The LAGEP (Laboratory of Automatic Control and Chemical Engineering) develops PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING
The LAGEP (Laboratory of Automatic Control and Chemical Engineering) develops PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING
| L ABORATORY CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL (LAGEP) UMR 5007, UNIVERSITÉ CLAUDE BERNARD LYON 1 – CNRS – CPE LYON HATEM FESSI Professor, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 The LAGEP (Laboratory of Automatic Control and Chemical Engineering) develops its research activities at the interface of Engineering and Health Sciences leading as well to base research as well as to transfer towards the important industrial sector in the region Rhône-Alpes. Its objective is to gather the experts in Automatic Control, Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering from both the University and the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) for the development of research activities in their domain of expertise as well as cross-domain activities organized in the four research themes presented below. THEMATIC GROUPS NONLINEAR SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES The research topic of the SNLEP team concerns the theorical development and implementation of tools in order to: Analyze, Modelize, Simulate, Control and Optimize Systems in Process Engineering. Our theoretical developments are motivated by practical applications encountered through collaborations with industrial and academic partners. More specifically, our work focuses on model design and reduction, parametric identification, observation, diagnosis and control. PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING The design of new formulations containing active molecules is the key point to enhance the efficiency. These formulations can be fabricated in the form of capsules or tablets using various engineering processes in order to control the active molecules location and distribution inside the used matrix. The active molecules or the final drug should answer various criteria driven by the targeted diseases, application way and patient’s age. • Pharmaceutical science (formulation and • Solid elaboration (lyophilisation and crystallisation) • Capsules preparation, colloidal physics and physical chemistry • Modelling and process engineering, • Life science (biodisponibility, skin penetration) SOLID ENGINEERING The ‘Solid Engineering’ group is focused on the study of the solid manufacturing processes from the initial state (obtained by dissolution, wet granulation, raw material division) to the final dry state. Solid particles are mainly obtained by such processes as crystallization-precipitation, agglomeration, conductive, convective or spray drying, freeze-drying. The scope of the group activities goes from the study of the internal fundamental mechanisms (heat and mass transfer, solid phase transition, polymorphism, desolvatation) to the process monitoring and control in an industrial context. PROCESS DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF SYSTEMS OF CONSERVATION LAWS The design of energy efficient, reliable and intensive processes requires the development of dynamical models of complex, network structured processes. Different multi-scale processes are considered such as adsorption, reactive extrusion processes, heat pumps, thermal storages using phase changes in fluids and cristallization in emulsion processes, involving mass and heat transport in heterogeneous and reactive media with moving interface. Nonlinear control laws are developped based on their formulation as port Hamiltonian systems or input-output contact systems. Control laws for systems of conservation laws are developed based on the semi-group theory, Riemann invariants with recent developments for systems with moving interfaces. | Figures Centre, top: experimentation using Buchi atomizer Centre, bottom: Hair decontamination studies Right, top: Density Measurement of caffeine tablets by X-rays Right, bottom: nanoparticles PLA. | EQUIPMENT › Climatic chamber, › In situ probe (video, FBRM, NIR) › Contact vacuum dryer, › Crystallization setups from 100ml to 30 litres › DSC, TGA, labtop SEM, flow ability ring shear tester , › 3D-powder mixer , HPLC, GPC, vaccum studies, › Nanosizer, ultracentrifugation, › Freeze Dryer › DVS (dynamic vapour sorption analyzer) › Rheometer | EXPERTISES › Crystallization-precipitation-agglomeration › Drying (contact, convective), spray-drying › Freeze-Drying, wet granluation › Pharmaceutical process, COLLABORATIONS The LAGEP has numerous collaborations within national and international projects. The funding of these project is obtained through public agencies (ANR, FUI, GGCIS, European Union) or industrial partnerships in chemical engineering (IFP, TOTAL, RHODIA, ARKEMA ..), systems and control engineering (Renault V.I., IFP, ACSISYSTEMES…) and pharmaceutical engineering 5SANOFI AVENTIS, VOVARTIS, PFIZER, L’OREAL, J&J, ..). KEYWORDS Encapsulation, targetting, Emulsions, Nanoparticles,pharmaceutical technologies, Diagnostic, therapy, automatic control, simulation, identification, separation processes, chemical reactors, Crystallization, precipitation, Drying, freeze-drying, STAFF Vincent Andrieu Junior researcher of the CNRS Christine Bebon Associate professor Marie-Alexandrine Bolzinger Associate professor Sandrine Bourgeois Associate professor Stéphanie Briancon Professor Nadia Chapel Administrative and Financial Officer Catherine Charcosset senior researcher of the CNRS Yves Chevalier senior researcher of the CNRS CHOROT Thierry Associate professor Claudia Cogne Associate professor Didier Colson Associate professor Genevièvre Conod-Nardi Technician Françoise Couenne Junior researcher of the CNRS Séverine Crastes-Vessot Professor Ghania Degobert Associate professor Hélène Desmorieux Associate professor Valerie Dos Santos Martins Associate professor Pascal Dufour Associate professor Hamid Elaissari senior researcher of the CNRS Hatem Fessi Professor Koffi Fiaty Associate professor Emilie Gagniere Associate professor Olivier Garrigues Engineer Hassan Hammouri Professor Boussad Hamroun Associate professor Christian Jallut Professor Jean-Paul Klein Professor Pierre Laurent Associate professor Denis Mangin Associate professor Jean-Claude Marques Associate professor Bernhard Maschke Professor Madiha Nadri Associate professor Sami Othman Associate professor Roman Peczalski Professor Jocelyne Pelletier Engineer François Puel Associate professor Mickael Rodrigues Associate professor Ulysse Serres Associate professor Nida Sheibat-Othman Junior researcher of the CNRS Sebastien Urbaniak Technician Claire Valentin Professor Jean-Pierre Valour Engineer and Project Officer Xu Cheng-Zhong Professor 3-6 Post-Docs 40-45 PhD Students 10-15 Graduate Students | Figures Left, top: skin description Left, bottom : Pilot Freeze-dryer Right, top : Polymers particles preparation Right, bottom : monodisperse particles DOMAINE SCIENTIFIQUE LYONTECH – LA DOUA LAGEP – UNIVERSITÉ CLAUDE BERNARD LYON 1 Bâtiment CPE Lyon 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918 69 622 Villeurbanne cedex France TEL.: 33 (0)4 72 43 18 93 FAX: 33 (0)4 72 43 16 82