new premises improvement scheme 2015-16
new premises improvement scheme 2015-16
NEWS APRIL 2015 The newsletter of Enterprising Bathgate - Scotland’s first Business Improvement District NEW PREMISES IMPROVEMENT SCHEME 2015-16 In accordance with our Business Plan, Enterprising Bathgate will be running a Premises Improvement Scheme in each year of its five year term. We are delighted to launch the new scheme and look forward to the same level of participation as before from the businesses in our BID area. To register you interest in the new scheme and obtain an Application Form either: e-mail: telephone: 01506 637537 or complete and return the form on back page. This new scheme runs from 1st April 2015 until 31st March 2016, and covers qualifying expenditure carried out and invoiced during that period. Which properties are eligible? • • Any property which is liable to be assessed for Non Domestic Rates and situated within Bathgate town centre Business Improvement District is eligible. As a general rule if you are liable to pay the BID levy you are eligible for a grant. When does the scheme start and finish? • Each scheme runs annually from 1st April to 31st March, to coincide with Enterprising Bathgate’s financial year. • A new scheme will be available each year until 2017-18. • Businesses can take part every year. Which sort of improvements qualify for a grant? Any improvements to the actual property, whether internal or external, qualify for a grant. Examples include: • new signage • replacing doors and windows • painting frontages • installing heating • upgrading toilets or staff facilities • electrical improvements • replacing ceilings and lighting • new flooring This is not an exhaustive list and if you are in any doubt as to eligibility please contact the Enterprising Bathgate office: Tel: 01506 637537 e-mail: Read more on the back page Enterprising Bathgate, The Bathgate Business Centre, Whitburn Road, Bathgate EH48 1HH Investing in Bathgate Town Centre Tel: 01506 637537 Email: A FREE OFFER TO ALL BATHGATE BID LEVY PAYERS Showcase your products and services on Enterprising Bathgate’s new online business guide. 50 Bathgate Town Centre Businesses are already featured on ... Include your business today! You are invited to include your company on this feature rich online showcase ... at no cost to you! MAKING IT EASY FOR CUSTOMERS TO FIND YOU AND FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES LOOK GREAT ON ALL MOBILE DEVICES In addition to a general introduction, the home page provides many options to ensure that your business information is easy to find* An A-Z business listing uniquely presents your page header graphic and branding - immediately highlighting your key services and/or promotions - then linking directly to your page.* Similar to accessing Apps, visitors to the site will be encouraged to add the ‘Choose Bathgate’ icon to their mobile device home-screen, making ‘’ the first choice for finding buisnesses, products and services in Bathgate town centre. INCLUDE YOUR BUSINESS... Individually themed business category pages include an interactive location map and business listing for each category - linking to individual business pages.* Visit the site and if you would like to be included FOR FREE please email PLEASE NOTE : It is a condition of inclusion in the Online Guide that there is no overdue BID levy payable by the applicant. If your business is already featured, please check over details and email : if there are any errors and let us know if you would like to discuss adding more content to help enhance the profile and promote any special offers, unique services or update the products and services you offer. *Example screenshots. Pages will be continually developed with additional graphics and functionality. We welcome any suggestions and comments and look forward to working with you to create the ultimate showcase for your business. 2 DISCOUNT VOUCHER BOOK PROMOTION FR EE O to a ll B Business Name: ath ga te BI D Contact Name: FF Le vy Address: As part of the ‘Shop Local’ initiative and following the successful launch of our ‘Voucher Book’ at the end of 2014, Enterprising Bathgate are producing a book of ‘Discount or Promotional Vouchers’ to be distributed to 10,000 local residents. It’s proposed that distribution will commence towards the end of May 2015 and provide incentives on the run up to the summer holidays and into autumn. Postcode: Email Address: Telephone Number: Visit for sizes, format and terms and conditions. Spaces are limited. If you would like to take advantage of this offer please complete your details below and return to: Enterprising Bathgate, Bathgate Business Centre, 8 Whitburn Road or email your details to: Signature: Date: PLEASE NOTE: It is a condition of inclusion in this voucher book initiative that there is no overdue BID levy payable by the applicant. Is Customer Service Important for your business? Bathgate has signed up to express interest in taking part in the World Host Regional Destination Initiative as part of West Lothian, giving you the opportunity to be part of a customer service campaign that will build on the legacy of ‘Scotland 2014’ and with 11 regions taking part across Scotland it will help to set West Lothian and Scotland apart as a visitor destination. Over 150 businesses in Scotland have already achieved World Host recognised business status and are reporting positive results: Over the next few months, Visit West Lothian, in association with local partners, will be offering the world-renowned World Host customer service programmes in Bathgate. The aim is to help all businesses within the Bathgate visitor economy achieve World Host status: a recognised badge for excellent customer service. • Increased revenue, average spend and net sales • Increased repeat business and referrals • Better customer service ratings and/or quality assurance scores • Increased staff motivation and satisfaction • Reduced absenteeism and staff turnover levels • Positive PR opportunities • Ability to display the World Host recognised business logo on all business-related collateral, websites and other promotional/sales materials The aim is to encourage Bathgate businesses to work together to improve the quality of service across our visitor economy, which will not only help showcase our unique offerings, and that which makes your business and Bathgate great, but to also deliver significant benefits to your bottom line! This is a real opportunity for Bathgate and one that will create a real boost for the local economy. To date there has been over 9,000 people trained in Scotland, including 3,000 ScotRail staff in preparation for last years’ Commonwealth Games – and your own staff could be next! • Business/Company employ less than 100 staff members (FTE) Your Business could also benefit from subsidy available for these training courses if your business meets the eligibility criteria, ( some of which are as follows :– • Business/Company is based in Scotland and is not part of a UK or International Group • Business/Company does not receive any other public funding If you are interested, or wish to find out more then please contact: 3 ER Pa ye r s Bathgate Street Pastors Looking Back… and Forward to Success In illustrating the dedication and work involved, an extract from the Bathgate Street Pastors Facebook page shows their listening, care and commitment to the Bathgate community: 2014 has been an incredible year for the volunteers at Bathgate Street Pastors. Looking back they celebrated: Runners- up in STV/ RBS Finding Scotland’s” Real Heroes” Campaign; being presented with the West Lothian Voluntary Sector Gateway “Charity Group of the Year” Award, alongside increasing presence on the town centre streets both in Patrol Dates and in the number of observers and potential recruits. The Street Pastors also worked tirelessly behind the scenes: visits to local community groups interested in the work, fundraising events and most importantly, they continue to meet and help those in community in many different ways. What will 2015 bring? Firstly, the Street Pastors will be out in Bathgate town centre on more evenings than the initial last Saturday of every month. This enhanced presence will be facilitated through further volunteer training packages and a series of additional fundraising activities. The group also has a new Committee to continue to drive forward the initiative, with opportunities available to increase membership and recruit new volunteers to continue the great work. There is further excitement ahead, as the group have been invited to the Queen’s Garden Party in June 2015 in recognition of their outstanding work and time. “Please could you pass on my sincere thanks the street pastors, who found my son alone in an alleyway on Saturday evening after spending an evening out with his friends. They thankfully called an ambulance for him as he was found ‘fitting’ on the pavement. After hospitalisation it was found that he had substances in his blood which he had not taken voluntarily. This has deeply affected his selfesteem and shocked me as a parent. Without this act of kindness by these wonderful people, both me and his father dread to think what could have happened to him. Once again we cannot thank them enough and realise they voluntarily give up their own time to care and support others, which is indeed a valuable and wonderful service to offer. God bless each and every one of them. Thank you very much once again.” (Anon) The Street Pastors have been supported from inception to operation by Enterprising Bathgate, alongside West Lothian Council, Police Scotland, local businesses and the Bathgate community. Whilst the Street Pastors have had to say goodbye to some friends over the last year, to pastures new, the multi-stakeholder partnership and support continues throughout 2015 and beyond. A new Policing model has been introduced into the Lothian and Scottish Borders Division of Police Scotland. This new model aims to provide the most resilient, flexible and effective service possible, matching demand with resource distribution and enhancing community policing teams to meet local needs and concerns. We will have more officers on duty over core demand periods dealing with local Ward based priorities. These officers will be deployed primarily on foot and cycle patrols deployed in Multi-Member Ward (MMW) areas. The changes support the need to deploy visible resources at the most effective times to deliver on ‘Police Scotland Priorities’ and to maximise value, service accessibility and public reassurance. 4 The new model has aligned shift patterns between Response and Community Policing where previously they rarely coincided. This alignment supports Police Scotland ethos of a supportive total Policing method. Local policing in Bathgate will continue to be led by Police Inspector Drew Elliot supported by Sergeant John Fleming. Their depth of local knowledge and community focus will assist the new Community Policing Team Sergeant Derek Long as they all look to develop and improve existing policies such as the Safer Bathgate Night Time economy detail and local tasking to deal with issues for residents, local traders and visitors to Bathgate’. Blooming Bathgate Bathgate in Bloom is expanding its hanging baskets stations this year from the 44 stations we currently have to 57 stations. The new basket locations will be sited on Whitburn Road, along Edinburgh Road to the rail station and on Academy Street. This has been possible by the part funding and work carried out by Enterprising Bathgate and reflects the ever changing shape of our town centre. We are very fortunate to have willing sponsors whose contributions fund the maintenance of the baskets. Members of the Bathgate Rotary look after the plant containers and troughs at the rail station and West Lothian Council supply the manpower and equipment to water and maintain the baskets. The initiative is an excellent example of partnership working. There is no doubt that this collaborative project enhances the environment of the town centre by adding a splash of colour throughout the summer months. The cost per year to be a sponsor is £55. Each sponsor gets their name engraved on a plaque attached to each hanging basket station. Enterprising Bathgate has another 3 years to run in its second term and ideally we would like our wouldbe sponsors to fund their station for the next 3 years. Enterprising Bathgate Looking Forward To Working With New Partner One of the biggest changes in Scotland’s transport system took place on Wednesday 1 April, with the handover of the ScotRail franchise from First Group to the Dutch company Abellio. This includes the transfer of employees such as those based at the station and depot here in Bathgate. The contract award comes with promises from the new operator of improved services, facilities and ultimately it is hoped, benefits for its consumers and users. Bathgate is noted by Abellio as a key facility within West Lothian and wider Scottish network. Enterprising Bathgate, and our local partners, are delighted to learn that the established ‘Adopt a Station’ initiative will continue by Abellio, which forms an integral component of the wider ‘Bathgate in Bloom’ environmental project. Local stakeholders will look to work with Abellio and Network Rail, to build upon established relationships and seek further enhancements at and to/from Bathgate station, for the benefit of our community and local economy. If you would like to be one of the businesses who support this project please contact us. Phone 01506 637537 or email us at BALBARDIE PARK, BATHGATE Saturday May 30th BATHGATE 2015 A BIGGER, BETTER VENUE AND LOTS OF GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT! The British Pipe Band Championships The West Lothian Highland Games Hosting the the second largest pipe band competition in the world, Bathgate welcomes over 5000 top pipers, drummers & followers from around the UK and beyond. The annual West Lothian Highland Games also draws in families, contestants and followers from near and far. Opportunities for sponsorship and promotion of local businesses are available. Please visit the website for details. 5 Further Boost for Small Businesses Taxi Marshals Enterprising Bathgate is delighted to announce that the Board has agreed to continue funding for another year (2015/16) the provision of Taxi Marshals at the town centre’s King Street rank. Are you a small business, a new business or perhaps looking to take on new premises? If you can answer YES, then further financial assistance may be available to you through the Small Business Bonus Scheme. The scheme has been established to assist smaller businesses who use or are entitled to use (commercial) nondomestic properties with a rateable value (RV) of £18,000 or less per annum, and who may therefore be entitled to a reduction or discount in their annual non-domestic rates bill. The Enterprising Bathgate team have once again contracted Specialized Security Ltd, of Livingston, to continue to supply their excellent service on a weekly basis every Saturday night. In confirming the continuation of the Specialized Security contract, Tom Clements, Specialized’s Director, commented... For example: if the combined rateable value of any properties (in Scotland) is less than £10,000 per annum, you may be eligible for a 100% reduction in your non-domestic rates. For further information, please contact West Lothian Council Revenues Unit, or go direct to the West Lothian Council website, where you can download a copy of the application form to submit: Council_and_government/businessrates/2114701 We are absolutely delighted to have once again been successful in the award of the contract to supply Taxi Marshals to Enterprising Bathgate in Bathgate town centre. The marshals along with stakeholders play an enormous part in keeping the Bathgate evening and night time economy safe. The team work hard with stakeholders and the public, so that people can relax in the knowledge that they can come into the town centre, enjoy a night out and return home safely. Our team of marshals thoroughly enjoy working in Bathgate and thank the public for their help in making their role so enjoyable. Bathgate Pub Toasts Local Success! One of Bathgate and West Lothian’s most popular venues has been shortlisted as a finalist in the prestigious Best Bar None Scotland National Awards for 201415, which take place on 26 March at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, to find the best licensed premises in the country. The Glenmavis Tavern on Gideon Street, in Bathgate, has made the final cut under the ‘bar’ category award, and competes against four other national finalists from Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow and Inverness. Maggie O’Hara at the Glenmavis Tavern, put into ensuring that best practice is applied at their venues for safety, responsibility, staff training and a wider concern for the community. Anyone looking for a good night out in Bathgate, and West Lothian, should look out for the Best Bar None venues, knowing that it has been through a rigorous accreditation process and demonstrates a high standard of quality and service. Best Bar None has been created through a multi agency partnership with the purpose to celebrate and reward licensed premises in looking after their customers and helping to improve Scotland’s evening and night time economy, and it now has over 400 accredited venues across Scotland. Further details on the Best Bar None initiative can be found at, where you can also find your nearest accredited establishment here in Bathgate. The Awards evening is arguably the pinnacle of the Scottish licensed trade calendar, and is a real recognition of the effort that owners and managers of establishments, such as Tom and 6 Dementia Friendly Communities Alzheimer Scotland has been funded by West Lothian Council’s challenge Fund to take forward an exciting and innovative project to make Bathgate dementia friendly. Similar projects have been run elsewhere in Scotland but each project is unique in its approach. In West Lothian the prevalence of dementia is increasing as people live longer and the proportion of older people in the population has risen. Dementia is a condition that changes the lives of those diagnosed and those close to them. People with dementia not only face challenges around diagnosis, support and treatments but also face real challenges in their day to day lives. They may have difficulties in maintaining contact with their family and friends, going shopping, buying goods and services, maintaining hobbies and interests-the sort of activities that most other people take for granted. These challenges are made more difficult due to a lack of understanding about dementia in our communities. A dementia friendly community is one where people are committed to work together tip respect the human rights of people with dementia and to help them remain a part of their community and not become apart from it. This involves people from every walk of life learning about dementia and doing very simple and practical things that can make an enormous difference. Dementia really is everyone’s business. Recent work on dementia-friendly communities has grown out of national and international research and policy development in age-friendly communities. This research shows that people with dementia and their families choose to shop, relax and do business in those places that make them feel welcome and where support and assistance are readily offered. If people are not welcomed into activities and organisations, the loss is only felt by the commercial sector. Reduced use of leisure and community activities may hasten the onset of dependency on statutory services, especially if loneliness or depression follows on from a withdrawal from ‘normal’ life. Therefore, supporting people to live well with dementia as active citizens has benefits for business, health and social care as well as for individuals themselves. A dementia friendly community has been described by people with dementia as one that enables them to: Find their way around and feel safe Access the local facilities that they are used to (such as banks, shops, cafes, cinemas, and post offices , as well as health and social care services Maintain the social networks that make them still feel part of their community. In Bathgate the project plans to work with businesses and organisations to identify ways to make them dementia friendly, provide training to staff and help overcome the challenges that people with dementia may face. The project will involve the people with dementia and their carers who will tell us their experiences in Bathgate both positive and negative. The organisations and businesses that take forward an action plan to improve how they work with people with dementia in Partnership with Alzheimer Scotland will be rewarded with ‘dementia friendly status’ and will be given stickers and a certificate to demonstrate this to the public. If you would like your business or organisation to be involved in this project please contact Aileen Eland | or phone 01506 533 116 Bathgate Thistle Community Football Club was formed in 2013 following an amalgamation of the majority of clubs within the town. The club has steadily grown to now have player numbers at around the 400 mark. With parents, volunteers, coaches, supporters included it is fair to say that the club will be one of the largest organisations in Bathgate. As a club we would like to engage with the local business community in order to establish partnerships which could be mutually beneficial. We’d love to have the advice and support of business people to help us strengthen and improve the infrastructure and profile of the club, and help us to promote healthy living initiatives such as walking football for Over-50s and soccer schools for pre- and primary school children. If you are interested then please contact club secretary James Drummond on 07734845462 or 7 NEW IN TOWN New or relocated business since last newsletter issued in October 2014. Cash Convertors (formerly Cheque Centre) South Bridge Street L’Italiano (formerly Amazing Pizza Company) South Bridge Street Kidzeco (formerly Big Bang) relocation from King Street to George Street Dream: U (formerly RK Hair) Union Road Tatta Ltd (formerly Musclefit) Union Road Allied Surveyors (upstairs above Aulds) South Bridge Street Hong Chinese takeaway (part of former Volunteers Bar) Jarvey Street Cafe Yum Yum (formerly Madeleine’s) Jarvey Street Glamorous Nail & Beauty (formerly Blind Design) George Street The Thai Massage (above Santander) George Street Hopetoun Deli (formerly X) Hopetoun Street West Lothian Housing Partnership (formerly Thomas Cook plus upstairs) North Bridge Street Live Kitchen (formerly BG Photography) King Street Kidzeco BIDs Scotland Gathering The BIDs Scotland Gathering took place on the 3 March and saw over 200 industry leaders from across, business, tourism, towns, communities and national and local government come together for an inspiring afternoon celebrating the growing BID movement in Scotland. Sam Crawford from Enterprising Bathgate was one of the speakers at the event and you can see his presentation on our website: PREMISES IMPROVEMENT SCHEME 2014-15 Another success story Making a Difference The 2014-15 Premises Scheme has proved every bit as popular as previous schemes and Enterprising Bathgate would like to thank all levy payers who participated. There is no doubt that Enterprising Bathgate’s Premises Improvement Scheme has made an impact on the town centre. If we maintain this level of participation over the next few years the whole town centre will continue to benefit. We will see an overall improvement in the visual attractiveness of the town centre as well as improving the quality of properties available in Bathgate. 2014-15 scheme Approved 81 grants totalling more than £51,000 514 grants approved since company was formed More than £290,000 paid out in grants Final Call If anyone has still to complete their claim for 2014 - 15 please forward the completed form and supporting documents to us by no later than 15th May 2015. This date will be the final cut-off date for applications under the 2014 - 15 scheme. Register Your Interest Here Documented expenditure exceeds £2million I wish to register my interest in the 2015-16 Premises Improvement Scheme: Name of Business: Contact Person: Address: Telephone No: e-mail address: Enterprising Bathgate, The Bathgate Business Centre, Whitburn Road, Bathgate EH48 1HH Investing in Bathgate Town Centre Please return completed form to : Sam Crawford, Enterprising Bathgate, Bathgate Business Centre, 6 Whitburn Road, Bathgate, EH48 1HH. Tel: 01506 637537 Email:
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