HOMECOMING 2014 To the students,


HOMECOMING 2014 To the students,
Letter from the Homecoming Chair
To the students,
Welcome to Homecoming 2014. This year, East Tennessee State University students, faculty,
and alumni will once again be enjoying the annual traditions of Homecoming week, bringing back
the memories of old and creating new ones along the way.
We are ringing in Homecoming 2014 with some classic New Orleans flair. Build your floats.
Bring your beads. Show us the blue and gold that your heart bleeds. This is Homecoming 2014 –
Mardi Gras. Let out all your school spirit and enjoy the festivities as your Bucs come marching in.
I’d like to thank you all for your participation in Homecoming 2014, and a special thanks to
my Homecoming Committee, Carter Warden, and Leah Adinolfi. Without their hard work and help
Homecoming would not have come together.
With that being said, I hope everyone has a great time at Homecoming 2014. Get your horns,
throw some beads, and get excited for Mardi Gras at ETSU!
Billy Quinlan
Student Government Association
Secretary of State
SGA Homecoming Competition
Rules & Regulations Booklet 2014/ p. 1
Student Homecoming Events
Saturday, October 18th
Saturday, October 25th
11:00p.m. – 4 p.m.
12:00p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Pridewalk Street Painting
(Pedestrian Mall)
Blue and Gold Days and Banner Competition
(D.P. Culp Center)
Sunday, October 26th
7:30 p.m.
Fall Major Concert Event: Jim Gaffigan
(Freedom Hall)
Monday, October 27th
12:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
King & Queen Campaigning begins
Homecoming Parade (CPA-ETSU Quad)
Tuesday, October 28th
2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
11:59 p.m.
Volleyball Tournament (CPA)
Skit Practice (Culp Auditorium)
King & Queen Campaigning ends
Wednesday, October 29th
12:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
11:59 p.m.
King & Queen Voting begins
Blood Drive (Ballroom)
Skit Night (Culp Auditorium)
King & Queen Voting ends
Thursday, October 30th
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Blood Drive (Ballroom)
Dodgeball Tournament (CPA)
Friday, October 31st
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Canned Food Creations (CPA Overhang)
Homecoming Comedy Show: Dormtainment (Culp Auditorium)
Saturday, November 1st
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Homecoming Luncheon Under the Tent (ETSU Quad)
ETSU Women’s Basketball vs. Milligan (Brooks Gym)
ETSU Football Blue vs. Gold Scrimmage (Intramural Fields)
ETSU Women’s Volleyball vs. Chattanooga (Brooks Gym)
NPHC Step Show (Culp Auditorium)
Sunday, November 2nd
3:30 p.m.
Gospel Choir Homecoming Concert (Culp Auditorium)
SGA Homecoming Competition
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Point’s values represent maximum amount that can be awarded to any organization
Participation points will be awarded to groups that do not place in individual events.
 Pridewalk Street Painting (See page 5-6)
1st place: 300 points
2nd place: 200 points
3rd place: 100 points
Participation: 50 points
 Banner Decorating (See page 7)
1st place: 300 points
2nd place: 200 points
3rd place: 100 points
Participation: 50 points
1st place: 150 points
2nd place: 100 points
3rd place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
SKIT NIGHT (See pages 20-21)
1st place: 400 points
2nd place: 300 points
3rd place: 200 points
Participation: 50 points
 BLUE AND GOLD DAYS (See page 8-9)
1st place: 350 points
2nd place: 250 points
3rd place: 150 points
Participation: 25 points
 HOMECOMING COURT (See pages 10-13)
King or Queen: 300 points each
Prince or Princess: 200 points each
Participation: 50 points
1st place: 150 points
2nd place: 100 points
3rd place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
1st Place Weight: 350 Points
1st Place Creation: 350 Points
2nd Place Weight: 250 Points
2nd Place Creation: 250 Points
3rd Place Weight: 150 Points
3rd Place Creation: 150 Points
Participation: 50 points
 PARADE (See page 14)
1st place: 200 points
2nd place: 100 points
3rd place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
 BLUENANZA (See page 15)
1st place: 150 points
2nd place: 100 points
3rd place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
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***This sheet must be submitted for participation in any and all homecoming events. Check
individual event rules for additional registration requirements.***
Name of Organization/Hall Council: ___________________________________________________________
Will your group be paired with another organization for Homecoming Competition? ____________
If yes, please provide the name of the organization you will be paired with:
Name of Primary Contact for Your Group: ______________________________________________________
Primary Contact’s Email Address: ______________________________________________________________
Primary Contact’s Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________
Please place a check mark next to all events that your organization or office will participate in.
Groups are not required to participate in all activities, nor do groups have to compete for the
overall trophy in order to participate in any one event. All events are open to all groups.
Pridewalk Painting, Saturday: October 18th (See page 5-6)
Banner Decorating, Saturday: October 25th (See page 7)
BLUE AND GOLD DAYS, Saturday: October 25th (See page 8-9)
HOMECOMING COURT (See pages 10-13)
If checked, please provide candidate name(s) ___________________________________________
Homecoming PARADE: Monday, October 27th (See page 14)
Homecoming BLUENANZA: Monday, October 27th (See page 15)
VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Tuesday, October 28th (See page 16-19)
SKIT NIGHT: Wednesday, October 29th (See pages 20-21)
DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT: Thursday, October 30th (See pages 22-24)
CANNED FOOD CREATIONS: Friday, October 31st (See page 25)
There is a required captain’s meeting on Thursday October 16th. Location TBA
***All entry forms are due on or before Friday, October 10th by 4:30 PM***
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ETSU Pridewalk Street Painting Guidelines
Purpose of Participation: Organizations are participating in the Pridewalk Street Painting event to show their support
of Homecoming week, visibly represent their organization on campus and show their ETSU pride. Homecoming points
will be awarded to winning student organizations.
2014 Homecoming Theme:
‘Mardi Gras - When The Bucs Go Marching In’
Dates: Square design entries will be taken in the SORC office through Friday, October 10 at 4:30 pm. Organizations
with unacceptable designs will be notified within 24 hours. Resubmissions will be accepted until noon on Wednesday,
October 8th. Only a limited number of designs meeting the criteria will be given squares for the Street Painting event
on October 18, 2014.
Information and Criteria:
Open only to ETSU student organizations.
Organizations must be registered through the SORC to participate.
Pedestrian Walk squares for painting will be 10 feet x 10 feet.
Designs must be hand drawn on an 8 inch by 8 inch image area. No computer designs will be accepted.
Designs must be submitted as they will appear on the street to ensure quality. The designs should be in full color
and as precise as possible. A high level of quality is expected for each square, and the SORC will have the right to
accept or deny any design based on quality of design (legibility, adherence to theme, coloring,
Designs will not be returned to the organization, unless the SORC is requesting a change. Remember to make a
copy before the design is submitted.
The square design should creatively incorporate the Homecoming theme as much as possible in addition to
showing the organization’s involvement on campus and their ETSU pride.
Design and resulting artwork must comply with TBR Policy 3:01:01:00 Organizations and Policy 3:02:00:01 General
Regulations on Student Conduct. Failure to comply will result in design being rejected and a change will be
requested. If non-compliant art appears on a square during street painting, the organization will be disqualified for
the current year, the block will be painted over, and other disciplinary action will rest with the SORC and the Dean
of Students office.
If a similar design is submitted by two organizations, the first submitted will be accepted. The second submission
will need to be modified in accordance with the changes requested by the SORC.
Each organization must purchase its own paint and supplies.
Oil based paint is not allowed in street painting. Latex paint must be used. Organizations using oil based paint will
automatically be banned from street painting the following year.
Organizations chosen to participate in the street painting must have at least one member attend a mandatory
meeting the week before the painting event.
Organizations that receive a square on the street who display unsportsmanlike conduct (i.e. ruining another
organization’s square) will be subject to review by the SORC after street painting to determine if they will be
eligible to receive a square the following year. Any organization that has a complaint about the conduct of another
group should file a complaint during street painting with a Paint Marshall or member of the SORC staff.
Squares will be judged based on creativity, quality, uniqueness, and how well the Homecoming theme is
incorporated into the design and the organizations display of ETSU pride.
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Schedule of Events:
• There will be a Mandatory Meeting on Thursday, October 16th at 9:00 PM, in DP Culp Forum meeting room for all
organizations who received a square assignment and those who are on the waiting list. One representative from every
organization must attend this meeting or they will lose their square assignment.
• All street painting will take place on Saturday, October 18 (rain date is Saturday, October 25, 2014). Organizations
will check in upon arrival for square assignment.
• Background Painting will take place on Saturday, October 18th from 11 AM – 12 PM (noon). Please note that 1 to 4
solid colors are allowed to be painted at this time. Also, leaving the square primer white doesn’t constitute as a
background color. You may paint your square white but you cannot use the white primer as your background base.
There will be no sketching or drawing at this time. Any organization that fails to comply with these rules will
automatically lose their square.
• Sketching and painting of artwork will be Saturday, October 18th 1 PM-4 PM. By 4:00 PM all work must be completed.
Day of Event Schedule:
11 A.M. - 12 P.M. – Organizations paint solid color background(s).
1 P.M. - 4 P.M. – Organizations sketch and paint artwork.
Judging of squares will take place following event and winners will be announced during Homecoming Week.
Judges will include alumni, staff and students, and points will be awarded as follows.
1st Place: 300 Points
2nd Place: 200 Points
3rd Place: 100 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 50 points for
Cynthia Faircloth fairclothc@goldmail.etsu.edu
If you have questions contact SORC office at 439-6633 or email sorc@etsu.edu.
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Saturday, October 25 from 12:00- 5:00 p.m.
(Judging will take place from 5:00-6:00p.m.)
Cave Patio (TBA location for inclement weather)
A fun event where students and organizations will decorate a banner to be displayed
to show ETSU pride, represent their organization and to have love for the university
under the theme of Mardi Gras. Final banners will be displayed at events throughout
Homecoming week.
1. Each group will be provided with materials that include a 4x8 waterproof cloth banner, paint,
brushes, and tarps. The banners must hang vertically.
2. If you choose to bring some of your own paints, make sure they are waterproof. Any
materials that are supplied by the organization and not by the Homecoming committee
must be pre-approved prior to the event. This must be done at least 7 days in advance
(October 18) – no items will be approved the day of the event!
3. Pre-planning is encouraged. You are permitted to bring sketches, pre-planned
measurements, diagrams, and other planning documents.
4. Banners are to be decorated from 12 to 5 p.m. They cannot be checked out or taken off of
the Cave Patio.
5. The following materials are prohibited, and an organization will be disqualified for the use of
any of these items: stencils, stamps, glitter of any sort, glue, non-waterproof paints, and
temporary items such as shaving cream, strings, and foam art.
6. Please let a homecoming committee member know when you are finished. They will see to it
that your banner is taken to its designated slot in Source A.
7. The following are reasons for disqualification: use of prohibited materials, use of obscene
words or graphics, professionally made banners, groups/organizations copying other’s ideas,
alumni or inactive members participating in event, or being absent from event.
8. Judging will be based on originality, creativity, appearance, and adherence to the theme.
Speaking to the judges while judging takes place is not allowed.
9. Judges will include alumni, staff and students, and points will be awarded as follows.
1st Place: 300 Points
2nd Place: 200 Points
3rd Place: 100 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 50 points for
Jacqueline Simes simesj@goldmail.etsu.edu (815) 529-3266
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Saturday, October 25 from 12:00- 5:00 p.m.
(Judging will take place from 5:00-6:00p.m.)
Where: Located inside Culp center. Students and organizations will be assigned a specific location
outside of the entrance of the following offices inside the Culp center.
Cave Entrance from Patio
Cave –Atrium
Cave-Ramp Hallway
Marketplace Entrance
Ramp 1
Ramp 2
Ramp 3
Welcome Center
Couch Post Office Lounge
BucMart Hallway
Former Welcome Center Entrance
Ballroom Lounge Area
SORC A Breezway
What: The purpose of Blue and Gold Days will be to show ETSU Pride by decorating the Culp center
with school colors for the Homecoming kick-off. Ideally all student organizations and campus
departments/offices can participate in this event. Student organizations are encouraged to also use
decorations that go along with this year’s theme, Mardi Gras. In addition to the points awarded to
student organizations in the overall SGA Homecoming Competition, Residence Halls will have a chance
to compete for a prize as well.
1. Register to participate by no later than Friday, October 10th. Faculty, Staff and Alumni can
participate in this event.
2. Receive your assigned area for decoration. (In order to be fair, student groups will be assigned by
random drawing. Offices will be responsible for their immediate areas on campus only.)
3. Team Captains will be notified by email regarding dates/times/locations for homecoming
meetings. All student group teams must have a representative present at homecoming meetings
in order to compete.
4. Decorating may begin on Saturday, October 25th at 12:00 p.m. and must be completed by no
later than 5:00 p.m. Judging will occur between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
5. Decorations can in no way be permanent, cause damage to campus facilities or grounds, be
environmentally hazardous or violate campus policies. Failure to comply will result in
disqualification and may result in fines to the organization totaling costs of repairs.
6. Decorations and students organizations participating in Blue and Gold Days cannot in any way
block exits or the flow of traffic outside the Culp.
7. There can be no use of tape, glitter, confetti, fluids, silly string or food items. The use of putty to
hang things is acceptable. Nothing can be tied to or hung from pipes, electrical or duct work. Any
hanging items must be secured with no chance of falling. No hot glue may be used on any of the
Culp surfaces and will result is disqualification. No plants or plant material may be used. Event staff
will remove items that are hazardous prior to judging.
SGA Homecoming Competition
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8. The use of electrical items must be preapproved 7 days in advance, as well as the use of ceiling
decorations. No electoral items or ceiling decorations will be approved on the day of the event.
9. Furniture in designated decoration spaces may not be moved without advance request and
approval by SORC or Culp Center Administration. Movement of furniture is discouraged and
organizations will be charged for damages to floor.
10. Organizations are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the decorations in their
assigned areas. Failure to properly maintain area will result in a warning, followed by
disqualification for a second failure to maintain.
. All decorations must be completely cleaned up by Tuesday, October 28 at 11:59p.m. Students can
start cleaning up decorations at 12:00 p.m. that day.
. Judges will include alumni, staff and students, and points will be awarded as follows.
1st Place: 350 Points
2nd Place: 250 Points
3rd Place: 150 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 50 points for participation.
One overall winner will be selected among offices to receive recognition.
Haven Spanyer
(865) 235-2220
SGA Homecoming Competition
Rules & Regulations Booklet 2014/ p. 9
King and Queen
Submit Registration, Resume & Essay Friday, October 10th
Attend Homecoming Info Meeting Thursday, October 16th
Have Photo taken TBA
Campaigning begins at 12:00 AM Monday, October 27th
Campaigning ends at 11:59 PM Tuesday, October 28th
Voting begins Wednesday, October 29th 12:00 AM
Voting closes Wednesday, October 29th 11:59 PM
Homecoming King & Queen Candidates must be in good academic standing with the university.
Candidates may not hold a position on the Student Government Executive Board, currently be chairing
any event of the homecoming committee or be on the homecoming court subcommittee. All
candidates must complete a campus and community involvement resume before he or she may be
qualified to win King or Queen. You do not have to represent an organization to run, nor do you have
to have a running companion. The top male and female with the most points will receive the title of
Homecoming King and Queen. The male and female with the second highest points will receive the title
of Prince and Princess.
Registration /How to Enter:
Registration forms are due no later than Friday, October 10th. No late entries will be accepted. Along
with the registration form, the candidate should turn in their resume of campus and community
involvement and a 1-2 page essay (details described below). Candidates who fail to submit any of the
required documents will forfeit their opportunity to participate in the competition.
 Campus and Community Involvement
Please give a short description of each:
1. Your personal campus involvement
2. Your personal community involvement
Please include a list of leadership positions held, service projects you’ve been involved with,
scholastic achievements and a list of organizations you affiliate with. Anything else you feel to be
important can be added as well. This should read as a short resume, not a detailed essay. We
know you’ve done many great things and only need a short overview.
 Essay
All candidates are required to write an essay relating to what ETSU Pride means to them and how
they have experienced this through school spirit, campus involvement, traditions, and all facets of
ETSU. The topics are open to individual interpretation, but must adhere to the guidelines below.
1. The essay may be NO LONGER than two pages in length.
2. It must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, and in Times New Roman.
3. The top right margin should include only the candidates name and organization they are
running for.
4. Essays must be submitted both electronically and in hard copy. Electronic submission must
be emailed along with entry form and resume no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October
10th to cassellac@goldmail.etsu.edu. Hard copy submissions must be submitted to Alex
Cassell’s campus PO Box 12390 (Both hard copy and digital copy are required.)
SGA Homecoming Competition
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All candidates will be required to attend a mandatory meeting on Thursday, October 16th. If the
candidate cannot be present at this meeting, he or she will be required to have a representative
attend on his or her behalf. The time and location of this meeting has not yet been determined. The
Press Release will be available during this meeting. Appointment times for campaign photos will also be
made during this meeting.
Each candidate must have his or her picture taken at the ETSU photo lab. The Photo lab date is TBD,
and candidates will be informed through their organization’s primary Homecoming contact. There will
be NO RESCHEDULING for this photo shoot after initial scheduled date, unless preapproved by Alex
Cassell, the Homecoming Court Competition chair. No duplications of studio shots or other photos will
be made or allowed. Only those photos taken by the university photographer will be used with the
press releases and on the voting web page.
 In addition to attending the mandatory meeting on October 15th and having a photo taken with
ETSU photographers, appropriate attire is required by all candidates, at all times. As a candidate for
the Homecoming Court you are representing ETSU. Questions concerning attire should be directed
to Zack Sholes prior to the week of campaigning.
 All candidates are required to become friends with the King and Queen Chair, Alex Cassell, on
Facebook by no later than 11:59 PM on October 15th. This is to ensure that all candidates are
campaigning appropriately and fairly. Candidates will have Twenty (20) points deducted from total
score if this requirement is not fulfilled by the deadline.
 Candidates are also requested to attend a rehearsal for the Homecoming Pep Rally (Date TBD).
Failure to attend the Pep Rally Rehearsal will result in a deduction of Two (2) Points.
 Candidates are also requested to be available Monday, October 28th for the entirety of the
Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally, where they will be announced before the student body
present at the event. Failure to attend the Parade and Pep Rally will result in a deduction of Five (5)
points for each event missed.
 Candidates are also requested to attend as many Homecoming events as possible. Points will be
awarded based on the number of events they attend. Booths will be set up at each event where
candidates can check in. Only the candidate running will be allowed to check in—staff at these
booths will have photos of all candidates. Do not try to cheat.
 Candidates are required to write a 1-2 page essay that will be submitted along with entry forms and
resumes on October 10th. Essays are required to be submitted DIGITALLY AND IN HARD COPY. Details
on this essay are listed in the following section.
 Essays submitted past the deadline or in improper format will not be accepted.
 Essays will be judged on content by a panel consisting of ETSU alumni.
Campaigning does not begin until 12:00 AM on Monday, October 28th! Campaigning can take place
on Monday and Tuesday only. No advertising materials may be posted before 12:00 AM Monday,
October 28th. This includes posters, fliers, Facebook groups or posts, or any other form of advertisement
not listed above. No Campaigning will be allowed after 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 29 th!
SGA Homecoming Competition
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Campaigning rules:
 No campaigning inside of the D.P. Culp Center is allowed.
 Campaigning is only allowed outside of the Culp Cave, the Amphitheater, Borchuck Plaza and
the Pedestrian Mall areas.
 Ipads, Laptops, Tablets, and other handheld devices WILL be allowed.
 No campaigning literature may be distributed in students’ mailboxes.
 No campaign materials may be posted on reserved bulletin boards or booths (even if it is a
candidate’s organizations reserved bulletin board or booth).
 Only 10 posters per set of candidates may be displayed in the Culp Center.
 All posters displayed in the Culp Center must be approved by the University Center Office,
located on the 2nd floor of the Culp Center.
 The use of outside areas listed above have been approved for campaigning, but rules regarding
the use of those spaces will be given to members during the October 15th meeting.
 Sidewalk Chalk IS NOT TO BE USED AT ANY TIME during the campaign.
 Vehicle decoration is allowed; please remember to be respectful of everyone.
 Fliers, Facebook, and any other Internet site or profile may be used to assist in campaigning
beginning Monday, October 28th at 12:00 AM.
 No campaigning will be allowed after 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 29th.
 No food, other than candy, is to be used as a campaigning material.
 T-shirts, Buttons and any other promotional items are allowed, however if they are deemed
disrespectful or unbecoming of the university, votes will be deducted from the candidate’s final
If you have any questions concerning campaign materials, please ask the Homecoming
Committee at the meeting on October 15th!
Posters up to the size of 11x17 may be used during specified campaign times. They may only be placed
on approved bulletin boards around the university. Posters and flyers must be approved for use by the
University Center Office, located on the 2nd floor of the Culp Center. Each building on campus has its
own bulletin board policies. Check with the Building Coordinator and Resident Director of each
building for exact policies and approvals.
Scoring Breakdown
Each candidate will have the opportunity to earn up to 100 points for their team. Points can and will be
deducted for any candidate or organization found breaking campaign rules. There is only one
opportunity to earn extra points.
 Votes – 70%
 Essay – 20%
 Event participation- 10% (2 points per event) Must stay a majority of time to earn points
 Banner: Saturday, October 25th
 Pep Rally: Monday, October 27th
 Dodgeball: Tuesday, October 28th
 Skit Night: Wednesday, October 29th
 Volleyball: Thursday, October 30th
 Canned Food: Friday, October 31st
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Points deductions based on votes will lower the overall points awarded for online votes. Points will be
deducted from candidates for the following reasons:
 Twenty (20) points for not becoming Facebook friends with Alex Cassell by 11:59 PM on
Wednesday, October 15th.
 Twenty (20) votes for each campaign rule broken by either candidate or the organization that the
candidate represents. (Even if the candidate is not aware of rules being broken by organization
members—this penalty will be imposed.)
 Two (2) Points will be deducted for not attending the Pep Rally Rehearsal on October 26th.
 Five (5) Points will be deducted for not attending the entirety of the Parade on Monday, October
 Five (5) Points will be deducted for not attending the entirety of the Homecoming Pep Rally on
Monday, October 27th.
 Thirty (30) votes for each incidence a candidate OR organization is found using harassing
campaign materials or offensive campaign materials.
An extra two (2) points will be awarded to all candidates in attendance to the Jim Gaffigan show on
Sunday, October 26th.
Final notes:
 If anyone believes that any campaigning rule has been broken throughout the week by a specific
candidate or his/her own organization, a detailed description must be submitted in writing (hard
copy or email) to homecoming committee chair by no later than 11:59 PM on Wednesday,
October 29th.
 Determination of violation of campaign rules or inappropriate (harassing or offensive) behavior will
be made in consultation with the accused, the SGA Secretary of State, the Director of Student
Activities and the Homecoming Court Chair.
 Candidates will be penalized for the misconduct of their organizations. Please ensure that
everyone in your organization understands and follows the rules.
 All candidates who are found breaking rules multiple times are subject to disqualification by the
Homecoming Committee discretions. Incidents will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
SGA Homecoming Point Values:
If the candidate is representing a group that is competing in the SGA’s Homecoming Competition,
points will be awarded as follows:
Tarzan or Jane (King or Queen): 300 points each
Prince or Princess: 200 points each
Participation: 50 points per candidate. Groups can only enter one King and one Queen Candidate.
Candidates can only represent one organization.
Contact: Alex Cassell, cassellac@goldmail.etsu.edu, or (423)-341-9128
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Monday, October 27 6:00 p.m.
Float staging and judging will be in the parking lot between the CPA and the Bond
Building (Facilities). The parade will start at Luntsford and will end at Brooks Gym Quad
Homecoming parade, showcasing Homecoming Mardi Gras Court
What’s Mardi Gras without a parade?
Promptly at 6:00 p.m. and leading into Bluenanza, there will be a parade through
campus that will end at the Quad in front of Brooks Gym. The parade will showcase
the Mardi Gras Court as well as organizations that are participating in Homecoming
Organizations that participate in the parade will create their idea of a float that they
would see in a Mardi Gras parade. Be creative! Show how East Tennessee celebrates
Mardi Gras! Everyone (students, organizations, departments, etc.) is encouraged to
participate in this parade. Even those organizations walking or driving a decorated
vehicle will receive participation points. All participants must register in advance.
Regulations for floats are as followed:
1. All vehicles used must meet standard street width and weight requirements.
2. If using a pull-behind trailer, the trailer cannot be longer than 8 feet.
Organizations participating will need to meet at the beginning of the parade route at
5:15 p.m. the day of the parade for early judging and lineup. Organizations that do not
meet at this time will lose points and will not be allowed to participate in the parade.
Organizations participating in the parade must comply with TBR Code General
Regulations on Student Conduct & Disciplinary Sanctions: 3:02:00:01. Organizations that do
not comply with TBR Code will lose points or be disqualified from the parade.
Judging will be based on creativity of organization’s floats, crowd engagement, and
overall ETSU spirit.
Organizations will have the opportunity to earn 150 points. Points will be deducted for
organizations that fail to comply with float regulations and guidelines given.
1 place: 200 points
2 place: 100 points
3 place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
Gabby Billiot, billiotg@goldmail.etsu.edu
Brennan Alexander, alexanderb@goldmail.etsu.edu
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Monday, October 27 6:30 p.m.
Brooks Gym Quad
Homecoming celebration and showcase
1. Get Creative. Show out and go all out- New Orleans isn’t the only place that knows
how to celebrate Mardi Gras!
2. Be loud. We’re talking insanely loud. We want all of Johnson City to know there’s a
party happening on campus!
3. Show your ETSU PRIDE! It’s Homecoming time in East Tennessee!
SGA is partnering with ETSU Athletics to have one of the biggest pep rallies this school
has ever seen. Food and games will be paired with the showcase of your ETSU athletes
as well as your 2014 Mardi Gras Court. This is going to be a massive event and we
expect to see everyone there. Remember, organization participation is a huge part of
Bluenanza and in judging. We will kick off the event at with a roll call. This is your
group’s time to shine. We want to hear your group chants, and see your school spirit.
Get loud or go home. It’s time to get Buc’d up!
King and Queen Candidates will need to be at the Quad for rehearsal (TBA).
Judging will be based on creativity of your organization’s group chants, as well as
overall attendance, and blue and gold dress shown by members.
Organizations will have the opportunity to earn 150 points. Points will be deducted for
groups that fail to show school spirit (i.e. not participating, lack of ETSU spirit, things of
that nature).
1 place: 150 points
2 place: 100 points
3 place: 50 points
Participation: 25 points
Gabby Billiot, billiotg@goldmail.etsu.edu
Brennan Alexander, alexanderb@goldmail.etsu.edu
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Volleyball Tournament
Tuesday, October 38, 2014
2pm - end of Championship Game
CPA Courts
1. Registration form due to the Student Government Association Office, SORC C, no later than
Friday, October 10, 2014. (Place in Secretary of State’s Box.)
2. Captains meeting will be at 6:00 pm on Thursday, October 24, 2013 in the Multipurpose Room at
the Basler Center for Physical Activity. All captains must attend meeting in order to participate in
the event.
3. Participants must be currently enrolled students at ETSU. Rosters refer to those participating on
the team and must be submitted with entry by October 10. Only individuals whose names and E
numbers appear on the roster will be eligible to play. No exceptions.
4. Every team member on the roster must sign a Campus Recreation Liability Waiver.
5. Campus Recreation Staff will referee the events and determine the winners. Points will be
awarded as follows:
1st Place: 150 Points
2nd Place: 100 Points
3rd Place: 50 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 25 points for participation.
Contact: James Grindstaff grindstaffj@goldmail.etsu.edu
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Volleyball Registration Form
Due to the SGA office in SORC C no later than Friday, October 10, 2014.
Dodgeball Form
Organization or Independent Name:
Contact Person:
Phone #:
Student ID #
SGA Homecoming Competition
Rules & Regulations Booklet 2014/ p. 17
Playing Rules
Roster size is limited to 12 players per team. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to submit a roster.
Only current ETSU students, faculty and staff (with Basler Center access) are eligible.
Teams must have a minimum of four (4) players to start and continue a game. Teams without the minimum number of players at
game time will be assessed a forfeit.
Each team will consist of three males and three females. At no time will a team be allowed to play with four males or four females.
If the ball is hit more than once, a female must touch the ball at least once.
Players must alternate their position on the court in a male/female fashion.
All rules posted in the Basler Center regarding clothing are in effect for intramural games.
Proper athletic attire is required. Players must wear athletic court type shoes. No black-soled shoes that leave marks on the floor
are allowed.
Players may not wear hats, bandannas, etc.
ALL jewelry MUST be REMOVED. This includes tied-on necklaces and bracelets, rubber bands, as well as all watches, rings,
bracelets, earrings, etc. The intramural staff WILL NOT provide band-aids to cover piercing jewelry. All visible piercing jewelry must be
Matches will consist of the best 2 out of 3 games. The third game will only be played if the teams split the first two games.
Games are rally scoring (every ball is a point).
The first 2 games will be played to 21 points. Teams must win by two points. However, there is a 25-point cap.
The third game, if necessary, will be played to 15 points with an 18-point cap.
Teams switch sides at the conclusion of each game.
Each team will be allowed one 30-second time-out per game.
Coin Toss
The coin toss winner may elect to serve, serve receive, or the side of the court to play on.
The team not serving first in the game shall serve first in the second game.
A new coin toss is performed before the third game, if necessary.
1. The team that receives the ball first in the game shall rotate once before serving.
2. Players may interchange positions to pass or block only after the serve.
3. A back line player may spike provided that he/she jumps and remains behind the 10-foot line.
1. The server has 5 seconds to serve once beckoned by the official, or the team loses the serve.
2. Each serve must be put into play by hitting the ball underhand or overhand over the net into the opponents court by a player in the
serving side. The player serving must not step on or over the end line until after the ball is contacted on the serve. (Foot Fault:
Penalty – side out).
3. Players must stay in serving order. Players may switch positions after service provided they return to their original positions after
each point.
5. No player may spike or block a serve.
Playing the ball
1. Each team is allowed a maximum of three successive hits of the ball in order to return the ball to the opponent’s area. Blocks do
not count as a hit.
2. All passes must be clearly hit, not thrown, lifted, or change of direction allowed by a double hit.
3. No player may reach over or touch the net, or step over the centerline (a player’s foot may land on the centerline provided it is not
entirely over the line). Also, while playing the ball in his/her court, a player is allowed to reach under the net, but must not touch
the floor over the centerline.
4. Successive contacts may be made only after blocking a spike attempt.
5. Opponents simultaneously hitting the ball directly over the net may play the ball again if it falls into their court.
LEGAL HIT: A contact of the ball to be legal must be made with any part of the body. The ball may be played below the waist. A legal
hit must be a “clean” hit. The ball may not be carried on the follow through.
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ILLEGAL HITS: An illegal hit is: 1) slapping the ball, 2) bumping the ball with two separated hands (hand must be together), 3)
carrying the ball, 4) palming the ball, 5) directing the ball.
Net Plays:
1. A spiker may have his hand(s) or arm(s) follow through over the net as long as the ball is contacted on his own side of the net.
2. Players may reach over the net and block the ball, provided the opposing team has completed their attempt to return the ball over
the net.
3. The ball is considered to have crossed the net when any part of the ball is extended over the net.
H. Out of bounds
1. Balls that touch the line are in.
2. Balls that hit the ceiling (on receiving side), sound baffles, lights, basketball backboards, etc. are out of bounds. These points are
not replayed.
I. Net Heights
1. The height of the net will be the same as it is for men (7’11”).
Substitutions – The number of substitutions is unlimited. NFHS substitution rules will be followed on when and how substitutions may
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When: Wednesday, October 29th @ 7:00 p.m.
Where: Culp Auditorium
Admission: Free! First come, first serve!
Content: The skit should be based on your interpretation of the ETSU Homecoming theme and will be
judged on: originality, performance, ETSU spirit and relationship to the theme.
Things to Remember:
1. Your organization’s skit should be appropriate and respectful of all audiences. These guests are
looking forward to taking part in skit night, so please put forth your best effort and performance.
This includes music, lines, costumes, dance moves, etc. Groups failing to follow this rule will be
disqualified. If you are questioning the appropriateness of a particular aspect of your
performance, just be safe and don’t do it!
2. In past years, organizations have raised questions about the objectivity in scoring of skit night
performances. To help address questions and concerns, the score-card for your organization will
be returned to the organization’s delegate. We hope the transparency in judging will promote
fairness as well as positive attitudes from the organizations and its members.
3. Each organization will create an original skit script using active members as the cast. A
designated Homecoming Staff person will record all skits. Further recording information will be
provided at the mandatory informational meeting. In order to rehearse, each group will receive
a copy of your individual audio dialogue.
4. Each organization is permitted 25 active members to participate in their skit night performance.
(Inactive or alumni members of your organization will not be permitted to perform in your
organization’s skit night performance.)
5. Skits can be no longer than 6 minutes in length. Groups will be given no more than 2 minutes for
set up. Take this time limit into consideration when choosing props. Points will be deducted for
exceeding the time limits.
6. The audio version of skits must be pre-recorded. See Andrew Malone for details.
Dates to remember:
October 10th: Deadline to sign up. Use the form provided at the beginning of the Homecoming Rules &
Regulations Booklet to indicate your intention to participate in Skit Night. Return completed forms to the
Student Organization Resource Center suite C in the D.P. Culp center. Place these in the Secretary of
State’s box in the SGA office.
October 16th: Mandatory informational meeting will be held in D.P. Culp center.
October 28th: Skit Practice will be held in the Culp Auditorium starting at 5:00pm. End time will depend
on how many groups participate.
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Organizations must sign up for a rehearsal time in ink on the sign-up sheet located on the Student
Government Association office door.
These times are available on a first come, first serve basis. No exceptions will be granted.
Rehearsals will be by appointment only on October 30th from 5:00 pm.
Things to remember:
• Rehearsal times are twenty (20) minutes in length.
• Only one rehearsal time slot per group will be permitted.
• Your group must be present at their scheduled rehearsal time. Groups arriving late or missing members
will be asked to vacate and will lose their rehearsal time.
• No “make-up” rehearsals will be scheduled.
• No other group(s) will be permitted in the practice facility during a scheduled organization’s rehearsal.
• Your rehearsal should be the exact routine, setup, and performance of the skit that will be performed
on October 29th.
• These are technical rehearsals, NOT practice. Please come prepared.
What to bring to rehearsal:
1. A list of all participants along with their current and valid E-numbers.
2. A copy of your organization’s skit.
3. Props/Costumes as well as a list of props and costumes that are to be used. (Props will be
approved at rehearsal. If additional props are used on skit night, twenty (20) points will deducted
from your final score.
4. A brief biography of the involved organization. This will be announced before your performance.
Judges will include alumni, staff and students, and points will be awarded as follows.
1st Place: 400 Points
2nd Place: 300 Points
3rd Place: 200 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 50 points for participation.
Andrew Malone – malonea@goldmail.etsu.edu
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Dodgeball Tournament
Thursday, October 30, 2014
2pm - end of Championship Game
CPA Courts
1. Registration form due to the Student Government Association Office, SORC C, no later than
Friday, October 10, 2014. (Place in Secretary of State’s Box.)
2. Captains meeting will be at 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 24, 2013 in the Multipurpose Room at
the Basler Center for Physical Activity. All captains must attend meeting in order to participate in
the event.
3. Participants must be currently enrolled students at ETSU. Rosters refer to those participating on
the team and must be submitted with entry by October 10. Only individuals whose names and E
numbers appear on the roster will be eligible to play. No exceptions.
4. Every team member on the roster must sign a Campus Recreation Liability Waiver.
5. Campus Recreation Staff will referee the events and determine the winners. Points will be
awarded as follows:
1st Place: 150 Points
2nd Place: 100 Points
3rd Place: 50 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 25 points for participation.
Contact: James Grindstaff grindstaffj@goldmail.etsu.edu
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Dodgeball Registration Form
Due to the SGA office in SORC C no later than Friday, October 10, 2014.
Dodgeball Form
Organization or Independent Name:
Contact Person:
Phone #:
Student ID #
SGA Homecoming Competition
Rules & Regulations Booklet 2014/ p. 23
Dodgeball Rules and Regulations
A. Roster size is limited to 14 players per team Teams must have a minimum of 10 players to submit a roster
B. Only 1 team per organization.
C. Must have 5 females and 5 males on each team.
A. All posted rules in the BCPA regarding dress code are in effect.
B. Players may not wear hats, bandannas, etc. Wristbands, armbands, and headbands will be permitted, provided such articles do
not contain un-yielding materials or knots.
C. All players are required to wear some type of tennis or basketball shoes.
D. ALL jewelry MUST be REMOVED. This includes tied-on necklaces and bracelets, rubber bands, as well as all watches, rings,
bracelets, earrings, etc.
E. Dodgeballs will be provided by Campus Recreation.
F. Jungle attire highly recommended, in compliance with BCPA dress code.
A. The game is played on a standard basketball court. When available, dasher boards and netting will be set up to enclose the
playing area.
B. Each match will be played best 2 out of 3 games.
C. Each game is played with a 4 minute time limit. If time expires before all players have been eliminated from a team, the team
with the most players remaining in the game will be declared the winner. If each team has the same amount of players
remaining, the game will continue uninterrupted with sudden death in effect.
A. The game is played 6 on 6. Only the 6 players who start a game are allowed to participate in that game. If teams have extra
players (substitutes), they may enter those players before the start of the second or third games.
B. Each team is required to begin the game with at least three females. Teams that can only field two females may play a man
down. Teams that can only field one female will forfeit.
C. To start the game, the official will place 4 dodgeballs at center court. All players must remain behind the baseline of the
basketball court until the official blows their whistle.
D. The official will sound the whistle to signal the start of the game. At this time, players may attempt to retrieve the balls. A ball
must be taken behind the basketball free-throw line before it can be thrown.
E. A player is called “out” when the player is hit by a live thrown ball. Hits must be at the shoulders or below.
F. A thrown ball is live until it hits the floor, wall, curtain, net, or basketball goal.
G. Any thrown ball that hits a player or another ball will remain live.
H. The thrower will be declared out if:
1. A non-deflected throw hits a player in the head while that player is in a normal standing position
2. A live thrown ball is caught – the team that catches the throw is allowed one player to return to the game.
I. A player may block/deflect a throw with a ball in their possession. If the player drops the ball, the player will be declared out.
Blocked shots remain live – all other players are subject to being put out by a deflected throw that has not become dead by
J. Players that have been declared “out” must go outside the basketball court boundaries around mid court and may not further
participate in the game, unless returning to the game as a result of a player catching a ball.
K. Foot fault – if a player’s entire foot crosses the center line they will be called out.
L. Stall rule – a player may not hold a ball for longer than 10 seconds. After 5 seconds, the official will begin a stall count for an
additional 5 seconds.
A. All decisions by the officials are final. Players or teams may not delay the game by arguing with the officials or by not
immediately leaving the game after being declared “out”.
B. Players are expected to play in good faith and within the framework of good sportsmanship. Players should not rely solely on
the official to declare them “out” before leaving the game. If a player is hit by a live thrown ball, they are expected to leave the
game without delay.
C. Players guilty of trying to obtain a competitive advantage by staying in the game or delaying their exit from the game are subject
to disqualification from the remainder of the match (including the current game and any subsequent games).
D. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. The intramural staff reserves the right to disqualify any player or team for
unsportsmanlike conduct. Inappropriate conduct can result in penalties ranging from game ejection to a lifetime ban from the
BCPA, the BCPA’s outdoor facilities, and all Campus Recreation activities.
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Friday, October 31st 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
CPA Underhang / Basement
Build a sculpture with canned food to commemorate ETSU and our theme, Mardi Gras. Teams will
create massive structures for display in the heart of campus. Once the competition is over, the
food will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank and Bucky’s Food Pantry at ETSU.
1. Organizations collect cans and design a strategy for building an impressive creation within the time frame
given on October 31st.
2. Groups can use up to 20,000 items (canned goods) in their creation. Items must meet the following criteria:
Items with dents or damage to the packaging are NOT acceptable.
Water will not be accepted.
Cereal or dried goods in undamaged packages will be accepted.
Check or Money Orders in place of food items will be accepted. For every 5 dollars given, the
organization will be awarded 1 pound toward their total weight.
Cans may be delivered between 8 AM and 2 PM on October 31st, but construction/assembly cannot begin
until the official start time of 10:00 AM.
A space of 5’ x 5’ will be assigned for each organization’s construction. Structures must stay within these
boundaries and cannot exceed six feet tall. The structures must have height to them, not just a flat
structure. If it exceeds these measurements or is just a flat creation these teams will be disqualified.
You may not use paper to wrap the cans or other foods in. Additional materials used in creations (flags,
wooden blocks, etc.) must be pre-approved by Alexis Petrak by no later than October 24th.
Construction ends at 2 PM. No organization will be permitted to continue working on the creation after that
Each organization will be responsible for loading and labeling their own boxes of cans at the conclusion of
the event. Any cans collected that will not be used in the creation should be boxed and labeled prior to
the event.
Each group participating must have at least 3 representatives present after judging is complete to load
food from creations into respective trucks.
Creations will be judged by alumni judges based on the following criteria:
a. Ingenuity/Creativity
b. Relevance to the Homecoming theme
c. Size and Sturdiness of Construction
Two awards will be given for this event. One award will be given to the group that collects the largest
amount of food/heaviest weight, as per the list provided by Second Harvest Food Bank. The creations are
limited to the use of no more than 20,000 cans; however, teams may collect more cans than will be used in
the creation in order to increase weight totals for this award. Another award will be given to the group that
scores the highest according to judging for their creation.
Points in the overall SGA Homecoming Competition will be awarded as follows:
1st Place Weight:
350 Points
1st Place Creation:
350 Points
2 Place Weight:
250 Points
2nd Place Creation:
250 Points
3rd Place Weight:
150 Points
3rd Place Creation:
150 Points
All teams attending, but not placing in the competition, will receive 50 points for participation.
Alexis Petrak, petrak@goldmail.etsu.edu, (423) 943-8615
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Once again, I’d like to thank my committee for all of the work they did in organizing this week. This
event would not be possible without their hard work and dedication! Also, I’d like to think Doretha
Benn, Zack Sholes, and Taylor Dunn for allowing me to serve as the SGA Secretary of State this year!
Thank you guys.
A huge thank you to Carter Warden for all of your hard work and help in planning this week. Without
your help from the SORC this would have been nearly impossible.
Finally, I’d like to thank all of you who chose to participate in Homecoming 2014! I hope you all enjoy
the events we’ve put together for you!
Welcome to Homecoming 2014 – Mardi Gras.
Billy Quinlan
Student Government Association
Secretary of State
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