Dear Parents/Caregivers er tt


Dear Parents/Caregivers er tt
24 October 2014
Issue 17
School Newsletter
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Phone: 473 7599 Fax: 473 7529
The term is well underway with a very busy first two weeks already behind us!
A highlight of our year is always our school production and Cinderella received
rave reviews and was a huge success. We really enjoy seeing the ‘dramatic’
development and progress in our students, not only during the rehearsal
process, but also for many of our students over several years as they have
moved through the school. As a learning opportunity the production brings many
wider opportunities for growth and development, but most of all we love seeing it
all happen with the shared vision of desiring to serve God.
We were grateful to be able to secure a second date for our Athletics Day after
having to postpone due to the wet and very cold weather last week. Whilst it did
give us the blessing of a little more production rehearsal time, many of the
students were anxious not to miss out on the opportunity to spend the day at the
Caledonian Ground and use the full athletics equipment. Praise God the
weather held out and a great day of track and field events was enjoyed! Thank
you to all the parents who were able to come along to support and cheer.
Information for students in years 5-8 who will attend the North Zone competition
will follow.
School Production—Cinderella
Liberton Christian School
5 Hillary Street
Pine Hill
Dunedin 9011
Serving Him together
Fiona Sizemore (Principal)
Term 4 Value
Love expressed through Duty – a willingness to do what is right, what you ought to do.
A brief overview of what we teach:
God is faithful
Duty is what we ought to do. We have a duty in what we ought to do before God.
We have a duty in regard to what we ought to do before our earthly authorities
(parents, leaders, governors …)
We may even have a duty to be faithful to promises we have made – James 5:12
Duty is not easy. It takes diligence and hardwork.
We will have success and failure. We will need the help of the Holy Spirit.
Biblical illustrations around Duty:
Daniel, Abraham, Ruth, Mary and Martha, Jesus is our ultimate example.
The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.
Psalm 145:13
Board of Trustees News
The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the permanent appointment of Miss
Renee Cox and Mrs Bronwyn Bennington as teachers at Liberton Christian School.
The Board appreciates their passion for teaching and love of the school and wishes
them well as they serve as part of the Liberton teaching team.
Congratulations to our participants in the University of New South Wales
International Competitions and Assessments for Schools. The following
students all received a Credit in the Mathematics exam:
William Grounds, Jona Cooper, Jed Satterthwaite
ChatBus Donations
Thank you to all who donated to ChatBus whilst attending our school
production of Cinderella. A wonderful $600 was collected! This will be a
real blessing to the mobile youth counselling service.
Crazy Hair Day on Friday 31 October
As many of you will know, Kyla Smith’s guitar was accidently broken during the Cinderella matinee performance. It was a crazy thing to occur so
we are holding a crazy hair day to help Kyla buy a new replacement
guitar. Gold coin donations will be gratefully received at the office on the
Library feature
Since the building project from 2013, developments have quietly
continued to bring the finishing touches to our library making it a modern
and enjoyable reading space. This has been a collaborative effort by
staff, students and our wonderful Liberton Fundraisers who have funded
the latest funky furniture pieces.
Mrs Van der Woude is our faithful and long-serving volunteer librarian,
arriving at school each Friday morning to issue books to students and
generally keep our library in order. She also cover seals all the new
books and codes them ready for issuing. Mrs Van der Woude makes sure
she knows new students as they enter the school and is often seen
helping students locate a requested book. Mrs Van der Woude is a real
blessing to Liberton.
This year we have had senior students helping as librarians. Once a
week they help in a lunch time to arrange book displays and tidy the
shelves. They also read stories to junior children on inside play
days. Recently the seniors have been using the library space to perform
puppet shows to children at play times. The children are enjoying the new
library space and furniture. New books are regularly added, and we
appreciate recommendations that come from students and parents. The
Scholastic Book club and Manna Book club purchases have also
contributed to new books coming into the library.
Our library is a multi-use space. First and foremost it is a library where
books are always available to read and be enjoyed in a quiet (mostly!)
place. It also serves as a space for students to work in small groups
together or where teachers can bring one or two classes together to use
the TV screen and watch a DVD or video clip. On Wednesdays rooms 1
and 2 have a buddy reading time in the library. It can be used for guest
speakers, prayer meetings and even music group practices. Our library is
a great space and we love being able to utilize it for many uses across the
Prayer Points
Give thanks for: 
each one of our students and families
our dedicated teachers, support staff and volunteers
the success of our school production
a great term of teaching and learning ahead
Please pray for:
our school to glorify God in all ways
our students to have a response of awe and wonder towards
God as they learn about His world
a blessed final term for our soon to be year 8 graduate students
Please keeping praying for us! The prayer group, led by Jessica Smith,
would love you to join them for a time of prayer for our school and
students from 2pm in the staffroom each Friday before assembly. We
are very grateful to all those who uphold the school in prayer.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Matthew 18:20
LCS Sun Hat Procedure terms 1 and 4
During terms 1 and 4 we require all students to wear a sun hat during
morning tea and lunch breaks and for extended outdoor class activities to
ensure students are safe from sun burn. Students without a hat will be
required to play under the cover of the shed veranda on outside play days.
Room 3 Summer Camp (years 6-8)
Planning is now well underway for the room 3 summer activity camp at the
end of November. Please keep an eye out for notices and information. It
will be great fun!
School parking
Please do not park on the yellow lines at the school gate as this can cause
a hazard for our local students who need to cross the road safely and walk
Rippa Rugby
Our four Rippa Teams enjoyed their first game of the season this week.
There will be No Rippa Rugby this coming Monday (Labour Day—Public
holiday). A big thanks to our volunteer coaches: Mark and Jessica Smith,
Kate Cooper and Renee Cox
School Photos on
Thursday 30
October at
Term 4 Calendar
Weeks 2-4 CHOICE and KOS programmes
24 Oct
SI principals visiting LCS
27 Oct
Labour Day
28 Oct
Board of Trustees meeting 7.30pm
30 Oct
School photos taken
31 Oct
Band and choir recording session
4 Nov
North Zone Athletics (postponement 6 Nov)
4 Nov
Health Celebratory workshop
13 Nov
Safe Kids programmes
13 Nov
Science Road Show room 3
18 Nov
Otago Athletics Champs (postponement 20 Nov)
24-28 Nov Room 3 camp all week
27 Nov
FMS challenge @ Edgar Y1-3
9 Dec
St Marks Christmas service
9 Dec
Board of Trustees meeting 7.30pm
15 Dec
Secret Santa and shared lunch
16 Dec
Graduation assembly
17 Dec
Last day of term 4 – clean up day!