Shipping 2.0: The new Normal


Shipping 2.0: The new Normal
Shipping 2.0: The new Normal
Thursday, 20 November 2014 | 10:00 h Check-in, coffee and get-together
11:00 – 19:00 h Conference | 19:00 – 23:00 h Warm and cold buffet, networking
Expert informationen
Panel 1
Markets in transition:
strategies for new business and growth
Panel 2
Survival of the Fittest:
Competitive for the markets of the future
Panel 3
Asset class ship:
Searching for new sources of finance
•Stagnation, triple dip or slow recovery:
What is the outlook for the freight and charter markets?
Which tendency do ship prices show?
•Separate the wheat from the chaff: What defines a good
project? Where is speculation missing market requirements?
•Consolidation, transparency, new business models:
How may shipping companies get back on track for growth
in post-crisis mode?
•Which direction will institutional investors take on the
German market? Can hedge funds / private equity and
German shipowners benefit from each other?
•Will sales of portfolio by banks and KG-takeovers loom
large only now?
•What to expect of German banks after the Asset Quality
Review by European Central Bank ECB?
•OPEX Study 2014: Back on the winning ways with
competitive operating costs?
•Retrofitting: What concepts have proven to be the right
path to expected savings?
•Upgrade to eco-ship: How do charterers and owners
finance retrofits?
•What is at the core of a competitive ship draft? Which
criteria should be paid attention to and should be financed?
•Private Equity: What are the projects financed now that
the first wave of euphoria has died down?
•Pure asset play or new concepts: What is the role of
business models in shipping as seen by investors?
•What is the latest trend at ship finance hot spots New York
and Oslo? Which stories help shipping companies at the
stock exchange and at the OTC market?
•Which circumstances make assets a worthwhile option?
Is the bond market Oslo an alternative?
•How do Greek shipowners advance on the international
stage? What may German shipowners learn from them?
Lectures and discussion
Jan-Hendrik Heikes, Managing Director, Ernst Russ
Oliver Faak, Head of Ship Finance, Nord/LB
Christoph Toepfer, CEO, Borealis Maritime
Alfred Hartmann, Owner of Hartmann Group
Torsten Westphal, CEO, Arkon Shipping
Lectures and discussion
Robert Brückner, PKF Arbicon Zink
Hermann Klein, CEO, E.R. Schiffahrt / Blue Star Holding
Lutz Müller, Chief Technology Officer, Reederei NSB
Carsten Wiebers, Global Head of Maritime Industries,
Christian Nieswandt, Global Head of Shipping,
HSH Nordbank
Jan-Henrik Hübner, Global Head of Shipping Advisory,
Lectures and discussion
Simon Madej, Head of Shipping, HSH Corporate Finance
Paul Leand, CEO, AMA Capital Partners
Rolf Darboven Zapffe, Pareto Project Finance Shipping,
Offshore & Energy Group
Orestis Schinas, Head of Maritime Business School, HSBA
t.b.a.: Arctic Securities
Media partners:
Please note: The programme may be adapted to topical developments.
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