St. Mark’S


St. Mark’S
The Parish Food & Fun Fair is to
be held from 9.30am to 2.30pm Saturday 8 November. Pre-ordered food
in lunch boxes this week is Chinese
BBQ Pork Buns [$5/box]. $135 were
raised last week. The total raised so
far is over $4000. Thank you for your
The Diocesan Synod is to be held
at Wesley Mission on 13-15 and
20-21 Oct. Please pray for the
Archbishop for strength and wisdom to lead the meetings. Pray
especially for the Diocesan Mission 2015-2020. Pray for clear directions for the whole diocese and
for each individual parish.
Rev John Hebblewhite will be having
his left knee operation on the 27 Oct.
Please pray for peace of mind and a successful surgery. Thanks.
Consider giving a gift to St
Mark’s Church in your will. Your
children & others share in your
hope. Thank you.
Remember to
bring your friends
Jumping Castle!
Many more...
Thank you for your suggestions for the
new build. Your suggestions had been
forwarded to the architects for consideration. The Wardens will keep you updated of the progress on the design and
Offerings via internet banking or Direct
Debit are welcome. Account details as below:
Acc. name: St Marks Anglican Church
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
BSB: 062-339
Acc. #: 10670617
Please indicate your name & purposes, for example: General, Tithes, Pledge, Thanksgiving,
Mission, MJJ (Mission for Jack & Jill) etc.
St. Mark’S
39 Jamieson St,
Granville. NSW 2142
Tel: 9637 1073
Fax: 9637 8235
12th October, 2014
Pentecost 18
As Paul concludes the letter to the Philippians, he consoles them with the thought
that the peace of God would guard their
hearts and minds in Christ. Indeed, this is
perhaps the most consoling thought in
Christian faith: that despite whatever circumstances in which we find ourselves,
Jesus Christ is God’s eternal sign that divine peace is always with us and for us.
Pray that the peace of God will be felt
in your mind, in your community,
and in the world, and pray that you
may be a part of God's plan of
peace for all.
Pray for the Amity Foundation in China, giving thanks for the work they
do to further God’s mission in the
ABM Pew Reflections 2014
Sunday Services
9.00am Choral Eucharist
10.30am Cantonese Service
5.30pm Mandarin Service
Children’s Sunday School
10.30am & 5.30pm
Granville Youth Ministry
Sunday 10.30am
Adult’s Sunday School
8.45am (Cantonese)
7.30pm (Mandarin 1st & 3rd
Rev David Wong
(9637 1073;
Hon. Assisting Clergy:
Rev John Hebblewhite
(4736 3592;
Mission Coordinators:
Titus & Winnie Tam
Children’s Ministry Superintendent:
Annie Chang (
Student Ministers:
David Chang (
Jenny Yiu (
a “missional church”
Recite Luke 10:2
and say a mission prayer at 10.02pm
The Mission: Our Gracious
God, we pray that you will
help us to proclaim our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,
so that everyone around us
will hear his call to repent,
trust and serve Christ in
love, and be established in
the fellowship of his disciples
while we await his return.
May we continue to pray, to
depend on your Holy Spirit,
and to glorify you. Amen.
Financial Support for Pastoral Staff ($45,000)
Titus & Winnie Tam
David & Annie Chang
Mission Supports
Jack & Jill
Gary & Serah (CCMA)
Peter & Kate (OMF)
Anglican Aid
Anglican Board of Mission
Bush Church Aid
First Light Care
Iranian Church Sydney
Serve China Australia
12th October 2014
19th October 2014
Rev David Wong
Rev John Hebblewhite
Rev David Wong
Rev John Hebblewhite
Chalice assistant
Neil Smith O’Brien, Geoffrey Kakaire
Bill Palmer, Harold Nalliah
Ruth Kleibert
Richard Gore
Hymns [Meditation]
96, 115, 519, 216 (108)
431, 425, 454, 245
OT Reader
Ted Astill
Beryl Laws
NT Reader
David Chang
Sheena Wong
Sheena Wong
Daniel Han
Yvonne & Ted
Judy & Barbara
Per roster
Per roster
Morning Tea
Heather & David Cree
Sharon & Neil Smith O’Brien
Congratulations and best wishes
to all who are celebrating birthdays
or special occasions in Oct. On the
first Sunday of each month we’ll
have a birthday cake at the morning tea to celebrate for anyone who
has a birthday in that month. Please
see the Rector if you would like a
birthday card sent for you. In your
celebrations, consider making a
donation for general or special
purposes. If you wish to offer flowers for Sundays, please see Barbara
Longworth for more info. Thank
“Two Ways to Live” personal
evangelism training is scheduled
on 18 Oct from 10am to 12pm.
Christians who would like to learn
to share the gospel with individuals or small group are welcome. A
follow up training on “How to
nurture new believers” will be on
15 Nov. Please mark down these
dates in your diary.
Baptism (25/12), Wedding, Funeral:
Please make arrangements with the
St Marks Store opens every Thursday from 10am to 2.30pm. You are
welcome to donate usable goods or
spare an hour or more to help. Please
see Robyn Palmer for more info.
English Fellowship next gathering is
on Saturday 18 Oct from 10.00am to
12.00pm. The Rector will conduct a
training on using “Two Ways To
Live” as tool of evangelism. All are
Everyday Conversational English
Classes Thursday 10.00 am to 12.00
Elementary Mandarin Class Friday
10.00 am to 12.00 pm.
This Week Specials
3rd Saturday of the month
Prayer Meeting
Everyday Conversational English Classes
Elementary Mandarin Class
10.00am English Fellowship