off t hhee Š KO ŠK O D A Ci ODA Citi tigo g . Whh er go erev evv err y ouu l oo o k, k y ouu w wii ll f in indd S i mp Si mply lyy C le leve v e r so s luu ti tion onn s, w hii ch w iill l ma make k y ouu r ke d iv dr ives es s e ve venn mo o ree p le leas a s ann t. as t O h, h a ndd b y thh e wa w y, if y ou l oo o o k up p wa ward r d s yo o u wi w ll b e rewa ree ward waa rd rded edd w it ithh a ve very ryy s pee ci c al v ie iew. w. The drinks holder on the centre console is easily accessible to all passengers. The net pockets on the sides of the front seats are practical for storing small items. In the three-door version, the rear seat passengers can use storage pockets at the sides of the rear seats, which can also hold drink bottles. Use the clip on the dashboard to fix a photo or document you want to keep close at hand. Both the front doors have convenient storage compartments designed not only for maps and magazines but also 1-litre bottles. Simply Clever A special pocket for a reflective vest is located under the driver’s seat, ensuring it’s immediately within reach if you need it. The spacious glove compartment in the dashboard comes as open or lockable depending on the equipment version. When closed, a bag may be hung on a foldable hook. External appliances can be transported safely in the multimedia bracket. WHAT A NICE VIEW! E vveen e n if i f y ou o d on o n ‘tt l oo o ok k ou outt of o f t he h e w in i n do indo dow. o w. w . T he h e f un u ctt io o naa l aand an n d we w e lll -d well - d es -des es sig igg nnee d da dash shh boar b o arr d of bo o t hee C it i ttig igg o o off fe f e rs s a l ott o f wh w at y ou o u a re r e u se s d to o f om fr o m Š KO KODA D . DA The leather steering wheel with chrome elements enhances your joy of driving the car. The top offer includes a 3-spoke sports steering wheel in perforated leather with black stitching. The Funky radio, which enables DAB reception (Digital Audio Broadcast), features many functions including a music CD and CD-MP3 player. It can also be connected to the Move&Fun multifunctional mobile navigation. The controls for the electrically adjustable front windows and external mirrors are conveniently located in the door panelling. The combined instrument panel has a pleasant backlighting. The specific feature of the Citigo is an onboard computer with a digital coolant temperature indicator. W ha h a t ma m a y so o un u n d lii ke ke a co o ntt rraa ddiict i ctt ion iio o n aacc tuu al a llyy d es s crr ibb ees s t hee r eeaa r o off t hee n ew w Š KODA KO K O DA DA C i ttiigo Ci i go g o p err fe f ct c t lyy . Itt s lu l u gg g g ag a ge g e co o mp p arr tm t m enn t of offe f ffee rs r eno o ugg h room om m f o r all thh e th fo t inn gs s y ouu n eedd inn t hee citt y. y And n iff yyo o u stt iill l ne n e eedd mo m o ree s pa p ace a cee , tthh e ree ar a r s ea e a tts eats s c an a n b e ffo o ollded lldd eedd t o ex xp paand a nd n d t he he c a paa ccii ttyy t o 95 ca 9 5 1 lili tr t r es e s a ndd u p to t o 2 m ett rree s inn l eenn gt g t h! h! There are four convenient hooks for hanging or attaching your bags at the sides of the luggage compartment. The effortlessly foldable backrest of the front passenger seat enhances the utility value of the car. In the basic arrangement, the luggage compartment has a capacity of 251 litres, which ranks it above average in its class. The angle of the open rear door on the photo is illustrative only in order to present the spaciousness of the rear passenger seating area. The double vertical net will reliably prevent your stuff from moving around. Plus you will see clearly where you put things. The mid-level luggage compartment floor facilitates easier luggage handling by placing the bottom of the compartment close to the level of the loading edge. In addition, it provides a discreet storage space under the bottom of the luggage compartment floor. Large luggage compartment "SAFETY FIRST" Best in Class. Passive Safety. i s t he is h m ott to o w e all wa w ays ys s k ee e e p inn m inn d wh w hen enn w e buu ili l d ou o r caa rs r s.. E pee ci Es c ial aall ly l y t hhee c itt y wi w thh i ts s to op p-- ann dd ggo t raff r a ff ra f f icc r eq e q ui u ire i re res s aann e labo laa bo b o ra rate a te t e s af afet e y co et conc o nc n ep p t. t Ther Th eerref r ef efor orr ee,, t hee Š KO K O DA A C it i t igg o off fe fers rs s s evv er eral a l n ew al w f ea eatu ttuure u rree s inn a dddd itt io i n to t t hee e s ss s en e ti t i al tial s a fe sa f e ty fety t y p re rere requ re e qu quis is isit s itt es es. s . An A d th t att 's s w hy h y i t al a l so o c om omes e s w itt h a ve es very ryy s pe p e cii aall d is s ti tinc ncc ttii on o : b est be s t i n itt s cll as st ass, s a ctt ivv e an s, andd paa ss ssiv ivv e. e. Best in Class. Active Safety. Fog lamps integrated in the front bumper spoiler contribute to increased safety in reduced visibility conditions. In addition to the driver and front passenger airbags, the standard equipment version includes special Head-Thorax side airbags, which can protect the heads and bodies of those in the front seats in a side impact. The unique City Safe Drive system is a novelty for safer driving in crowded city streets in particular. It has an emergency brake function and a CV (Closing Velocity) sensor, which monitors the traffic in front of the car within 10 m at up to 30 km/h. In case the driver fails to react to an obstacle in time, the system can prevent collision. Parking the Citigo is easy due to its excellent manoeuvrability. Moreover, you can be assisted by three parking sensors integrated in the rear bumper, which check the car’s distance from any obstacles. The TPM (Tyre Pressure Monitoring) is a system that utilises data from the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) sensors. Any decrease in the under-inflated tyre revolution speed is indicated on the instrument panel to alert the driver. Unusual agility. Efficient engines. LESS IS MORE. Nee w techh n ol o ogg iee s in i t he Š KO O DA A Citt igg o leadd to o low w er CO O 2 emi m ss s ions n t o gi g i ve y ouu eve v n mo o re d rivii ngg p leas a urr e. Ann d as a t he h cityy is alrea e dyy louu d en e ouu gh g , its s enn gi g nee als lls s o exce c ls wii th t h a n ex e tr t r r inaa r ilyy low traord w no n isee . Cutting-edge semi-automatic 5-speed transmission, available for both the engine versions offered, provides easy and comfortable control. The 3-cylinder 1.0 MPI/44kW or 55kW petrol engines are noted for refined running, economic operation even at higher speeds and excellent acceleration. Both the engines are particularly suitable for city traffic but you will be pleased with their performance wherever you drive. Drivers who associate enjoyable driving with manual transmission may choose a conventional mechanical 5-speed version. Semi-automatic transmission ŠKODA Citigo G-TEC. Environment friendly. Budget friendly. LOVE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. D ri r i ving v i ngg s hho vi o ul oul u l dn uldn dn’t ’tt p ut u t a s ttrr aaiin in on eithe h e r thee envi he v ro vi o nm n en e n t or o n yo o ur u r w al a lle lee t. W it ithh this t h is th s in m ind, d , CNG d, N (Comp mp m mpre p r e ssed ss s Nat att ural aall Gas a s ) pr as p om o m is s es s a m ucc h g eee nerr alte gr t rnn ativv e to t c onve v ntt i o naa l fuu els.. The ŠKODA Citigo 1.0 MPI/50kW G-TEC engine produces just 79 g/km CO2, reducing nitrogen oxide emissions and emitting no solid particles. Inside, two safely designed CNG tanks can carry 72 litres of fuel. To stretch driving flexibility we’ve also equipped it with a 10-litre petrol tank. In other words, you can travel nonstop for up to 600 kilometres skipping all gas stations on the way. All our G-TEC vehicles come fitted with ŠKODA’s proprietary Green tec version, which means less driving costs without costing the environment too much. The Start-Stop system automatically switches off the engine when you are waiting at the traffic lights or moving slowly in a queue of cars. The engine restarts once you push the clutch pedal. Energy recovery functionality further reduces engine load and increases fuel efficiency by utilising the car’s kinetic energy for battery recharging. The car is equipped with automatic switching between the two fuel systems. The car’s engine is started using petrol and then switches to CNG drive. The indicator to the right shows the active regime. The display panel then provides information concerning the fuel level plus current and average consumption. A symbol warns drivers when the fuel level is low. ŠKODA Citigo Monte Carlo. For those who seek thrill in style. The ŠKODA Citigo Monte Carlo features black exterior elements, which give the car a unique style and a ferocious expression. The specifi c features in a black design include the front grille frame, the front bumper spoiler, the external mirrors, the roof spoiler and the diffuser. The car is decorated with black foils, while the black bodywork has silver foils. Both the 3-door and 5-door version comes with a sports chassis (with the exception of the G-TEC version). The knob and sleeve of the gear stick and the handbrake handle are in black le ather with red stitching. The sports interior with a glossy black dashboard and a black ceiling has upholstery in a black/red combination. The 3-spoke steering wheel comes in perforated black leather with red stitching. The distinct style is underlined by the 15" Auriga alloy wheels in a black metallic design or the optional 16" Serpens alloy wheels. You can find the Monte Carlo inscription on the front door sill decorative foils. The Move&Fun PID combines the features of an on-board computer, navigation system and hands-free set. Using Bluetooth, this multifunctional appliance is able to connect to the internet via a mobile phone and download data for its applications. The software can also be updated on The prerequisite for complete connection of your PID with the car is the factory-installed extra equipment: preparation for the Move&Fun navigation system. The comfort and practicality of the car is increased by the front armrest with a built-in storage compartment. Original textile or rubber foot mats, on offer in sets of four, help you keep the car interior tidy. The decorative door sill foils increase the attractive look of the car and protect the thresholds from damage. The 16" Serpens alloy wheels, which enhance the exterior’s dynamic look, are available in three designs: metallic black (left), metallic silver (right) and white. ŠKODA GENUINE ACCESSORIES i nc n c luu de v arr io nclu ious us p ro rodu duct du cts ct s raa ng ngin i g fr in from om e xc xclu l si lu s ve v a lll oy w he heel els el s to m obb ili e na navi v ga vi g ti t on on, suu nb nblililind n s, nd s f oo o t ma m ts a nd l ug ugga gage ga ge c om ompa part pa rtme rt ment me ntt e qqu ip ipme m nt me n , to o r oo o f ca carr r ie rr iers rs a s we w lll s no now w ch chai a ns ai ns, me m chh an anic icc aall d ri r ive ve ve l ock lo ckin ck inn g syy st s ems em m s ann d cchh ill d se seat a s. at s . T o ma maxi ximi xi m se t hee e mo mi o ti tion o all l oo on o k of o y ou ourr Ci C ti t go o , we r ec ecom o mee ndd t he om h S po o rt r t D es s ig ignn paa ck pack ckag a g e with age ag w i thh a s ett o f dee co wi cora rati ra ttii ve v f oi o i ls a nd n 1 5” 5 A ur u rig igg a al allo loyy whh eels lo eee ls s i n a mee taa llll ic b la lack ck c ol o ouu r, r w hi hich ch c an b e orr dere d e re de r d w thh y ou wi o urr nee w ca c a r or l att err o n. car n . Y ou ca cann fi f i n d mo more re i nff or orma m ti ma tion o a nd on n a n ov over ervi er view vi ew w o f ou ourr pr p od o uc u ts i n thh e ac a cee ss s orr iee s cata ca t lo ta o gu g e,, a va v ill abb lee f ro r o m yo o ur a ut u tho hori ho r ise ri i see d ŠK Š OD ODA A pa p rt r ne ner. r r. Elegance interior in Ivory, with Ivory dashboard. Elegance interior in black/grey, with black dashboard. Active interior in black/grey, with black dashboard. Elegance version standard equipment: 14" alloy wheels, fog lamps, electricallyadjustable heated external mirrors Ambition version standard equipment: electric front windows, remote control central locking, photo clip, bag hook on glove compartment, pockets on inner sides of front seats Active version standard equipment: ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), driver and front passenger airbags, Head-Thorax side airbags, external mirrors and door handles in black colour Ambition interior in black/Ivory, with Ivory/black dashboard. Ambition interior in black/grey, with black dashboard. Active interior in black/grey with blue stripes, and black dashboard with blue highlights. Candy White uni Sunflower Yellow uni Tornado Red uni Brilliant Silver metallic Leaf Silver metallic Spring Green metallic Night Blue metallic Deep Black metallic Unique Colourstar fabric in the central seat sections for the Quicksilv er interior. Quicksilver interior in black/Colourstar, with Quicks ilver/black dashboard is an optional interior for the Elegance and Ambition versions. 5.5J x 15" Auriga alloy wheels for 185/55 R15 tyres; silver design. 5.5J x 15" Auriga alloy wheels for 185/55 R15 tyres; black design. 5.5J x 15" Auriga alloy wheels for 185/55 R15 tyres; white design. 5.0J x 14" Apus alloy wheels for 175/65 R14 tyres; silver design. 5.0J x 14" Apus alloy wheels for 175/65 R14 tyres; black design. 5.0J x 14" Apus alloy wheels for 175/65 R14 tyres; white design. 5.0J x 14" steel wheels for 165/70 R14 tyres with large Aries hub covers. 5.0J x 14" steel wheels for 165/70 R14 tyres with small hub covers. The listed values apply to the standard model without extra equipment. * Using low-octane fuel may affect engine performance. 5.1 3.7 4.2 98 9.8 5.5 m3/100 km 3.8 m3/100 km 4.4 m3/100 km 79 9.8 Front-wheel drive Hydraulic single dry clutch disc Manual 5-speed (Semi-automatic 5-speed) Front-wheel drive Hydraulic single dry clutch disc Manual 5-speed Front-wheel drive Hydraulic single dry clutch disc Manual 5-speed (Semi-automatic 5-speed) Front-wheel drive Hydraulic single dry clutch disc Manual 5-speed Front-wheel drive Hydraulic single dry clutch disc Manual 5-speed 929 (932) 436 (433) 1,290 940 425 1,290 929 (932) 436 (433) 1,290 940 425 1,290 1,031 414 1,370 1,424 1,910 251 l 632 3-door or 5-door, 4-seater, 2-compartment 0.33; G-TEC: 0.34 McPherson suspension with lower triangular links and torsion stabiliser Compound link crank-axle Hydraulic dual-diagonal circuit braking system Dual Rate vacuum assisted Disc brakes with inner cooling and with single-piston floating calliper Drum brakes Direct rack-and-pinion steering with electro-mechanical power steering 5.0J x 14" 165/70 R14; Green tec, G-TEC: 175/65 R14 1,428 1,641 1,424 1,910 1,428 1,645 947 5.9 (5.5) 4.0 4.7 (4.5) 108 (105) 9.8 993 5.0 3.6 4.1 95 9.8 251 l 632 14.6° 5.6 (5.3) 3.9 4.5 (4.4) 105 (103) 9.8 1,478 164 16.3 544 2,420 3,563 599 544 2,420 3,563 599 * ML3 1,417/1,389; 1,369/1,388** 993/947 251/951; 959**; G-TEC: 213/913; 921** ** Applies to the 5-door version. ( ) Applies to semi-automatic transmission. 978 1,069 1,389 3,563 1,641; 1,645** 1,478; Green tec: 1,463; G-TEC: 1,480 2,420 1,428/1,424 136; Green tec: 121; G-TEC: 134 978 35; G-TEC: 12 kg + 10 l 1,417 Interior dimensions Lateral room front/rear (mm) Effective head room front/rear (mm) Luggage storage space (max. l) – without spare tyre, with rear seat backrests upright/down – with spare tyre the values are lower by 17 l 172 13.2 ° 22.3 Exterior dimensions Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Wheel base (mm) Track front/rear (mm) Clearance (mm) 171 13.2 (13.9) *° Tank capacity (l) 161 14.4 22.3 Chassis Front axle Rear axle Braking system – front brakes – rear brakes Steering Wheels Tyres 160 14.4 (15.3) 1,069 Body Drag coefficient Cw 1.0 MPI/50 kW G-TEC CNG/Petrol engine 3 999 50/6,200 90/3,000 EU5 CNG/Unleaded petrol, RON 95 947 Transmission Weight Kerb weight – in standard version with a 75kg driver (kg) Payload – incl. a driver and extra equipment (kg) Total weight (kg) 1.0 MPI/55 kW Green tec Petrol engine 3 999 55/6,200 95/3,000–4,300 EU5 Unleaded petrol, RON 95/91* 1,388 Power transmission Type Clutch 1.0 MPI/55 kW Petrol engine 3 999 55/6,200 95/3,000–4,300 EU5 Unleaded petrol, RON 95/91* 993 Performance Maximum speed (km/h) Acceleration 0–100 km/h (s) Fuel consumption 99/100 – urban (l/100 km) – extra-urban ( l/100 km) – combined (l/100 km) CO2 emissions (g/km) Turning circle diameter (m) 1.0 MPI/44 kW Green tec Petrol engine 3 999 44/5,000–6,000 95/3,000–4,300 EU5 Unleaded petrol, RON 95/91* 1,369 Cylinders Cubic capacity (cc) Max. performance/Revs (kW/min-1) Max. torque/Revs (Nm/min-1) Air pollution regulation Fuel 1.0 MPI/44 kW Petrol engine 3 999 44/5,000–6,000 95/3,000–4,300 EU5 Unleaded petrol, RON 95/91* 14.6*° Engine 1,478 Technical specifications Merchandise General information ŠKODA Service Put your car in good hands. We give you good reasons to choose an authorised ŠKODA service partner. We offer you first-class quality Your car requires advanced technology. All the authorised ŠKODA service partners have special tools and quality diagnostic systems at their disposal to ensure the perfect functionality and reliability of your car. Tattoo stickers Professionally trained staff by the manufacturer The ever-rising standard of the technology used in our cars requires corresponding professional qualifications on the part of the staff. To meet this requirement, the manufacturer organises regular training for the authorised ŠKODA service partners in order to provide them with up-to-date information important for their activities. Our motto: be fair and open with our customers Careful, professional and friendly counselling for the customers upon acceptance of orders is just as important to us as diligence and completeness with respect to repairs and maintenance work. All this is continuously monitored by internal quality control. Tattoo stickers ŠKODA Citigo Sport white model car Comprehensive range of services: › Service inspections The authorised ŠKODA service partner guarantees the performance of regular service inspections in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and ensures the long-term functionality of your car. The service schedule informs you when the service inspection must be done. › Body and paintwork service Damage to the body and painted areas will be fixed by your authorised ŠKODA service partner in an expert manner, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, using ŠKODA Genuine Parts. This is important not only for your safety, but also for functionality and maintaining your car’s value. › Courtesy car The authorised ŠKODA service partner can provide you with a courtesy car for the period of repair or service inspection. › Pick up and delivery service If you are unable to take your vehicle to the ŠKODA Service, an authorised ŠKODA service partner will arrange a date with you to pick up the car. The car will be delivered back to you after the service work has been completed. The listed services represent only part of the wide range of ŠKODA Service offers, which may vary from country to country. Please contact your authorised ŠKODA service partner for further details. ŠKODA Applications ŠKODA Citigo Sport red model car ŠKODA Service App – ŠKODA Service in your pocket The ŠKODA Service application is designed for smartphones operating on iOS and Android systems and its purpose is to help ŠKODA customers in any difficult situation they may encounter on their travels. ŠKODA Manual App – know your vehicle The ŠKODA Manual application is aimed at users of tablet PCs who are interested in ŠKODA vehicles or already own one. The application contains a full featured digital version of the owner’s manual for all current ŠKODA models. ŠKODA Genuine Accessories ŠKODA Genuine Accessories offer you a wide assortment oriented to five main product groups (sport and design, music and communication, comfort and utility, transport and safety) and bicycle products. For more detailed information on the complete ŠKODA Genuine Accessories range see the individual ŠKODA model catalogues. ŠKODA Genuine Parts Safety ŠKODA Genuine Parts are identical to those used in the assembly of ŠKODA vehicles. The use of first-class materials and technologies guarantees safe and worry-free motoring. Availability ŠKODA AUTO offers a complete range of parts and equipment items used in the vehicle’s series production and does not merely focus on high-turnover parts. Our objective is to secure ŠKODA Genuine Parts supplies essential for the operation of the vehicle for a period of 15 years after the end of the model run. Long service life The use of first-rate materials and manufacturing technologies applied in the production of ŠKODA Genuine Parts ensure their maximum reliability and long life. As proof, we have extended the genuine batteries warranty to three years. Environment protection The ŠKODA Genuine Parts range includes exchange parts, which are manufactured with a low environmental impact in terms of waste, excess heat and water contamination. Information on the internet Information is available at to assist you in deciding which vehicle suits your needs, thanks to the detailed descriptions and photographs of all our models. Visit and become a fan of ŠKODA to receive the latest updates and get in touch with our community. ŠKODA Finance ŠKODA Finance provided by ŠkoFIN offers solutions for both individuals and businesses. Purchase your car with favorable conditions without additional costs. You can learn about the current credit or lease offer through any authorised ŠKODA partner. Global fleet The ŠKODA AUTO Global Fleet Services offer B2B fleet solutions to customers with all kinds of requirements. A fleet made up of ŠKODA cars offers unmatched roominess, long-lasting quality, safety, low total costs of ownership and as a result excellent value for money. You can find more information about our products and services at One of the most important goals of ŠKODA AUTO is the development and manufacture of products that are as environmentally friendly as possible throughout their life cycle phases, placing principal emphasis on the selection of recyclable materials. Our ŠKODA cars are produced using progressive types of technology in modern production facilities that meet the strictest criteria. Anticorrosive protection of the cars’ painted parts is based exclusively on lead-free cataphoresis (KTL) and water-soluable paints. Our company strategy includes limiting fuel consumption and emissions. As a result, the engines we offer meet the current emission regulations. All ŠKODA products are made using manufacturing processes that adhere to the laws and regulations concerning the protection of soil and water. As a result of these activities, ŠKODA cars meet technical, safety, quality and environmental requirements. ŠKODA AUTO contributes to the preservation of a clean environment and provides mobility and comfort to its customers. Simply Clever The environmental logo expresses ŠKODA AUTO’s awareness of, responsibility for and attempts at the sustainable development of the company and a friendly approach to life and nature. 5 star NCAP safety rating Semi-automatic transmission City Safe Drive Five doors Download the ŠKODA Interactive Catalogue and explore the car from every angle. Sunroof Large luggage compartment ŠKODA Manual App Some models in this catalogue are shown fitted with optional or extra equipment not necessarily included in the standard equipment. All details of technical specifications, design, equipment, materials, guarantees and appearance were accurate at the time of going to print. However, the manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes without prior notice. The information included in this catalogue is for guidance only. Due to printing technology limitations, the colours of paints or other materials shown in this catalogue may differ from reality. For up-to-date information and further details on standard and optional equipment, current prices and delivery terms and conditions contact your authorised ŠKODA partner. This catalogue was printed on cellulose paper which was bleached without using chlorine. The paper is 100% recyclable. Your ŠKODA partner: C10220 05/14 Luxury manual on tablet PC
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from a 12V outlet. The rear safety seat belt can be used to fasten the
box in the car.
Isofix Duo plus Top Tether child seat (9–1...