2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A 26 October
2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A 26 October
Called to Serve: Date: 1/2 November 6.30pm 9am 10.30am Grace Uy Ernest Perera Margaret Smith Miriam Uy Jo Spittal Monika Sorensen 1st PROCLAIMER David Dobson Kevin McCormack Peter Byrne 2nd PROCLAIMER Rose Ohlsson Paul Alsford PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Merlyn Bonaparte Judy McCormack Ronald Martinez OFFERTORY PROCESSION Braganza Gomes Aspinall Family Family Family All Saints/Souls Day GREETERS MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Nestor Fernandez Kerry Kleinsman ALTAR SERVERS COLLECTORS MUSIC CHURCH CLEANING Lizza Martinez Kitty McKinley Alan Fleming John Kleinsman Joanne Byrne Joanne Gordon Tereska Kozera Robyn Watson Bingo Jayme Cheong Teo Tisa Sison Michael Oh Josie McDermott Justin Shaw Grace Ohlsson Francesca Abesemis Merrick Rodrigues Danielle Ohlsson Kate Cranney Julianne Manuguid Jim & Betty Morgan Gloria & Dayandra Stewart Family Hettige Cesar Capistrano Phil Henty Felicity Giltrap 26 October 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Church Parish Priest Parish Secretary 37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville Tel 478 7137 Fr Peter Fitzgibbon 9am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Mass Times Saturday Vigil 6.30pm at Johnsonville Sunday 9am at Johnsonville and 10.30am at Newlands Weekdays NO MASSES DURING THE WEEK except Wednesdays - A Mass at 1pm at the Johnsonville Uniting Church Email Webpage jvilleparish@clear.net.nz www.stpeterandpauls.org.nz Through caring and praying for others as a living eucharistic community, we walk together and grow closer to God. Coming events Saturday 1 November Wednesday 5 November Wednesday 26 November All Saints Day Mass at 9am Remembrance Mass 7pm at Sts Peter & Paul Anointing Mass 1pm at Uniting Church Maura Beattie & Jackie Kooistra Columban Calendars on sale now $10 Mass at Saint Andrews in Newlands is Tuesday: 7:00 pm Wednesday 9.00am Thursday: 10:30 am Friday: 9:00 am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am Mass at St Bens in Khandallah is Tuesday to Friday 9am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am First Reading Exodus 22:21-27 I If you abuse any widow or orphan, my wrath will burn you. Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 1:5C-10 You turned to God from Idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for the son. Gospel Matthew 22:23-40 You shall love the Lord your God, and your neighbour as yourself. MASS INTENTIONS We ask for your prayers - Masses have been offered for Luis Uy RIP Rufina Lee RIP Annual Remembrance Mass Wednesday 5 November at 7pm St Peter & Pauls Church Please note—not the Uniting Church There will be a light supper served All welcome St Vincent de Paul Christmas Cards Christmas Cards will be on sale after Mass from this weekend. The cost is $2.50 for a pack of 5. Help Required - St Vincent de Paul Food Bank We are currently in need of stock for the food bank. At present we've run out of the following items - tea bags, tinned fruit, tinned tomatoes, tinned fish. pasta sauce, soup, biscuits and washing powder. As well we are running low on other items - breakfast cereal, tinned vegetables, tinned meat meals, muesli bars, spreads, sugar, flour, tooth paste, soap and toilet paper. We appreciate the support from our parishioners and are grateful for any items you can donate. The food baskets are at all weekend Masses, including 10.30 at Newlands. YOUTH NEWS Last Sunday we started our exam study sessions! It was great to see the students come along and continue with their studies. Come along and join us this Sunday at St Patricks College Kilbirnie, from 47.30pm. During the sessions we will be supporting the young people with study, having dinner and also playing some sport. We will be supported by teachers and university students. If you know anyone who would like to volunteer as a tutor please get in touch. If you would like to know more or have your child involved please contact Heath Hutton on 4770045 or heathhutton@challenge2000.org.nz This week there is no junior youth group. But next week we will be back to normal meeting from 11.30-1.30pm weekly. Please contact Courtney on 4770045 or courtneyhalliday@challenge2000.org.nz if you have any questions. On November 30th we will be performing a drama for the Marsden Bicentenary Ecumenical Service in our area. This will be a chance to celebrate 200 years of the Gospel being proclaimed in Aotearoa New Zealand. If you are interested in being a part of this then please get in touch with Heath. From everyone at Challenge 2000 we wish you a safe and restful Labour Day tomorrow. 2nd November – Young Church Mass, Sacred Heart Cathedral, 7pm Theology on Tap, Sunday 26 October, 6.30pm upstairs at Hotel Bristol. This month we have Karen Holland, lay pastoral leader from St Anne's parish in Newtown speaking on the topic "just don't forget... you're not a Priest". We hope to see you there! Holy Hour You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tuesday 28 October beginning at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. This Holy Hour will include prayers, Scripture, times of silence and concluding with Benediction followed by supper. Vigil for Life The next Vigil for Life will be held on Friday, 21st November at St Anne's Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. It begins with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dew at 7.00 pm, a rosary walk to pray outside Wellington Hospital, the site of 2,252 abortions in 2013, and concludes after Adoration back at St Anne’s at 9 pm. N.B. The NZ frozen embryos 10 years and older scheduled to be discarded from 22nd November and their parents will also be remembered at this Mass. Organised by Family Life International - an organisation that “exists to restore respect for the sanctity of life from the moment of conception through to natural death."www.fli.org.nz or Tel: 237 8343 The Lazarus Experience A healing weekend for separated and divorced Catholics. When: Friday November 28 to Sunday November 30 Where: Lower Hutt Contacts Katrin 04 970 9385 or Eustie 04 550 9240 Facebook : Lazarus Experience Wellington Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for couples intending to be married. The next weekend is 21-23 November. Weekends are held at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay. For more details go to the website at http:// www.ceewellington.org.nz or phone Kate & Simon Olsen Telephone (+64 4) 801 6192, or email simonolsen@gmail.com We welcome into God’s family Magnus Smith and Josephine Shaw who was Baptised here recently. Mission Sunday envelopes are still available from the foyer. Please give generously Calling all Children There will be a photo shoot for the Christmas Play on Sunday 16 November at the Begonia House in the Wellington Gardens. Please meet at the Church at 1pm to get your costumes, and then we will depart to the Gardens. See Jan at the 9am Children’s Liturgy class next week for more information. PLIMMERTON ANTIOCH REUNION – 15TH Nov – If you were involved with this programme please go to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1494721504094580/ and join the group. A fun reunion night is planned to catch up. If your child attended please pass on this link to them, so they can look at it and hopefully connect us with lots of others who came along to these special Sunday nights and weekends. Johnsonville Combined Churches Christmas Float The Johnsonville Christmas Parade is on the 6th December this year and we are combining with the Uniting and Anglican churches again this year to put a float together. I need your help! There are a few jobs to be done before the day and help putting together the float on the day. Can you help? Ring Graham 972-9386 Next Week’s Readings All Saints Day Revelation 1 John Matthew 7:2-4,9-14 3:1-3 5:1-12a All Souls Day Lamentations 1 Corinthians John 3:17-26 15:51-57 12:23-26 ST BRIGID’S SCHOOL FAIR th 9 November - 10.30am - 1.00pm 9 - 11 Phillip St, Johnsonville A variety of quality stalls Great selection of food Games for the children Quickfire auctions Café for a cuppa and something to eat. Come along and grab a bargain!