newsletter - St Thomas


newsletter - St Thomas
28th January, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians
Welcome everybody as we commence the 2015 school year. A special welcome to all new families to
our St Thomas’ School community.
Our school newsletter, Thomatalk will be emailed in class groups each Wednesday. Thomatalk is an
important part of our communication network and can be viewed at Thomatalk will contain important information regarding school
activities, community news and curriculum developments. Please take time to read it.
If information about school activities, report cards, invitations etc. need to go to two separate
addresses, please ensure these details are provided to the school office so our database can be
Whole School Assembly
This assembly will be held on Wednesday each week during school term at 2:15pm.
We all know that children receive the best education when parents and teachers work as a team.
Parents’ enthusiasm, support and involvement are integral to the success of our school as are the
skills, dedication and professionalism of teachers. Together, staff and parents can provide educational
excellence for every student, so that they can achieve their personal best. Together, we can support
one another to provide a quality Catholic learning environment where our achievements are
Within our school, we can model God’s love for each one of us, by being a renewing community where
all members are valued, affirmed and empowered; where our commitment to Gospel values is
expressed in every facet of our school’s endeavours.
For this sentiment to continue throughout the year, it will require our collective wisdom and
generosity of spirit to be at the forefront of all our communications.
Our school has a special role in assisting every parent with the education of their children, so that all
children will develop a sense of personal responsibility and learn the correct use of freedom.
Throughout the year, our school will provide counter experiences of liturgy and prayer to assist the
spiritual and moral maturity of all our students.
May this school year see staff and parents in partnership in our collective role of catholic education.
“God, our Father,
we ask that Your Spirit be a constant
influence in the lives of all who make up
our school community this year. Help our
students to be discerning, so that the outcomes
of their choices will be in accord with Gospel values. Amen.”
Before and After School
A reminder that staff are on duty from 8:15am until 3:15pm each school day to provide care and to
supervise our children. Due to the legal requirements of all schools, and to contribute towards their
safety, no child should be on the school premises before or after these times except for supervised,
organised programs such as tennis, special school projects, music lessons, etc. The Outside School
Hours Care facility is available for those families who require earlier or later attendance on site.
Children who are not collected by 3:15pm will be brought into the school office to wait. Please note
that the school office closes at 3:30pm.
Before school the children are to be on the hard court area. At present the Prep students will go
directly to their classrooms for morning activities. Children in Year 1 should put their bags in the area
their teacher has indicated, i.e. around the hardcourt fence and only go to classrooms at 8:30am after
the bell has rung to commence school. . Children in the Year 2 and 3 classrooms should put their bags
on the bag hooks/racks provided outside their classroom and return to the hard court area
immediately. Year 4 students will leave their bags in the undercover area opposite the tuckshop
where they will line up and Year 5 and 6 students have individual arrangements with their teachers.
No students should be on verandahs or playing near classrooms before or after school, or at recess
After school, all children should be either at the collection points at Stephen Street, Perth Street or
Prep or standing with their parents/guardians under their supervision.
Prep Access
Please be aware that access to Prep via the roller door is only for the first few weeks of the school
year. The Prep students will then join the rest of the school each morning for the 8:15am before
school supervision on the hard court area.
Nut Allergy
No doubt you would be very well aware that the incidence of food allergies in children is increasing.
As a result, many schools are adjusting eating and tuckshop arrangements and informing
parents/guardians of possible allergens and foods that would best be consumed at home, rather than
at school, to avoid a potentially fatal allergic reaction in students who have these allergies. This is the
case here at our school. St Thomas’ School is “nut aware”.
Once again this year, here at St Thomas’, there are a number of children who have high level food
allergies to nuts. Ingestion of nuts or nut products in these children will result in anaphylaxis, a severe
allergic reaction. It is also possible that contact through touching plastic wrap or packaging in which
nuts have been stored; holding hands with children who have eaten nuts or nut products; playing on
playground apparatus or sharing equipment that has been touched by another child with nut residue
on his or her hands; etc. could also trigger this same reaction. An anaphylactic reaction is life
threatening and results in the rapid swelling of the tongue and throat, difficulty breathing and/or an
inability to breath and loss of consciousness. Immediate treatment begins with an injection of
adrenaline, using an Epipen, before emergency ambulance care and transport to hospital.
Staff have a detailed management plan to address the particular needs of these children, but as
children from all year levels regularly interact with each other throughout the day, I am also asking
your assistance in ensuring that all St Thomas’ children refrain from bringing nuts, nut spreads (peanut
paste, nutella, almond meal, pesto), nut bars (muesli, health), or any product with obvious nut pieces
to school. Ideally, these foods should be eaten after school.
However, if they are eaten for breakfast, may I additionally request that you ensure that your child has
thoroughly washed their hands and face, and brushed his or her teeth, as nut residue can remain in
the mouth for up to six hours after eating. Any adult who will be visiting or assisting in any capacity
at the school should also take the same precautions.
While acknowledging that it is impossible to avoid all foods that may contain nuts or nut products, by
eliminating those that obviously do, will contribute significantly to improving the safety of our
children. I realise that this request may cause inconvenience for some families but as a community,
each of us has a responsibility to all of our children, including ensuring that our school environment is
safe and, in this particular instance, to minimize the inherent risks associated with severe food
Thank you for your anticipated assistance with this request, it is much appreciated. Please make
contact through the school office if you have any questions regarding the above.
Student Safety
A reminder that the car park next to the Parish Hall is for the use of parish visitors and is not a car park
for parent usage. As the safety of our students is of the highest priority, the practise of using the car
park as a drop off or pick up point for students is not permitted. Please ensure that you use the
designated drop off areas so that all students can stay safe.
The Parish have very kindly allowed the school staff to use some of the car park with remaining
designated spaces required for visitors to the Parish Office. Please ensure that you comply with this
Please do not cross Stephen Street illegally to walk children to the Prep building. Please ensure you
use the pedestrian crossing that is provided in Stephen Street for this purpose.
If each and every parent and carer takes full and diligent responsibility for their own actions and their
own children as they walk past cars, park in designated places only, use the pick-up area safely,
crossing only at the designated safe school crossings, parking the car and walking into school to collect
children and following all safety guidelines, then all of our children will be safe at all times! Please
ensure that your actions contribute to a safe school for all.
Road Safety – it really is up to you!
Parent/Teacher Night
Parent/Teacher Night for 2015 will take place on Wednesday, 11th February. All parents/guardians are
encouraged to participate in this wonderful opportunity to meet your child’s/children’s teacher/s and
gain a glimpse into the year ahead for your child’s class, learn more about class and teacher
expectations, routines and the developmental learning experiences they have planned.
Starting times will be staggered as follows to allow for families with a number of children to attend
each meeting or part thereof. Each meeting will be held in individual classrooms.
6pm – Prep and Year 1 6:30pm – Years 2 and 3
7pm – Years 4 and 5
7:30pm – Year 5/6 and 6
The evening is of a general nature and so discussions about individual children will not be possible but
please feel free to contact the school office to organise an interview time with your child’s teacher to
discuss any concerns or queries that you may have.
The focus for the evening is interaction and information sharing between parents/guardians and staff
and therefore it is anticipated that children will not be in attendance during the various class
meetings. Please try to avoid bringing children on the night, but, if alternative arrangements can’t be
made, please don’t let it prevent you from attending. We hope all families will be represented.
Late Arrivals and Early Departures
A number of changes to our administrative processes have occurred over the past two years.
One such change will see any students arriving at school after 8:30am being marked as “late”
for school. Class rolls will be marked online with distinct cut off times for late arrivals and early
To avoid disruption at the classroom with late arrivals, students who arrive after 8:30am need
to be signed in by parent/guardian at the school office and will join their class as soon as
practicable. At that time, the office staff will adjust the class roll to reflect your child’s late
If your child walks or rides a bicycle to school and arrives after 8:30am they must also report to
the school office on arrival.
If your child leaves before the end of the school day, we ask that you advise the office staff of
the time you wish to collect your child. Your child will be called to reception when you arrive
to sign them out. At this time, the office staff will adjust the class roll to reflect your child’s
early departure.
We would also ask that we are alerted to student absences via the dedicated Absentee Line at
3398 7531 only. This is our preferred method of absentee notification rather than e-mail.
Please continue to advise the class teacher with written advice if you’re aware your child will
be absent for a long period of time (i.e. holidays, illness, etc.).
We extend a warm welcome to our new staff, Mrs Natasha Morrison (Year 3 White), Mr Michael
Brammer (Year 5/6 White), Mr Adrian Van Praag (Music) and Mrs Patricia Hickey (classroom support).
We welcome back Ms Alison Clark (Year 5 Blue). We look forward to a fruitful and supportive year
A big welcome also to each of our fifty-two very special Prep children and the new students joining us
in other year levels. Included with this note is a copy of our school staff for your information.
We look forward to a year of hope, new learnings, challenges, hard work, laughter and surprises with
you and your family and pray that whatever your circumstances may be throughout the year that we,
the community, can be the face of Christ to you.
God’s blessings
Lorraine Walker
Happy Birthday to those students who have celebrated since they finished school last year and those
who will celebrate before our first Thomatalk of the year next Wednesday.
Gigi Duncan, Audrey Covill, Sophie Cox, Joseph Taylor, India Rundle, Jemma
Breitfuss, Max Green, Harrison Wines, Liam Harland, William Baer, Charlotte Walls,
Luca Jordan-Vieira, Lachlan Wood, Lily Dawson, Jesse Livotta, James Audet, Dean
Basili, Jack Lindsay, Te Amor Tuuta, Madeleine Waters, Jacob Buckley, Sebastian
Rodriguez, Elsie Dowling, Siana Duncan, Georgina Cadman, Henry Traill, Caitlin Lea,
Samuel Muldoon, Ognjen Radovanovic, Charlie Victorsen, Indy Forster, Cohen
Dangaard, Jake Miles-Wrency, Eloise McKee, Henry Case, Caitlyn Chittick, Ella
Denny, Orla Hudson, Christian Orton, James Harris, Daniela Faranda, Matilda
Saunders, Zac Bonke, Bailey Horvath, James Pearcy, Gabriel Softa, Daniel Pearcy, Adury Harland,
Ben Hermiston, Bailey Llewellyn, Brooke Llewellyn, Mia Clifford, Scricharan Rajkumar, Zeppelin
Henry, Aiden Mohr. We hope you had a great day!
Prep 2016
Applications for enrolment for Prep 2016 will open on Monday, 23rd February, 2015 and close on
Wednesday, 1st April, 2015. Application for Enrolment forms will be available from mid-February via
our website
If you wish to volunteer to help at school either in classrooms, tuckshop, excursions, etc. all volunteers
within Brisbane Catholic Education must complete the Student Protection training package that is
available on our website.
All non-parent volunteers over 18 years of age must undergo employment screening under the Act
and hold a current Positive Notice Blue Card for Volunteers. This includes siblings and grandparents of
Sports Uniform
Sports uniform is to be worn on those days classes have a PE lesson. For Years 1 – 4 these days are
Tuesday and Friday.
In order to preserve the privacy of all our students, it is important that all reports (speech, O.T.,
physio, medical, etc.) are handed into the school office. There they will be logged immediately and
handed to the class teacher or the Learning Support Co-Ordinator.
2015 STAFF
Teacher Prep Blue
Teacher Prep White
Teacher 1 Blue
Teacher 1 White
Teacher 2 Blue
Teacher 5/6 White
Mrs Cathy Manteufel
Mrs Natalie Bergin
Miss Jane Glynn
Miss Jenny Little
Mrs Jak Baer
Mrs Tish Lee
Mrs Liz Anderson
Ms Helen Clarke
Mrs Peta Ebzery
Mrs Natasha Morrison
Mrs Tamzin Hull
Mrs Penney Taylor
Ms Alison Clark
Miss Kimberley Simpson
Mr Michael Brammer
Teacher 6 Blue
Additional Classroom Support
Learning Support Co-ordinator
Additional Classroom Support
Literacy Support
ESL Teacher
Teacher Librarian
Teacher Librarian
H & PE Teacher
ICLT Teacher
Mrs Hilary Boxshall
Mrs Suzanne Dillon
Mrs Ros Kelly
Mrs Patricia Hickey
Sr. Carmela Zammit
To be advised
Mrs Moira Stewart
Mrs Lisa Irwin
Mrs Janet McAfee
Mr Paul Shaw
Italian Teacher
Mr Mario Collura
Teacher 2 White
Teacher 3 Blue
Teacher 3 White
Teacher 4 Blue
Teacher 4 White
Teacher 5 Blue
Guidance Counsellor
Music Teacher
Administration Support
Finance Secretary
School Secretary/Teacher Aide
School Secretary/Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Teacher Aide
Prep Aide
Prep Aide
Library Aide
Tuckshop Convenor
Mrs Charlotte Smith
Mr Adrian Van Praag
Mrs Pattie Linning
Mrs Robyn Weston
Mrs Maree Shaw
Mrs Gillian Mazoletti
Mrs Andrea James
Mrs Lyn Kasatchenko
Mrs Paula Lisignoli
Mrs Lucy Townsend
Mrs. Michelle Gaddes
Mrs Pauline Albiez
Mrs Trudi Donda
Mrs Bernadette Kelly
Mrs. Mary Henricks
Mr Josh O’Connor
Mrs Donna Leahy
10 Stephen Street
Camp Hill, Qld 4152
Please support the wonderful sponsors that support our school!
Camp Hill Bowls Club
helloworld Capalaba
Ray White Morningside
Xennox Diamonds
AJ Crossfit and Personal Training
Carina Leagues Club
Fruition Tuition - Camp Hill
Highly Strung
Imago Photography
Langlands Park Memorial Pool
Libertine Perfumerie
Mama's Home
McPherson Plant Hire
Miss Cocoa
Party Time Amusements
Ray White Stones Corner
Vivid Photography
0423 176 808
(07) 3843 9200
(07) 3843 0080
(07) 3395 5800
(07) 3397 7436
(07) 3216 0122
(07) 3357 3333
(07) 3843 4147
(07) 3868 4488
(07) 5543 6328
(07) 3394 2338
(07) 3391 7999
Aaron Dillaway MP
ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd
Bakers Delight Camp Hill
Brisbane Marriott Hotel
Bryan Byrt Volkswagen
Cineplex Australia
CocoBelle hair studio
Crusty Devil Bakehouse Pty Ltd
Domino's Pizza Carindale
Frances Suter Photography
Goodlife Health Club Holland Park
Granada Café Tapas Bar
Harvey Norman - Carindale
Ithaca Ice Works
John Pearcy Audiology
Katrina Christ Photographer
McGuires' Hotels
Olli Skin
Pig ‘n’ Whistle
Renaissance Retirement Living
Councillor Shayne Sutton
Southern Cross Protection
(07) 3399 9492
(07) 3300 8844
(07) 3324 9485
(07) 3303 8000
0418 886 777
(07) 3899 3450
(07) 3161 5331
(07) 3890 1018
(07) 3109 2099
(07) 3899 0107
(07) 3849 9700
(07) 3844 4757
(07) 3398 0600
(07) 3348 7855
(07) 3398 8862
(07) 3891 5885
(07) 33998222
(07) 3395 1088
(07) 3832 9099
(07) 3820 7700
(07) 3407 8200
1300 136 102
(07) 3398 1297
(07) 3245 4377
(07) 3638 4700
(07) 3210 6288
Style Electrical Pty Ltd
Teenie & Tiny
Treetops Montville
(07) 3343 8017
13 11 55
(07) 3221 7635
(07) 3395 3680
1800 087 330
(07) 3398 2931
(07) 3265 8111
0413 339 845
(07) 3395 0725
(07) 3324 6200
(07) 3395 8555
(07) 3855 3966
(07) 3398 2107
(07) 3420 6120
(07) 3843 3011
(07) 5588 1111
(07) 3848 4000
(07) 3398 6945
(07) 3847 4106
(07) 3901 6577
(07) 3391 3530
(07) 3398 3153
(07) 3736 4400
Aaliya and I
Basils Pty Ltd
Brisbane Entertainment Centre
Café XS
Carindale Hotel
Carr Automotive
Charlies Fruit Market
Clem Jones Centre
Clout and Turner Travel
Espial Interiors + Gifts
Fluid the Color Salon
Green Earth landscaping Pty Ltd
Happy Cakes by Kylie Mann
Heinz Meats
Idyllic Beauty
Jephson Hotel & Covet Bar and
Learn Music
McDonalds Coorparoo
Morningside Picture Framing
Norman Park Central Newsagency
Officeworks Woolloongabba
Pacific Golf Club
Pizza Capers
Queensland Festival and Events
Shazzle Dazzle Face Painting
Stuart Harland -Place Camp Hill
Studio Pilates International
Tans Taekwondo
The Green Papaya
Village Roadshow Theme Parks
Watermark Plumbing
(07) 3511 7602
(07) 3397 9956
(07) 3899 1088
(07) 3899 9255
(07) 3896 2300
(07) 3343 0888
(07) 3395 2111
0414 714 701
0423 15 9991
(07) 3107 2111
(07) 3899 4555
(07) 3311 1991
(07) 3843 5366
13 33 86
0417 620 502
Adorne Carindale
Australia Zoo
Big W Carindale
Birdie and Mia's
Bobbi Belle Style
Carina Meat Supply
Discount Drug Store Whites Hill
Gardiner Chess
Grill'd Camp Hill
(07) 3843 1499
(07) 5436 2000
(07) 3115 3300
(07) 5589 9899
(07) 3395 4684
(07) 3394 1166
(07) 3398 3903
(07) 3398 1634
(07) 3308 6100
(07) 3398 7725
(07) 5522 7221
(07) 3843 4444
 Hairdressers of Camp Hill
 HART Sport
 Joanna Gianniotis – Place
 John's Barber Shop
 Laserforce
 Little Grace
 Merlo coffee
 Mookie Designs
 Sirromet
 Stanley Road News
 Styles on Stanley
 Terri Butler - Member for Griffiths
(07) 3398 1099
1300 764 719
0433 168 761
0413 519 845
(07) 3891 1031
(07) 3395 2125
(07) 3620 4200
(07) 3899 8492
(07) 3206 2999
(07) 3843 2099
(07) 3843 3100
(07) 3899 4031
 The Rabbit Hole
0410 119 341
(07) 3432 5100
(07) 3168 1034
(07) 3252 0666
The Workshops Rail Museum
Unsurpassable Hair
Victoria Park
Vintage Fairy