Dear Parents/Caregivers er tt


Dear Parents/Caregivers er tt
7 November 2014
Issue 18
School Newsletter
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Phone: 473 7599 Fax: 473 7529
Our school community is keeping busy with various activities and
sports happening each week. Thank you to all our parents who find
time to help transport or coach students each week, we couldn’t do as
much without your wonderful support! Term four will be busy right to
the end with end of year academic assessments and report writing
currently underway. The room 3 summer camp will be a highlight for
our year 6-8 students and a great opportunity to try new activities and
Crazy Hair Day
Liberton Christian School
5 Hillary Street
Pine Hill
Dunedin 9011
Room 2 has particularly enjoyed hosting Miss Christiana
Fleming as a second year University of Otago College of
Education student teacher over the last couple weeks.
She is a promising young teacher and we wish her well
as she continues in her studies.
Serving Him together
Please note there are no Hot
Lunches this term. Thanks
Fiona Sizemore (Principal)
Thank you for your donations
on Crazy Hair Day. Over
$200 was raised towards
replacing Kyla’s broken guitar.
North Zone Athletics report by Mrs Jones
We had a really good day … THANKS to the help of Mr Robertson who brought us
down blankets!!! When the sun was out it was gorgeous, and almost too hot
… but otherwise we were all snuggled up under blankets … WARMTH!! The Head Lice machine
cancelled the lunch break in the hope of getting through all the The Liberton Fundraisers have bought an
electronic head lice comb that can be
events before the weather turned, and we managed this, apart from the 800m
borrowed from the office to treat head lice
without the use of chemicals. The battery
Congratulations to Lily Johnson, Bee Park, Georgia Smith, Jacob Stolte, operated Zaptec electronic comb detects
Genta Kojima, Georgia Stolte and Jona Cooper who will be competing at the and kills head lice. Please ask at the
Otago Athletics Competition later this term.
office if you need it!
LCS Term dates for 2015LCS Term dates for 2015
Term Start Date
Monday 2 February
Waitangi Day Friday 6 Feb
Otago Anniversary Day Monday
23 March
Monday 20 April
ANZAC Day 27 April
Queen’s Birthday Monday 1 June
Monday 20 July
Term End Date Total: 384 half days
Thursday 2 April (84 half-days)
(Easter within holiday period)
Monday 12 October
Labour Day Monday 26 October
Thursday 17 Dec. (96 half-days)
Thursday 2 July
(104 half-days)
Friday 25 Sept. (100 half-days)
Term 4 Value
Love expressed through Duty – a willingness to do what is right, what you ought to do.
A brief overview of what we teach:
God is faithful
Duty is what we ought to do. We have a duty in what we ought to do before God.
We have a duty in regard to what we ought to do before our earthly authorities (parents, leaders, governors …)
We may even have a duty to be faithful to promises we have made – James 5:12
Duty is not easy. It takes diligence and hard work.
We will have success and failure. We will need the help of the Holy Spirit.
Biblical illustrations around Duty:
Daniel, Abraham, Ruth, Mary and Martha, Jesus is our ultimate example.
The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. Psalm 145:13
Health Celebratory Workshop report by Danielle Wilson
On Tuesday Brie, William, Finn and I went to a health celebratory
workshop at St Bernadette’s School. We did lots of cool activities
like making healthy ice cream. We tried banana, banana/chocolate
and banana/berry. We also learnt about fat and what happens if we
have too much saturated fat in our diet.
Another thing we did was sow micro-greens in a cup which was a lot
of fun. Then we played games with Kelly from Sport Otago. The last
thing we did was play a game with a person from Smoke Free where
we had to find a person’s key-ring and ask them a question. We
were served a healthy lunch of club sandwiches and fruit, so over all
it was an awesome day.
LCS Sun Hat Procedure terms 1 and 4
Through terms 1 and 4 we require all students to wear a sun hat
during morning tea and lunch breaks and for extended outdoor class
activities to ensure students are safe from sun burn. Students without a hat will be required to play under the cover of the shed
veranda on outside play days.
Room 3 Summer Camp (years 6-8)
Planning is now well underway for the
room 3 summer activity camp at the
end of November. Please keep an
eye out for notices and information. It
will be great fun!
Advertisements of Interest Outside the School
Leith Valley Church is having a Fair tomorrow (Saturday 8 November ) 10am to 2pm 267 Malvern Street, Dunedin.. See the Parent
Noticeboard in the foyer for more information.
Saturday Morning Music Classes Open Morning
(Instrumental classes for children 5 years and upwards)
Parents and children wishing to commence classes in 2015 are
invited to observe classes in progress on Saturday morning November 15th.
George St Normal School Centre: Groups will assemble at the
Main Block entrance and be guided around classes between 9 and
Bathgate Park School Centre: Groups will assemble in the
foyer at 9:15 and 10:15am.
Enrolments for 2015 will be accepted on Saturday 22nd November.
George St Normal School between 9 and 11:30 (follow the signs),
Bathgate Park School between 9 and 10:30am in the school foyer.
(Elmgrove School in Mosgiel on Wednesday November 19th
between 3:30 and 4:30.)
There will be a further opportunity to enroll for 2015 on Feb 4 th
(evening). Further enquiries to: George St Co-ordinator, 4772296
Bathgate/Elmgrove Co-ordinator, ph: 4771214
Activate Music Academy | Introduction to
Music - Summer Holiday Program!
School parking
Find out what kind of rock star you are! Learn
Please do not park on the yellow lines at the school gate as this can
some basic skills on each of guitar, bass, drums, AND keyboard,
cause a hazard for our local students who need to cross the road
then pick your favourite and jam as a band using the skills you’ve
safely and walk home.
just learnt! Dates and location to be confirmed. 3.5 hours. Snacks,
drinks and resources provided. $50 per student (each student registering as a group of 5 will receive a FREE movie ticket to enjoy durTerm 4 Calendar
ing the school holidays). To register interest or for more information
13 Nov
St John Safe Kids programmes
leave your name at the school office or visit:
13 Nov
Science Road Show Room 3
14 Nov
2pm Special assembly– The Innkeepers Christmas
Give thanks for: Prayer Points
 each one of our students and families
18 Nov
Otago Athletics Champs (postponement 20 Nov)
 our dedicated teachers, support staff and volunteers
21 Nov
2pm early assembly followed by room 3 camp fund
raiser bake sale
 a busy term of teaching and learning
24-28 Nov Room 3 camp
Please pray for:27 Nov
Fundamental Motor Skills challenge @ Edgar rooms
 our school to glorify God in all ways
9 Dec
11am St Marks Christmas service – all welcome
 our students to have a response of awe and wonder towards
9 Dec
7.30pm Board of Trustees meeting
God as they learn about His world
15 Dec
Secret Santa and shared student lunch
 Room 3 Camp
16 Dec
2pm Graduation assembly
 a blessed final term for our year 8 students
17 Dec
Last day of term 4 – clean up day
2015 Term 1 Calendar
Please keeping praying for us! The prayer group, led by Jessica
2 Feb
First day of term 1
Smith, would love you to join them for a time of prayer for our
school and students from 2pm in the staffroom each Friday before
6 Feb
Waitangi Day
assembly. We are very grateful to all those who uphold the school
17 Feb
Beach Education Day - seniors
in prayer.
19 Feb
Beach Education Day - juniors
23 Mar
2 April
Otago Anniversary Day
Last day of term 1
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with
them.” Matthew 18:20