2014 St John Lateran 9 November


2014 St John Lateran 9 November
Called to Serve:
Date 15/16 November
33rd Sunday in Ordinary
Joseph Bonaparte Andrea Lai
Brian Bartram
Christina Fruscalzo Susana Schmidt
Barbara Black
Lily Ong
Peter Byrne
Gillian Laurenson
Rose Ohlsson
Mary Mowbray
Gloria Hettige
Grant Brenton
Kyra Basabas
Joanne Byrne
Patrick Sy
Jessica Sebastian
Richard Huddleston
Wendy Cleaver
Graham Cooper
Rebecca Huddleston
Kitty McKinley
Barbara Diggins
Emmanuel Calvelo
Sharron McSweeney
Josh Espinas
Patricia Cooney
Ewen Laurenson
Bea Jayme
Kate Cranney
EJ Aspinall
Kaye Jayme
Florence Collis
Lamar Aspinall
Jim & Betty
Ted & Pauline
David Dobson
Pat Collier
Kapatiran Group
Joseph and Jane Sison
Columban Calendars on sale now $10
9 November 2014
St John Lateran
Parish Priest
Parish Secretary
37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville Tel 478 7137
Fr Peter Fitzgibbon
9am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil 6.30pm at Johnsonville
Sunday 9am at Johnsonville
and 10.30am at Newlands
Wednesdays - A Mass at 1pm at the
Johnsonville Uniting Church
Through caring and praying for others as a living eucharistic
community, we walk together and grow closer to God.
Coming events
Sunday 9 November
Wednesday 26 November
Sunday 30 November
St Brigid’s School Fair 10.30am to 1pm
Anointing Mass
1pm at Uniting Church
Ecumenical Service
11.30am St Brigids School
(200 Years of Christianity in NZ)
Please note that on Sunday 23 November, the 10.30 Mass will begin at 11am so that
the Newlands First Holy Communion families have time to clear the car park.
Mass at
Saint Andrews in Newlands is
7:00 pm
10:30 am
9:00 am
Mass at
St Bens in Khandallah is
Tuesday to Friday 9am
First Reading
47:1-2, 8-9, 12
I saw water flowing from the temple and all to whom that water came were
Second Reading
1 Corinthians
3:9b-11, 16-17
You are God’s temple.
John was speaking about the temple of his body.
We ask for your prayers - Masses have been offered for
Asuntha Mary Thevar RIP
Rufina Lee RIP (Anniv)
Jane Bofill Billoso RIP
Merger Update for Parishioners
Since the last report we now have a Working Group to prepare an
implementation plan for the merger of the three Parishes.
This group consists of one person from each of the three Parish Pastoral
Councils, one person from each of the three Parish Finance Committees, one
person from Parish Youth Ministry and one person from each of the two
School Boards.
Their agenda is to have a proposed plan ready by Easter and make it widely
available within the three Parish and two School communities. The resulting
feedback is then available to complete the implementation plan to be
forwarded for the Archbishop’s approval.
With the formation of this Working Group there are now two groups actively
involved in preparing for the merger. A Focus Group has also been called to
develop the vision and to prepare events that help us all come together.
Please pray for a new grace-filled energy in this time of transition.
Fr Peter
Don’t forget the Food Basket
Building a positive culture of life: Do you have a positive culture of life? John
Kleinsman, Director of the Nathaniel Centre, speaks and leads a discussion on to
this topic at 8pm on 27 November at Connolly Hall, Hill St, Wellington. For more
details see http://tawacatholic.org..nz/ksc or Page 5 of the November Wel-Com
Challenge 2000 are about to begin our end of year school programmes!
Over the next couple of months we will be going in to various primary and
secondary schools around Wellington. Our programmes will focus on many
different themes including forgiveness, servant leadership, transitioning to
college, and social justice and responsibility. We are all really looking
forward to these days and seeing the young people in action in their school
The exam study sessions are going really well! It is awesome to see the
students continue with their studies and prepare for exams. Come along and
join us this Sunday at St Patricks College Kilbirnie, from 4-7.30pm. During
the sessions we will be supporting the young people with study, having
dinner together and then finishing the night off with some sport. We will be
supported by teachers, university students and volunteers. If you know
anyone who would like to volunteer as a tutor please get in touch. If you
would like to know more or have your child involved please contact Heath
Hutton on 4770045 or heathhutton@challenge2000.org.nz
There is Junior Youth Group again today. Today
we will be making something to give to the Home
of Compassion when we go there next week. Please
contact Courtney on 4770045 or
courtneyhalliday@challenge2000.org.nz if you have
any questions.
On November 30th we will be performing a drama for the Marsen
Bicentenary Ecumenical Service in our area. This will be a chance to
celebrate 200 years of the Gospel being proclaimed in Aotearoa New
Zealand. If you are interested in being a part of this then please get in touch
with Heath.
Congratulations to all the Year 13’s who have graduated from school. We
hope the studies go well for the senior students! All the best for the upcoming
exams and whatever lies ahead for 2015.
Dove invites all women to a Mass of thanksgiving for the year 15th
November 1.15-3.30pm at Connolly hall Guildford Terrace (off Hill St)
Thorndon. Please bring a small plate to share for a festive afternoon tea.
Enquiries Sandra 475 5541 www.dove.org.nz
The Sisters of St. Peter Claver are holding A BIG CHRISTMAS GARAGE SALE
on Saturday 29th November 2014 at their Convent grounds - 1 Mersey Street,
Island Bay. (corner Melrose Road and Melbourne Road ) from 9 am to 1 pm. All
are most welcome
The Annual St Gerard's Monastery Open Day is back next weekend (Nov
15th)! Do take this opportunity to come and visit this iconic landmark on Mount
Victoria, overseeing Wellington Harbour. You’ll get a chance to satisfy your taste
buds with an array of international cuisine on sale; be part of a guided tour
around this Category 1A historic site. Have fun time for kids & the young at heart
with face painting, games etc. Bring your family and friends to have a
memorable afternoon (12 noon -4 pm). Spread the word around!
Children’s Liturgy
Christmas liturgy photographs will be taken this year
on 16th November
Venue - The Begonia House Botanic Gardens Wellington
Time - Children come to Church (Upstairs) and get costumes at 1pm.
Depart for begonia House 1.30
Photographs should be finished by 2.45pm 16th November
The Catholic Deaf Community invites all Deaf to join them for the 9.30am Mass
at St Peter and Paul's Church, 60 Knights Road, Lower Hutt, on Sunday 16
November. A NZSL interpreter will be present.
Come and hear ABBY JOHNSON
Sunday 7th December
3:00 - 5.00pm
Kingsgate Hotel,
24 Hawkestone Street, Thorndon, Wellington
Having worked at Planned Parenthood for 8 years, Abby left after assisting in an
ultrasound-guided abortion of a 13-week-old pre-born child. Abby will share the
powerful and inspiring story of her conversion from being immersed in the
abortion industry to influential life advocate.
A rare opportunity not to be missed! A collection will be taken to help defray
costs. 0800 367 5433 www.fli.org.nz/abbyjohnsonvisitingnewzealand
Charismatic Mass
Tuesday, 11th November 2014, 7.30pm at St Bernadette’s Church, 194 Naenae
Road, Naenae. Celebrant: Fr Kevin Connors. All welcome.
Interested people are warmly welcome to book for this day of reflection at the
Marist Fathers' house Pa Maria, Hobson Street. Bookings are essential and
numbers are restricted. The theme is Ignation spirituality in Advent. There will be
opportunity to reflect in silence. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. Tea
and coffee is provided. There will be a charge to help meet expenses, however a
reduced charge, or no charge, is certainly available. If you wish to book for this
day, and/or receive information and details, please contact Leo Brettkelly by
email leo.brettkelly@gmail.com or telephone
472 2883 or 0211516405.
Johnsonville Combined Churches Christmas Float
The Johnsonville Christmas Parade is on the 6th December this year and we
are combining with the Uniting and Anglican churches again this year to put
a float together. I need your help!
There are a few jobs to be done before the day and help putting together the
float on the day. Can you help? Ring Graham 972-9386
Christmas Carols to your Door
The Kapatiran Choir will be singing Christmas Carols
outside this year. We can visit your home anytime from
7:00pm-9:00pm on the following dates: 15 Dec (Monday),
17 Dec (Wednesday), 18 Dec (Thursday), 19 Dec
(Friday), 21 Dec (Sunday) and 23 Dec (Tuesday).
The carolling would take 10-15 minutes per visit and all donations will
go to the church building strengthening.
If anyone would like to arrange a booking, please contact Henrietta
Catalan at 021 805 566
Next Week’s Readings
31:10-13,16-18, 20,26
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
24:36, 25:14-30
We welcome into
God’s family
Aria Trezise-Pohatu
+ Doiminic Wilson
who were Baptised
here recently.
Social Justice Thoughts 8-9 November 2014 Mary Mowbray Johnsonville
Just back from the launch of the Big Picture, a children’s art exhibition. In their artworks,
children identified the need for better housing, healthy food, more money, strong families
and support networks. Primary and secondary aged children, after wide-ranging research,
identified and illustrated poverty’s kaleidoscope of causes and ways to alleviate it. The
exhibits reinforced the message that a child’s home can either be where the heart is, or
where the harm is. Many of them brought tears to my eyes - I urge you to go and see them.
What does the holy father Pope Francis say?
‘In our time humanity is experiencing a turning-point in its history, as we can see from the
advances being made in so many fields. We can only praise the steps being taken to
improve people’s welfare in areas such as health care, education and communications.
At the same time we have to remember that the majority of our contemporaries are
barely living from day to day, with dire consequences.’
‘Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away while people are starving? This is a
case of inequality. Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of
the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of
people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities,
without any means of escape.’
Here are calls for charitable contributions, supporting the work of Caritas, Red Cross, Unicef
and others internationally and locally, plus new initiatives such as Kaibosh and Kiwi
Community Assistance .
‘While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the
majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of
ideologies which defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial
This statement and others like it urge us to change the system to make it more balanced
in favour of the impoverished majority. Examples of this are people fighting for higher
wages overall especially raising the minimum wage, movement towards a ‘living’ wage,
and the recent judgement on pay equity.
‘Today’s economic mechanisms promote inordinate consumption, yet it is evident that
unbridled consumerism combined with inequality proves doubly damaging to the social
fabric. Inequality eventually engenders a violence which recourse to arms cannot and never
will be able to resolve.’
‘Some simply content themselves with blaming the poor and the poorer countries
themselves for their troubles; indulging in unwarranted generalizations, they claim that the
solution is an “education” that would tranquilize them, making them tame and harmless.’
The blaming rhetoric is very prevalent here within NZ too. How often do you hear “they
should just get a job” or “they need to spend the benefit more prudently” or worse “why
did they have children?” It is the children who are suffering and they are no way to
Aa a Big Picture entries points out: Poverty is a punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.
Big Picture Competition at Bowen House Level 1 Exhibition Space 5 November to 12
Celebration of Good News - “Te Rongopai”.
On Christmas day in 1814 Rev Marsden conducted the first formal Christian service in
New Zealand. The service took place in the Bay of Islands at the invitation of Nga
Puhi chief Ruatara. Local Maori responded to the service with a haka of 300-400
The Good News (Te Rongopai) was to have a significant impact on Maori throughout
New Zealand. Te Rongopai was a catalyst for the Treaty of Waitangi, and helped to
shape the New Zealand society that we know today.
In association with other churches in the Johnsonville area we plan to celebrate this
significant bi-centenary. Several events are planned. These are as followsA) Te Rongopai DVD. 200 years of the Gospel in New Zealand 1814-2014
65 Minute DVD in five chapters presented by Historian, Dr. Stuart Lange.
The DVD will be screened on three
occasions in North Wellington.
Sunday 23rd November, 11.30am at the
Uniting Church, 18 Dr.Taylor Tce.
Sunday 23rd November, 7.00pm at St.
Michael and All Angels Anglican Church,
196 Newlands Rd. Newlands.
Wednesday 26th November, 7.00pm at
Uniting Church, Dr. Taylor Tce.
B) Ecumenical, bi-cultural out-door service, Sunday 30th November at 11.30 am.
This service will be held in the grounds of St. Brigid’s school in Johnsonville.
Johnsonville churches will join with the Maori community to present a bi-cultural,
ecumenical service celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first proclamation of the
Gospel of Jesus.
The service will reflect the welcome given to the Good News by Maori, and will then
through scripture, song and drama led by the various churches and Challenge 2000
trace the development of Christianity in New Zealand over these 200 years.
The service will be a time of unity, of celebration, of reflection, of worship, of prayer,
carried out within a bi-cultural and multi-cultural and ecumenical spirit.
After the service on the school grounds we will share a picnic lunch together, further
celebrating the unity we have in Jesus.
C) Public Meeting- Thursday 4th December 7.30pm, Loaves and Fishes, St.
Paul’s Cathedral, Hill St. Wellington.
At this event three speakers from different perspectives, with expertise in the coming
and the development of Christianity in New Zealand over the last 200 years, will each
deliver a 20 minute presentation with time left for questions. This occasion is designed
to give a deeper knowledge and awareness of the wonderful Christian inheritance we
have received from those who have lived lives of faith and love and gone before us.
We look forward to a large parish participation in the Te Rongopai celebrations.