Pastor’s Message


Pastor’s Message
Pastor’s Message – Pastor Thomas
This week is our Missionary week. To Christians, every day is a mission day as
mission should be the focus of our daily lives. We are a group that is separated into
holiness, we are priests and people of God, and we have the duty to share with others
about Christ. I have visited Peru and small towns of BC this year, where I closely felt
the needs of the lost, and a reminder that “Wherever the moon is, so is the tears of
Chinese, and wherever the sun is, so is the sweat of Chinese.” Worldly pursuits often
lead to emptiness, and frequent tears and sweat will often lead to the same. It is only in
His salvation that we find fulfillment. Paul says in the Bible that we are debtors of the
gospel; we need to tell the world about the vanity of worldly pursuits, share with people
our experiences of breaking out of the darkness into light, and about how Christ saves
the undeserving sinners. We also need the love, comfort, power and the righteous word
from our Lord, for His word can give us directions and fulfillment in life. We are being
called to be His witness and share the redeeming grace of His salvation to those who still
suffer. He wants us to equip ourselves, pray, and offer ourselves to be sent out for His
BAC will be witnesses of God in both word and deed, and through us,
our neighbors will experience Him.
Meeting on November 2, 2014; the information sheet of 2015-2016 Elders Election
and the Elders Nominees’ Profiles are all available outside sanctuary and in MPR.
Senior Pastor Search: We will have Rev. Simon Sit and his wife coming to visit BAC
and preach on November 2 (next Sunday). Rev. Sit will be candidating for the
Senior Pastor position, please continue to pray for Rev. Sit and for BAC as this
candidating process continues.
Alpha: Needs your prayers and support. Serve with us and experience the
transformations together. Contact Ricky or Gordon C. Alpha Retreat this Saturday, November 1. Email us to reserve
a spot and arrange rides!
ACE Special Event: Today all ACE classes will join for a special session with David
Collins in MPR. Bring any missions questions you'd like to ask!
Meet the Pastors Luncheon: From 12:45-2:15pm at MPR today.
Halloween Carnival: Friday, October 31 (6:30-9:00pm) in MPR, we will host a
Halloween Carnival at the church for our kids. Bring your child and a friend and come
for games, snacks, and candy. The costume theme is Superheroes!
Mandarin Alpha Course: Will be held at Annex starting November 1 (this Saturday)
from 6-9pm on every Saturday. We have dinner, video watching and discussion
times. We welcome brothers and sisters to invite your Mandarin speaking relatives,
friends and neighbors to join & explore the meaning of life together!
Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Ministry: Shoeboxes are now available outside the
Fireside Room. Please pack at least one or more shoeboxes to support the ministry
and return by November 21. Inside the box please also include $7 cash or cheque
made payable to Samaritan’s Purse.
English: Lord Jesus, we ask that you bring vividly to our minds those places where
You have blessed and enriched our community. In response to Your goodness, help
us to grow thankful hearts and to respond to your grace and kindness with both
mindfulness and gratitude.
Youth: Please pray for our youth as they begin to find a rhythm in their daily walk with
God, that despite the busyness of their lives, God would speak through their routines
and daily activities.
Children: Pray for the children workers for wisdom, guidance and time management
as they commit to partner with parents in the faith development of children.
Cantonese: Please pray for the AV brothers who have to setup the stage and
arrange powerpoint in a limited time, may God give them strength and wisdom in
getting things work every Sunday.
Mandarin: Pray for God to help us to lead people to Christ, through our words and
deed day by day.
Next Week’s Sermon
Home Church News
Faith that pleases God, Rev. Simon Sit (Hebrews 11:1-10)
Back to Standard Time: Remember to set your clock back by one hour before
you go to bed this Saturday night (November 1).
Annual General Meeting: On November 2, 2014 from 2-4pm in MPR. Hard
copies of the March 16, 2014 Special Meeting minutes, Agenda of Annual General
Election of Elders 2015-2016: (November 2, 2014)
Continuing Elders (2015):
English: Jeremy Lau , Ezekiel Chhoa
Cantonese: Felix Chan, Edward Wong, Jinold Cheung, Dennis Fung
Mandarin: Eric Li, David Sun
New Elders Nominees forwarded by Nomination Committee
English: Tim Cheung, Sylvester Wong Cantonese: Charles Lui
New Elders Nominee forwarded by Membership: (2015-2016)
Cantonese: Wai Law
 If you are unable to cast your ballot on Nov 2, you can cast your vote in
advance at church office during office hours from Oct 27-31, 2014.
Burnaby Alliance Church
Events for the Week of September Oct 26 – Nov 1
Meet the Pastor’s Lunch (12:45-2:15pm): MPR
ACE (11:30am-12:30pm) : MPR
Special Event with David Collins (no other classes)
Prayer Meeting (7:30-9:30pm) : Rm 014 old basement
Connect (Grades 7-8): Halloween Carnival (6:30-9pm)
ICON (Grades 9-12): Halloween Carnival (6:30-9pm)
3D (College and Career, 8pm): Small Group
Small Groups meet throughout the week—see the board in the MPR for
more information about when and where!
Sunday Worship
Cantonese 388
Sunday School
Cantonese 145
Prayer Meeting
$ 15,407.00
$ 4,045.50
$ 1,095.00
$ 2,920.00
$ 23,467.50
Burnaby Alliance Church
8611 Armstrong Avenue, Burnaby, BC V3N 2H4
Tel: (604) 524-3336 Fax: (604) 524-0329
Web site:
Praise/Prayer Requests:
Requests for Information:
English Ministry: Rev. Jeremy Rios Rev. Andrew Demoline
Mrs. Joan Fong (Children), Peter Ko (Youth)
Cantonese Ministry: Rev. Alvin Poon
Pastor Chung Leung (College, Career & Young Family)
Pastor Jessica Ngai (Caring & Family)
Mrs. Doris Wong (Singles & Elderly)
Mandarin Ministry: Rev. Thomas Sun
“Witnesses of God in Word and Deed.”
Sunday, October 26, 2014
9:30am Worship
Discipleship: Teaching to Obey
Matthew 26:18-20, John 6:28-29
Guest Speaker: David Collins
Welcome to BAC!
We’re so glad that you could join us today. Immediately after our worship
service you are invited to join us for coffee and fellowship upstairs in the MPR.
If you are a first-time guest, please fill out a white “Staying Connected” card
and drop it in the box that is right outside the sanctuary. For more information
about ways to get connected and events throughout the week, see the inside
of this bulletin!