Aromatic Acupressure & Meridian Massage Alan Stuart 4-day Advanced Certificate Course with


Aromatic Acupressure & Meridian Massage Alan Stuart 4-day Advanced Certificate Course with
Aromatic Acupressure & Meridian Massage
4-day Advanced Certificate Course with
with Alan Stuart
at Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London NW1
Meridian or Acupressure Massage is an approach to therapeutic bodywork that
incorporates the hands-on stimulation of the body’s Meridian system — the same
network of energy channels used in Acupuncture. For the Aromatherapy and Massage
practitioner, this dynamic system of manual treatment offers an exciting opportunity
to deepen one’s effectiveness as a bodywork professional.
When integrated with Aromatherapy, Acupressure Massage becomes Aromatic
Acupressure. It refers to the therapeutic application of specific essential oils to the
Organ Meridians and Acupoints of Oriental Medicine, and emphasizes the vitalistic,
as opposed to the biochemical, aspects of their actions
Alan Stuart draws from years of experience as an Oriental bodywork practitioner,
Aromatherapist and highly popular instructor. The emphasis of his relaxed yet inspired
and dedicated approach to teaching Aromatic Acupressure and Meridian Massage is
on its easy integration with traditional massage styles.
There are three main ways that Aromatic Acupressure may be applied in practice:
1. Incorporating the stimulation of acupressure points in the whole-body massage
application of essential oils. This increases the overall effectiveness of the
2. The second application of Aromatic Acupressure is appropriate in situations where
there is not the time nor space to carry out a full-body massage treatment. Here,
a single essence or blend of essential oils – diluted in an oil, ointment or gel base
– may be applied to one or several specific meridians and acupoints.
3. The aromatherapist, when dispensing a blend of essences in a carrier oil or ointment,
may demonstrate to the client their daily application on specific acupoints.
u Bodymind intention: the importance of intuition, trust and energetic sensitivity.
u Integrating classic therapeutic and Oriental bodywork techniques.
u The location and actions of the main channels or meridians; their treatment through
Meridian Massage.
u The location and actions of a range of important acupressure points; their correlation
and combined usage with a variety of major essential oils through practical techniques
of Aromatic Acupressure.
u A review of the energetic and psychological actions of a several essential oils as
part of their correlation and combined usage with the acupressure points taught.
u Techniques to energize and centre oneself in preparation for treatments.
Entry onto this course requires prior basic training in massage.
The course includes printed notes.
An Institute Advanced Certificate is awarded on completion.
DATES & TIMES: Sat-Sun, Nov 8-9 and Nov 22-23, 2014; 10 am to 5 pm.
VENUE: Regent’s University, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1.
COURSE FEE: £395 incl VAT, payable through a non-refundable deposit of
£95 on booking, followed by the balance of £300 on the first day of the course.
BOOKING: Post your cheque (payable to ITHMA) to:
ITHMA, 11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
For further info and credit/debit card bookings, tel. 020 7193 7383 or 0798 501 2565
Alan Stuart
Alan completed the Institute’s Diploma
Course in Aromatherapy and Therapeutic
& Acupressure Massage in 1994,
establishing a successful therapy practice
in north London.
Alan worked closely with Carola
Beresford-Cooke and Gabriel Mojay in
developing the Institute’s unique approach
to Aromatic Acupressure and Meridian
Massage. He has been involved in teaching
this approach since 1995 — as well as Qi
Gong meditation and healing.
Alan gained considerable experience in
aromatic product design for both private
clients and aromatherapy companies,
and has engaged in all aspects of product
creation — from formulation, design
and materials sourcing to production,
marketing and distribution. He produces
a range of specialised aromatherapy
products sold worldwide, and has
written a number of articles on the safe
therapeutic use of essential oils.
Alan is former Vice-Chairman of the
Register of Qualified Aromatherapists
(RQA) and has served as a Council
member of the International Federation of
Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).
40 Essential Oils and Aromatic Waters:
their Energetic Therapeutics according to Oriental Medicine
with Gabriel Mojay
at Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London NW1
Through this special intensive course, Gabriel Mojay invites practitioners to
engage in a comprehensive study of the therapeutic properties of essential oils
and aromatic waters according to the diagnostic principles of Oriental medicine.
Oriental medicine, or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), provides a
profound energetic language, based on empirical theories of health and
disease, for describing the vital properties of medicinal plants and their
extracts. In so doing, it allows us to grasp the holistic effect of essential
oils in a clinically accurate way — explaining their symptomatic uses in
terms of their precise influence on the Qi-energy of the body and mind.
At the same time, Oriental medicine offers an approach to health
assessment that ensures that therapeutic treatment addresses the root
cause of a client’s health issue(s); not simply their symptoms. Providing
an holistic tool of diagnostic insight, it enables the therapist to accurately
match their client’s pattern of symptoms with those essential oils that are
most strongly indicated for their overall condition. In this way - and in the
hands of an accomplished pracitioner - aromatherapy treatment can fulfil
its full clinical potential.
The course will involve the study of the properties and uses of 40 essential
oils and aromatic waters from the primary perspective of their effective
qualities (their fragrance/taste and warming/cooling nature, for example)
and their TCM energetic actions on the Qi, Blood, Fluids and vital Organs.
The course will, at the same time, often consider these actions in the context
of research evidence into their pharmacological activities and those of
their main components. In this way, participants will gain not only a better
understanding of the energetic actions of essential oils, but how these actions
relate to their antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities, etc.
Join us for an expansive and penetrating exploration into holistic clinical
aromatherapy according to Oriental medicine, and the potent therapeutic
synergy that arises from their dynamic and systematic integration.
Entry onto this course requires a prior aromatherapy qualification.
The course includes detailed printed notes.
An Institute Advanced Certificate is awarded on completion.
DATES & TIMES: Sat & Sun, November 29-30, 2014 (2 days); 10 am to 5 pm.
VENUE: Regent’s University, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1.
COURSE FEE: £200 incl VAT, payable on booking.
Payments made on booking are non-refundable, but are transferable to any subsequent course.
BOOKING: Post your cheque (payable to ITHMA) to:
ITHMA, 11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
For further info and credit/debit card bookings, tel. 020 7193 7383 or 0798 501 2565
Gabriel Mojay LicAc,CertEd,FIFPA
Gabriel Mojay is a UK-registered
practitioner of aromatherapy, herbal
medicine and acupuncture. He first
studied natural medicine in 1978,
specializing in shiatsu therapy, and
later became a member of the British
Acupuncture Council.
Gabriel first trained in aromatherapy
and herbal medicine in the 1980s,
and has since undertaken advanced
studies with some of the world’s
leading experts in aromatic medicine.
Since 1990 he has been Principal of
the Institute of Traditional Herbal
Medicine & Aromatherapy, London.
Gabriel has given conference
presentations and seminars in the UK,
Ireland, France, the Czech Republic,
the USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan,
China, Hong Kong and Australia.
He is founding Co-Chair of
the International Federation of
Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).
Gabriel is co-author of Shiatsu ~ the
complete guide and of Aromatherapy
for Healing the Spirit.
Aromatic Blending for Organic Skin Care
2-day Practical Workshop
with Tanya Moulding
at Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London NW1
As the skin is our largest organ, and is exposed to environmental and internal stress
and damage on a daily basis, why not learn how to make your own skin care blends?
- with creative flair and therapeutic skill - and without preservatives or chemical
additives, in order to support and enhance the function of skin (both face and body). Join Tanya for this immersive practical weekend workshop on the wonderful benefits
of essential oils, natural plant oils, butters, waxes and clays – combined to create your
own unique skincare blends. Gain an understanding of the different skin types and
their specific therapeutic requirements, as well as how to adapt ingredients to suit
individual needs, daily skincare routines, and changing seasonal conditions.
Over the two days we will explore and sample the properties, benefits and uses of the
following ingredients:
fixed and herbal carrier oils
butters and waxes
u therapeutic clays
u aloe vera gel
u floral waters
u specific essential oils important for their beneficial skincare properties
skin types and common skin disorders
quality standards of various ingredients
u safety and storage of materials and finished products
u therapeutic and cosmetic rationales for making our products
u therapeutic formulae for scar tissue, bruising, inflammation, eczema, etc
u adapting your recipes at home, to use in body scrubs, bath melts, etc
u blending tips and guidelines; reference profiles of essential oils
You will acquire the know-how to create numerous combinations from the selection
of ingredients studied over the weekend, and will have the opportunity to make, in
groups and individually, four products and two samples to take home, such as:
a cleansing balm
a healing balm
u a body butter
u a facial elixir
u a cooling gel
u a mask
Entry onto this course does not require a prior qualification of any kind.
The course fee includes the cost of all ingredients and materials.
An Institute Certificate is issued on completion.
DATES & TIMES: Sat & Sun, November 29-30, 2014 (2 days); 10 am to 5 pm.
VENUE: Regent’s University, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1.
COURSE FEE: £250 incl VAT, payable on booking.
The course fee includes the cost of all pre-ordered materials, and is non-refundable.
BOOKING: Post your cheque (payable to ITHMA) to:
ITHMA, 11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
For further info and credit/debit card bookings, tel. 020 7193 7383 or 0798 501 2565
Tanya Moulding MIFPA,MIFA,CNHC
Tanya trained in Holistic Clincal
Aromatherapy with the Tisserand
Institute, and went on to study
Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head
Massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy Product
Formulation and Natural Perfumery.
As well as maintaining a private
aromatherapy practice, Tanya works in
the NHS as a complementary therapist
specializing in palliative care.
Tanya has served as Principal Tutor
in Aromatherapy and Massage at
Essentials for Health, and offers
introductory and post-diploma training
in Aromatherapy, Massage and Product
Tanya's study of Natural Perfumery, and
of the role of scent on the psyche, has
led her to develop classes in perfumery
blending, including regular workshops
for a Marylebone craft studio.
Tanya creates Natural Perfumery
products on a commission-only basis,
and is currently developing a small
range of artisan perfumes as well as
writing a book on the subject.
The Institute of
Traditional Herbal Medicine
ITHMA and Aromatherapy
11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
Tel: 020 7193 7383
Aromatherapy and Medicine of the Soul
An Aromatic Study Day with healer-psychiatrist
Dr Florian Birkmayer ~ a Special Guest from New Mexico, USA
A 1-day Certificate (CPD) Seminar
hosted by ITHMA Principal Gabriel Mojay at Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London NW1
The human mind and spirit are complex miracles that can be subject to a variety of
imbalances in our stressful modern world. Diagnosed mental illnesses are on the
rise along with increasing numbers of prescriptions for psychiatric medications that
can cause serious side effects to individuals, society and the environment. There
is a need for new approaches to help people restore harmony to their minds and
spirits, and to decrease the over-reliance and overuse of psychiatric medications.
Over millennia, plants have evolved a wide range of messenger molecules to
communicate with their environment; to attract pollinators, for example. Even the
molecules that human brains use to communicate evolved in plants long before we
walked the earth; and our brains are full of numerous receptors that interact with a
wide range of plant molecules. As distillations of the plants’ messenger molecules,
essential oils offer great promise in restoring balance to our brain, mind and soul
in the modern world.
In his practice, Dr. Birkmayer has used essential oils to help clients with a range of
issues including trauma, anxiety, sleep, lack of focus and motivation, and loss of
direction, among others. He has also used essential oils to alleviate the side effects
of medication. In this class he is excited to humbly share his clinical experiences
with essential oils as well as his overall approach to mental illness.
The class will start with a discussion of the construction of mental illness according
to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and the
limitations of this model. The major mental illnessses will be briefly described per
DSM-IV/V. Alternative models of mental illness, foremost CG Jung’s views, as well
as the views of indigenous shamanic cultures, will be presented and discussed.
The class will the focus on Dr. Birkmayer’s clinical experience, incorporating
essential oils and equine-assisted psychotherapy, including several case studies.
We will explore concepts such as the individuation process and the journey of the
wounded healer, and how to incorporate essential oils into these processes. We
will review pertinent scientific research that demonstrate the effects of essential
oils on neurotransmitters, symptoms and diagnoses, and put these into a holistic
healing context. And we will smell and explore a selection of essential oils that Dr.
Birkmayer has found to be clinically useful.
Dr Florian Birkmayer MD
Florian Birkmayer studied medicine at
Columbia University, New York, and
completed his psychiatry residency at
the University of New Mexico (UNM).
He has served as the director of the
Dual Diagnosis Clinic at the UNM
Psychiatric Center and of the Substance
Use Disorders program at the Veterans
Affairs Medical Center in Albuquerque,
NM. He is certified in general adult
psychiatry and in addiction medicine.
In 2014 Florian completed a masters
program in aromatherapy with Connie
Henry ND,RN, the New Mexico regional
director of the National Association of
Holistic Aromatherapy.
DATES & TIMES: Sat, January 31st, 2015; 10 am to 5 pm.
VENUE: Regent’s University, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS.
COURSE FEE: £120 incl VAT, payable on booking; earlybird fee (by 1/12/14): £110.
In 2009 he founded the Birkmayer
Institute to offer holistic person-centered
psychiatry and addiction medicine as
well as workshops on holistic topics to
facilitate self-transformation and selfdevelopment. His approach is inspired
by CG Jung’s ideas about individuation,
which is the journey of the ego to the
Higher Self. The emphasis of his work with
holistic psychiatry is on equine-assisted
therapy, person-centered psychotherapy
and holistic medication management
including aromatherapy.
BOOKING: (1) To book a place by making an online bank transfer, please contact us
(see above) for our bank details. (2) To book a place over the phone, tel 020 7193 7383
to make a secure credit/debit card payment. (3) To book by post, send the completed
Enrolment Form with a cheque (payable to ITHMA) to our office address above.
He views himself as a bridge-builder
between different medical worlds and
works closely and respectfully with a
wide range of healers.
If there is interest, participants can bring their own case studies for group discussion.
Entry onto this course does not require a prior qualification of any kind.
An Institute Certificate is issued on completion.
Payments made on booking are non-refundable, but are transferable to any subsequent course.
Natural Perfumery
2-day Practical Workshop
with Tanya Moulding
at Regent’s University, Regent’s Park, London NW1
Natural Perfumery is both an ephemeral art and a practical science — the blending of
natural botanical materials to create fragrances that inspire, comfort and transform.
Fragrant materials have been used in one form or another throughout history.
Resins and woods were commonly burnt as sacred offerings in ritual worship and as
transcendent aids to meditation; fragrant flowers have long been used to anoint and
beautify. The fashionable perfumed gloves and fans of the Renaissance have given
way to the modern-day craze for room diffusers, scented candles, fragrant bodycare
products and conceptual perfumes. This in turn has stimulated an ever-growing interest
in ‘naturals’ and natural perfumes.
The ability to create fragrances to enhance one’s mood, or encapsulate a memory or
feeling, is limited only by one’s creative boldness.
Utilizing extracts that range from the familiar to the more unusual and exotic, we will
explore as part of this workshop a broad palette of fragrant materials, from tangerine
to tobacco! These will include essential oils, absolutes and oleoresins extracted from
the roots, seeds, wood, petals, leaves, grasses and fruit rinds of a wide range of
aromatic plants.
This special weekend course is a hands-on, interactive workshop embracing the theory
and practice of creative perfume making — working solely with natural materials and
both alcohol and oil bases ( ie. no aromachemicals, nature-identicals or isolates). The
course is structured to allow adequate time for group and individual work as well as
inspirational exercises to guide you in creating your unique fragrant masterwork.
A brief history of perfumery and perfume materials, from antiquity to modern-day
usage and inspiration.
Discovering your Perfume Personality.
Perfume structure and classification; the classic fragrance families.
Perfume vocabulary; the art of smelling and training the nose.
The art and science of blending; harmony, tenacity, quenchers and enhancers.
Discussing the link between memory, emotion, imagination and scent.
Safety, dilutions and storage.
Creating formulas; record-keeping procdures.
Creating your own perfume: one perfume oil and one perfume spray.
Entry onto this course does not require a prior qualification of any kind.
The course fee includes the cost of all ingredients and materials.
An Institute Certificate is issued on completion.
DATES & TIMES: Sat & Sun, February 7-8 2015 (2 days); 10 am to 5 pm.
VENUE: Regent’s University, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1.
COURSE FEE: £250 incl VAT, payable on booking.
The course fee includes the cost of all pre-ordered materials, and is non-refundable.
BOOKING: Post your cheque (payable to ITHMA) to:
ITHMA, 11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
For further info and credit/debit card bookings, tel. 020 7193 7383 or 0798 501 2565
Tanya Moulding MIFPA,MIFA,CNHC
Tanya trained in Holistic Clincal
Aromatherapy with the Tisserand
Institute, and went on to study
Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head
Massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy Product
Formulation and Natural Perfumery.
As well as maintaining a private
aromatherapy practice, Tanya works in
the NHS as a complementary therapist
specializing in palliative care.
Tanya has served as Principal Tutor
in Aromatherapy and Massage at
Essentials for Health, and offers
introductory and post-diploma training
in Aromatherapy, Massage and Product
Tanya's study of Natural Perfumery, and
of the role of scent on the psyche, has
led her to develop classes in perfumery
blending, including regular workshops
for a Marylebone craft studio.
Tanya creates Natural Perfumery
products on a commission-only basis,
and is currently developing a small
range of artisan perfumes as well as
writing a book on the subject.
A Study Day at Kew Gardens:
Rediscovering aromatherapy plants and their essential oils
1-day Advanced Certificate (CPD) Course with
Dr Vivienne Anthony
This one-day course is held at the internationally famous Royal Botanic Kew
Gardens, Richmond. It provides an idyllic setting to revitalize your knowledge
of aromatic plants, their essential oils and how to use plants to energise your
aromatherapy business and interest in natural therapies.
Aromatherapy essential oils each have a unique therapeutic profile
encompassing emotional and physiological healing properties. Massage carrier
oils also have a range of therapeutic and emollient characteristics. With over
150 oils commercially readily available, the array of options for us to use them
individually and in blends is very broad.
Do you tend to select your favourite oils or sometimes find it difficult to remember
the full range of their properties?
By using your senses and linking visualization of the mother plants, their
natural energy, how they grow, what they are like to touch and smell provides
an excellent method to learn quickly. This is also a powerful way to trigger your
memory and knowledge about oils and their therapeutic uses. This technique
will be explained and used throughout the day to assist your learning. Practical
demonstrations will include comparing the scent of essential oils with the
aromatic portions of the plants producing them, and linking their healing
properties with traditional knowledge and modern scientific research.
Therapeutic properties of key essential oils and their profiles.
u Learning sensing and visualization techniques to aid knowledge assimilation,
memory and recall about aromatic plants and oils .
u Major botanical and anatomical features of aromatherapy plants and their
parts used to produce essential and carrier oils.
u Identification and comparison of characteristic features of plant families.
u Ecological adaptation strategies for survival and the evolutionary benefits
of essential oils to plants.
u Ideas and discussion on how to use plants to vitalise your aromatherapy business.
u Opportunity to energise with plants and take photographs.
Entry onto this course does not require a prior qualification of any kind.
An Institute Certificate is issued on completion.
DATES & TIMES: Sat, June 6, 2015; 10 am to 4 pm.
VENUE: The Royal Botanic Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB.
COURSE FEE: £100 incl VAT, payable on booking.
Payments made on booking are non-refundable, but are transferable to any subsequent course.
BOOKING: Mail your cheque (payable to ITHMA) to:
ITHMA, 11 Denman Road, London SE15 5NS
For further info and credit/debit card bookings, tel. 020 7193 7383 or 0798 501 2565
Dr Vivienne Anthony
Viv trained as a botanist and plant
disease specialist, and has worked
for over 20 years in Plant Science
Research and Development for a major
international agribusiness.
Following her interest in the healing
properties of plants, Viv qualified
in Aromatherapy and Essential Oil
Science at Neal’s Yard Remedies,
London. For the last three years she
has had an aromatherapy practice in
Switzerland. She has also studied at the
Institute of Stress Management. She
now specialises in aromatherapy for
stress management and is an advisor
to industry on occupational health and
wellness programmes.
Viv combines her work in aromatherapy
with plant science consulting on plant
biodiversity, and her interest in field
botany, and alpine and medicinal
plants. In summer months she is an
alpine flower guide in the Swiss Alps
and Italian Dolomites.
Together with aromatherapist Harriet
Robinson, Viv recently published four
articles in IFPA’s professional journal,
In Essence, on leading aromatherapy
gardens, including An Aromatic Walk
at Kew (Summer 2008 issue).
The Institute of
Traditional Herbal Medicine
ITHMA and Aromatherapy
Gabriel Mojay, Principal
11 Denman Road
London SE15 5NS
Tel: 020 7193 7383
Regent’s Univ
with Alan Stuart(4 days)
Regent’s Univ
with Gabriel Mojay(2 days)
Sat-Sun, November 29-30, 2014
£200 - payable on booking.
9.30 am to 5 pm daily
Regent’s Univ
with Tanya Moulding(2 days)
Sat-Sun, November 29-30, 2014
£250 - payable on booking.
10 am to 5 pm daily
Regent’s Univ
with Dr Florian Birkmayer(1 day)
Sat-Sun, November 8-9, 2014;
November 22-23, 2014
10 am to 5 pm daily
Sat, January 31, 2015
10 am to 5 pm daily
£395 - payable through a
deposit of £95 on booking and £300 on the first day.
£120 - payable on booking;
earlybird fee by 1/12/14: £110
Regent’s Univ
with Tanya Moulding(2 days)
Sat-Sun, February 7-8, 2015
£250 - payable on booking.
10 am to 5 pm daily
Kew Gardens
with Dr Viv Anthony(1 day)
Sat, June 6, 2015
£100 - payable on booking.
10 am to 4 pm daily
Refunds: Payments made on booking are non-refundable.
Bookings are transferable to any subsequent course on one occasion only.
Institute Office:
11 Denman Road
London SE15 5NS
Tel: 020 7193 7383
London Teaching Venue:
Regent’s University
Inner Circle, Regent’s Park
London NW1 4NF
(for information purposes only;
please send no correspondence)
TEL NO(s):
Previous qualifications in complementary medicine:
Please enrol me on the following training course(s) on the starting date(s) indicated:
Send this form with your payment to the Institute office address above, making your check payable to ITHMA Ltd.
Please phone us if you would like to pay by credit/debit card.
Signature: ________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Refunds: Payments made on booking are non-refundable. Bookings are transferable to any subsequent course.