Document 6576262
Document 6576262
ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT DISI-MUDAWARRA TO AMMAN WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM PART C: PROJECT-SPECIFIC ESA ANNEX C27: LIST OF REFERENCES 11-09-2014 9:57:29 AM CONFIDENTIAL Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1985. Vegetation of Jordan. In, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan II, A. Hadidi (ed.). Ministry of Archaeology, Amman: 45-57. Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1997. Vegetation of Jordan. UNESCO, Regional Office for Science and Technology for Arab States, Cairo. Al-Eisawi, D.M. et al. 2000. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity (Annex C): Plant Biodiversity and Taxonomy. GCEP; Amman. Al-Eisawi, D.M. Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Jordan and Neighboring Countries. GEF Financial Support, UNDP, Amman. Al-Rai newspaper, “333 Infected with AIDS in Jordan of which 201 are foreigners”. Farah Atiat, December 3, 2003. Amr, Z.S. 1999. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity (Annex a): Mammals of Jordan. GCEP. Amman. GIT Balumbo, J. (1995). Jordan Antiquities Data Base and Information System. Department of Antiquities (DOA), Jordan. Budieri, A. 1995. Hashemite kingdom of Jordan. In. A directory of Wetlands in The Middle East. D.A. Scott (ed.)IUCN and IWRB, Oxford, 303-336. Caro, R. and Eugleson, P.S. (1981). Estimating Aquifer Recharge due to Rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 53, pp. 185-211. Department of Statistics (DOS). 1994. The Jordanian Returnees Survey 1994. Statistical Yearbook of 1994. Department of Statistics (DOS). 2000. Statistical Yearbook 2000: Foreign Trade. Department of Statistics (DOS). 2001. Employment Survey, DOS Statistical Yearbook of 2001. Department of Statistics (DOS). 2001. Social and Economic Indicators, DOS Statistical Yearbook of 2001. Disi, A.M., Amr, Z.S. & Defosse, D. 1988. Contribution to the Herpeptfauna of Jordan III. Snakes of Jordan. The Snake, 20: 40-51. Disi. A.M. 2002. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity (Annex d): The Herpetofauna of Jordan. GCEP. Amman. Evans, M. 1994. Important Bird Areas in the Middle East. BirdLife Conservation Series. Cambridge, 2:1-410. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations). 1994. Sheep production under extensive systems in the Near East, Jordan Pastoral System: A case study. Near East Regional Office. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Final Report Annex C27-1 Consolidated Consultants ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT DISI-MUDAWARRA TO AMMAN WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM PART C: PROJECT-SPECIFIC ESA General Corporation for the Environmental Protection (GCEP). 1998. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity. GCEP, Amman. 11-09-2014 9:57:29 AM CONFIDENTIAL Hatough-Bouran, et al. 2000. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity (Annex b): Jordan Ecology, ecosystems and Habitats. GCEP. Amman. Japan International Cooperation Agency. 1990. Water Resources Study of the Jafr Basin, Draft Final Report. Kurschner, H. 1986. A Physiogonomical-ecological Classification of the Vegetation of Southern Jordan. In: Contributions to the Vegetation of South West Asia, H. Kruschner (ed.) Beihefte Tubinger Atlas Voedere Orient, Rihe A (Naturwisseneschaften), Weisbaden (Dr. L. Reischert), 45-79. Lloyd, J.W., Drennan D.S.H. and Bennol B.M.U. (1966). A Groundwater Recharge Study in North East Jordan. Proceeding Institute of Civil Engineering 35, pp.615-631. Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI). February, 1998. Irrigation Water Policy – Paper No. 2. Natural Resources Authority. 2000. Internal Reports. GIT The Ministry of Social Development. May, 2002. Poverty Alleviation for Stronger Jordan. The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN). 1999. Important Bird Areas in The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. GEF Financial Support, UNDP Amman. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and GCEP (The General Corporation for the Environment Protection). 1998. Jordan Country Study on Biological Diversity. World Bank (WB). 1998. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook 1998: Toward Cleaner Production. The World Bank Group. Final Report Annex C27-2 Consolidated Consultants