Š K O D A A U t O P ro d u ctio n
Š K O D A A U t O P ro d u ctio n
Škoda employees about 28.000 persons in staff world wide having manufactured over 900.000 cars in 2011. Additionally Škoda manufactures in the Czech Republic in the localities Kvasiny and Vrchlabí. Localities World Wide Furthermore Škoda manufactures in China, Russia, India, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The Škoda cars are exported in more than 100 countries all over the earth. ŠKODA MUZEUM Tř. Václava Klementa 294 293 60 Mladá Boleslav Czech Republic T +420 326 832 038 F +420 326 832 039 muzeum@skoda-auto.cz muzeum.skoda-auto.cz muzeum.skoda-auto.com GPS: 50°25’7.615”N, 14°54’50.838”E Russia Kazakhstan Czech Republic: Vrchlabí plant Czech Republic: Mladá Boleslav plant Czech Republic: Kvasiny plant Ukraine China India English Czech Republic Localities The company head office and the main plant of ŠKODA AUTO a.s. are in Mladá Boleslav the town about 50 km to the north-east from Prague. Since that time when the car manufacturing began here under the founders Laurin & Klement in 1905 over 10 millions cars have been produced in the parent plant in Mladá Boleslav. Škoda auto Production ŠKODA INTERNATIONAL Production world wide INFORMATION AND CONTACT www.skoda-auto.com Accomplishments since 1895 ŠKODA AUTO a.s. with head office in Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) belongs to the eldest car manufacturers on the world. Since 1991 the Škoda has become the VW Group make. In 2005 the traditional make celebrated its 110 years anniversary of the company history and 100 years of the innovative car manufacturing. Pressing Shop What should be a car some day it is only a big metal sheet coil initially. The metal sheet is unwound and cut into pieces. These pieces pass through various presses in the pressing shop. Between the pressing tools and under high pressure the material receives requested form. From these formed parts the car body is assembled afterwards. Car Body Making The metal sheet parts coming from the pressing shop are assembled here into the so called raw car body. Body bottom assembly, side panels, roof and doors all parts are welded together, glued or folded. As in the car body making so many robots are used there is own robot workshop too. Paint shop After the car body making the raw car body passes through the paint shop. Initially the antirust protection priming paint is coated and then the immersion baths are passed through. The filler layer prepares the undercoat for the top coat layer. This varnish gives colour to the car and it is sealed with clear finish finally. Component Parts Making Many bigger car parts are prefabricated and as a whole assembled afterwards: beginning from the engine, through gearbox, axles, seats, cockpit up to frontend. Some component parts come as prefabricated units from the external suppliers other ones are manufactured in Škoda completely. The petrol engines and the manual gearboxes are manufactured in the Mladá Boleslav plant or they are imported from other production localities of the VW Group. The automatic gearboxes are made in the Vrchlabí plant or they are imported from production localities of the VW Group. The axles for all the Škoda cars are assembled in the Mladá Boleslav plant. Casting | Forge Shop Beside forging and pressing the casting is further possibility to bring the metal in requested form. At Škoda the aluminium die casting is used enabling highly efficient engine block manufacturing. The Škoda competence in the die casting technology has got a long tradition. The heavy-duty parts e. g. crank shafts are forged. Assembly Shop In the assembly shop all component parts are assembled into the finished car. The engine and gearbox assembly with the car body is called “the wedding” traditionally. The car interior fittings follow the specific customer wishes. All attachment parts are assembled inside as well as outside. The car stands on its own wheels now, it is fueled and passes tights quality checks. PLANT MANAGEMENT AT ŠKODA Manufacturing Processes Live Experience PRODUCTION AT ŠKODA Innovation | Precision | Perfection Tool Making Shop The car form is defined in the car styling. Then the component parts are designed. So there is e. g. engine hood for stabilisation made of several metal sheets joined together. The pressing tools giving its shape to each single metal sheet part of the car are made in tool making shop – it is the work demanding extreme precision and representing the Škoda core competence all the time. Plant Management Equally fascinating as to drive the Škoda car it is to see its coming to existence in various manufacturing processes under live experience. Our visitors take a look at the backdrop of the tradition rich and simultaneously highly modern Škoda Mladá Boleslav plant. They feel the floor vibrating in the transfer pressing machines rhythm, they are witnesses of the precision which each detail of our cars is processed here with. The plant is opened for the interested visitors to make a sightseeing tour. After an introducing film presentation in the cinema of the museum the participants are guided through the pressing shop and engine and gearbox assembly shop. The guided tour is offered in six different languages and takes about 90 minutes. In this way our customers and all other car keen admirers can see under close experience, how the Škoda car comes to existence.
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