ŠKODA JS as - Czech Industry for ITER
ŠKODA JS as - Czech Industry for ITER
ŠKODA JS a.s. Praha 7.září 2010 Jan Blažek úsek Technika Content ŠKODA JS company Development Projects 2 History Manufacturing capabilities Quality assurance Strategic bussines units Current projects Finalized projects Other projects ITER History 1859 - foundation of the primary ŠKODA company 1956 - initiation of ŠKODA's nuclear programme 1974 - start of the VVER reactor programme 1980 - first VVER 440-type reactor 1989 - first VVER 1000-type reactor 1993 - starting cask manufacturing 1993 - privatization and establishment of the parent company SKODA a.s. and the subsidiary ŠKODA JADERNÉ STROJÍRENSTVÍ s.r.o. 1999 - transformation to a joint stock company ŠKODA JS a.s. 2004 - sale of SKODA JS to the Russian group OMZ (100% owner) 2010 - today - Czech leader in supplies for nuclear power plants, staff – 1067 employees 3 Emil ŠKODA (1839-1900) founder of ŠKODA WORKS Manufacturing Capabilities Heavy Manufacturing Complex Fabrication of heavy welded vessels and structures Bolevec site facilities 4 Fabrication of small and medium size products, company headquarters, experimental facility Quality Assurance ISO 9001: 2000 ISO 14001: 2004 (ЕMS) OHSAS 18001: 2007 ASME-Code Section III, Div.1 (stamps N, NPT, certificate NS) – nuclear equipment ČSN-EN-ISO 3834-2 – nuclear equipment welding AD-2000 Merkblatt HP 0, DIN-EN 729-2 (Germany) GOST–R (Technoneftegaz, Russia) – manufacturing of pressure equipment incl. related spare parts TRV 006 (TÜV, Germany) – manufacture of nuclear equipment – B-type casks ABOS (Paks NPP, Hungary) – nuclear equipment CEFRI (France) 5 Strategic Business Units Engineering Construction of the VVER units Upgrade and renovation of operating VVER units (incl. I&C replacement) Construction of research and training reactors Services Management of planned outages Maintenance and repairs of reactor equipment Upgrade of reactor components Equipment lifetime management Production Equipment for the VVER and RBMK type NPPs Equipment for the PWR and BWR type NPPs Equipment for spent nuclear fuel storage 6 Paks, Hungary 4 x VVER 440 / V-213 1980-87 Bohunice V2, Slovakia 2 x VVER 440 / V-213 1982-85 Start-up On-site Installation 1 x HWGCR (150MWe) 1965-72 Procurement Year Equipment Manufacture Bohunice A1, Slovakia Units Main Supplier of Primary Circuit and Fuel Handling Systems Detailed Design Nuclear Power Plant Prime Contractor for Plant Technological Part Engineering: Review of Supplied NPP Units * Dukovany, Czech Republic 4 x VVER 440 / V-213 1982-87 Nord, Germany 3 x VVER 440 / V-213 1982-88 Zarnowiec, Poland 4 x VVER 440 / V-213 1986-88 Mochovce, Slovakia 4 x VVER 440 / V-213 1987-1999 Belene, Bulgaria 1 x VVER 1000 / V-320 Temelín, Czech Republic 2 x VVER 1000 / V-320 1991-2003 * Reactor manufacture + supervision of the on-site installation 7 1988- Current Status * Operable Operable (Unit 1 - 1984, Unit 2 - 1985) Operable ( Unit 1-1985,Unit 2 -1986, Unit 3 -1987, Unit 4 -1988) Under decommissioning Project cancelled Units 1,2 in operation (1998-1999) Units 3,4 - project stayed proceedings To be continued by 2013/2015 Under decommissioning Operable ( Unit 1-2002, Unit 2 -2003) Engineering Calculations 8 Neutron-physics – cooperation with WBU (department of mathematics) Thermohydraulic Radiation safety Stress analysis Content ŠKODA JS company Development Projects 9 History Manufacturing capabilities Quality assurance Strategic bussines units Engineering Current projects Finalized projects Other projects ITER Current Projects Reactor Main Flange Joint Stud Tensioner 10 Joint project of Siempelkamp Tensioning Systems and ŠKODA JS Tensioning of all studs simultaneously Reference: Dukovany NPP – April 2008 Bohunice/Mochovce NPPs – April 2009 Temelin NPP – June 2009 Project on order: Mochovce NPP/3&4 – supply 2012 Current Projects: EPR EPR reactor components for Olkiluoto NPP/Unit 3 (in progress) Reactor internal parts 11 Customer: Areva NP End-user: TVO, Finland Contract signed: 03/2005 To be supplied in 2010 Current Projects: EPR EPR reactor components for Taishan NPP/Unit 1 (in progress) Reactor internal parts 12 Customer: Areva NP End-user: CGNPG, China Contract award - 2009 To be supplied in 2012 Current Projects Spent Fuel Cask Transfer Facility FA3 (in progress) 13 Flamanville NPP/Unit 3 (EPR reactor) ŠKODA JS’s own design Scope - basic & detail design, fabrication, installation, setting into operation Customer: Electricité de France Contract award – December 2007 To be supplied in 2011 Current project Control Rod Drive Mechanism VVER 400: More than 900 pcs supplied Modernized version PRO-M with 25-years service lifetime Projects on order Paks NPP, 124 drives, 2010-2012 Mochovce 3&4, 90 drives, 2011-2012 VVER 1000: Nearly 1000 pcs supplied to twelve NPP units Enhanced version LKP-M with 30 years lifetime RBMK 14 Current project Control Rod Drive Mechanism VVER 400: More than 900 pcs supplied Modernized version PRO-M with 25-years service lifetime Projects on order Paks NPP, 124 drives, 2010-2012 Mochovce 3&4, 90 drives, 2011-2012 VVER 1000: Nearly 1000 pcs supplied to twelve NPP units Enhanced version LKP-M with 30 years lifetime RBMK 15 Finalized Projects ŠKODA VPVR/M cask 16 For transport and storage of the research reactor spent nuclear fuel ŠKODA JS original design Project supported by DoE (USA) and IAEA Reference 6 casks for NRI Rez 10 casks for IAEA Other projects Bearings for storm surge barrier 17 Location: Maesland, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Supply: 1997 Other projects Central axis for Millenium Eye at London 18 Customer: British Airways Supply: 1998 Content ŠKODA JS company Development Projects 19 History Manufacturing capabilities Quality assurance Strategic bussines units Engineering Current projects Finalized projects Other projects ITER ITER Blanket System: First Wall (SS 316 LN) Blanket Shield Module (BSM) First Wall Panel 20 Shield Block ITER Blanket System: First Wall (SS 316 LN) Blanket Shield Module (BSM) First Wall Panel 21 Shield Block ITER Blanket System: Shield Block Mechanical Testing of a FWP attachement system for ITER FJFI, katedra materiálů Vítkovice Výzkum a vývoj s.r.o. ŠKODA VÝZKUM s.r.o. 22 Test Blanket Module 23 Test Blanket Module: Helium Cooled Lithium-Lead, Pebble-Bed 24 Test Blanket Modul F4E-OPE-044: „Supply of preliminary fabrication and welding procedure specifications for TBMs EUROFER subcomponents“ 1. 2. vývoj výrobních a svařovacích postupů pro subkomponenty Test Blanket Modulů odpovídajících dostupných normám a standardům design, výroba a popis proveditelnosti/vyrobitelbnosti maket Test Blanket Modulů Ing. Milan Zmítko Test Blanket Modul Group Budoucnost…? 25 TIG/YAG/MIG/Electron beam/Laser welding Eurofer (feriticko-martenzitická ocel, základem ocel 9%Cr-1%Mo; vysoce aktivovatelné Mo, Nb nahrazeny W, Ta; maximální možné potlačení nečistot) Cryoplant, zkušenosti v ČR CRYOPLANT ZKUŠENOSTI V ČR Ateko a.s., ÚAM Brno, FJFI ČVUT, Škoda Výzkum s.r.o, ÚJV Řež; Výzkum a Vývoj Vítkovice; ČKD 26 Contact Děkuji za pozornost! ŠKODA JS a.s. Orlik 266 316 06 Plzen Czech Republic Tel.: +420-378 042 410 Fax: +420-377 520 600 e-mail: info@skoda-js.cz www.skoda-js.cz 27