Temple Times Temple Beth Shalom


Temple Times Temple Beth Shalom
Temple Times
November/December 2014
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Temple Beth Shalom
Member United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Established 1953
What’s Inside…
Message from Rabbi Sarah
President’s Message
PJ Library
Religious School news
Ritual Committee
Men’s Club
Poem by Joel
Movies schedule
Our Advertisers
Page 2
November/December 2014
From Rabbi Sarah’s Desk
760 Route 6
Mahopac, NY 10541
(845) 628-6133
Sarah Freidson-King
Libby Spitzer
Director of Education
Steven Bettman
Gail Freundlich
1st Vice President
Melody Weisman
2nd Vice President
David M. Michaels
Gabrielle Duke
Financial Secretary
Mark Kandel
Recording Secretary
Ron Arsham
Past President
Joel Greenberg
Men’s Club President
Robin Kushner
Sisterhood President
Abigail Avelino
Alan Belsky
Wendy Greenberg
Jeff Guest
Allan Gunzburg
Dana Gutt
Elaine Jacobs
Steven Jaffee
Rachel Jurisz
Michael Kushner
Kjersten Lazar
Jennifer Lomas
Barry Plaut
Alicia Raskob
David Volkman
Ro Belsky
Jean Follit
Leaves crunch under foot
and nights get decidedly
chilly; pumpkin spice
flavored everything can be
found at supermarkets,
coffee shops, and ice cream
parlors. Autumn is here!
Thanksgiving is approaching with its
message to rejoice and be grateful with all
that we have. And yet, there is so much
happening around us that we aren’t happy
about: the economy, struggles in our
interpersonal lives, private disappointments,
poor health in ourselves or in a loved one.
It can be so difficult to feel gratitude amidst
the anxiety and frustrations of daily living.
Combating that sense of lack takes more
than one day of feasting with our families
on turkey, stuffing, apple pie, and watching
football on TV. We need more than one
day a year to see and express our gratitude.
American culture encourages us to
constantly strive for more- more money,
more possessions, more success, more
friends. No matter how much we acquire,
we always want more. The new electronic
that we spent months desiring loses its
appeal after we’ve owned it for a couple
weeks. Once the joy in acquisition has
worn off, inevitably we want something
new, something bigger or better. It’s funny
how what we have rarely feels like enough.
Friday Evening
8:00 pm
Saturday Morning 9:45am
What do you have enough of? What will it
take to feel grateful for those things? Rabbi
Stern seems to be yearning to live in the
present. Why is that so hard for us to do?
“How full of wonders the world is! And yet
we take our little hand, cover our eyes, and
see nothing!” teaches a Chasidic saying.
Judaism urges us to be aware of the
multitude of blessings in the world. We
express gratitude for food, for beautiful
sights, delicious smells, for the gift of
Torah, even for the act of awakening each
morning. But it is so easy to lose sight of
all of those small blessings. Unwittingly,
we cover our eyes to the goodness that
surrounds us. Gratitude helps us reveal the
fullness of our lives. What will it take for
you to uncover your eyes?
I continue to marvel at the gratitude I feel
for our Temple Beth Shalom community.
The High Holidays left me with a spiritual
buzz that still continues. I already feel like I
am home. What a blessing!
SHABBAT Service Times
Regular Shabbat
Rabbi Chaim Stern begs the Holy Blessed
One, “Teach me the meaning of the word
enough. Some things I surely have enough
of, enough to be grateful for. Other things I
don’t have. Some I may in time acquire,
others not. Do not let me enmesh myself in
the web of endless desires. Let today be
enough for today: Tomorrow hasn’t come,
and never will until—tomorrow.”
4:26 PM
4:19 PM
4:13 PM
4:10 PM
4:08 PM
4:08 PM
4:09 PM
4:13 PM
01/02/15 4:19 PM
01/09/15 4:25 PM
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
From Rabbi Sarah’s Desk
Page 3
Over the next several months, I will conduct a
listening campaign, meeting and connecting with
you as individuals in one-on-one meetings. I want
to know your passions, what gets you out of bed in
the morning, your hopes, dreams, and
disappointments. For what or whom are you
grateful? Where have you come from and where are
Rabbi Sarah Freidson-King
you going? What’s your vision for a rich Jewish
life? We grow stronger as a community when we
know each other.
Buy A Brass Memorial Plaque
You may sponsor as many seats or rows as you wish
Put them near where you or your friends usually sit
Each 2" x 4" Brass Seat Plaque costs $180.00
Each 3" x 5" Brass Row Plaque costs $360.00
Page 4
November/December 2014
A Message from our President
Much has been said about
Temple Beth Shalom being
our Jewish home away from
home. That the walls of this
shul frame the nurturing and
comforting environment that
shelters us and invigorates us
as we join together under its
roof as a Temple family.
well and flourishing here in our kehilla. However, I
am flabbergasted that our family…men and women,
young and old, have no idea how to apologize.
As I sit to pen this piece we are but three days away
from Kol Nidre and I am sure when you read this
column it will be only days away from
It is through prayer and introspection and self reflection that we seek to redeem ourselves during
But my goodness, what a diverse and complicated
the High Holidays. However, what degree of
and dynamic family we are! Our TBS family is
effectiveness does our asking for forgiveness have
represented by people from all over the world and
on the need for an apology to the person who in
by levels of religious observance across the ritual
reality was the object of our verbal and/ or physical
tirade or perhaps just good old fashioned sarcasm
We have people who are spiritual and those that are and passive aggressive behavior.
simply social. We have Baby Boomers and Gen
The act of seeking redemption and the sentiment of
Xers and Millennials, all wrapped together in our
Sista Hood and Men’s club and working alongside being thankful do not obviate the crucial component
of our interpersonal society, that of saying to
one another on various tasks around the shul.
another human being that you are sorry.
We have brand new parents and we have greatThe question is, how do you make a “good”
great grandparents seated side by side at Shabbat.
We have Republicans and Democrats and
Independent’s together with vegans and meat eaters. According to Maimonides, four (4) traits are
required to construct a solid, good, healthy and
We stand shoulder to shoulder but we all listen to
different music and follow different sports. Some of acceptable apology: Humility; Remorse;
Forbearance and Reparation.
us are on medication, some of us are in recovery,
some of us are always happy and someone you meet The number one thing that you must do when you
may be sad.
apologize is to take ownership of the aggrieved
A parent in the hospital: a child far away in college. offense. This must be accomplished even if it makes
you quiver. Next you must use the first person in a
Family strife: work horrors: medical woes. A vast
clear and firm voice and acknowledge the impact of
array of opinions about anything and everything
what you said and/or did while remaining real, open
always swirls around the shul.
and non-defensive. Do Not use your apology as
We are a hodgepodge… a microcosm of the entire
justification for your actions.
world wrapped not so neatly into Temple Beth
Once you have said your piece, take a breath and let
Shalom. We are nothing like each other and at the
the wronged party speak. If they need time to
same moment we are all the same. We share the
process what you have said, give them that space. If
lineage of being family in this our Jewish home.
they have a bit of attitude but accept your apology,
simply say “thank you”.
I love it all. But…
Do you know what really gets my goat?
What my pet peeve is?
The practice of saying “Thank You” is alive and
Last, but not least, reparations are vital to the
integrity of a good apology. You must pay for the
damage out of pocket or you must verbally
announce to the appropriate body of people that “It
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 5
A Message from our President (continued)
was your fault” or perhaps you may make a donation in a sincere, genuine innocent manner. It is an
or seek personal self -growth and education on the
opportunity for you to place yourself in the shoes of
the other person. Perhaps you just need to see things
topic that was your error.
from a different perspective.
It is a world of humility and bravery that we must
aspire to in order to live a more peaceful union with An apology is not about you…it is about the other
person. It is about giving them what they need and
so many divergent souls walking this earth.
I know what you are thinking. What if you think you
did not do anything wrong?
But why?!
Think of it like this: A good apology is about
stepping up. It means laying yourself out…exposed
It is because of shalom bayit. Peace in the House.
Building the Sukkah
Page 6
November/December 2014
Religious School News By Libby Spitzer
We have had a wonderful start to
5775! There is nothing better than
seeing the smiling happy faces of
students and staff in the building. I
have received many thumbs up
from students and it is clear that
everyone enjoys being here at TBS
with friends and teachers who are
caring and passionate about Jewish education.
for the children as we partner together in building
strong, proud, positive Jewish youth.
Please encourage your children to participate in our
youth group and TBS Teen events as we impress upon
them the importance of our kehillah and living
The beginning of school is always busy with holiday
Jewishly. If you have young children, participate in
excitement and this was especially evident at TBS this TBS Kids programs and form your own new
year. We witnessed the building and strengthening of friendships! Come as a family to services on Shabbat
our kehillah (community) as the joy and celebration of and Shabbat Chavaya. Join in on the fun of preparing
Sukkot, for example, was expressed through the
for and celebrating holidays together. Building strong
numerous mitzvot TBS did together as a community.
friendships at TBS will form memories that last a
Here is a glimpse of our kehillah in action as we
lifetime for both adults and children.
prepared for Sukkot: It is the Sunday morning after
Yom Kippur, and the Men’s Club is up bright and early B’shalom,
working together to build our sukkah. Inside our
classrooms, students are busy learning about Sukkot as
they enjoy creating lovely decorations to beautify the **The TBS Parent’s Association was formed this year
sukkah. Parents are out shopping for our Religious
to help provide nutritious snacks, meals, and other
School dinner on Wednesday evening. The fun
help for RS programs and services. Please support the
continues at school on Wednesday as beautiful wall
Parents’ Association by sending in a check for $30
hangings were designed and hung up along with
payable to TBS RS PA dues if you haven’t done so
colorful paper chains. We participate in the service
led by Rabbi Sarah and everyone then takes turns
We are working to create a PA Committee to help
saying the brachot and shaking the lulav and etrog.
organize, plan and schedule. Please contact me if you
We all marvel at the amazing scent of the etrog and
are interested. We really need your help!
take one more sniff before putting it carefully away.
Parents are busy cooking and sharing stories in the
**Thank you to Jennifer Lomas, RS Committee
kitchen before serving us all a scrumptious meal eaten chairperson, and the RS Committee for all that you so
under the stars on a most amazing and glorious
to make our school great! We are only getting better!
evening. Families remain to help clean up the sukkah
and kitchen before going home. This is just one
of our vibrant community in action,
living Jewish values together every day at TBS.
I feel so blessed to be part of this caring and generous
community and want to thank everyone for the warm
immediate embrace that I have received. Our parents
volunteer their time and help out in so many ways to
help create this truly exceptional kehilla. Todah rabah
for all of your help! A truly fine example is being set
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 7
Here are our awesome happenings for November and December:
TBS Teens: A Taste of Hebrew
Sundays 10:00am-12:00pm November 2nd and November 16th, December 7th
A Westchester Jewish Teen Learning Initiative (WJTLI) course: TBS Teens join with the teens from the
Hebrew Congregation of Somers to create delicious Jewish recipes from around the world while also learning Hebrew phrases and Israeli culture; including the fascinating style of cuisine and culture from both
Ashkenazic and Sephardic communities.
TBS Youth Groups
Sundays 12:00-2:00pm
After Religious School and a delicious lunch, have fun with your friends and our Youth Director Sarah
November 9th: 6th-7th graders
November 23rd: 4th – 5th graders
December 14th: Chanukah Celebration - Youth Groups and TBS Teens
Shabbat Chavaya
Saturday November 15th & Saturday December 20th 9:00am-12:00pm
Join the Religious School on Shabbat morning followed by a homemade kiddush lunch.
Note: There is NO Religious School Sunday November 16th & Sunday December 21st
RS Chanukah Zimriyah: December 7th at 11:30am
Have fun shopping at the Sisterhood Craft Fair, then enjoy the beautiful voices of our students as they entertain you with a performance of favorite Chanukah songs!
Page 8
November/December 2014
Programming Previews By Wendy Greenberg
Although every season of the
year has something
wonderful and special about
it, I must admit that the fall
has always been my favorite
time of year. The trees are
adorned with crowns of
leaves that are beautiful colors of orange, yellow,
red and brown. You can smell roasting chestnuts
and wood burning in fireplaces. The air is cool
and brisk. The birds are flying south. We have
traded in our sandals, shorts and tee shirts for
sweaters, long pants and boots. Baseball season
has ended and football season has begun.
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and
Simchat Torah are now pleasant memories of
beautiful services and wonderful times spent with
family and friends. The Programming Committee
hopes everyone enjoyed the Tashlich Snack, the
Break-Fast loaf cakes, The Community Sukkot
Dinner, and the Simchat Torah ice cream
bar. Our young children had a marvelous time
participating in the TBS Kids Holiday Programs
and Giving2Gether. Rabbi Sarah’s High Holiday
Prep 101 was enjoyed by all who attended. The
TBS Farmer’s Market closed down for the
winter. The fabulous Blooming Seed Café will be
opening its doors on November 28th. Our TBS
Goes to the Movies which is held on the second
Thursday of each month continues to delight the
attendees. The TBS Book Club’s discussion (in
conjunction with the Mahopac Library) of Two
Among the Righteous Few - A Story of Courage
with the book’s author, Marty Brounstein was
both interesting and informative.
Things clearly were humming at TBS in
September and October, and that momentum will
continue in November and December. Please take
a moment to take a look at the many
exciting events the Programming Committee has
planned for you.
There is something for everybody - whatever your
age or interest.
November and December Events and Activities
*There will be a Tot Shabbat on Friday,
November 21st at 5:30pm and Giving2Gether on
November 16th
*Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas? - Friday,
November 7th
-Please email Wendy or Patti if you would like to
host or be hosted
*TBS Goes to the Movies
-The Book Thief - Thursday, November 13th at
-Winter’s Bone - Thursday, December 11th at
-Light refreshments served
*Chanukah Prep Class 101 with Rabbi Sarah Sun, Nov 23rd 10am
*The Blooming Seed Café
-November 28th - Performer TBA
-December 27th - Performer TBA
*TBS Book Club - December 2nd at 7pm
- Selection TBA
- We have asked Sisterhood to work with us on
the Temple Book Club - open to all
-We are looking for people interested in serving
as moderators. Please email Wendy if you are
*Chanukah Dinner and Celebration - Friday,
December 19th
Marge Pollack and Beverly Petrone are working
on a new and exciting program to begin in March
called TRAVEL WITH TBS AT TBS. Stay tuned
for further information from Marge and Beverly
in future editions of the Temple Times.
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 9
Continuation—Programming Previews By Wendy Greenberg
REMEMBER to look for information about all
of these events and activities in the TBS Weekly
Shabbat Announcements and in the constant
contacts which will be sent out. If you have any
questions or ideas for future events, please feel
free to email me.
Warmest greetings,
Ritual News By Eddie Lapa
WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!!
Where do I begin !!!!!! First a
huge Yasher Koach to Rabbi
Sarah, Rabbinical Intern Emily
and Cantor Jake for incredibly
spiritual, meaningful and warm
Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur services !!!! I would
also like to extend the same to the High Holy Day
Committee -Bernice Guest and Jeff Guest for all their
hard work over the summer to pull together all the
honors while working with Rabbi Sarah , Cantor
Jake, and Rabbi Emily and for coordinating and
preparing the synagogue for services. This was quite
the monumental task!!!
I would also like to extend a huge Thanks to the ECommittee - especially Steve Bettman, Melody
Weisman, and Gail Freundlich for all their help
support and guidance. Thanks to my Co-chair Alicia
Raskob for direction and friendship as we work hard
to pull together and re-invent the Ritual Committee to
meet the needs of TBS!! A big thank you also goes
to all the members of the congregation for their
support in helping to make these Holy Days a
positive experience for all. It is true, as Steve put it in
his Yom Kippur speech, we are all MOTT -Members
of the Tribe. Yasher Koach also to all who
participated, from Torah readers, Haftorah chanters,
leaders of parts of service, Jr congregation,
organizers, baby -sitters, lighters of the Memorial
Boards for Yom Kippur/Yizkor, collectors of the
Machzorim at end of services, straighteners of the
chairs in the back so we would be ready for the next
service. It took one and all to make these Holy Days
the rich and warm experience they turned out to be!!
This is just the beginning of the New Year and I look
forward to more great things happening at TBS !!
There are some great Ideas for the Ritual Committee
Corner in The Temple Times -so hopefully time will
allow us to pursue.
Again I want to extend My Heartfelt Wishes to All for
an Incredible 5775!!!
Take care
Page 10
From the Men’s Club
As I write this article, it appears that
summer is still here. It is warm,
humid and rainy. Our Steak and
Football Dinner was very
successful. There was a lot of
comradery and a good time was had
by all. Oh by way, San Francisco
49r’s won the game. We had our
Annual Candidates Forum on Sunday, October 26,
2014. A good discussion between the candidates and
the audience will make for good decisions at the
polls. Some of our future programs include a Hike
along the Appalachian Trail in November, a program
on the Jews of Ireland and Our Fifteenth Annual
Millennium Breakfast in January. I also want to take
this opportunity to welcome our new Rabbi, Sarah
Freidson-King. She has hit the ground running and
has gotten involved in all aspects of our Temple and
our Community. Our High Holiday Services were
inspiring thanks to Rabbi Sarah, Cantor Jake, and our
Rabbinic Intern, Emily Barton. The coordination of
the services between them could not have been more
perfect. I want to wish all of you a Happy
Thanksgiving, a Happy Chanukah and finally a
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Joel Greenberg
President Men’s Club
From the Sisterhood by Beverly Petrone
The new Sisterhood continues to spread its wings
with enthusiasm. On October 5th, a lively group met
for a hearty brunch, with Rabbi Sarah as special guest
speaker. It was a great forum to get to know our new
Rabbi, as she facilitated some “get-acquainted”
exercises, pairing members up who didn’t necessarily
know each other very well. This led to lots of merry
chatter, as new relationships were launched. Rabbi
Sarah also shared some background on her and
created a very warm, personal environment in which
we all got to know her a little better.
holiday needs! Sisterhood is also looking into
sponsoring a Family Bowling Night during the month
of February. Also on the tentative agenda is a newly
conceived program: Travel with TBS at TBS—a
“virtual vacation” during which an exotic, travel
destination will be highlighted, explored and
celebrated via cuisine, visuals, music, customs, crafts,
folklore, costumes, artifacts etc….all within the
familiar walls of TBS! Rumor has it that the
program’s first destination is festive, colorful
Mexico! Ole!!
President Robin Kushner also provided an outline of
future events and activities in which we can plan to
participate in the months ahead. On Thursday,
November 20th there will be a paid-up dinner coupled
with an exciting night of Bunco. TBS’s Holiday
Craft Fair will be held on Sunday, December 7th and
promises to provide a full room of popular and
enjoyed vendors and craftsmen from both our temple
family as well as the community. Anyone interested
in participating (either as a volunteer or vendor
capacity) please contact any sisterhood officer. Please
make every effort to attend this wonderful event.
Come and support the vendors and shop for all your
That covers the agenda through to the spring.
Additional future outings/events will be discussed in
the next issue. Looking forward to seeing even more
attendance and participation in the coming months.
Don’t miss out…..this SistaHood rocks! Spread the
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
A Poem By Joel Greenberg
Page 11
Page 12
2014 – 2015 Movie Schedule (Thursday 7pm)
November 13, 2014
The Book Thief
December 11, 2014 Winter's Bone
January 8, 2015 The Way Way Back
February 12. 2015 Absolute Power
March 12, 2015 The Monuments Men
April 9, 2015
Enough Said
May 14, 2015 Philomena
June 11, 2015 Stolen Summer
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 13
Thursday, November 13,
Light Refreshments
“The Book Thief”
Based on the best selling book comes an extremely moving story of a girl who transforms the lives of those
around her during World War II Germany. When her mother can no longer care for her, Liesel (Sophie
Nelisse) is adopted by a German couple. Although she arrives illiterate, Liesel is encouraged to learn to read
by her adoptive father. When the couple then takes in Max, a Jew hiding from Hitler's army, Liesel befriends
him. Ultimately, words and imagination provide the friends an escape from the events unfolding around them
in this extraordinary acclaimed film directed by Brian Percival (Downton Abbey).
Thursday December 11, 2014 7pmLight Refreshments
“Winter's Bone”
After her deadbeat father jumps bail and mysteriously disappears, 17- year old Ree Dolly
(Jennifer Lawrence) must find a way to track him down or she'll be left without a home or custody of her two young siblings. To avoid losing everything, Ree must look through the lies and
threats looming everywhere in her rural town to piece together the dangerous truth about her
father – without getting herself killed – in this pulse pounding thriller.
Page 14
‫ ~רפואה שלמה‬Mi’sheberach
Yom Huledet Sameakh
Wishing a return to good health to those
who are ill in our community
Mimma Bartholdi
Selma Chavis
Robert Chipman
Thomas Costello
Bruce Engelson
Stephen Erlitz
Wilma Fantin
Lucy Beth Fraser
Mark Fraser
Marion Halpin
Evan Heller
Dale Herman
Yvonne Horowitz
Billy Hughes
Tony Iannucci
Mitchell KaphanMordachi Lazar bar
Sandra Klein
Christine Paravaty
Darren Pinsker
Myron Pollack
Mario Rosenthal
Keva bat Sheindal
Rachel Samuel
Deacon John Scarfi
Marcia Scanlan
Christopher Starace
Rosalie Steiner
Ora Stochel
Christina Stroud
Larry Ticker
Maria Urman
Doris Vecca
Joan Weiss
Mark Yekutiel
‫יום הולדת שמח‬
November /
November 1
November 20
December 5
December 22
Brett Freeman
Sharon Volkman
Alvin Rosenberg
Jennifer Winters
Gabriel Goldstein
November 2
November 21
December 6
December 24
Karen Kwan
Ruth Simon
Rebecca Charkow
Julie Bromberg
Heather Samson
November 3
November 22
December 7
December 25
Kenneth Koswener
Haden Gold
Joshua SolarDoherty
December 8
Dr. Paul Hertz
Jason Toovell
November 25
Henry Litsky
December 26
December 10
Debbe Buckvar
Elaine Jacobs
November 5
Andrew Gorodess
Ethan Pomerantz
November 6
Joseph Sacks
Dylan Tavelinsky
November 8
Andrew Braman
November 9
Barry Plaut
Ari Samson
November 10
Melissa Pomerantz
Jennifer Swift
Aimee Freundlich
Jessica Heather Reing
November 26
Matthew Hirsch
Michael Kwan
Kjersten Lazar
December 15
Richard A. Cohen
Jonathan Tuzman
November 28
Steven Toovell
December 18
November 14
November 30
Simon Begler
Matt Petrone
Robin Kushner
Amanda Stern
November 15
December 2
Arya Bates
Please notify the office if you
or a family member is ill or in
the hospital, so that Rabbi
Friedson-King can schedule a
visit. Your phone call is greatly
Leah Cohen
Hayley Weisman
November 19
Jordan Feldman
day? Please let us know!
Jennifer Pallant
Aidan Savir
Shea Belsky
David Ranani
Evan Volkman
Zachary Martin
December 12
December 16
If you see a name on the
Mi’Sheberach list who,
thank G-d, has returned to good
health, please notify the office at
November 13
David Rubin
November 27
Zila Koswener
Mrs. Ashley Lathrop
Ilana Pollack
Alan Weiskopf
Did we miss your birth-
December 3
December 4
Heather Gorodess
December 17
Laura Avellino
Alexander Koswener
December 19
Jared Freeman
Rachel Kwan
Aliza Mannis
Zachary Hayden
Jacquelyn Stochel
December 20
Ryan Luxemburg
December 21
Amanda Silverman
December 27
Chaim Emil Bromberg
December 28
Howard Gershman
December 29
Jonathan Schwartz
December 30
Hayden Gutt
Joshua Martin
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 15
On Line SCRIP is here!!! By Lynn Michaels
What is ShopWithScrip?
ShopWithScrip.com is a free online scrip management tool from Great Lakes Scrip Center (GLSC). It allows
families to place their own scrip orders online. ShopWithScrip® makes ordering a breeze for families. See the
list of vendors on the next page.
Why Should I use ShopWithScrip?
ShopWithScrip is so convenient to use! It’s more accurate than traditional order forms, because discounts,
products, and denominations are updated immediately by GLSC as changes occur. You can view images of
each product, and find information about where and how gift cards can be used. With participating retailers,
you can Reload funds onto gift cards you already own, and print your own ScripNow!™ eGiftCards in
minutes when you pay for your order online with PrestoPay™. You won’t have to wait for a physical card to
ship - perfect for last-minute purchases! Plus, you can place your orders literally any time of day or night, 365
days a year, from any internet-connected computer or device!
How Do I Get Started?
The first step is to create your free account by visiting ShopWithScrip.com and clicking on the green ‘Sign
Up’ box.
Fill in the form and follow the simple registration instructions. This includes entering our temple’s enrollment
code— 47AELAD51LL75
That’s all it takes to begin taking advantage of the easiest and most convenient fundraising program you’ll
ever use. Start using ShopWithScrip.com today!
Page 16
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 17
Contributions (August 1, 2014—September 30, 2014
Book Of Remembrance
Alan & Leslie Weiskopf
Alan & Patricia Schwartz
Alan & Robin Belsky
Alvin & Linda Silbert
Arthur & Susan Rebell
Bennett & Anne Schwartz
Bernard & Elaine Jacobs
Bruce & Rachel Singh
David & Ann Rubin
David & Gail Freundlich
David & Lynn Michaels
Dennis & Claire Ullman
Gary & Susan Loewenberg
George & Nusha Moscowitz
Gerald & Alicia Raskob
Glenn & Nancy Sapir
Howie & Ellen Gershman
Ira & Melody Weisman
Jake & Alissa Luxemburg
Jeffrey & Bernice Guest
Joel & Wendy Greenberg
John Katzenstein
Joshua & Julie Martin
Marcia Scanlan
Marge Pollack
Matt & Valerie Bloom
Michael Doherty & Phyllis Solar
Ralph & Yvonne Horowitz
Richard & Barbara Marks
Richard & Carol Zager
Richard & Dale Charkow
Robert Weinberger
Stephen & Phyllis Nadelhaft
Steven & Jeanne Toovell
William & Dale Raefski
Facilities Donation
Ira & Melody Weisman in honor of
whatever, for chairs for the sanctuary
General Fund
Allen & Marlene Hochberg For the Yahrzeit of Father, Sol Hochberg
Allen & Marlene Hochberg In Honor of
Rabbi Emily
Bruce & Judy Schwartz For the Yahrzeit
of Mother
Maria Eichel For the Speedy Recovery of
Granddaughter, Sara Liu
David & Lynn Michaels In memory of
David's grandmother, Dora
Maxine Casalbore For the Yahrzeit of
Rose Hirsch
David & Lynn Michaels
In memory of Lucy
David & Sharon Volkman For the
Yahrzeit of beloved mother,
Phyllis Weinstein
David Goldberg For the
Yahrzeit of Father, Jacob Goldberg
Diane Goldstein For the Yahrzeit of Ida
Goldstein - grandmother of Aileen, Ira &
Douglas Goldstein and mother-in-law of
Diane Goldstein
Edna Sterling For the Yahrzeit of Mother,
Rose Langer
Fred & Carol Cossick For the Yahrzeit of
Gary & Ellen Reing For the Yahrzeit of
Father, Herbert S. Reing
Steven Toovell For the Yahrzeit of Mother, Nettie Toovell
Rabbi’s Fund
Anthony & Lisa Branca In honor of Rabbi
Dennis & Claire Ullman Welcome Rabbi
Sarah to TBS
Joseph & Judith Occhiogrossi In honor of
Ben Semegran's Bar Mitzvah
Joseph & Judith Occhiogrossi Wishing a
speedy recovery for Sheila Goldberg
Ralph & Yvonne Horowitz In memory of
Father and Sister
Ira & Melody Weisman In memory of
Barbara S Weisman
Rel. School Fund
Joel & Wendy Greenberg In honor of Ben
Semegran's Bar Mitzvah
Joel & Wendy Greenberg In memory of
Ronald Berger's wife, Bonnie
Joseph & Judith Occhiogrossi In honor of
Steve Nadelhaft retirement
Lawrence & Diane Gorelick In memory of
Jeff Katz's father, Fred Katz
Joyce Lasker In memory of Esther Feibus
Ralph & Yvonne Horowitz In honor of
Lisa & Anthony Branca In memory of Jeff Loewenberg's grandson Eric's upcoming
Katz's father, Fred Katz
Lisa Falcone In memory of Grandfather,
Leo Goldsmith
Lois Siegel For the Yahrzeit of Mother,
Anabelle Dreier
Loretta Grossman For the Yahrzeit of Father, Alex Abrams
Mack & Diana Scharmett For the Yahrzeit
Anthony & Lisa Branca In memory of Jeff of Father
Katz's father, Fred Katz
Maria Eichel In memory of Simon Eichel
Bruce & Judy Schwartz For the Yahrzeit
of Brother
Nancy Peterson For the Yahrzeit of Mother, Ruth Kahn
Maria Eichel For the Yahrzeit of Husband,
Simon Eichel
Ralph & Yvonne Horowitz In memory of
Jeff Katz's father, Dr. Fred Katz
Page 18
Temple Times
Bernice Guest
Lynn Michaels
Advertising Editor
David Michaels
Please ensure we have a Minyan for Shabbat Services
for the following holiday weekends:
Veterans Day
New Years
We appreciate your attendance and will reward you
with an Aliyah of your choice!!
Steve Bettman
Sarah Friedson-King
Joel Greenberg
Wendy Greenberg
Eddie Lapa
Beverly Petrone
Marge Pollack
Libby Spitzer
The Temple Beth Shalom
newsletter is published five times
per year and is provided by and for
the membership of the synagogue.
Neither Temple Beth Shalom, nor
its members, assumes liability for
any of the information, opinions or
suggestions contained herein.
Articles submitted are subject to
editing. Contents may not be
permission from the Temple office.
We apologize in advance for any
errors or omissions. Submissions
can be sent via email in Word or
Publisher format to:
December 10,
To download a Scrip Order Form,
go to http://tinyurl.com/tbsscrip
Newsletter Errors
Occasionally errors & omissions
are found in the pages of Temple
Times. We appreciate being
notified of any corrections by
calling the TBS office (845)6286133. A newsletter staff member
will return your call ASAP. The
temple office is not responsible for
newsletter content. Many thanks to
our readers, Temple Times Staff
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 19
May Their Memory be a Blessing
Nov 1 / Heshvan 8
Nov 16 / Heshvan 23 Nov 30 / Kislev 8
Dec 17 / Kislev 25
Minnie Belle Brody
Robert Kramer
Melvyn Mitzner
Jacob Leist
Rose Weissman
Nov 2 / Heshvan 9
Morris Goldstein
Nov 18 / Heshvan 25 Dec 2 / Kislev 10
Harry M. Browner
Jack Chupper
Nathan Gordon
Irving Hurwitz
Frances Michaels
Ann Teplitsky
Yetta Gunzburg
Abraham Kuropatwa
Dec 18 / Kislev 26
Samuel Jacobs
Nov 3 / Heshvan 10
Dorothy Freedland
Lillian Gershenoff
Nov 4 / Heshvan 11
Alfred Schwartz
Helen Schwartz
Leila Schwarz
Anna Hammer
Ida Lidsky
Nov 17 / Heshvan 24 Dec 1 / Kislev 9
Bernard Hendler
Nov 19 / Heshvan 26
Kenneth Feibus
Bertha Haymes
Nettie Steinberg
Steven Astrachan
Sam Silibovsky
Charles Levin
Dec 4 / Kislev 12
Nov 20 / Heshvan 27 Dec 5 / Kislev 13
Rachel Podell
Mary Goldberg
Samuel Berlin
Seymour Uffer
Dec 19 / Kislev 27
Arthur Heitner
Dec 20 / Kislev 28
Nov 21 / Heshvan 28 Dec 6 / Kislev 14
Sarah Filer
Eric Smith
Nov 7 / Heshvan 14
Mark Goldberg
Blanche Lehman
Dec 21 / Kislev 29
Rose Gelchinsky
Samuel Lang
Nov 22 / Heshvan 29 Dec 7 / Kislev 15
Nov 5 / Heshvan 12
Ralph Edward Peterson
Nov 23 / Kislev 1
Seymour Hartman
Roxanne Figer Pancato
Madeleine Sondo Vitenson
Louis Holzman
Naomi Weber
Max Klein
Nov 11 / Heshvan 18
Nov 24 / Kislev 2
Dec 10 / Kislev 18
Blanche W. Axelrod
Murray David Garson
Beatrice Schwartz
Nov 26 / Kislev 4
Dec 11 / Kislev 19
William Feibus
Abraham Gordon
Ira Meyer
Sarah Sophie Ofrichter
Laura Bergman
Nov 8 / Heshvan 15
Abraham Weiss
Nov 10 / Heshvan 17
Harry Lidsky
Lillian Solar
Nov 12 / Heshvan 19
Pearl Michaels
Hanna Yekutiel
Nov 13 / Heshvan 20
Daniel Gralla
Louis Pomerantz
Murray Rosenblum
Sophia Bertha Vogel
Nov 14 / Heshvan 21
Theresa Gralla
Mildred Happ
Sadie Levinson
Mike Rosner
Lillian Garrell
Aleck Pollack
Francisca Beck
Joseph Lipins
Nov 27 / Kislev 5
Henry Benjamin Effrain
Harold Rosner
Philip Schectman
Carl Streit
Dec 12 / Kislev 20
Dec 25 / Tevet 3
Boris Alexandro Vitenson
Dec 26 / Tevet 4
Joseph Bloom
Julia Homelsky
Libby Seiden
Treitek Steinlauf
Dec 28 / Tevet 6
Leona Garrell
Jeff Weissman
Dec 29 / Tevet 7
Dec 14 / Kislev 22
Philip Fleischer
Neal Tilzer
Dec 30 / Tevet 8
Dec 15 / Kislev 23
Moe Gartner
Rachel Levy
Rae Posniak
Samuel Shapiro
Yetta Uffer
Isadore N. Axelrod
Jay Freebern
Elaine Zager
Dec 16 / Kislev 24
Louis Bernard
Leonard Kaiser
Dec 23 / Tevet 1
Nathan Chavis
Bertha Gerstein
Harry Schiller
Ruth Stein
Dec 13 / Kislev 21
Nov 28 / Kislev 6
Nov 15 / Heshvan 22 Nov 29 / Kislev 7
Minnie Ekman
Steven Kantor
Albert Ofrichter
Dec 8 / Kislev 16
Samuel Weinstein
David Lubin
Dec 31 / Tevet 9
Ruth Bornfriend
Ethel Carlin
Phyllis Freedland
Edith Steinlauf
Page 20
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 21
Page 22
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 23
Page 24
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 25
Dave Goldberg
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
•Water Heaters
•Storage Tanks
•Water Softeners
Weekend Service No Extra Charge
Insured - Bonded
(845) 628-1288
(914) 962-3498
Page 26
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Sisterhood Gift Shop!
Visit the gift shop or contact Ellen
Special Orders are welcome…
Any special occasion need can be filled
E-mail Ellen at
Page 27
When you’re planning your next Life
Event, whether it’s a Wedding, Bar/
Bat Mitzvah or Buying/Selling a
Page 28
Mention Temple Beth Shalom
Code AG110
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 29
Page 30
Relocation specialist in the Tampa Florida area
My name is Mark Newman, a young Jewish professional in the
greater Tampa area. I pride myself on going the extra mile. Tampa is
on the west coast of Florida, an up and coming area with several great
synagogues, pristine beaches, and George Steinbrenner Stadium
( Yankee feeder league) Plus all the comforts of the NY area:
Professional Ice Hockey, Baseball & Football Teams, Theatre, comedy
clubs Busch Gardens, and the Tampa Zoo are all within the Tampa
metro area. It is perfect the perfect place for singles, families of any
size and retirees. In addition to finding your new home I will also
help you find one of the wonderful congregations sprinkled throughout
the Tampa area and help you get situated with all your Kosher needs.
Now is the right time to buy or invest in the Tampa area. Even if
you are years away from a move, I can find you an awesome property
that can be rented seasonally or year round until you are ready to
Mark Newman
Email: 21MarkNewman@gmail.com
Rentals / Sales: Apartment, House, Condominium, Multi family or Office
Voice: 813-667-MARK (6275) cell 914-523-3025
436 Route 6
Mahopac, NY 10541
(845) 621-4600
Ben Gruber, Inc.
Ben Gruber
Eric Gruber
FAX (845) 621-4613
CELL (917) 295-1407
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 31
Page 32
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Celebrating 30 Years of Service in our Community
South Putnam Animal Hospital
Dr. Kathi Heiber,
Dr. Cynthia Kosacz, Dr. Julie Fixman,
Dr. Judith Mason & Dr. Maria Kaprielian
Visit our website at www.spahvet.com
230B Baldwin Place Road, Mahopac
T (914) 698-4300
F (914) 698-0364
Page 33
Page 34
Freight Liquidators
● Furniture ● Carpeting ● Ceramic Tile
● Laminate Floors ● Wood Floors
● Window Treatments
Bill - Sales Manager
Route 6, Mahopac, NY
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
530 North Main Street, Brewster, New York
Page 35
Reserve for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, corporate meetings,
community activities, showers, any kind of party.
Zumba, yoga, dance classes available in the evenings.
34 Hillandale Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Page 36
You’re ad
could have been
right here
(Order Form is on p.31)
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 37
Page 38
Fresh Meats Fresh Produce
Bakery Department with a
Selection of Kosher/Pareve Cookies
Full Service Deli Catering
Cheese’s from Around The World
Full Line of Health & Organic Foods
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A full Selection of Gourmet Items
3651 Lee Road
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
(across from the Jefferson Valley mall)
Double or
Triple (!!!)
your Donation FREE!
Your donation could double or
triple without any expense to
you. Call your Human Resources Department or Community Relations office and ask
about your company’s
Some companies do not match
donations to religious organizations, but some do. Inquire with
your HR Representative.
Heshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5775
Page 39
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