u 22 October, 2014 ...
u 22 October, 2014 ...
u 22nd October, 2014 Dear Parents/Caregivers, Staff, Students and Friends of St Thomas’, Last Friday we hosted the Girls Interschool Chess State Championship in the Noble Tree Centre Hall. Congratulations to Krista Doust (Year 6/7 Gold) who competed as one of the 80 competitors and performed admirably. Well done to all competitors from across Brisbane and indeed across Queensland. Next week at St Thomas’ is “Kids Matter” week. Please join in our community breakfast next Friday, 31st October as we mark this important event. There is an invitation included in this newsletter. This week I am absent from school as I attend the Australian Primary Principals’ Association Conference in Sydney. The theme of this year’s conference is “Creating the Future, Together”. I am thrilled to be joining approximately 900 colleagues from across the country to listen to and engage with national and international leaders. In my absence, I thank Liz Jones who will (once again) be Acting Principal. Monday’s Pupil Free Day saw us join with St Martin’s, Carina and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Coorparoo in a day presented by Brendan Spillane on building effective teams, ensuring trust in teams and strategies for crucial and difficult conversations. We spent a great practical day together. The Year 5, 6 and 7 classrooms are abuzz with the excitement of this Friday’s disco. The “Behind the Mask” disco being held in the Noble Tree Centre Hall will no doubt be an evening of laughter, celebration and joy with many mysterious faces in the crowd. Once again we know we will be wowed by the results of creative minds at work. Newsletter 31 Coming Events October 23 Volunteer Induction 8:40am 24 Year 5,6,7 Disco 27 Prep Parent Information Evening 6:45pm 30 Gala Day November 10 P&F AGM 11 Remembrance Day 13 Volunteer Induction 8:40am (Last of the year) 14 Public Holiday G20 28 Summer Celebration 6pm December 3 Graduation 5 End of school year 12noon January 2015 Wednesday 28 Term 1 commences The month of October is recognised as Catholic Mission month. This month allows us an opportunity to make a small difference in the lives of others and so we pray; God, powerful yet knowing yourself to be weak, when we see our neighbour tired, hungry, sad, betrayed, despised, forgotten, alone, needing our help – be with us in doing what we would hope for…if that were us. We ask this in the name of the one who gifts us with life. Amen God’s blessings. Lorraine Walker R.E. NEWS It was wonderful to be on duty this morning and see the wonderful array of socks flashing around the hard court area. I thank the Helping Hands group and the Year Five teachers for organising this Crazy Sock Day event, for the posters, for visiting classes to remind the children and finally collecting the donations today. Thank you also to you, the parents for the effort , some of the socks are truly works of art. Thank you also for your financial support for Catholic Mission and their cause in Jamaica. A child’s prayer: “Jesus, you said that when someone suffers you suffer too. We don’t want to see people in misery or poverty. We don’t want to see anyone without food, clothes, a home or caught up in war. We want to remember your words: ‘As long as you did it to one of these, you did it to me.’ Matthew 25:40” Elizabeth Jones, APRE Year 6 and 7 Parents A reminder that if you wish to purchase your child’s laptop at the end of this term, payment MUST be made by this Friday, 24th October, 2014. Please refer to the note that went home on 13th October for details, or contact the office. NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXTENSIONS. Robyn Weston, Finance Secretary pcamfinance@bne.catholic.edu.au Sports News LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY!!! Thank you to Bruce McCabe for taking HPE classes in the first two weeks of Term 4. Gala Day Year 4 to 7 students will be involved in our final gala day on Thursday, October 30th, next week. A letter was sent out with details of this day. All returns need to be sent to the class teacher by Friday to allow for organisation for the day. We will be looking for parents to assist with managing and refereeing games. The sports are European handball and T20 cricket. Both games have very simple modified rules that are easy to umpire. These games have been taught throughout the HPE class time. Students will make a choice of sport and we will endeavour to place each student in their preferred sport but we cannot guarantee everyone will be able to play in their first choice. Year levels will be combined so that Year 4 and 5 students will mix in a team and the senior years will form the senior tournament. European handball will be played at Wembley Park and cricket will be played at Kianawha Park, Tingalpa. Further details have been sent in the letter this week. Please return this letter by Friday of this week. Touch Football Our All School touch team has been training for the last two Sundays and will continue next Sunday and Tuesday afternoon in preparation for the Queensland All Schools competition to be held on the weekend of November 1 and 2 at Redlands Touch fields. The players are starting to gel as a team and showing improvements in their skills and game play strategies. We are looking forward to the final sessions where we hope to hone our skills for the tournament. It would be great to have some support on the weekend of the carnival. Game times will be hopefully put in next week’s newsletter. Our representative team is Naomi Perrier, Millie Price, Issie Price, Hannah Albury, Bella Forster, Kathleen Cain, Hugh Drummond, Lawrence Leotta, Noah Low, Lachie Cox, Sam Cox and Jay Schlecht. Congratulations to all these players and we look forward to supporting you in your tournament. Motor Program continues each Friday with Year 1 classes from 8.40-9.40 and Year 2 classes from 9.40-10.40. We are always looking for more parent helpers especially in this term as many volunteers seem to get very busy at this time of the year. Janet McAfee, HPE Teacher Tuckshop Rosters rd Tuckshop Roster for Thursday, 23 October Allison Gamer, Deanna Trembath, Judy Stankunas, Lesley Stevens. Home Bake Roster for Thursday, 23rd October Anita Lazzarin, Annie Coogans-Sorby, Antoinette Scoglio, Melissa Zulpo, Siobhan Carroll, Teresa Henry, Vicki Rossi. Tuckshop Roster for Monday, 27th October Angela McKee, Angela McPherson, Jody Fazldeen, Keryn Prove, Madonna Jardine, Tess Lardner. Home Bake Roster for Monday, 27th October Amanda Robinson-Ilka, Andrea Keogh, Belinda Jahnke, Keryn Prove, Mary-Jane Courage, Natalie Basili, Susanna Greaves. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those who have celebrated recently especially Isabelle Bailey, Toby Lo Giudice, Sofia Jimenez, Lawson Phillips, Ruben Webb, Poppy Genders, Arabella Hawes, Dashiell Young, Brodie Leahy, Millianna O’Loan, Catherine Barlow. Hope your day was great. Music News Lately the Year 4’s and 6/7 classes have been experimenting with composing - creating a variation of a known song to learn to play in groups. I’ve been impressed with some of the Year 4’s who have made up new words to the melody as well. This will be their final assessment piece so if you have time, it would be great to support them by listening to their composition at home on either the recorder, piano or instrument of their choice. They will also need to notate it on the staff to have practice writing music. Some groups are ready to perform this week and the written copy will be due by next week. Thanks for your encouragement of their music education! Fiona Allen-Ankins Scholastic Book Club Catalogues were sent home with children last week with some great Christmas gift ideas. Book club orders are due back at school on Thursday 23rd October at 3pm. Karen Wood, Book Club Co-ordinator Craft for Causes Stall - 22nd and 23rd November Craft for Causes will this year again be supporting our local St Vincent De Paul with its annual Stall before and after services on the 22nd and 23rd November. Stock up on Christmas presents now - choose from lovely handmade preserves, craft, Christmas decorations, baked goods and more! Save your pennies and mark the date in your calendar! If you would like to donate any items for sale, please contact Angela on 0404097095. Good Samaritan Melbourne Cup Luncheon Date : Tuesday, 4th November Venue: Saints Peter and Paul’s Parish Hall Time: 10am Morning Tea Cost: $50 per person – tickets available from Lourdes Hill College or Bulimba Parish Office. Please make cheques payable to Sisters of the Good Samaritan Foundation. Sweeps $2 and $5, fancy goods stall, lucky door prizes, raffle draw and wide screen viewing of the Melbourne Cup. For more information please contact Sr Mary Randle on 3399 2158 or 0408 653 033 email mrandle@goodsams.org.au Thank you for your support. Next week, we will be launching Kids Matter at Saint Thomas'. As part of the initiative, we will be offering supervised before school skipping on the hard court from 8 am each morning between the 27th and 31st of October. We will have a number of ropes available and children attending are also encouraged to bring their own rope if they have one. The week will culminate with a breakfast on Friday from 7:45am. Parents are warmly invited to assist us each morning by turning ropes where needed. We look forward to seeing you then. You are invited What: Kids Matter ‘Every Face Has a Place’ Community Breakfast When: Friday 31st October starting at 7:45am. Where: St Thomas’ in the undercover area near the tuckshop. Please come and join us for some breakfast and a chat as we officially launch Kids Matter at St Thomas’. We will be unveiling our ‘Every Face Has a Place’ artwork and also have a guest speaker from the Mater hospital who will be speaking to parents about mental health concerns in children. All of this will take place in the undercover area: 7:45- Breakfast 8:20- Unveiling of art work 8:25- Guest speaker 8:45- Finish Breakfast muffins, fruit and refreshments will be provided. Roy and his coffee van will also be onsite for those Mums and Dads who would like to purchase a coffee. Wear something red and bring a gold coin donation to support the Daniel Morecombe foundation as this event coincides with ‘Day for Daniel’. If there are any parents who are available to offer their services to help us cook the BBQ, could you please contact Charlotte on cmercer@bne.catholic.edu.au We look forward to seeing you all there! RSVP: For catering purposes could you please contact the school office on 3398 6633 to RSVP before Friday 24th October Do you have questions about childhood asthma and allergy? Ask the experts from the Asthma Foundation on Wednesday, 12th November 6pm – 7:30pm at Kevin Aspinall Centre, St Bernard’s Primary School, 1823 Logan Road, Upper Mount Gravatt. Free registration includes sample bag and light refreshments. For more information contact asthmaaustralia.org.au or 1800 278 462. Our parish will conduct the annual World Mission Month appeal next weekend (October 25/26) The proliferation of appeals being conducted in parishes has created some confusion. The recent Archdiocesan Catholic Campaign raised money to support the ‘internal’ ministries of the Archdiocese. The forthcoming World Mission Month appeal asks you to be generous to support the global missionary work of the Church, in more than 160 countries, including Jamaica (the focus for this year’s appeal). Why do I mention this in such detail? Because if we look at the Gospel for today, Jesus is making it clear that our faith is never about an ‘either/or’. We ‘render unto Caesar’ what we are obliged to contribute, by way of taxes etc; and we give to God, through stewardship, philanthropy and acts of service. It’s not one or the other! Same with fundraising – this appeal will make a difference in the lives of missionaries, like Sr Teresia, and those they work with and support while previous appeals (Catholic Campaign, Caritas, Rosies etc) have their respective, but different beneficiaries. Thanks for responding so generously when we conduct our appeal in your parish. David McGovern, Director Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Bulimba & Morningside Xennox Diamonds 07 07 07 07 3398 3245 3914 3210 1297 4377 0000 6288 www.camphillbowls.com capalaba@helloworld.com.au raywhitebulimba.com.au www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au 10 Stephen Street Camp Hill, Qld 4152 Email: stthomassponsorship@gmail.com Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school! Camp Hill Bowls Club helloworld Capalaba Ray White Bulimba & Morningside Xennox Diamonds AJ Crossfit and Personal Training Carina Leagues Club Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill Highly Strung Imago Photography Langlands Park Memorial Pool Libertine Perfumerie Mama's Home McPherson Plant Hire Miss Cocoa Party Time Amusements Ray White Stones Corner Vivid Photography 0423 176 808 (07) 3843 9200 (07) 3843 0080 highlystrungmusic@gmail.com (07) 3395 5800 (07) 3397 7436 (07) 3216 0122 (07) 3357 3333 (07) 3843 4147 (07) 3868 4488 (07) 5543 6328 (07) 3394 2338 (07) 3391 7999 Aaron Dillaway MP ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd Bakers Delight Camp Hill Brisbane Marriott Hotel Bryan Byrt Volkswagen Cineplex Australia CocoBelle hair studio Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd Domino's Pizza Carindale Frances Suter Photography Goodlife Health Club Holland Park Granada Café Tapas Bar Harvey Norman - Carindale Ithaca Ice Works John Pearcy Audiology Katrina Christ Photographer McGuires' Hotels Olli Skin Pig ‘n’ Whistle Renaissance Retirement Living Councillor Shayne Sutton Southern Cross Protection (07) 3399 9492 (07) 3300 8844 (07) 3324 9485 (07) 3303 8000 0418 886 777 (07) 3899 3450 (07) 3161 5331 (07) 3890 1018 (07) 3109 2099 (07) 3899 0107 (07) 3849 9700 (07) 3844 4757 (07) 3398 0600 (07) 3348 7855 (07) 3398 8862 (07) 3891 5885 (07) 33998222 (07) 3395 1088 (07) 3832 9099 (07) 3820 7700 (07) 3407 8200 1300 136 102 (07) 3398 1297 (07) 3245 4377 (07) 3914 0000 (07) 3210 6288 www.camphillbowls.com capalaba@helloworld.com.au raywhitebulimba.com.au www.xennoxdiamonds.com.au www.ajcrossfit.com www.carinaleaguesclub.com.au www.tutorfruition.com.au/camphill www.facebook.com/HighlyStrungAUS imagophotography.com.au www.langlandspool.com.au www.libertineparfumerie.com.au www.mamashome.com.au www.mcphersonplanthire.com.au www.misscocoa.com.au www.partytimeamusements.com.au raywhitestonescorner.com.au www.vividphotography.com.au www.aarondillaway.com.au www.adgce.com www.bakersdelight.com.au www.marriott.com.au www.bryanbyrtvw.com.au www.cineplex.com.au www.facebook.com/cocobellehair www.crustydevil.com.au www.dominos.com.au/store/Qld/carindale/98063 francessuter.com.au www.goodlifehealthclubs.com.au www.granadatapasbar.com.au www.harveynorman.com.au ithacaice.com.au johnpearcyaudiology.com.au/jpa/ www.katrinachrist.com.au www.mcguireshotels.com.au www.olliskin.com.au www.pignwhistle.com.au www.renaissancerl.com.au www.shaynesutton.com.au www.sxprotection.com.au Style Electrical Pty Ltd Suncorp Talentpath Teenie & Tiny Treetops Montville (07) 3343 8017 13 11 55 (07) 3221 7635 (07) 3395 3680 1800 087 330 aaliyahandienquires@gmail.com (07) 3398 2931 (07) 3265 8111 0413 339 845 (07) 3395 0725 (07) 3324 6200 (07) 3395 8555 (07) 3855 3966 (07) 3398 2107 (07) 3420 6120 (07) 3843 3011 (07) 5588 1111 (07) 3848 4000 (07) 3398 6945 (07) 3847 4106 (07) 3901 6577 (07) 3391 3530 (07) 3398 3153 aaliyahandi.com basilscoffee.com.au www.brisent.com.au bsorted.com.au (07) 3736 4400 www.jephsonhotel.com.au Aaliya and I Basils Pty Ltd Brisbane Entertainment Centre bsorted Café XS Carindale Hotel Carr Automotive Charlies Fruit Market Clem Jones Centre Clout and Turner Travel Danzart Dreamworld Espial Interiors + Gifts Fluid the Color Salon Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann Heinz Meats Idyllic Beauty Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and Restaurant Learn Music McDonalds Coorparoo Morningside Picture Framing Norman Park Central Newsagency Officeworks Woolloongabba Pacific Golf Club Pizza Capers Queensland Festival and Events Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill Studio Pilates International Tans Taekwondo The Green Papaya Village Roadshow Theme Parks Watermark Plumbing (07) 3511 7602 (07) 3397 9956 (07) 3899 1088 (07) 3899 9255 (07) 3896 2300 (07) 3343 0888 (07) 3395 2111 0414 714 701 0423 15 9991 (07) 3107 2111 (07) 3899 4555 (07) 3311 1991 (07) 3843 5366 13 33 86 0417 620 502 www.learnmusic.biz mcdonalds.com.au www.pro-photography.com.au www.normanparknews.com.au www.officeworks.com.au www.pacificgolf.com.au www.pizzacapers.com.au www.qfe.com.au shazzledazzlefacepainting.jimdo.com www.eplace.com.au/staffmember.cfm?StaffID=97324 www.studiopilates.com/hawthorne.html www.tans.com.au www.greenpapaya.com.au themeparks.com.au www.watplumb.net.au Adorne Carindale Australia Zoo Big W Carindale Billabong Birdie and Mia's Bobbi Belle Style Carina Meat Supply Chris' SUPA IGA Coles Discount Drug Store Whites Hill Gardiner Chess Grill'd Camp Hill (07) 3843 1499 (07) 5436 2000 (07) 3115 3300 (07) 5589 9899 (07) 3395 4684 (07) 3394 1166 (07) 3398 3903 (07) 3398 1634 (07) 3308 6100 (07) 3398 7725 (07) 5522 7221 (07) 3843 4444 www.styleelectrical.com.au www.suncorp.com.au www.talentpath.com.au www.facebook.com/teenieandtiny treetopsmontville.com.au www.carindalehotel.com.au carr_automotive@hotmail.com www.charliesfruitmarket.com.au www.clemjonescentre.com.au www.travel-associates.com.au/clout 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