Wilbraham United Church Reformation Sunday 500 Main Street Wilbraham MA 01095


Wilbraham United Church Reformation Sunday 500 Main Street Wilbraham MA 01095
Wilbraham United Church
500 Main Street
Wilbraham MA 01095
Phone: 596-2511 x 100
Fax: 596-2512
Email: admin@wilbrahamunitedchurch.org
Website: www.wilbrahamunitedchurch.org
Reformation Sunday
October 26, 2014
10:00 A.M
“Prelude on Hymn Tune”
“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
# 117
CALL TO WORSHIP: (Adapted from Romans 5)
Leader: In the name of Jesus, I have Good News for you on this Reformation Sunday!
People: Let all the people receive this Word!
Leader: We have proof of God's unconditional love for us:
People: For while we were still sinning, Christ died for us.
Leader: Rarely will anyone die for a good, deserving person:
People: But Jesus died for us then and lives for us now. Hallelujah!
Paul Nesbit
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
(The children are dismissed to their Sunday School Classes.)
PSALTER: Psalm 90
(Please join the choir in the sung response )
“Majesty, Worship His Majesty”
pg. 809
# 176
Prayer Requests
Pastoral Prayer
Prayer Response
Invitation to Give
Offertory Anthem:
“Just As I Am” Bradbury/Carter;
“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”
Blessing the Gifts
Connie Stiefel - flute
# 94
Matthew 22:34-46
When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a
lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said
to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them this question: “What do you think of
the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They said to him, “The son of David.” He said to them, “How is it then that
David by the Spirit calls him Lord, saying, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I put your
enemies under your feet”’? If David then calls him Lord, how can he be his son?” No one was able to give
him an answer, nor from that day did anyone dare to ask him any more questions.
Leader: Our God is still speaking.
People: Thanks be to God.
“Pass It On”
# 572
“Brushing Up on the Great Commandment”
“Jesu, Jesu”
# 432
Choral Response
“ A Mighty Fortress Is Our God ”
**All, who wish to do so, may stand.
The altar flowers this morning are given to the Glory of God in memory of loved ones.
In case of an emergency,
please follow usher’s/head
usher's directions to exit
the sanctuary
The Wilbraham United Church monthly newsletter, The Branch-Line,
is always available on our website: www.wilbrahamunitedchurch.org
and copies are also available in the Narthex near the Outreach bulletin board,
in the rack to the left of the main entry and in the lobby of Fellowship Hall.
Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Charles C. Close
Organist: Mark Jacobson
Dir. Of Christian Education: Jeanne Westcott
Head Usher: Tom Toman
Ushers: Gus Hoffmann, Nancy and Paul Krawczynski, Norma Hill
Greeters: Marilyn and Ray Heiney
Nursery Care: Amy Crocker, Nan O’Connor
Attention Visitors! Is this your first visit to United Church? We bid you a very warm welcome and invite you
to sign our Guest Pad located in the Narthex.
♦ Please continue down the central hallway and join us for
fellowship and coffee in our Fellowship Hall immediately after the service.
Hosting today, Parish Life Commission.
Wilbraham United Church, UCC & UMC
“News for the Pews” for the week of October 26, 2014
Ed Schenk, David Birkhaeuser, Jean Callahan (NH)
Our President and Congress, Our country and our world
Our Armed Forces, Our First Responders and all their Families
Last Week’s Statistics
Last week’s Attendance:
Last week’s Offerings:
Total Offerings to date:
Where we would like to be budget-wise:
Thank you for your continued generosity.
In addition, for your convenience, our Universal Missions envelopes are in each pew every Sunday for your
opportunity to donate to your favorite cause. Pick your envelope, write your name and donation, then check
off which mission you would like to support. It’s that simple! Thank you!!
The PieceMakers next meetings:
Mon. Nov. 3 & 17;
Dec. 1 & 8 - 10am, Bliss Rm.
Dress A Girl next meeting:
Mon., Oct. 27, 7-9pm, Bliss Rm.
Proposed 2014-2015 Multi-Church Youth
Fellowship program
If you are youth in grades 9-12, or are a young
adult interested in YF leadership, age 18-21, and
are affiliated with Wilbraham United Church,
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Church of the
Epiphany Episcopal, Hampden Federated or any
other area church, please bring your adult to United
Church TONIGHT, October 26,, from 6-8pm
to meet youth facilitators and find out more! ###
Middle School YF has already met to begin to
establish the current program. If you missed that
meeting and would like to know more, please
contact Jeanne Westcott at 596-2511 x 105 or at
FRI., OCT. 31, 9 AM—2 PM
All presenting donors will receive a buy
1, get 1 free ticket for any Springfield
Symphony Orchestra concert this season
(through April).
Call 800-733-2767 or visit
Walk-Ins welcome! Bring positive ID
Our very successful THRIFT SHOP is open on
Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 12:30
pm. Always needed: gently used items
and we always need volunteers!! If you
would like to learn how to volunteer in the shop,
please contact Dianne Lyons at diannejbl@aol.com
Volunteers generally run the register, wrap & bag
purchases. Proceeds from this on-going, successful
shop go towards the Outreach missions and the
church budget. Won’t you help with its success???
Our services are videotaped and broadcast on
Wilbraham Public Access television, Channel 5,
your computer at your own convenience by going
to the Wilbraham Public Access website,
normally at 8 PM on Mondays and 8 AM on
You may also view certain selections on your
computer at www.wilbraham-ma.gov/ select: Public
Access Schedule, then pick: WPA Video on
Demand, scroll down and select: RELIGION,
from: selections included
We always need more volunteers – please see the
bulletin boards to see what is involved, or call
Tom Toman at 599-1810.
The Habitat-Circle of Faith, local church folk,
helping seniors and handicapped with home repairs,
painting, etc. Labor is free, homeowners pay for
materials. Saturday work schedule – anyone is
invited to help on any date. No skills or tools
needed. Please call Pete Ablondi at 596.6700 or
Wayne Thresher at 626.2930 for details. If you are
a senior or handicapped and need help with repairs,
applications are in our church office.
Confirmation Class Begins Today
In cooperstion with the Hampden Federated
Community Church and their pastor, the Rev. Todd
Farnsworth, we will be offering a joint
Confirmation Class for all 11th graders. This is a
special time when our young people consider what
it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ and a
member of the church. We will be meeting once a
month, sharing with mentors, going on retreat and
offering confirmation to our youth on Easter
morning. Post cards have been sent to all those who
are eligible for the class.
Our first class is TODAY, from12:00 noon to
1:30, in the Youth Room. The meeting is for
parents and students. We will meet each other and
the teachers, discuss the classes, answer questions
and prepare for an exciting year of confirmation
studies! ##
Have YOU purchased your weekly
grocery shopping cards this
11:15 am Fellowship & Coffee – F. Hall
12:00 noon Confirmation Class – Youth Rm
1:00 pm WUP rehearsals – Howard Room
6:00 pm Al Anon – 1G
6 – 8 pm Senior High YF - Fellowship Hall
(First meeting of the Multi-Church Youth Grp)
Monday – 10/27:
9:15 am Yoga – Disc. Room
4:45 pm Meditation – Discovery Room
7:00 pm WUP– Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm Holly Fair – Zeckhausen Room
7:00 pm Dress A Girl – Bliss Room
Tuesday – 10/28:
5:30 pm SIA Support Group – 1G
5:30 pm Kung Fu – Discovery Room
6:00 pm Jr. Girl Scouts – Howard Room
7:00 pm Yoga – Discovery Room
7:00 pm WUP – Fellowship Hall
7:30 pm WEF – Zeckhausen Room
Wednesday – 10/29:
4:45 pm Yoga – Discovery Rm
6:00 pm Al Anon – 1G
6:00 pm Cub Scouts – Fellowship Hall
6:15 pm Yoga Class – Discovery Room
7:00 pm Visioning Comm. - Library
FALL Back to
Eastern Standard Time
NEXT Sunday, 2 am,
Nov. 2nd.
Thursday – 10/30:
4:00 pm Prayer Study – Zeck. Rm.
5:30 pm Kung Fu – Discovery Room
6:00 pm Al Anon –1G; Al A-Teen
7:00 pm Bells rehearsal – Choir Rm
7:45 pm Sr. Choir rehearsal – Choir Rm
Friday – 10/31:
9am – 2pm Blood Drive
– Fellowship Hall
9:30–12:30 Thrift Shop
– Rooms 8 & 10B
Saturday – 11/01:
9:00 am Set Build – Fellowship Hall
9:30 am – 12:30 pm Thrift Shop – 8 & 10B
9:30 am Kung Fu – Discovery Rm
This Week at Wilbraham United
TODAY: 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday – 11/02: 2 am FALL BACK 1 HOUR
10:00 am Sunday Worship
11:15 am Coffee and Fellowship
1:00 pm – Crop Walk at Christ the King
1:00 pm WUP set bld. – Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm Al Anon – 1G