M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Notice Inviting Tender


M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Notice Inviting Tender
M.P. Council of Science & Technology,
Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal-462003
No: RSAC/MPCST/LU&USD/Geo-Mapping/SPC/14
Notice Inviting Tender
Sealed bids are invited form Registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Venture in the
field of Remote Sensing and GISFor “Design And Development of Web Application
Including Mobile Integration & Mobile Device Application For Geo-Mapping &
Change Detection Study for Bundelkhand Region”. The Tender document can be
downloaded from M.P Council of Science & Technology Web Site: www.mpcost.nic.in
from 22nd October 2014 at 11.00 AM, IST onwards. Cost of Tender document is
Rs.1000/- INR. This will be paid while submitting the bid Responses in the form of
Demand Draft (DD) of any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of Director General, M.P
Council of Science & Technology, payable at Bhopal. The last date and time for
submission of Tender response is 12th November 2014, Tender Opening
AND TIME is 14 November 2014 at 3.00 PM, IST at VIGYAN VITHIKA FIFTY
SEATER COFERENCE HALL, M. P Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal.
Group Head
(Landuse & Urban Survey Division)
M.P. Council of Science & Technology,
VigyanBhawan, Nehru Nagar
Phone No. 0755-2670787.2433147
Fax No. 0755-2671600
http:// dg@mpcost.nic.in
Price of Tender Document:Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only)
Tender No :
No: RSAC/MPCST/LU&USD/Geo-Mapping/SPC/14
1. Pre- bid meeting
:03rd November 2014(3.00 PM, IST)
2. Last date & time of receiving
The Tender
: 12thNovember 2014 (till 3.00 PM)
3. Date & time of opening of
:14thNovember at 3.00 PM, IST
Technical Bid/
4. Date & Time of Opening
Price Bid
: 18thNovember 2014 At 3.00 PM
Section: I General
1. Sale of Tender
Tender form downloadable through web site www.mpcost.nic.in as prescribed
in the NIT. A separate demand draft of Rs. 1000/- (non- refundable) in favour
of Director General, MP Council of Science and Technology (MPCST)
Bhopalto be enclosed by tenderer at the time of submission of bid.
2. Eligibility for the Tenders
Registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Venture in the field of
Remote Sensing and GIS / web based application satisfying the following
conditions will be eligible to participate.
Registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Venture should be exist and
working. In case of joint venture then it should be alive for project time
Registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Ventureshould not been
debarred by any Institution.
Registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Venture developed similar
web application for GovtDeptt/ public under taking/ Semi Govt., and
registered society including Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)/ will
be given preference. In case of joint venture then this criteria should be
fulfilled by one of the company/ firm.
Turnover of theRegistered company/Organization/Firms should not be less
than Rs. 10,00,000/- (Ten Lakhs)in each year fromlast three years. In case
of joint venture then turn-over should be of lead company/ firm.
3. Signing of Tenders
The person signing the tender or other document connected with the contract
agreement must specify whether he signs as:
a) A sole proprietor of the firm/company or constituted attorney of such sole
proprietor. If he holds a power of attorney his signature must be attested or
authenticated by a notary.
b) A partner of firm of constituted attorney of the firm. Partnership deed or
General Power of Attorney as the case may be submitted along with the
c) A Director of incorporated company duly authorized for the purpose.
Note: Each page of Tender, Schedule to Tender and Annexure be signed by
the person authorized for the purpose. Corrections, if any should also be
authenticated under his full signature.
4. Delivery of Tender
Bid may be sent by Speed Post / Registered Post in the name of Director
General, M.P. Council of Science and Technology,VigyanBhawan, Nehru
Nagar, Bhopal – 462003. Bid must be submitted by the tenderer at the
address, no later than time and date specified in the NIT. However, may, at its
discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids, in which case all rights
and obligation of the tenderers will thereafter be subject to the deadline as
5. Last date for receipt of Tender
The tender must reach the office by the date and time indicated in the NIT.
Tender received after the due date and times are liable to be rejected. Bids
received after due date and time will not be accepted under any circumstances.
The bidder/tenderer shall ensure that the concerned officer receives their
bid/tender before the date and time fixed for the receipt. Any bid received by
tendering authority after the deadline for submission will be summarily
rejected and /or returned unopened to the tenderer.
6. Opening of Tender
Registered company/Organization/Firmsmay authorize a representative to be
present at the opening of tender at the time and date specified in the
NITAnnexure -IV. In case the date of opening of tender is declared a holiday,
the same shall stand extended to the next working day.
7. Bid Opening and Evaluation Committee
The tendering authority will constitute a Committee to evaluate the tenderers.
The decision of the Director General, M. P. Council of Science &Technology
in the evaluation of the technical and commercial offer shall be final. The
price bid of those tenderer who meets technical requirement will be opened.
8. Technical Evaluation
The technical evaluation shall be based on the information furnished by the
tenderer in the technical bid. In case the bidder has not furnished the required
information as per the format (Annexure I) the evaluation committee will not
consider further insertions. Conditional tenders or insertions other than the
prescribed format will not be considered; hence rejected by evaluation
committee. However clarification to elaborate the information may be sought.
The nodal person will be Head, Landuse& Urban Survey Division, Remote
Sensing Application Centre, MPCST, VigyanBhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal
for any technical query may be contacted during office Hrs (10.30. Am to 5.30
Pm), contact Number 0755-2670787/2433147, Format of financial bid is given
in Annexure II and should be submitted in separate envelop. Format for
declaration is given in Annexure – VI & VII.
Qualified short listed bidder would be required to make presentation to the
technical committee. The technical presentation will broadly cover the
following criteria:
Max Marks
Min Marks
Understanding the Scope of Application
Organizational Capacity
 Expertise Knowledge and experience of
Design and Development of Web-base
application with mobile interface
 Project
Application) having Similar nature of
work with successful deployment and
completion for Govt., Deptt/ Semi Govt
 08 Marks for 1-2 Project Completion.
 10 Marks for 3-5 Project Completion.
 15 Marks for more than 05 Project
 ProjectCompleted(Mobile
deployment and completion for Govt.,
deptt/ Semi Govt.Deptt.
Total Marks
Note: Confirmation of Date and time for technical presentation will be
informed to the selected registered company/Organization/Firms/Joint Venture
by e-mail.
9. Documents required Along with Tender
The firm should furnish Registration Certificate and Certificate related to
income Tax PAN / TAN/Service Tax No., etc.
10. Earnest Money
Tenderer firm shall have to deposit the earnest money of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand
Only) along with their offer. The mode of payment should be in the following term.
Cross Demand Draft in favour of Director General, M.P. Council of Science and
Technology, Bhopal should be enclosed with commercial offer. Earnest money
would be adjusted at the time of final payment to the firm, which will be assign job
Earnest money will be returned to the firm who do not qualify within 15 days from
the date of opening of tender/bid.
11. Bank Guarantee
The firms shall furnish a bank guarantee to the tune of 10% of the project cost within
7 days of the issue of „Job Order‟. The bank guarantee should be as per prescribed
format given in tender form, Annexure III. In absence of this the „Job Order‟ will be
terminated and job work will be assign to the other firm. Format is given in
Annexure- III
12. Penalty / Liquidated Damage
In case of breach of any of the conditions of the agreement or delay in work
performance/execution of work MP Council of Science and Technology may at its
option to take any of the action detailed below:-
a) For delay in any in the execution of the work liquidated damages at the rate of
0.5% of the order value per week or part thereof subjects to a maximum of 5%.
b) Forfeiture wholly earnest money deposits.
c) Cancellation of the contract.
d) All sum guaranteed under “bank guarantee” by the bank shall stand forfeiture to
MP Council of Science and Technology.
13. Force Majeure
In the event of either party being rendered unable by the force majeure to perform any
obligations required to be performed by them under the Contract, the relative
obligations of the party affected by such force majeure shall be suspended for the
period during which such cause lasts.
The term force majeure as employed herein should mean acts of God, Evil Riots, Fire,
Strike etc., directly affecting the performance of the Contract. Upon the occurrence of
such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been rendered
unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing, within Seventy
Two hours of the alleged beginning and ending thereof giving full particulars and
satisfactory evidence in support of its claim.
14. Delivery schedule
The work should be completed and submitted to the MPCST within Two Months
from the date of issue of the job Work Order. This shall be the essence of the contract.
15. Intellectual Rights
The data generated by the firm will be property of the MPCST and the
property/intellectual rights vest with the MPCST.
16. Terms of Payment
The selected firm may raise the bill along with Quality check/acceptance certificate
on completion of the job work as per the work order for payment.The project is time
bound so time lines of various milestones are given below:
User Registration Module
Data Validation Module
Monitoring Reports Module
VRM Integration Module
Change Detection Module
Billing Module
Final delivery
*T- Date of work order
T+07 days
T+15 days
T+20 days
T+30 days
T+45 days
T+50 days
T+60 days
Payment of contract amount
80 Percent
The payment will be made in two instalments, 80 payment percent will be paidafter
completion of the given milestone. Remaining20% payment will be paid after
successful running of all the modules for next four month from the date of final
17. Agreement
Tendering firm who has given the work order has furnished an agreement with
MPCST on non judicial stamp. The format of agreement is given in Annexure VIII
18. Arbitration & Jurisdiction
In case of any differences arising out of the terms and conditions of the agreement
during execution of the project and after completion of the work the same will be
attempted to resolve by mutual consent of the both parties to this agreement.
However, in case of no amicable solution, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration
of Director General, MP Council of Science and Technology for his adjudication
thereof and fussing of the award thereof, whose decision award shall be conclusive
and binding upon both the parties to this agreement.
The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted under the Arbitration and Conciliation
act 1996, in respect of all disputes or claims out of or under this agreement Bhopal
Civil Court alone shall have jurisdiction to entertain the same.
Section: II
Scope of Work
Geo-mapping & Change Detection Study of Bundelkhand Region which needs software
development agencies having experience in WebGIS application development(using Arc-GIS
server. Licensed of Arc GIS server will be provided to vendor by department.) including
Mobile Integration. Development work is based on developing the integrated / customization
of Arc-GIS server. The scope of the application is divided into (A) web based application and
(B) mobile application:A. WEB GIS APPLICATION
1. User & Device Management – This module will facilitate for generic user
management related activities as below a. User Registration – Application will have facility to register the users of
application through self-registration form. It will also have facility to reset
b. Device Registration – Application will have facility to register the mobile /
tablet device through sending request of device IMEI.
c. User authorization – Application will have facility to authorize or de-authorize
user / device.
d. Role Management – Application will have facility to assign/ revoke roles
to/from user. There will be following kind of roles in the system
i. Data Collector
ii. Data Validator
iii. VRM Integrator
iv. RS Data Interpreter
v. Monitoring Authority
vi. Administration
e. Area Assignment – Through this function point the admin user will assign the
geo-graphic areas (villages) to user for perform their work.
2. Data Validation – As per the study, the mobile / tablet application users will geomap the assets on the ground and upload to the centralized ArcGIS Server. In this
module, application will facilitate Data Validators to browse the uploaded data from
the ArcGIS Server and put it for primary level validation. The function point of this
module will be as belowa. View Uploaded Data – Application will have facility to display all uploaded
data to data validator for their respective geo-graphic area. The display screen
will have consolidated and detailed view including filtering options.
b. Validate Data – Each asset uploaded by the mobile devices will be checked
by the data validator, so in this function point system will display the
requested asset on the screen with its attribute, photo & location/shape on the
base map. The data validator will check the data based on its attribute,
location/shape& photo and can edit, accept or reject the asset. If asset is
accepted then it would be forwarded automatically to next level, if marked for
rejected/re-collect then the data collector should be notified for the same over
the SMS. The asset data and base map will be available as ArcGIS Map
Service and same have to be consumed in this service.
3. Village Resource Map Integration – Once the data validated and forwarded to the
VRM Integrator, it would be available for creation and finalization of Village
Resource Map (VRM). In this function point the user will do following activities –
a. Edit Attributes – User can rectify the attributes through editing to eliminate
any typing or miss-classification related errors.
b. Edit Geography – As the data is being collected through GPS enabled
devices so the location / shape of the asset may not be accurate so system
should facilitate the user to change the location or shape of the asset based on
hard copy received from the field including audit trail.
c. Marking for Accept / Reject / Re-collect– After doing above activities user
will mark the asset as Accept/ Reject / Re-collect / Delete. If the asset is
marked as Reject then it will not be available for future processes. If marked
as re-collect then system should send notification to the data collector for the
same. If the asset is accepted by the VRM integrator then data should be
locked for further editing.
d. Prepare Village Resource Map – When all the assets of the villages are
finally validated by the VRM integrator then user should able to produce final
village resource map using assets data, satellite data, village boundary with
khasra map and land use land cover data. The template and other specification
of the VRM is attached in Annexure IV
4. Change Detection Study – The online system will assist the Remote Sensing Data
Interpreter to perform change detection study based on visual interpretation. The RS
Data Interpreter will do it on the following pointa. Identification of asset existence on satellite image – The system will
facilitate the user to show all accepted asset data to overlay on satellite image
where user will put the remark of asset on its visibility on the image. The
satellite images of various time period will be available as WMS-T or ArcGIS
Map Service.
b. Classification of assets– The system should facilitate the user to show all the
assets marked as identifiable on satellite images for further classification as
newly created / upgraded/degraded or old assets. The RS Data interpreter will
go through asset one by one and system will overlay the asset on satellite
images of various time period available for the asset location.Then user will
classify the asset on various category (new/upgraded/degraded/As-it-is) based
on visual interpretation.
c. Surface Area Change – A change detection study will be carried out
separately offline through image processing, and as a result some polygons
will be received which will show changes occurred on the ground. System
should facilitate to overlay these polygons on various time period images
including asset falling inside a buffer of the polygon. The user will put the
remark on polygon as well as the adjoining assets for the reason of change if
5. Reports
a. Monitoring Reports – System will have facilities to generate various
monitoring reports for all stages i.e. data collection, validation, VRM
integration, RS interpretation etc. These reports will be available for district,
block, panchayat, village and data collection personnel‟s wise as tabular,
graph and map.
b. Performance Reports for various users based on work assigned / done by
6. Billing - The payments of field data collectors is based on the assets collected by
them. So, system should have facility to generate the bills and payable amounts based
on the accepted assets including notification facility to concerned personnel‟s.
7. Notification Service – The project is time bound so a notification service has to be
implemented to notify daily, weekly progress to concerned officials on e-mail/ SMS.
8. Other Common Features – Apart from the above other common features of the
system will be as below –
a. Search – To search on asset, users, locations, admin units.
b. Download Data – System should facilitate to query and download the asset
data for selected village / panchayat / block or district as ESRI Shape File or
Google KML file format.
c. Print/Export – All reports should have print and export data (as
xls,pdf,image,kml,shp format) facility.
1. Self-Registration – Device application will have self-registration form (with generic
user registration fields) to send request to server application for authorizing the device
for data collection. Once the request submitted to server, the administrator or other
authorize person will take action of received requests.
2. Device Authentication – The tablet application should have functionality to
authenticate itself from server to unlock for data collection and it will be based on
device IMEI number. The application will send request to server with device IMEI
number for authorization. If device IMEI number is registered and activated in the
system for data collect task then device application will unlock for data collection.
3. Device Configuration – Application will have functionality to configure itself
automatically based on the device IMEI number. Each device will be authorize to
work in particular administrative unit (i.e District/ Block/ Panchayat or Village). Once
device authorize for data collection, the device specific master data should be
downloaded automatically from the server. Also, for future downloads only
differential data should be downloaded from the server to conserve bandwidth and
processing at device & server end.
4. Data Capturing Module – This module will be used to geo-map and capture asset data
from the field. The list of asset types with attributes to be captured is attached in
Annexure-IX. The tendering authority has rights to modify/add/subtracts the geo map
module information during the application preparation or final testing periods.
5. Data Upload – Application should have functionality to upload the asset data directly to
the centralized spatial repository of assets which is hosted on ArcGIS Server. This
repository is exposed through secured ArcGIS Map Services.
Data Backup – Device application should have a facility to create a backup file in
external storage of the device. This process should be in automatic and manual both.