Document 6575193


Document 6575193
We are on the Web:
Roll 220
23rd October 2014 Week 2
Te Kura Tuatahi o Wainui PANUI
Lighting up learning!
Ki te Ao Mārama, ki te Ao Mātauranga
Phone: 06 8677160
Fax: 06 8676483
24th: Y6 surfing starts
28th: Labour Day holiday
29th: Y4 Girls self defence
3rd: School Photos
5th: School Athletic Sports
6th: BOT meeting 7.15pm
7th: Hangi preparation at
8th: Craft Fair &
Community Hangi
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou, Greetings to
you all
There are 9 weeks in this term. The last day is Friday 12th Dec. Our 4th term is always a busy one, and we have a lot of events happening. Please keep an eye on your newsleCers and noDces and on the website and Facebook for the latest updates. There is a comprehensive list on the leE. We are appreciaDve of the parents who have filled in the form for the CraE Fair & Hangi to let us know how they can help. There are 2 forms coming home today for helpers. Please choose an area you would be able to help with and send the form back. Thank you. I am puLng my body on the line again under the dunking machine at the craE fair. This year I decided to share the j o y ! W e a r e a l s o changing the format. We have 15 minute slots and are asking people to bid to get the opportunity to dunk someone first. Meng Foon, our Mayor has agreed to go under at 3.30pm. If you are keen to have the first ‘go’ at Meng, myself or Jonty practicing
his cricket skills.
another teacher, please put your bid on the enclosed dunking sheet and return to school. We will put the bids up on a board and you can increase your bid up to the last minute. The 2nd highest bidder will get the next opportunity and so on. It is only for 15 minutes…! SUNHATS: these need to be worn every day in Term 4. It is difficult for those children who have forgoCen them to stay on the decks for all of lunchDme. CongratulaDons to all of the Wai Syndicate students who had art entered into the A&P show compeDDon. The following students were awarded placings; 2nd place -­‐ Ryan Saunders, Charlie Keepa. 3rd place -­‐ China Gunness. Commended -­‐ Karma Matenga, Kaya Avni,Teifi Clarke, Rosie Sutherland, Mako Fukushima-­‐
Hall, Sennen Gander, Amelia Arthur. Very Highly Commended -­‐ Avie Harris, May Williams. Jade Effmann won gold & Pila Crick silver, for highland dancing. Jade also won gold for Irish dancing. We are updaDng our New Entrant lists for 2015 and beyond. If you have a preschooler or know of a family who are intending to send their child to our school, please ask them to contact Margo. This helps immensely with our planning for staffing needs. Enjoy your long weekend! Arohanui
12th: Interschool Athletics
14th: WAI syndicate Tabloid
20th: Turanganui Festival
WAI 11am, NUI 11.30am
21st: School Disco
25th: Y6 to Intermediates
for orientation
2nd: Principal’s Tea Party
4th: BOT meeting 7.15pm
5th: Term Achievers
8th: Reports home
9th: Y6 Dinner
10th: Student Learning
Celebration school closes
12th: Prizegiving 10.30am
Last day of school
#gigatowngis Key Competency Awards
Gisborne is a finalist in the naDonwide race to become Gigatown. The prize? One gigabit per second internet, the fastest and cheapest in the country! This will provide community-­‐wide opportuniDes across educaDon, health, business and social connecDvity. Back: Ruby Andrew, Reese Haenga. Front: Riley Lewis, Ella Saunders, Tay Barton, Billie Kahn
There are thousands of reasons why people and businesses would want to come to Gisborne and stay here, winning Gigatown would give them the resources they need to make it happen. A & P Show Photo Competition Results Categories: Our People: Ruby Andrew 2nd, Hannah King 3rd Our Place: Hannah King 3rd Our Way of Life: Hannah King 1st, Finn VeCe 3rd Congratula*ons to our Y6 photography group and Sarah Denny for her work with these students. So get on board! It is an exciDng Dme for Gisborne and we need your help! hCp:// What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. Whakatauki - Ki te kahore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi. Without foresight or vision the people will be lost.
Wainui Surf Lifesaving Clubs Monster Garage Sale
NominaDon forms will be in your leCerboxes this weekend for 2 Fundraiser
posiDons for the Board of Trustees -­‐ Wainui Beach School. Its
of year again – the yearly clean out!
NominaDons close at 12 noon, 7th November 2014.
Spring is here and so is the Saturday 15 November.
A wonderful opportunity to clean out those cupboards
and get into that garage.
Please drop donated items to the Surf Club on Wed 12th +
Thu 13th 5.00pm-7.00pm or on Friday the 14th from
9.00am-7.00pm. We can help with collections of any large
items…just call Anna 027-2441633. Please support this
Fundraising effort and help us Save Lives on our beach.
Newsletter Advertising 2015
Please let the office know if you would like to
advertise your business in our school
newsletter for next year – from Feb – Dec
Gisborne Tennis Club is running Saturday
morning tennis from 9am - 11am for schoolaged players. The first visit is free and then
members are free and non-members $5. We're
inviting people to come down to the Childers
Road courts, play tennis with players of
similar skill and get some coaching tips. Some
rackets are available. Please wear appropriate
shoes. This is an excellent opportunity try
tennis and/or meet other players.
School photos Will be held on the 3rd November,Monday! Sports draw - Term 4:
Touch Junior Draw - Waikirikiri Reserve
Start date- Thurs 23rd Oct - Ends Thurs 11th Dec 2014
4pm - Wainui Beach Lightning - Te Wharau Wild Cats F6
4.30pm - Wainui Beach vs Te Wharau Panthers F3
Basketball - Lytton High School Start date- Tues 21st Oct - Ends Thurs 2nd Dec 2014
Thanks very much to the wonderful people who have offered to coach.
To find the weekly draw, 'like' the Gisborne Basketball Association's
Facebook page or look for it on Room 10's window.
Softball/ T Ball - Waikirikiri Reserve
Start date- Tues 21st Oct - ends Thurs 2nd Dec 2014
Games between 3.30 and 5.30pm - Mixed teams
The photo forms have been handed
out, however our 6 sports teams playing this
term had not been included - Touch x 2, T-Ball,
Basketball, mini-ball & softball. If you have not
returned your forms yet can you please include
the extra money and team names you require.
We require all sports uniforms returned before
this date....
Community Hangi Succession Planning. Over the last few years Linda & Daren Coulston have been the main organisers of the hangi. Their children have not been at WBS for several years. We need to have a person or a couple of people to take over from Linda, if the hangi is to conDnue. This year is the last opportunity to work with Linda and see what she does. We are looking forward to someone puLng their hand up for this. You would be co-­‐
ordinator rather than doing everything yourself. Any quesDons please see Nolian. Absentees can be emailed to or phoned into the office on 8677160. We have a WAINUI BEACH SCHOOL FACEBOOK PAGE -­‐ Look us up! Go to to check out our website for sports draw etc