MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 27th - NOVEMBER 1st 7:00 M 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:30 T W Th F S CATHEDRAL Martha and Bub Lehnertz, Bruce, Mary Lauren, and Campbell Faulkner The Family of Jack Ryder, Bruce and Mary Lauren Faulkner Jack Ryder, Benny and Darlene Davis Thomas Gomez, the Ontiveroz and Brunette Families Victoria Ann Conwi, The Reeves Family Rosemary Gonzalez Martinez (SI) Happy Birthday CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Concordia Herrera, Catalina Herrera Jack Ryder, Paula Ginn and Rita Birckbichler Jack Ryder and His Family, The Spence Family Jack Ryder and His Family, The Spence Family Amelia Kamel Procell, George and Delores NeJame 12:05 M 12:05 T 12:05 W 12:05 Th 12:05 F The parish bulletin is available on-line at SECOND COLLECTION: ALTAR SOCIETY From the Rector’s Desk.... My Dear Parishioners: Sometimes we have a tendency to make the simple things complicated. Our readings this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us of this very thing. The “law” is summarized in love. Whoever fulfills the commandment of love has already fulfilled the law. All the rest is just comment and explanation. This is Stewardship Weekend throughout our diocese and it gives each of us a chance to really pray about the sacrifices we are making in our lives for God. How are we sharing our time, talents, and resources with the Church? It’s not complicated – we just need to put our priorities in place–– and give to God what belongs to God. I challenge everyone – adults and children–– to look at some–very concrete ways that we can show our love towards each other and towards God by make some sacrifices ourselves. Peace, Fr. Hank Lanik, Rector FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR OF THE CATHEDRAL FLOWERS AT THE AMBO AT THE CATHEDRAL are in loving memory of Stefanie Sepulvado from the Family. are in loving memory of Ubong Joseph David from his Mother, Father and Sisters. PICNIC THANK YOU! Thank you to all those who made the Fall Parish Picnic a success! The Knights of Columbus prepared hotdogs; the Altar Society Busy Bakers provided cupcakes for the children to decorate; the St Vincent de Paul Society sweetened the evening with cookies. The Filipino, Hispanic, Lebanese and Nigerian communities made wonderful things for us to eat. Thank you to Gorman for allowing the use of their snow cone machine, and the Sattler family for arranging it, and working with it. Dan and Rhapsody Onderko for arranging and organizing our face painters, CMOMS provided a balloon clown, and the parish for providing Korn Pop, the Clown. The Tyler Fire Department arrived with E-1, a huge fire truck that fascinated children and adults alike. A special thanks to the Pastoral Council who provided the behind the scenes labor and organization that made the event happen. What a wonderful community we have at the Cathedral Parish! Reflection on Sunday Readings LOVE SHOWN IN ACTION Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions. They became models for other believers. The first reading tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could he possibly choose from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed? He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is the greatest commandment—love of God and love of neighbor. Everything else is based on this. COMMEMORATIVE DAYS THIS WEEK Monday Saturday Saints Simon and Jude ALL SAINTS DAY ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CENTER * We are grateful for your generosity, both monetarily and materially. We are able to serve over 375 families (1,500 persons) per month. (90 families per week) * Now we need assistance to minister to the less fortunate with your time and talent. We are in need of computer savvy persons and food pantry distributors. Can you make a commitment of 3 hours at one of our 3 days of service? uesday T afternoon from 12:30 to 3:30 PM; Thursday morning from 8 to 11 AM; or Thursday afternoon from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. * Please call Shawn Pickett at 903-363-5225 or drop by the center on those days. CELEBRANT SCHEDULE CATHEDRAL ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE 500 South Vine Street 903-747-3174 The Thrift Store is open for sales & drop-off of donations on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM – 5:30 PM and on the first Saturday of each month from 9 AM – 3 PM. Proceeds benefit those in need that are served by the SVdP Center at 410 South College. The Pantry is need of volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays to stock food and to sort clothing. The Food Pantry is need of toiletries. The Clothing Pantry needs children’s clothing in sizes 24 months or size 2. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! The Saint Vincent de Paul Center is in need of volunteers, most especially, MEN. If you are interested, please contact Shawn Pickett at the Cathedral Office at (903) 592-1617. Thank you! May God bless you for giving your time to actually serve God’s poor. Saint Vincent de Paul is in urgent need of Men’s shoes, socks and underwear. Boys size 5-16 clothes and Girls size 7-12 clothes. Number of Families Served Number of people Served Food Expenses 404 1,591 $6,750 Saturday November 1st 5:30 PM – Father George Sunday November 2nd 6:30 AM – Father Eugene 8:00 AM – Father George 10:00 AM – Father Eugene 12:00 Noon – Father Eugene 1:30 PM (Spanish) – Father George CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL nd Sunday November 2 9:00 AM – Father Hank 11:00 AM – Father Hank 6:00 PM – Father Hank (Subject to change) THE 8 th ANNUAL YOUTH AFLAME IS COMING! ARE YOU PUT OUT WITH YOUR KID? WHAT IF a personal encounter with the Person of Jesus could change your student’s life? Take a chance on a weekend of radical relationship with the One Who Matters most and see the change it will make! Youth ages 13-18 are encouraged to come together from across the diocese for a life changing weekend. Be set on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit. You do not have to come with a group but you are encouraged to bring your friends. Space is limited. Early registration is encouraged. Register online at or call 903-343-3567 orf a registration packet. November 14th-16th. ICY NEWS BISHOP T.K.GORMAN CON’T All students in the 9th-12th grades are encouraged to join us every Wednesday for a great night of faith and fellowship! We meet from 6:30 to 8:15 PM in Samperi Hall. We will meet on October 29th. CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS BISHOP GORMAN PTO RAFFLE A $10.00/ticket could win a chance at a $2500 gift card and support the students at Bishop Gorman. You do not have to attend the Auction to win. Please contact Barbara King at or (903) 561-2424 to purchase your chance to win! THE TYLER CATHOLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 131175, TYLER, TEXAS 75713 (903) 526-5988 * The Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of the Carl S. Shamberger, Jr. Memorial Scholarship. Carl Shamberger was a director of the foundation. His wife, Judy Shamberger has dedicated the scholarship to provide student aid to children of non-parishioners * In memory of Carolyn Ann Richbourg a gift to the Vincent and Carolyn Richbourg Family Scholarship by Msgr. Milam Joseph * In memory of Cindy Caviness a gift to the Hawkins-Almaraz-Sele Scholarship by Joan Kamel * In Honor of Sister Susan Seitz, the Cathedral parish has established a St. Gregory Cathedral School scholarship to honor her work, to be administered by the Tyler Catholic School Foundation. The foundation is pleased to administer the Sister Susan Seitz, OFS Scholarship. Gifts may be mailed to the Tyler Catholic School Foundation, P O Box 131175, Tyler, Texas 75713. * Gifts to the Jackman Family Academic & Fine Arts Endowment are matched by an established fund. * The Tyler Catholic School Foundation has received a “Challenge Grant” which is designed to attract donors interested in making a substantial contribution to the Foundation. Please contact Nickie Murchison @ 903 526 5988 or John Williams at 903-570- 7637 or the Foundation office at if you are interested in establishing a new scholarship or endowment fund in support of our Catholic schools. * The Foundation thanks Group M7 Designs for their continued support of our web site ST. GREGORY Upcoming Events Coming Events October 30th -Third Graders will dress as their favorite saint for the school Mass, 8:10 am in the Cathedral. Please join us. November 20th -Blue Ribbon Celebration Liturgy with Bishop Strickland, followed by the Award Ceremony in the Carney Gym. Memorial and Honorary gifts may be sent to St. Gregory Cathedral School, 500 S. College Ave, Tyler, TX 75702.An acknowledgement will be sent. BISHOP T.K.GORMAN MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY DISTRICT CHAMPIONS Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Varsity and Junior Varsity Boys. First Team All-District Honors: Seniors Nick DiPaolo, Chance Findlay, Sharon Kariampuzha, Kelly Frossard, Junior Olivia Dugan, Sophomore Anna Pritchard, and Freshmen Sarah Flannelly and Sydney Brunette. Boys Junior Varsity had a perfect score finishing 1-5. SAVE THE DATE The 26th Annual Bishop T.K. Gorman PTO Auction, “Hitting the Slopes”, will be held on Saturday, November 8th, at the KE Bushman’s Celebration Center. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Lori Knight, Auction Co-Chair via email at Imagine the joy of being part of an organization which gives to others and makes a real difference in the community! The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men, 18 years of age or older, who are committed to supporting the Church & making the community a better place to live. Come see what we are all about! The Cathedral community extends sincere birthday wishes to Bishop Joseph E. Strickland who celebrates his birthday on Halloween. If you have candle money for votive candles that you wish to dedicate to a deceased person, please DO NOT put the money in the metal box. Please put that money in one of the white envelopes marked candle money that you will find on the window sill. Deposit the white envelope with money in the collection or turn the money in to church office. Thank you. FRIDAY CONFESSION AT THE CHAPEL The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available for one hour prior to the 12:05 Mass at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. This is in addition to the times at the Cathedral. EMERGENCY you need to contact a priest in an emergency, please call the pager at 903-531-1504. FAMILY CATECHESIS FAMILY CATECHESIS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We ARE truly blessed in the Cathedral Community and continue to grow. Last year we had 191 students registered in Family Catechesis, at last count we have 347 students registered and ATTENDING!! Thanks be to God!! For this reason I continue to ask for volunteers who are willing to share some of their time as an aide or an extra adult to help out our devoted group of catechists who come every Wednesday evening to help hand on the faith to all the children of the Cathedral. Your presence is invaluable to the success of our program. So please look into your heart and pray about it and ask yourself, “Is God calling me to do some small part to help with this ministry?” For more information, please call Peggy Hammett, Director of Faith Formation, at 903-592-1617 ext 19 or E-mail at ”Faith Formation for families with children with special needs” We had our first intergeneration class in Faith Formation for families with children with special needs in October and the class went very well. Our thanks go out to our 2 certified teachers who have stepped up to design and facilitate these classes for our community. This would not be happening without their love and dedication. We have a session scheduled once a month. ou Y do not have to attend all sessions. uJ st come and try one! All classes will be from 6:45-7:30 in Building B on the St. Gregory Campus, Room 109. eWhave moved the location from the Cathedral Center so we can have a more child friendly space. (Please note the room change from last month and contact Peggy for directions on finding the classroom) Session two is on November 12th - Topic will be Eucharist Session three is on December 3rd - Topic will be the Birth of Jesus We welcome all families that would be interested in coming together with other families who might benefit from some extra help in forming their children with special needs in the faith. Contact Peggy Hammett to register or for more information on these classes. 903-592-1617 ext 19 or ”Sacramental Formation” We will offer 2 chances for families to attend a Sacramental Orientation Session to have questions answered on exactly how my child will prepare to celebrate the sacraments of First Penance (Reconciliation) and then Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The next opportunity will be on Wednesday October 29th. Both sessions will be from 5:30-6 PM in the Cathedral Center room 2. This is for all families who have children who are in their second year of attending Family Catechesis and are ready to enter into immediate formation to prepare to complete their sacraments of Initiation. (Confirmation & First Holy Communion) The Orientation session is held BEFORE the Sacramental Workshop that will take place from 6:30-8:00PM. This will be an informational session geared to answering your questions on exactly how your child is prepared to celebrate the sacraments of First Penance (Reconciliation) and then Confirmation and First Holy Communion here at the Cathedral. Please plan to tatend this very important meeting. For more information contact Peggy Hammett, Director of Faith Formation at 903-592-1617 x 19 or at CHRISTIAN INITIATION All who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith are welcome to join us at any time. October 23 rd : The Four Last Things: Life After Death (Diane Everding) October 30 th : Sacraments and Liturgy (Johnathan Frels) N ov e m b e r 6 t h : B a p t i s m a n d C o n fi r m a t i o n ( Pe gg y Hammett) Weekly sessions are available at 6:30-8 PM on Thursday. For more information, contact Eric Dietel at 903-592-1617 ext. 30. All are welcome to join us at any time! ADULT FAITH FORMATION THE QUEST FOR THE HISTORICAL CHURCH Jesus founded one Church but there are over 40,000 denomination of Christian Churches. The Catholic Church of today maintains its historical and divine continuance with the Church of 200 years ago. Jason Gale will be present on the divine origins of the Church, the emergence of the early Church, and the continuity of the Church throughout the ages until today. The class will begin on Oct 13 and be held from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Cathedral Center. For more information please contact Eric Dietel at 903-592-1617 ext. 30. October 13: The Divine Origins of the Church October 20: The Emergence of the Early Church October 27: The Continuity of the Catholic Church SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH The Senior Lunch Bunch will meet at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul on Wednesday, November 12th, for noon Mass. Lunch will follow at Athena’s, 1603 WSW Loop 323. ALL seniors are invited and encouraged to attend. For further information, call 903-581-1169. Please add Inez Ruiz to the shut-in/prayer list. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT THE CHAPEL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL Sunday 7 PM until Midnight Monday-Friday 4 AM until Midnight Saturday 5 AM until Noon Makeup Meeting for Adorers - First of day, Last of night, Substitutes Saturday, November 1st, 12 Noon at the Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul. All members of the Church are called to bring others closer to Jesus and His Church. If you feel called to help the Cathedral’s Christian Initiation (RCIA) team lead adults or child of other faiths closer to Jesus and His Church, please c o n t a c t E r i c D i e t e l a t 9 0 3 - 5 9 2 - 1 6 1 7 ex t . 3 0 o r e mail Y ou can aid by either by your loving hospitality and witness or if you are comfortable leading a small group or speaking in front of people. Comprehensive training will be provided to help you succeed in proclaiming the gospels and bearing witness. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS BAKE SALE! For more information on becoming a scheduled Adorer, Please contact Kaylene Mongeau, Coordinator Ph 903-894-7411 or The Catholic Daughters, Court Mary A. Drake, will hold its annual email fall bake sale today (10/26/2014) after the 8, 10, and noon masses in the vestibule of the Cathedral. Proceeds from the bake sale are used to fund the charitable projects supported by Catholic Daughters throughout the year. ROSARY HOLY HOUR Held weekly on Tuesdays at 11 AM in the Adoration Chapel. at Saints Peter & Paul. Open to all. For more information, contact Susan Mills 903-780-2935, email REMINDER When you are receiving Holy Communion, please respond, “Amen” when the priest, deacon, or Extraordinary Minister says, “Body of Christ” or “Blood of Christ.” DELICIOUS PUMPKIN ROLLS The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, Council 1502 is now taking orders for pumpkin rolls. Pumpkin rolls are $16.00 each and will be available before Thanksgiving. Profits are used to support area Catholic charities. Deadline to order is Nov 10, 2014. Contact: Mary Arrambidez at 939-1032 or Diana Pritchard at 903-539-5710 FIRST FRIDAY MASS DEDICATED TO HONOR THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS NOVEMBER 7 th AT 6 PM A holy mass is celebrated every First Friday of the month in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As He promised to St. Mary Margaret of Alacoque in his apparitions, He will shed enormous graces to His devotes, most specially to those who practice this devotion of attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays of the month. Everyone who has the devotion to the Divine Mercy Chaplet is invited to honor the same loving and merciful Heart of Jesus attending this monthly mass dedicated to Him. This Mass is celebrated on First Fridays at 6 PM at the Cathedral. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and litanies of the Sacred Heart take place after Mass. Confessions are available from 5 to 5:35 PM. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will start at 5:35 PM. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE RAFFLE On December 12, there will be a drawing, the funds raised will benefit the Grupo Guadalupano. The prizes are 3 framings of Our Lady of Guadalupe one measuring 15X21 one 15X21 and the third 13 1/2 X 8 1/2 Tickets are $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00 they will be available after Mass or in the Cathedral office. A very special thank you to all of our 2014 SVdP Walk for the Poor sponsors: Audrey Pongetti & Jackie Norris, Realtors - Cornerstone Brokerage, Cogdill Family Charitable Fund, Danny & Kelly Jackman, The Maloney Family, Occupational Medicine Center-Dr. Peter Sanfelippo, The Paniagua Family, Rick & Bonnie Rayford, Allergy Specialists of Tyler–Luis Destarac, MD, Classic Toyota–Mike & Erin Allare, Enviro-Care–Jay & Pam Schulz and several Anonymous Angels. Over $16,000 dollars was raised to assist those in need in Tyler. Thank you to our Walk coordinators for a job well done: Kathleen Maloney and Anne Kent. ABORTION RECOVERY Here is what others are saying about their abortion recovery experience: ”I feel relieved to know that I am not the only soul suffering in such deep sorrow after my abortion” -“I was finally able to experience complete healing and freedom from bondage. I am now happy, joyous, and free. I praise God everyday for his beautiful promises of forgiveness and restoration.” ”He heals the br okenhearted and binds up their wounds.” - Psalm 147:3 C.A.R.E. (Christ-centered Abortion Recovery of East Texas) is of fering a healing retreat weekend, November14-16 at Wellspring Spirituality Center in Whitehouse. There will be a minimal fee charged to defer the cost of lodging, meals, and literature. This is a great opportunity for anyone in our Catholic community in need of healing to participate!! Parish contact is: Angela Vrba RESPECT IN CHURCH YOUR GIFTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US CATHEDRAL FINANCES: Donations for the weekend of October 18 th - October 19 th Eating or chewing gum is inappropriate in the church. Small children’s snacks should be as simple as possible; parents need to be careful to clean up any spills. Thank you for accepting these reminders in a spirit of love for the Mass. 1st Collection....................................................$28,530.98 2nd Collection (World Mission Sunday).........................$3,045.01 Loose Cash.........................................................$1,742.00 THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO WORSHIP WITH US Visit, Send a Card, or Offer a Prayer for Those Unable to Attend Mass If others in our parish are unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Communion, or if you are interested in joining the ministry that delivers communion to the homebound, please call the Church Office and arrangements will be made. Jose Alvarez Berniece Anderson Charles Anderson Verna Baxter C. J. Benedict Errol Broussard Heather Brown Aquila & Charlotte Calhoun Louise Campbell Justin Carrington Catharine Chrietzberg Rose Coleman Billie Cospan Ines De la Cruz Mary “Liesa” Dirks Jean Dones Dolores Dorr Karen Doyle Casimira Drake Jack Duke John Ellis Oberli Flores Carol Forsberg Hamlin Fox Maria Gilmore Holey Hallmark Virginia Harrie Christina Hartshorn Tim Hatfield Alan Heck Joanne Heck Rodolfo Hernandez Mary Hingtgen Cecelia Hinojosa Esther Hogenmiller Bill Hunter Margaret Johnson Jim Keele Priscilla Kelsey Josh Kiser Ronald Kryzinski Marie Matteucci Anna Mayfield Trae Mayfield Kathryn Milam John McCart` Pauline Moiseve Faye Monzingo Dolores Moore Otis Moore Carolyn Turman Mullins Teresa Natera Susan Palmer Sanjuana Perez Doris Perkins Connie Radford Larry Renihart Maria Renteria Inez Ruiz Debra Shepherd Catherine Starkey Mary Thompson MarelyVey Caroline Weisinger Margaret Wood