EF WALCKER ORGELBAU GMBH Bülowstraße 27 D-66113 Saarbrücken
EF WALCKER ORGELBAU GMBH Bülowstraße 27 D-66113 Saarbrücken
EF WALCKER ORGELBAU GMBH Bülowstraße 27 ● D-66113 Saarbrücken seit 1780 Familientradition EF WALCKER ORGELBAU GMBH Bülowstraße 27 D-66113 Saarbrücken Telefon Telefon Mobil eMail Internet Ihr Zeichen, Ihre Nachricht Unser Zeichen, unsere Nachricht /gwm 0681 970 394 35 06805 2974 0170 9340 126 gewalcker@t-online.de www.walcker.com Telefon, Name Datum 06805 2974 23. Oktober 2014 Blackett & Howden c.1901 Wylam Methodist Church Chapel Lane Wylam Northumberland NE41 8AA 2 manuals and pedals The key action is tracker to the manuals and pneumatic to the pedal. Tab action is TP. Compass: Manuals 58 notes and Pedal 30. The pedal board is straight concave. Dimensions: Depth 7'; Width 7' 7"; Height 14' 9" There is a 15" console overhang and a 16" pedal board extension. There is a 13" extension to the right hand side of the case which houses the pedal stop. The case at the opposite side has no overhang and is level with the wall. ... UST IDNR : STEUER NR. : Geschäftsführer : DE 167 425 746 040/285 06061 Gerhard Walcker-Mayer www.walcker.com www.aeoline.de www.walckerorgel.de gewalcker@t-online.de POSTBANK STUTTGART BLZ: 590 100 66 KONTO NR.: 843 715 669 EF W AL CK E R O R G E L B AU GM B H DATUM : SEITE : Pedal Key action TP Stop action TP Compass-low C Compasshigh f1 Keys 30 1 Great Swell Bourdon 16 Key action Tr Stop action TP Compass-low C Compasshigh a3 Keys 58 2 Open Diapason 8 3 Lieblich Gedact 8 4 Principal 4 replaced Dulciana 8 5 Fifteenth 2 replaced Harmonic Flute 4' Key action Tr Stop action TP Compass-low C Compasshigh a3 Keys 58 Enclosed 6 Rohr Flute 8 7 Viol di Gamba 8 8 Voix Celeste 8 9 Gemshorn 4 10 Oboe 8 11 Tremulant Console Console type attached Stop type tab Pedalboard concave radiating Hope-Jones type rocking tablets operating levers (?pneumatic); stop names abbreviated on the face of the tabs Couplers Swell to Pedal Swell to Great Great to Pedal Accessories 2, 2 composition pedals - wooden 'lollipop' shape with brass top plate; balanced swell pedal The organ is in very clean condition and everything works - it has been maintained by John Lightbown and tuned every six months. The Gamba and Celeste are two beautiful strings, and the Oboe with box open and closed is a full swell on its own. The 8, 4 and 2 chorus on the great are capable of accompanying 150 - 200 people. For this superb instrument, we are looking for £500. Enquiries to the Organ Contact please. contact: gewalcker@t-online.de 23.10.14 2