OBSERVER G o o c h l a n d Highlights...


OBSERVER G o o c h l a n d Highlights...
G o o c h l a n d
• Strategic Plan
• County Website Update
• Automated Board Packets
• Transportation Studies
• Economic Development Update
• Comprehensive Plan Update
• Financial Highlights
• Fire Station Update & Staffing Plan
• Parks & Rec Programs
• School System Updates
• Volunteer Opportunities
• Applicant Tracking
Fall of 2013, the Board of Supervisors undertook the creation of this Strategic Plan for the County. Feedback gathered from citizens, businesses and employees helped to formulate the Plan. The Plan provides the overarching framework for the County’s work. Realization of the vision, mission and goals occurs through the achievement of objectives. The objectives
are achieved through strategies carried out by County departments. Through the County’s budget process, departments are allocated funding to implement the strategies.
Annually, the Board of Supervisors plans to provide a
“report card” to citizens and businesses of the County.
This “report card” will tell us what progress we
have made in reaching our goals and will serve
to keep us accountable for our work.
Goochland County – Strategic Plan – Planning Years 2014 – 2018
Vision: A prosperous and vibrant community rich with history and opportunity
where the citizens and their rights and freedoms are protected
Mission: To provide high quality services in an efficient, effective and accountable manner
Strategic Goals:
Goal 2:
Objective 2.1:
Objective 2.2:
Goal 1:
Objective 1.1:
Objective 1.2:
Objective 1.3:
Efficient, effective, and transparent government with
emphasis on customer service excellence
Deliver efficient and effective services
Enhance transparency and accountability
Achieve high level of citizen satisfaction
Balanced development that contributes to the welfare of the
community and preserves its rural character
Support a balance of business and residential development that
contributes to a healthy economy
Support maintaining the County’s rural character and historic resources
Goal 3: Excellence in Financial Management
Objective 3.1: Maintain sound financial health and strong fiscal controls
Objective 3.2: Plan for future operating and capital needs
Goal 4:
Objective 4.1:
Objective 4.2:
Objective 4.3:
High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health
Support quality education
Promote community safety
Promote community health and human services
Goal 5: Positive work environment with a highly qualified, diverse workforce
Objective 5.1: Attract and retain highly qualified, diverse professionals who share our core values
Objective 5.2: Create a work environment conducive to a committed, results driven workforce
Board’s Guiding Principles: Honor Rights and Freedoms…Customer Focused… Collaborate … Innovate
Organization’s Core Values: Customer Focused … Stewardship … Transparency … Integrity … Respect … Courage
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Goochland County’s
Rural Attractions
High Voter Turnout
Rich History
Low Crime Rate
Financially Strong
Engaged & Diverse Citizens
Designated Growth Areas
West Creek Business Park
Low Taxes
Largely Rural
2014-18 Strategic Plan
can be found online
Goochland County Observer 2014 - page 3
Goochland County Board of Supervisors...
Working for YOU!
Highlights listed are initiatives
either complete or underway.
Accomplishments by
Strategic Goal:
Goal 1: Efficient, effective, and transparent government with emphasis on customer service excellence
• New County Strategic Plan, with annual “report card” to citizens
• Redesign of the County’s website - underway
• Enhanced online and automated Board agendas for easier citizen access and more efficient internal processing
• Contributed articles to the Goochland Gazette to keep the public informed and to seek citizen feedback on pertinent issues
• Adopted new ordinance regarding companion animals and public nuisances with considerable input from the affected citizens
• Leveraged technology to enhance efficiency in departments – e.g. Animal Control, computers in vehicles
• Joint Board and School Board Town Hall meetings held twice per year for every District – ongoing
Goal 2: Balanced development that contributes to the welfare of the community and preserves its rural character
• Tuckahoe Creek Service District – stable ad valorem, evaluation of service district boundaries to enhance district strength
• Utility Master Plan nearly complete
• Rural Economic Development Committee - Implementation of recommendations
• Enhanced design development standards adopted in growth areas
• Comprehensive Plan update – underway
• Transportation Studies – underway for 1) Rt 288/Broad Street and Rt 64/Ashland Road; 2) Patterson Avenue Corridor
Goal 3: Excellence in Financial Management
• Credit Rating for the County – underway
• Maintained a balanced budget, significantly increasing funding for Public Safety and Schools, with no increase in tax rates
• Financial Policy Guidelines updated to reflect best practices and continue to strengthen fiscal standing
• CPA added to finance area – provides in-house expertise reducing dependence on consultants
• Received GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for FY2013 CAFR
• Expanded FY2015 Adopted budget document which now includes much more information for citizens
• Capital Improvement Program now includes sixth planning year to better outline plans for School and Courtroom facilities
Goal 4: High quality core services including Education, Public Safety, and Community Health
• Increased funding for Schools for operating expenses
• Increased funding for Schools for capital expenses – bus garage, CTE building, field house addition at the high school
• Public Safety coverage enhanced through the addition of five new Fire-Rescue positions and two more Sheriff Deputies
• New private and public radio towers approved
• Funding increased for Public Health, Social Services, and Goochland Free Clinic and Family Services
• Three-year Technology Plan implemented
• Replacement fire station in Hadensville (Company 6)
• New Public Safety Communications System – ongoing
• Utilities enhancements – Hickory Haven/Samary Forest waterline (completed) and Rivergate pump station reroute (underway)
• Permanent traffic light at Hockett and Broad Street Roads
Goal 5: Positive work environment with a highly qualified, diverse workforce
• New Compensation Plan, with updated pay grade assignments for all County positions, implemented during past year
• Low voluntary turnover rate – 7% during the past year
• Enhanced training courses offered to workforce
• New online job applicant software implemented – will make applying for positions easier and enhance County’s ability to target applicants
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Fall 2014 Town Hall Meetings
Come Out & Participate
The Goochland County Board of Supervisors and School Board
have scheduled joint Town Hall Meetings in October as follows:
District 1 October 30, 2014 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Byrd Elementary School
District 2 & 3 (Joint meeting) October 22, 2014 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
J Sarg Reynolds Community College Goochland Campus,
New Community Room
District 4 October 16, 2014 7:00 pm - 9:00 p.m.
Grace Chinese Baptist Church
District 5 October 29, 2014 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Company 1 Firehouse, Manakin
The public is invited to attend all meetings!
Goochland County Observer 2014 - page 5
What’s Happening In Economic Development?
Recommendations to Improve Broad Street Road/Rt 288 and Ashland Road/Rt 64 are Coming
The Notch, a new phase of development at the northern end of
West Creek is home to the new West Creek Medical Park. The
first building of this prime, class-A park is under construction
with the delivery of 60,000 sq/ft slated for this December. Medarva will be the anchor tenant for this first of three planned
buildings. At build-out the park will include multiple buildings
and approximately 180,000 sq/ft of office space.
In cooperation with VDOT and Kimley-Horn and Associates, the County is conducting a transportation study along Broad Street
Road (U.S. Rte. 250) and Ashland Road (Va. Rte. 623) in Centerville Village. Referred to as an Arterial Management Plan (AMP),
the approximately two-mile section of Broad Street Road extends from Wilkes Ridge Parkway to Hockett Road, and the one-mile
section of Ashland Road extends from Broad Street Road to 0.25 miles north of the I-64 interchange. The critical intersections
of Broad Street Road @ Rte. 288 and Ashland Road @ I-64 are focal points of this study.
Broad Street and Route 288 interchange and Ashland Road and I64 are part of a significant transportation study underway now.
The AMP study started last year and is expected to be completed in April 2015. Early phases of the study included
background research such as reviewing zoning information,
the comprehensive plan, existing land use and parcel data,
previous traffic and transportation studies in the corridor,
and recent and/or pending development, including development in Henrico. The consultant has generated updated
Also in the Notch, construction is ongoing for the Retreat at West
Creek. The Retreat is the first apartment community to be built
in Goochland County. The project has been highly acclaimed by
the marketplace for its energy efficient construction and classy
upscale design.
With the recent opening of McDonald’s in Centerville prospect inquiries have increased from national retailers. The
County is working with VDOT to study the infrastructure in
Centerville in order to balance the demands of new development with those of safety and existing traffic concerns. Elsewhere in the County we are seeing an increased demand for industrial space. Currently Midnight Brewery is
constructing a new manufacturing facility in the Rockville
Industrial Park. Midnight is one of two breweries located in
the County. Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery, the County’s other brewery located off of Knolls Point Drive, has been receiving
national accolades in recent months for their award winning beers.
Because of the demand for light industrial property site improvements were recently made at the Midpoint Industrial Park
located off I64 in Hadensville. This project has both raw land and existing buildings available with great interstate access to
both Richmond and Charlottesville.
The County is currently working with numerous prospective businesses. These efforts take time and because they are confidential, we are not able to provide the public with much information. Please know there is much going on and we are working
hard to bring quality commercial development to Goochland County.
Financial Highlights from the Past Year
Goochland County had yet another strong year financially.
Following are some of the major highlights:
• The Board of Supervisors adopted the FY2015 budget in April, which included no
increases in real estate nor ad valorem tax rates, nor in water and sewer rates.
• The FY2015 budget includes four new full-time positions in Fire-Rescue, two new Sheriff
Deputy positions, and a 7.4% local funding increase for Schools of $1.35 million.
• Goochland received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association
(GFOA) for the FY2013
audit report, demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate the
County's financial story.
• The County’s FY2015 budget document (available at the County’s website) has been dramatically enhanced and expanded, and has
beensubmitted to the GFOA for review as to how well it communicates information to
the public.
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• The Board updated the County’s Financial Policy Guidelines in August, to take an even
more conservative approach to long term financial planning and setting aside reserve
funds for potential future challenges.
traffic counts, turning movement and crash data and has
identified existing engineering and safety deficiencies. Future traffic count projections for the corridors have also
been completed.
The outcome of the study will include recommendations for
improvements for addressing traffic and turning issues in these areas both for now and in the future.
For Goochland County, the study will serve as a guide to facilitate economic development decisions, promote safe travel movement, and reduce congestion.
If you are interested in additional information about the Arterial Management Plan,
please contact Tom Coleman or call 556-5865.
New Agenda Management Software Helps Goochland County Government Achieve Greater Transparency and Go Green
One of the Board of Supervisor’s strategic goals is a more efficient, effective and transparent government with emphasis on
customer service excellence. One giant step towards achieving
this goal is the implementation of a new agenda management
software tool. Citizens now have easier access to both Board of
Supervisor and Planning Commission agenda packets and minutes through the County website. The website also provides
citizens with Board and Planning Commission voting information.
The Goochland County Board of Supervisors wants to encourage participation by ensuring that all citizens have the ability to
access documents and proceedings of their government.
Not only does the new agenda management software help our
government be more transparent, the agenda packets are now
compiled electronically. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors
has begun use of computer tablets to view their Board packets
reducing the need for paper and contributing to a “green” environment!
Check it out on the Goochland County Government Agenda Management Website at
Goochland County Observer 2014 - page 7
Residents See Plans for Hadensville Fire-Rescue Station
On July 17th approximately 50 County residents gathered in the apparatus bay of the existing Hadensville Fire-Rescue Station
to see the plans for the replacement facility. The work of a cross-functional team has resulted in a proposed 12,000 sq/ft
facility that will address deficiencies that exist in the current building. Included in the proposed building
is a community meeting room that will address a need of residents in Western Goochland County.
The new facility will have a kitchen, showers, and dormitory facilities for male and female members. County leaders and members of the Fire-Rescue Association have ensured that the proposed facility
meets all applicable standards (decontamination, earthquake resistance, etc.) and will provide service to
the community for 30+ years.
The replacement facility will be located on the triangular piece of property at the intersection of Old
Fredericksburg Road and Three Chopt Road and is expected to be operational by spring 2016.
Goochland County Public Schools
Strategic Plan - The school board approved the 2014-2020 Strategic Plan on
December 10, 2013 centered around three goals, focusing efforts around
preparing students for life through deeper learning, improving school climate, and maintaining safe schools with effective management. Multiple
versions of the plan are available on the division web site, including a short
video “commercial” featuring the voice of NPR’s John Ogle.
We welcomed the staff back to the new year with an extensive, three-day new teacher academy and two days of staff development, called “Operation Engagement”, centered around the goals related to the new mission. Renown speakers, Bill Rankin,
Scott Habeeb and Tom Epperson challenged and inspired the GCPS staff to cultivate a climate of high expectations, deep relationships and engaging instruction.
CIP Projects - Given overwhelming support from the Board of Supervisors and School Board, GCPS has been fortunate to break
ground on several capital improvement projects this summer. This fall we look forward to opening the expanded field house
at Goochland High, which will house the new Marine Corps JROTC Program and weight room facility. In two of our elementary
schools, Byrd and Randolph, we will have added a new “store front” design to increase safety and direct traffic through the office, limiting access to classrooms. Goochland Elementary will see a significant renovation next year, including not only the same
safety redesign for the entrance, but also some much-needed repair throughout the building.
Last year GCPS announced the expansion of its Career and Technical Education course offerings, adding industry certifications
and engineering programs to better prepare our students for success beyond high school. This fall we will open the doors to
Goochland Tech, a completely redesigned career and technical center in what was formerly the Specialty Center.
Revenue Recovery is Meeting Expectations and the Money is Helping Providing Services to You!
January 2013 Goochland County instituted billing for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) transports to a medical care facility. As
part of the program, the County adopted a “Compassionate Billing” philosophy in which no information is ever turned over to
a collection agency or credit reporting service. Nobody who dials 911 is ever denied service based on their ability to pay. More
than 90% of the funds collected come from direct payment from insurance companies. These funds remain within Fire-Rescue
and are used to improve service delivery to those that call 911. Some of the funds are used to support the hiring of additional
staff while other funds purchase equipment that is needed to continue the high level of care for which Goochland County
Fire-Rescue is known. In FY2015 two powered stretchers, a replacement for Rescue Boat at Fife and a replacement SUV will be
funded from Revenue Recovery funds.
Any questions about the Goochland County Revenue Recovery program should be addressed to Debbie Shaw at 556-5813.
Customer Service Enhancements!
The Department of Community Development is working to enhance customer service in all we do.
Resident Feedback Initiative
All divisions within CD provide Service Feedback post cards for use by the public with the goal of hearing directly from customers
on the service received and how we can improve. The feedback form can also be submitted electronically via the CD web site.
Streamlined Development Process
The BOS approved a streamlined process that permits CD staff to automatically refer public hearing items to the Planning Commission resulting in a minimum initial process time savings of 30 days for applicants.
Development Community Meetings
In a continued effort to enhance transparency, and provide timely information to
the public regarding upcoming public hearings, the County Community Meeting
Policy has been amended to:
- Provide more notice prior to the Community Meeting
- Require more detailed information from the applicant
- Provide the option for all citizens attending to be officially notified
of the date, time, and location of the public hearings
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Please let us know how we can better serve you.
Contact us at 556-5860 or on the web;
Welcome MCJROTC Program - In the fall of 2014, Goochland High School students will have the opportunity to participate in
a Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps ( MCJROTC) program, the first for GCPS! The application and approval
for this program has taken more than a year and included a visit in April by the colonel in charge of the East Coast MCJROTC
programs and, in August, final approval from the Secretary of the Navy. Since the approval of our program, we are pleased to
announce the hiring of Maj. Michael Petruzziello and Staff
Sgt. Dan Strong to establish and lead the GHS program and
students. We are truly blessed and proud to have these fine
Marines lead our program and join the GHS staff.
In the program, students are introduced to the MCJROTC curriculum, and basic U.S. citizenship rights and responsibilities
are established and reinforced. Students learn leadership,
history, communication techniques, disciplined study habits, management skills, first aid, drug abuse prevention, map
reading, physical fitness, and workplace readiness skills. Military customs and courtesies, proper uniform wear, and personal
appearance guidelines are followed within the leadership lab, drill, and military ceremonies.
The One-To-One Device Initiative - During the 2013-14 school year, Goochland County Public Schools launched a one-to-one
computing pilot at Goochland Elementary School across grades 3-5. In November of that year, we held an “iPad
Learning Exhibition” to highlight some of the types of activities we had engaged students with, using the new
iPads. We have used this first year of implementation (in our plan called Year 0) to fine-tune our objectives and
prepare for a wider distribution across more of our schools.
After many years of success here in Goochland of integrating technology into our instructional program, we felt
it was time to take advantage of new, promising technology with iPads, and to provide students access to new opportunities
in deeper learning across the curriculum. We are extending the plan to expand the program to select grades at RES, BES, and
GMS during the 2014-15 year. Over time we expect to see a shift in our instructional approach with more student-centered,
project-based learning.
Goochland County Observer 2014 - page 9
Goochland County Moves to New Technology for Job Applications!
Job seekers can now easily apply with a new online system!
Goochland has launched a new software system to improve the County’s hiring process for applicants. Job seekers are able to quickly apply online for open positions via the County’s website
( Interested candidates can apply for current vacancies or sign up for
new openings that become available. Goochland has partnered with NEOGOV, the nation’s largest cloud software for HR in government
and education. Using this technology, HR and department managers can access online records to
expedite hiring and provide greater accountability when selecting new employees. This new software streamlines the job search and application process for job seekers. Candidates
can submit applications all electronically. After completing the first application, all future ones
are automatically populated with the data, making the process to apply for our positions very quick and easy.
The new system also allows hiring managers to more effectively create minimum qualifications to sort through a pool of applicants. With the new system, administrative work and technical maintenance costs are reduced as this workload is handled
by the NEOGOV system.
Goochland County Government now joins over 1000 organizations across the nation that have moved into cutting edge online
technology for personnel management.
New Goochland County website – Coming soon!
Goochland is embarking on a complete revision of the County’s website! Website redesign supports the Board of Supervisor’s
Strategic goal of “Efficient, effective and transparent government with emphasis on customer
service excellence.” The website is a critical tool for conveying information to citizens, visitors,
existing businesses, and business prospect. Enhancements will include the look of the site,
how the content is organized, intuitive task driven menus, addition of new notification tools,
better calendars, and improved access to information. A committee was formed to select the
vendor to develop the new website focusing on the County’s business objectives and customer needs. Be sure to look for the new site in the coming year.
This new website will provide the County with an opportunity to showcase the things that make Goochland County great!
Working with Your Legislative Delegation
Each year the Board of Supervisors and County Staff work with the County’s Legislative Delegation to address legislative concerns and desires that come to our attention, whether it’s to amend existing laws, create new laws, or even remove out-dated
laws. The County is extremely lucky to have a wonderful relationship with our Delegation.
Among the multiple legislative requests being submitted this year are two important requests related to Sludge. It is a topic
that citizens in a number of affected counties (including Goochland) have expressed legitimate concerns about regarding the
effects of storage and land application.
The County is requesting a Joint Resolution from the General Assembly directing the Virginia Department of Environmental
Quality (DEQ) to conduct a study of whether there are any long-term effects on public health and nearby ground water, wells
and surface water that might be caused by the storage and/or land application of sludge. Such a study will allow all sides to
be better informed on the topic, since there is no indication that any recent studies have been undertaken by the DEQ, the
Soil and Water Control Board (SWCB), or other state agencies.
The County, in its second request, is requesting that the Code of Virginia (State law) be amended to require the owner of land
used to store sludge, or the owner of land on which sludge is applied, by law to record a notice of such use with the Clerk’s
Office of the Circuit Court for the locality. Such mandated disclosure is intended to help future landowners by allowing them
to be aware of past practices that may affect them.
The County, in addition to these, is submitting
multiple requests on behalf of the County and Schools.
A copy of the full Goochland County 2015 Legislative Agenda can be found on the County website
Comprehensive Plan Update 2035 - Help Us Update Our Future Plan!
Goochland County is beginning the process of updating the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a long
range plan that will help guide the physical development of the County for the next 20 years. The proposed update will be an
update of the 2028 Comprehensive Plan approved in 2008.
The guiding principles of the update are balanced development and preserving rural character. These are consistent with Goal #2 of the County’s Strategic Plan. One objective of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan Update
is to make the plan more user friendly and easier to understand. The 2035 plan will include the following
elements: Land Use and Villages, Rural Strategies, Transportation, Public Facilities, and Natural and
Historic Resources.
Your participation is key to the success of this plan. The County will be holding several
meetings over the course of the Fall, Winter, and Spring on the Comprehensive Plan. If you are interested in being added to the email list for future meeting dates or if you
would like to provide comments or have questions, please email Jo Ann Hunter or call 657-2006.
Fun Places and Open Spaces!
You spoke and we listened! This Fall Parks & Recreation is offering a variety of diverse, conveniently timed and conveniently
located programs for the whole family! All of our Fall programs
are now open, and are accepting registration!
Goochland Kids’ RECZone programming is geared towards helping your child stay active, focused and stimulated while offering
times and locations that are convenient for working parents. RECZone programs include Quick Start Tennis, Variety Sports,
Introduction to Piano, the Tucker Park Production Company
“Fun Places & Open Spaces” Fall 2014
(Drama), and Horseback Riding. Program Guide available August 1st
Additional programs being offered for the whole family include
various athletics and wellness, cultural arts, and general proTUCKER’S TOTS Preschool Program
gramming. Programs are located in the eastern, western and
Goochland Kids’ RECZone
central areas of the County.
Athletic & Wellness Programming
Mighty Mites and Youth Basketball are now open for registraKenjustu-Sword Arts of the Samurai, Adult Volleyball, Buddy
tion! New this year, Mighty Mites will practice during the week Ball Soccer, Youth & Adult Tennis, Variety Sports, Couch to 5K,
and play their games on Saturdays. The player draft (for ages
Fitness in the Park, Prenatal Yoga & Pickleball
8+) will be held on November 15th starting at 9am. Parents who
Cultural Arts & General Programming
sign up to be coaches will receive 10% off their child’s registraCupcake
Candle & Soap Making, Introduction to
Piano, Tucker Park Production Company, Little Hikers & Smore
Don’t miss our special events this Fall!
Makers, Daytime Elementary School Art & Senior Game Corner
• The Goochland County Fall Festival will be held on SaturREGISTER NOW
day, October 25th, 2014 from 12pm-4pm at the Goochland
for Department Programs and Community Favorites!
Sports Complex. Festivities will include: live music, a cosKarate, Dog Obedience, NRA Safety, Horseback Riding,
tume contest, Jonathan Austin roving & stage show, Tucker
Daytime Elementary School PE & Total Body Conditioning
the Turtle, pumpkin painting, make & take activities, petting
zoo, pony rides, Touch-a-TRUCK, and wild west themed carSpecial Events & Programs
nival games. Admission is free and volunteers are needed!
Trick or Treat at Goochland Administration,
Holiday Tree Lighting and Santa Claus Calling
• Trick or Treat at Goochland Administration on October 31st
from 3:30 – 5:30pm.
YOUTH BASKETBALL Registration NOW available!
• YMCA & Goochland County Annual Holiday Tree Lighting
Goochland County Fall Festival
on December 6th from 6:30-8pm at the Goochland Family
Saturday, October 25th, 2014
12pm-4pm Goochland Sports Complex
• Santa Calling on December 11th, from 6-8pm.
Live Music Halloween Costume Contest Jonathan Austin
• For more information, contact the Recreation Division at
Special Guest: Tucker the Turtle!
556-5854 or visit us online at
Parks & Recreation partners
with the Goochland YMCA,
so check out their offerings at
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Pumpkin Painting Make & Take Activities
Petting Zoo & Pony Rides Wild West themed Carnival Games
Admission is FREE & Volunteers are needed!
Please contact Parks, Recreation & Facilities at (804) 556-5854
or visit us online at for more information.
Goochland County Observer 2014 - page 11
Goochland County – Volunteer Opportunities - The Goochland community offers numerous opportunities to volunteer and
give back to your fellow citizens. Below is a small compilation of available opportunities. For additional opportunities consider
contacting local non-profits, community organizations, and religious organizations for ways you can give back to the community.
Goochland Free Clinic
& Family Services
Goochland Volunteer Fire-Rescue
Feedmore – Meals on Wheels
Habitat for Humanity of Goochland County
P.O. Box 1016, Goochland, Virginia 23063-1016
Goochland Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Contact Ann Casey - 556-5876
Goochland Christmas Mother
2014 - Meta Potts 556-3411
Goochland County
Historical Society
New County Parcel Viewer: More Than Just A Pretty Picture - Goochland County is proud to announce that there is a new Parcel
Viewer for its Citizens. This site is no longer just a Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping site. This new Goochland County Parcel Viewer merges
and replaces the old GIS and Real Estate Assessment sites while also
incorporating Building
Permits data into one site. You can obtain a greater level of detail
of assessment data as
well as additional layers and map sources for the mapping data. You
can search parcel information by address, parcel ID, account number,
GPIN, neighborhood,
year built, etc. Many of the same basic tools
are available in the map,
pan/zoom, identify, measure, mark-up and create buffers. Now, for the
first time, building permits information is available and searchable. Permit details include
permit address, permit
number, permit type (building, conditional
use, electrical, etc.),
and description of the permit. Also, available
for active permits will
be inspection information providing the results of the inspection, inspector, inspection date
and comments. The new Parcel Viewer site has been written in a code
called HTML-5 which
provides equal functionality of the site using PC, Mac, Tablet, IPad, IPhone, and Smart Phone
devices. This allows you to view the data from almost any location.
This new Parcel Viewer
site was designed for the end user in mind; Real Estate Agents, Contractors, and its Citizens. You can find the new Parcel Viewer
on the Goochland County main page or at;
County Board of Supervisors
John Wack - Deputy County Administrator
Manuel Alvarez, Jr. (District 2), Chair
Susan F. Lascolette (District 1), Vice-Chair Dan Schardein - Deputy County Administrator
Kendall C. Peterson (District 5)
Norman B. Sales - County Attorney
Robert Minnick (District 4)
County Admin Departments
Ned S. Creasey (District 3)
Board of Supervisors 556-5811
Building Inspections 556-5815
Commissioner of Revenue 556-5807
County Contacts
Community Development 556-5860
Rebecca T. Dickson - County Administrator Community Services 556-5400
County Administration 556-5811
County Assessor 556-5853
County Attorney 556-5877
Economic Development 556-5861
Environmental Land
Development Review 556-5860
Finance 556-5877
Goochland Anti-Litter
& Recycling Council 556-5850
Geographical Info. System 556-5832
Health Department 556-5843
Human Resources 556-5831
Information Systems 556-5808
Office on Youth 556-5875
Parks, Recreation, & Facilities 556-5854
Planning and Zoning 556-5860
Public Utilities 556-5835
Purchasing 556-5805
Registrar 556-5803
G o
o c h l a n d
Services 556-5880
Solid Waste and Recycling 556-5860
Treasurer’s Office 556-5806