newsletter - St Thomas


newsletter - St Thomas
4th March, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of St. Thomas’
This week we have moved into the season of autumn. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the nature made periods
through which we understand changes in our environment and lives. The environmental changes we can observe with
our senses, but the changes in our lives are dealt with in our hearts.
One of the great challenges in life is to cope with all the changing cycles in our own life and to be fully aware that God
has given to humans the gift of free will that allows us to choose our own development and achievement or our own
stagnation and destruction.
Human winters come regularly, some are long, some short, some are difficult, some easy. Some winters are economic,
some are social others are deeply personal. These winters can bring disappointment which we have to learn how to
handle so we can emerge stronger, wiser and better for the experience. A positive approach is always the best approach
to human winter: “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills.
Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”
Author unknown
Human spring is the time for activity and opportunity. We are at our optimistic best. We sow our personal ambitions with
knowledge, commitment and determined effort. As we sow in this part of our life, so shall we reap in the latter part of life.
Human summer is the time to care for and defend what we have made for ourselves. Our social values, friendship
values, work values, spiritual values all need to be tended, protected and nurtured through human summer otherwise;
we will end up with nothing of value.
Human autumn presents us with the reality of our efforts in spring and summer; what we put in is what we get back.
We should reap without apology, if we have done well and without complaint if we have not done well. Regardless of
the result, we need to accept responsibility for our lives.
Life is only loaned to us and, as with everything that is borrowed, must some day be returned. God created us as
“unfinished” humans who, within our hearts and minds, have the capacity to enjoy achievement or suffer
disappointment. All that we are and all that we can become has indeed been left to us. Throughout the seasons of our
lives, it is not what happens to us that will determine whether we enjoy achievement or suffer disappointment; it is what
we do about what happens to us; we decide whether we succeed or fail. “Growing old is mandatory, growing wise is
optional.” Author unknown What great example and advice we can give to our children, if we choose to grow wise.
“Lord, help us to be full of peace as we struggle with the inner and outer changes of the seasons of our lives. Move us
along with the energy of Your loving guidance. Amen.”
Last Friday’s “Schools Clean Up Australia Day” saw all of our St Thomas’ students cleaning up our school block.
Thanks to Year 4 White who shared much information with us at last Wednesday’s assembly about reducing waste and
for organising our clean up.
Our thanks also to those parents who mowed, pruned, trimmed, hedged and whipper snipped to enhance the physical
appearance of our school. We are appreciative of their generosity of time and spirit. Thanks again.
Our Year 6 leaders continue to build their leadership skills as they lead us in prayer each Monday morning when we
gather together as a school community to begin our week, and then lead our weekly school assembly each Wednesday
at 2:15pm. Please join us for either or both of these regular school events led by our emerging Year 6 school leaders.
Our Prep students have very enthusiastically and confidently joined the rest of the students each morning before school
from 8:15am on the hardcourt. These young students are quickly establishing their routine and need us, parents and
grandparents, to support their independence by allowing them to carry their bags, line up and move to class to begin
their school day calmly, without pomp and ceremony.
We thank you for your support and know that now that they have so confidently taken this next step, that you will
continue to step back and allow them to grow in independence. We are all so proud of these joy filled young people.
Earlier this term at the Parent/Teacher night our class teachers provided a snapshot of life in their class and outlined for
you some aspects of literacy, numeracy and various other subject areas as well as behaviour and homework
Towards the end of this first term, class teachers will be holding Parent/Teacher interviews to discuss your child’s
learning progress. Student reports will be issued at the end of both semester one and semester two, with teachers also
touching base with numerous parents on various occasions as the need arises throughout the year. Interview times
must be booked online and I urge you to do so as soon as possible from today remembering the cut off is Monday, 16
March. Please be sure to read the details later in this newsletter.
International Women’s Day will be celebrated this Sunday, 8 March with the United Nations focus this year on the
theme: Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture It! Twenty years ago, the world came together in Beijing
for the Fourth World Conference on Women. There, 189 governments adopted a visionary roadmap for gender equality:
the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Some 17,000 participants and 30,000 activists pictured a world where
women and girls had equal rights, freedom and opportunity in every sphere of life, including education.
The United Nations call to empowerment echoes Pope Francis’ 2015 Lenten reflection. His reference to 1 Corinthians
12:26 if one member suffers all suffer together is to remind us that if we have received the Eucharist we have become
the body of Christ. He states: In this body there is no room for indifference which so often seems to possess our hearts.
The Pope’s call is for the Church to bear witness in the empowerment of others.
God’s blessings,
Lorraine Walker
At the start of Lent the Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, sent out his Lenten Pastoral letter to all parishes. His
closing paragraph I feel is worth sharing in case you missed it the first time.
“It is faith that allows God’s grace to enter and shape lives. That’s why Lent is not just a time to focus on sin and
repentance but also a time to renew our faith in the one who alone can give us the discerning eye that truly knows what
is sin and what is grace, what is life and what is death”.
It is also a time to renew our faith in the family and to find ways of deepening the experience of family. Might one of the
disciplines of Lent be a renewal of family prayer in a way that respects the rhythms of family life now? Another of those
disciplines might be a renewed focus on the family meal, again respecting the rhythms and pressures of life at a time
when it’s not always easy to gather the family around one table. I invite every family in the Archdiocese to think of how,
through these days till Easter, you might pray together as a family and share a meal together as a family. These are
simple things but they are moments of grace; and they would be a real contribution as the whole Church journeys along
the road that leads from Ash Wednesday to Easter.
I leave you with the words of St Paul: ‘Kneeling before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes
its name, I pray that according to the riches of his glory God may grant that you be made strong in your inmost being
with the power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.’ (Ephesians 3:14-16) Amen”
My family and I will take this challenge I hope you may also.
Elizabeth Jones, APRE
Ma from Fiji
Essential food for life
2nd Week of Lent
Project Compassion:
Mariama from Niger
This week Project Compassion focuses on Niger, where life is very tough. Many live in
extreme poverty, often unable to afford or access food and water.
This week we meet Mariama who is raising her daughter in Niger, a country that suffers
widespread poverty. When her little girl became malnourished, she received life-saving
food and care at a Nutrition Centre, supported by Caritas Australia.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps save the lives of people living on the
brink of survival in Niger, giving them access to nutritional support and essential food for
life. 1800 024 413
School Fees Due
Thank you to all those parents who have already paid their school fees. Please note that school fees were due last
Friday, 27 February 2015. Please contact the office if you did not receive your fee statement by email. If you are
having difficulties in making payments, or wish to discuss a payment plan, please contact either Robyn Weston or
Lorraine Walker via Thank you.
27 School fees were due
13 Rice Day
19 Inter-school Zone swimming
School Photos
26 Gala Day
Prep 2016 enrolments close
2 Term 1 ends
20 Term 2 commences
27 P&F Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 2:10pm
11 March
18 March
25 March
1 April
Class presenting
Year 5 Blue
Year 1 Blue
Year 2 Blue
Friday, 13 March is ‘Rice Day’ at St Thomas’. This is our major fundraising event for Project Compassion (Caritas)
where, in a small way, we stand in solidarity with those in developing nations. For a gold coin donation the children
(Prep – Year 6) will be given a cup of plain rice to eat for their lunch. I understand that this sounds a little odd – why pay
for something that is less than what you would give your child to eat in their lunch box – that is precisely the point. The
aim of ‘Rice Day’ is to experience something challenging and out of the norm.
In many developing countries a cup of plain rice is the only sustenance for the entire day. How can we ever grasp what
that is like without experiencing it ourselves!
Rice Day’ is run by our Year 6 Leaders. Many of them embrace this fully and they skip breakfast and morning tea so
that they only have the cup of rice for the whole day.
Students may also face other challenges throughout the day to make the experience fuller. For example, a younger
class may choose to put away all coloured pencils, felts and crayons for the day and only have one pencil as their
school equipment. Another class may forgo using technology for the day, or spend the day without any electricity
(lights, fans, air-conditioning, laptops etc.).
‘Rice Day’ offers valuable lessons for us all so be sure to discuss ‘Rice Day’ with your child. Please support this ‘real
life’ Lenten activity by making a gold coin donation on the day.
Hilary Boxshall
Parent-Teacher interviews will be held for Prep – Year 6 during the coming weeks. Interviews will be of 15 minutes
duration. For these interviews we are using the internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). It
will save time for parents/guardians, staff and students. This system will be available from our website from today,
Wednesday, 4 March, 2015.
Using this system you will be able to book interview times from any internet-connected computer.
Please access the system as follows:
 Go to the school’s home page:
 Click the PTO icon as shown here …
 Click “Obtain PIN/Password” and enter your email address. Your PIN will be emailed to you.
Full instructions are provided to you after log in. Please note the following points:
When you log on, the system displays only your own child/children. Bookings are made for individual
parents/guardians, not for couples. If two parents/guardians wish to attend a single interview time slot, one
parent/guardian should make the booking then both can attend.
You will only see time slots that are available at the time you are using the system. As time slots are booked for
teachers, those time slots are no longer displayed as available. PTO prevents double-booking of teachers or
When you have made all the bookings you require, you can download or email a report of your bookings.
Other parents/guardians may be making bookings at the same time that you are using the system. It is possible,
though unlikely, that a time slot is displayed to you as available, but is then booked by another parent shortly
afterwards. If you then attempt to book this time slot it will not be available and a message will be displayed to
indicate this.
Please note this system will be available only from
8am Wednesday, 4 March 2015 until 3pm Monday, 16 March, 2015.
PREP 2016
Applications for enrolment for Prep 2016 opened on 23 February, 2015 and will close on Wednesday, 1 April, 2015.
Application for Enrolment forms are available online via
ICAS : The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2015
In the next two newsletters, we will be including the information and application forms for the ICAS for 2015.
If you wish your child to enter the ICAS, you will need to
1. Download and print the application forms
3. Return the forms to the school before the closing date with the monies for the assessments. The school cannot
enrol your child after the closing date for applications.
You will need a separate form for each child.
Your child may sit one or more or all the papers on offer on the ICAS, if he or she is in the appropriate class level.
Closing date for applications May 4, 2015.
St Thomas’ Tennis Court
You and your family are welcome to enjoy a hit of tennis at the St Thomas’ Tennis Court. For an annual fee of $30 the
P&F will provide you with a key to the tennis locker and your family will have access to the court for 2015. Application
forms can be collected from the School office or by emailing
To all the families who have keys from 2014
Please feel free to renew for 2015 by forwarding your money/cheque to the School office. Please place in an envelope
marked “Attention P&F – Tennis Court Renewal” along with your contact details. Please note that the Tennis Court
Locker lock has recently been changed and 2014’s key no longer works.
If do not wish to renew your membership please return your key to the School office and we can remove your name
from the register.
Hopefully everyone who comes along Joseph
Street has noticed the trimmed hedges, clear
paths and generally tidy appearance of this
side of the school. A big thank you goes to
Scott Doust, Greg Leahy, Chas Glancy, Paul
Dundon, Gerard Henry, Andrew Eijsvogel,
Fred Eijsvogel, Stuart Harland, Shane Hicks,
Kathy Pentland and Rich Armitage for giving
up their Saturday afternoon to help clean up
around the school. Everyone worked hard
and enjoyed a well-deserved cold drink at the
end of the day!
Allannah Traill, P&F Vice-President
Tuckshop Roster for Thursday, 5 March
Richard Armitage, Tracy Cox/Hayley Vandemere
Home Bake Roster for Thursday, 5 March
Donna Ficca, Michelle Clive, Mirella Santos, Liz Doman
Tuckshop Roster for Monday, 9 March
Anna Wright, Allison Gamer, Kristy Presley
Home Bake Roster for Monday, 9 March
Jaquel Thavenot, Karen Horvath, Siobhan Beirne, Lisa Beer, Liesl Burman.
You might notice that book club catalogues look a little different this year. Scholastic have made a few changes resulting
in a lot less paper being wasted. They have also developed a new parent ordering and payment system. To make use
of this please read the scholastic flyer on page 9 of this newsletter.
Issue 2 Catalogues have been distributed to children this week. (Please remember that orders will not be taken for Issue
1 catalogues that were mistakenly distributed).
Issue 2 orders are due back on Thursday, 12th March at 3pm.
Karen Wood (Book Club Co-ordinator)
 Ensure you look your best at school photo time with the right socks, buttons and hair accessories.
 Discounted school shoes are available all year round at Hosi Kozi, Riding Road Bulimba. They will donate 5% of all
sales back to our school – just remember to mention you are from St Thomas’ School.
 Year 6 Parents – please pay and collect your child’s leadership shirt as soon as possible.
Paula Lisignoli - Convenor
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those who have celebrated recently especially Charlie Kruberg, Angus Jardine,
Ryan Jardine, Bridgette Trembath, Maeve Chrismas, Henry Muir, Leo Steeden, Sophia Pennisi, Matt
Jahnke, Indira Wood and celebrating today Amelia Felesina, Joshua Hollett. Hope your day was great.
Live your life today!
Congratulations to our selected team members of our 2015 swim team who will be competing at the Zone 2 carnival on
Thursday, March 19 at the Sleeman Complex at Chandler. All team members received a letter detailing the events that
they will compete in and other important aspects of the day. All letters need to be returned by tomorrow, Thursday. We
have a very excited team of swimmers to represent St Thomas’. For many swimmers, this may be their first competition
and also the first time they have swum in a 50 metre pool. If that is the case with your child, it would be a good idea for
parents to take your child to Chandler to have a practice swim in the pool.
Motor Program will continue this Friday for our Year 1 and 2 students. Thank you to the many parents who are able to
assist with this program. It is amazing the difference this program can make for many of our students motor skills,
balance, co-ordination, strength and rhythm.
Gala Day
Our Term 1 Gala Day will be held on Thursday March 26 and includes two sports - soccer and korfball. All students will
have learnt these two games during term 1. Students are then able to choose their preferred sport.
We will require a number of parents to assist on this day with managing teams and where possible, refereeing the
games. Korfball is a very simple game with a few safety rules. Soccer requires a basic knowledge of the game. Please
consider assisting on the day if possible.
Safety in the heat
It would seem that Brisbane will suffer another heat wave of sorts this week. We have discussed in class some safety
precautions that we are able to take to remain safe during these times. Sunscreen, hats and lots of water are probably
the three most important areas that we are able to control. It seems that a number of children are coming to school
without having applied sunscreen. Our children are very exposed during the day even though they spend lots of times
indoors. St Thomas ’students are extremely diligent with wearing their hats and also drinking amounts of water. Please
stay safe on days of extreme heat.
District Trials
Congratulations to Georgina Cadman for being selected into the final 14 players trialling for the Lytton district netball
team. Good luck with further trials.
There are a number of district trials available to students of a very high ability level. Parents are required to take their
child to and from the trial venue with the relevant paperwork to present to the trial convenor. If your child would like to
trial and satisfies the criteria, please see Mrs McAfee on Thursday lunchtime to receive the relevant paperwork. Some of
this needs to be returned to Mrs McAfee and others will be taken straight to the trial.
Current trials
Touch football played at Whites Hill reserve for girls (March 16 from 3.45-5.15pm; boys (March17 3.45 -5.30). Players
need to be prepared to play hard for the whole time. Other trials are basketball (12 years and under) Boys at Churchie
Campbell Centre on March 12, and Girls at Moreton Bay College Waller Centre on March 10. There are also Rugby
Leagu trials for 11 and 12 year olds at Carina Congratulations to Georgina for being selected into the final 14 players
trialling for the Lytton district netball team.
Good luck with further trials.
Janet McAfee, HPE Teacher
Position Vacant
Executive Officer Catholic School Parents Australia
20 hours per week
Generous Salary Package
Qualities and Skills
Strong Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Comfortable interacting within Catholic Education and Catholic Church and with Government
Interest in and some knowledge of political processes
Recognition of the power of advocacy in influencing policy
Able to prepare meeting papers and provide some other administration services to CSPA Council
Role holder will be collocated with Federation of P & F Secretariat, 143 Edward Street, Brisbane.
Some flexibility in hours will be discussed.
Further information
Carmel Nash 33369349 or 0421633915 Applications close 5pm March 16 2015
Clairvaux Mackillop College “Windows” Days 2015
The College will be holding its Open Days, called “Windows”, at which you can gain an insight into the educational
policies and practices of the school. Bookings are recommended, so please contact the school to register at one of the
following sessions:
Friday, 20 March 2015
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Friday, 5 June 2015
Friday, 28 August 2015
9:00am to 10:30am
6:30pm to 8:00pm
9:00am to 10:30am
9:00am to 10:30am
Enrolment applications are being taken for students currently in Years 3 upwards who wish to attend Clairvaux
MacKillop College in Year 7.
For an information pack and application form, please ring the Enrolment Officer on 3347 9223 or email
Bulimba Women’s Hockey Club are seeking PLAYERS/COACHES for 2015 Hockey Season
Aged from 5 years for.....
Senior, Junior and Masters Turf Teams
Senior and Junior Grass Teams
Modified Teams
Training held at State Hockey Centre, Lytton Road, Morningside
For further details please contact:
Kay Beirne - 0409621033 or Gaye Swaffield - 0408339891
Laffs Tennis
Enrolment forms for tennis coaching second term 2015 have been distributed and are to be completed and returned to
the school office or to our PO Box address by the due date, Thursday, 19 March 2015.
Any new pupil signing on for these lessons will receive at no charge a Junior Tennis Racquet.
School holiday clinics are available at Chandler Tennis Centre – please call 07 3245 4494.
Laffs Tennis, PO Box 2509 Graceville Q 4075 Telephone 0412 638 036
10 Stephen Street, Camp Hill Q 4152
Office Hours: 8:15am to 3:30pm
Phone: 07 3398 6633
Fax: 07 3398 6046
Absentee Line: 07 3398 7531
Don’t forget to visit the Photo Gallery on our website ……..
10 Stephen Street
Camp Hill, Qld 4152
Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school!
Camp Hill Bowls Club
helloworld Capalaba
Ray White Morningside
Xennox Diamonds
AJ Crossfit and Personal Training
Carina Leagues Club
Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill
Highly Strung
Imago Photography
Langlands Park Memorial Pool
Libertine Perfumerie
Mama's Home
McPherson Plant Hire
Miss Cocoa
Party Time Amusements
Ray White Stones Corner
Vivid Photography
0423 176 808
(07) 3843 9200
(07) 3843 0080
(07) 3395 5800
(07) 3397 7436
(07) 3216 0122
(07) 3357 3333
(07) 3843 4147
(07) 3868 4488
(07) 5543 6328
(07) 3394 2338
(07) 3391 7999
Aaron Dillaway MP
ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd
Bakers Delight Camp Hill
Brisbane Marriott Hotel
Bryan Byrt Volkswagen
Cineplex Australia
CocoBelle hair studio
Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd
Domino's Pizza Carindale
Frances Suter Photography
Goodlife Health Club Holland Park
Granada Café Tapas Bar
Harvey Norman - Carindale
Ithaca Ice Works
John Pearcy Audiology
Katrina Christ Photographer
McGuires' Hotels
Olli Skin
Pig ‘n’ Whistle
Renaissance Retirement Living
Councillor Shayne Sutton
Southern Cross Protection
(07) 3399 9492
(07) 3300 8844
(07) 3324 9485
(07) 3303 8000
0418 886 777
(07) 3899 3450
(07) 3161 5331
(07) 3890 1018
(07) 3109 2099
(07) 3899 0107
(07) 3849 9700
(07) 3844 4757
(07) 3398 0600
(07) 3348 7855
(07) 3398 8862
(07) 3891 5885
(07) 33998222
(07) 3395 1088
(07) 3832 9099
(07) 3820 7700
(07) 3407 8200
1300 136 102
(07) 3398 1297
(07) 3245 4377
(07) 3638 4700
(07) 3210 6288
Style Electrical Pty Ltd
Teenie & Tiny
Treetops Montville
(07) 3343 8017
13 11 55
(07) 3221 7635
(07) 3395 3680
1800 087 330
(07) 3398 2931
(07) 3265 8111
0413 339 845
(07) 3395 0725
(07) 3324 6200
(07) 3395 8555
(07) 3855 3966
(07) 3398 2107
(07) 3420 6120
(07) 3843 3011
(07) 5588 1111
(07) 3848 4000
(07) 3398 6945
(07) 3847 4106
(07) 3901 6577
(07) 3391 3530
(07) 3398 3153
(07) 3736 4400
Aaliya and I
Basils Pty Ltd
Brisbane Entertainment Centre
Café XS
Carindale Hotel
Carr Automotive
Charlies Fruit Market
Clem Jones Centre
Clout and Turner Travel
Espial Interiors + Gifts
Fluid the Color Salon
Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd
Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann
Heinz Meats
Idyllic Beauty
Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and
Learn Music
McDonalds Coorparoo
Morningside Picture Framing
Norman Park Central Newsagency
Officeworks Woolloongabba
Pacific Golf Club
Pizza Capers
Queensland Festival and Events
Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting
Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill
Studio Pilates International
Tans Taekwondo
The Green Papaya
Village Roadshow Theme Parks
Watermark Plumbing
(07) 3511 7602
(07) 3397 9956
(07) 3899 1088
(07) 3899 9255
(07) 3896 2300
(07) 3343 0888
(07) 3395 2111
0414 714 701
0423 15 9991
(07) 3107 2111
(07) 3899 4555
(07) 3311 1991
(07) 3843 5366
13 33 86
0417 620 502
Adorne Carindale
Australia Zoo
Big W Carindale
Birdie and Mia's
Bobbi Belle Style
Carina Meat Supply
Discount Drug Store Whites Hill
Gardiner Chess
Grill'd Camp Hill
(07) 3843 1499
(07) 5436 2000
(07) 3115 3300
(07) 5589 9899
(07) 3395 4684
(07) 3394 1166
(07) 3398 3903
(07) 3398 1634
(07) 3308 6100
(07) 3398 7725
(07) 5522 7221
(07) 3843 4444
 Hairdressers of Camp Hill
 HART Sport
 Joanna Gianniotis – Place
 John's Barber Shop
 Laserforce
 Little Grace
 Merlo coffee
 Mookie Designs
 Sirromet
 Stanley Road News
 Styles on Stanley
 Terri Butler - Member for Griffiths
(07) 3398 1099
1300 764 719
0433 168 761
0413 519 845
(07) 3891 1031
(07) 3395 2125
(07) 3620 4200
(07) 3899 8492
(07) 3206 2999
(07) 3843 2099
(07) 3843 3100
(07) 3899 4031
 The Rabbit Hole
0410 119 341
(07) 3432 5100
(07) 3168 1034
(07) 3252 0666
The Workshops Rail Museum
Unsurpassable Hair
Victoria Park
Vintage Fairy