YEAR 3 Cotwall End Primary School Curriculum Newsletter


YEAR 3 Cotwall End Primary School Curriculum Newsletter
If your child is absent from school for any reason, please
telephone us (01384 818730) on the first day of absence,
on If you do not notify us the
absence will be unauthorised.
Please ensure your child is on the playground at 8.50am to
ensure a prompt start to the school day. We open the doors at
8.40am to receive children. The school day finishes at 3.20pm
so please make sure you are already at school at that time to
collect your child promptly.
Cotwall End Primary School
Curriculum Newsletter
Autumn Term 2014
Mrs U Carter
Miss D Pole
Mrs L Humpage
Welcome to the Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter. We look forward to making
your child’s learning enjoyable by adopting a variety of teaching strategies.
This is a summary of the learning programme for your child for the Autumn
Term, together with suggestions of things that you could do to support your
child during this term. I hope you find this useful.
If someone other than the designated adult is collecting your
child at the end of the school day, please inform us.
Leave of Absence forms MUST be completed if you are taking
your child out of school. These are available from the school
office or the website All holiday
taken during term time is now recorded as unauthorised and is
strongly discouraged.
In Numeracy we will continue to develop mental, oral and
written strategies using the four rules of number and
continue to use number skills in shape, space and time,
money and data handling.
Please make sure you advise the School Office of any changes
of address, telephone numbers, emergency contacts etc.
All children are encouraged to bring water bottles to school with
them each day.
Please find time to develop mental calculation skills by using simple addition/
subtraction of pocket money, or playing card and board games such as
Monopoly. Please also encourage your child to learn how to tell the time.
There will be a weekly times tables test every Monday where your child will be
expected to have practised his/her times tables at home in order to become a
member of the 27, 40, 55 and even the 100 Club (more information to follow).
Autumn Term
Inset Day
Parents’ Evening
Book Fair
School Photos
Half Term
School re-opens
Christmas holiday
Spring Term
Half Term
School re-opens
The day for PE will vary each week so please ensure your child’s PE kit is in
school every day. In Gymnastics, planning and performing sequences will
allow children to develop their own methods of travel and balance using a
variety of body shapes. In Games sessions children will learn how to
throw, catch and move with the ball. They will play a
variety of games and learn invasion game techniques. All
jewellery must be removed for PE lessons and hair must be
tied back.
2nd September - 23rd October 2014
24th October (school closed)
8th and 9th October 2014
Week commencing 6th October 2014
16th October 2014
27th - 31st October 2014
3rd November - 19th December 2014
22nd December 2014 - 2nd January 2015
5th January 2015 - 13th February 2015
16th - 20th February 2015
23rd February - 27th March 2015
English lessons are class based. We will be covering a
range of texts including stories, play scripts, poetry and
reports. The texts will be used to model writing and extend
skills in grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Please encourage your child to
read a wide variety of literature including magazines, fiction and non-fiction
books written by different authors.
Reading: We will be working hard to develop your child’s fluency in reading,
encouraging reading with expression and developing comprehension skills. It
would be helpful if you could hear your child read on a regular basis, asking
them questions to ensure they have understood the text, and enter
comments in their reading diary.
Phonics: Twenty minute daily phonic sessions will take place, with the
children working in ability groups.
We will undertake an exploration of ‘New Beginnings, ’Getting
on and falling out’ and Saying no to bullying’.
In RE we will exploring the teachings of Jesus in more
depth, and also how our actions have consequences, not
only for us, but for those around us.
The children will be singing songs and developing rhythmic
patterns They will also be learning to play the recorder and read
music with Mrs Barnfather. Our featured composer this year is
Vivaldi, with particular emphasis on ’The Four Seasons’.
The children will be learning all about the Stone Age (Neolithic)
through History, Geography and Art and DT.
The children will carry out a geographical study of Kinver
through fieldwork and research, and then compare their findings
with their local town, Sedgley.
They will also develop their map skills and knowledge and
understanding of the world by using a variety of different maps,
atlases and globes.
Art and DT will be linked to the Stone Age topic. The children will
use their collage, printing and painting skills to produce cave
paintings, they will also make clay pots and jewellery. They will
investigate levers through modroc models of Stonehenge and
make moving monsters using pneumatics.
In History, they will be finding out what life was like living in Stone Age
times. The children will retrieve information from a number of sources and
will present this to show an understanding of the impact of the Stone Age on
both the past and the present. They will also find out about the
settlement of Skara Brae and how people lived in Britain over
6,000 years ago. A Cavernous Caves day will start the topic,
where the children will be encouraged to dress up and take
part in Stone Age activities. It will culminate with a visit to the
cave houses in Kinver.
The focus for the first half term will be on ‘Rocks and Fossils’,
learning about the 3 main types - sedimentary, metamorphic and
igneous. After half term it will be on ‘Animals and Humans’.
Computer skills using many and varied programs will be
developed using computers in the ICT suite and net books in the
classroom. We will use the Internet and programmes that will
enable the children to combine text and graphics to produce a range of