BRUNSWICK NORTH PS Back to Earth Initiative


BRUNSWICK NORTH PS Back to Earth Initiative
We are so pleased to announce the winner of the
Back to Earth Initiative competition is….
We have won a fantastic prize of $5000 that will go towards
establishing our orchard garden. Here’s an overview of the
We want to create a Kitchen Garden and Urban Orchard for our
school community. Our plans include fruit trees, vines, vegetables
and herbs, a potting station, compost and worm farm as well as
pathways and seating to enable students and the parent
community to really engage with the space. The aim of our
Kitchen Garden program is to introduce children to the wonderful
world of good quality organic food via a productive food garden. Children will learn to understand seasonality
of produce, when produce is ripe and at its best for eating and how to prepare it easily. We want our children to
be excited by all the wonderful experiences and sense of achievement that a food garden can provide.
Our Kitchen Garden and Urban Orchard will:
• Promote learning about the environment and sustainability in areas such as water conservation, the
importance of insects, benefits of organic matter ;
• Increase children’s knowledge, confidence and skills;
• Teach team work, collaboration and patience;
• Assist children to learn about seasonality of produce;
• Encourage re-use and repurposing of materials;
• Teach children about different varieties of fruits and vegetables and foster a willingness to try a broad range
of produce;
• Engage families from the school community in the creation and maintenance of the garden;
• Provide a new place for cross-cultural learning in our school community.
On behalf of the school community we wish to thank Gail Peacock and Catherine Doherty for their
hard work in preparing this entry and to all involved in the initial planning of the project. We would
also like give a BIG thanks to everyone who voted for us. It was a fantastic effort and at many points
we were neck and neck with our competitors but in the end we made it through to the final round for
judging. Almost 50,000 votes were cast across 90 extremely worthy projects. The judging panel
included Vasili, the face of traditional gardening on Channel 31 for more than 10 years and host of
Vasili’s Garden to Kitchen; Simon Spencer, manager of Veolia's Melbourne North West Organics
Composting Project; and Simon Hum, Education Project Advisor at Sustainability Victoria. The judges
assessed each project’s community involvement, community and environmental benefit, and ability to
demonstrate the Back to Earth message and aims.
We will be holding a launch of this project at school on Thursday 30th October at 10:30am and we
would like to invite students and staff to join in.
The Back to Earth Initiative creates compost from your green waste to help farms, gardens and parks
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Wednesday 22 October 2014 – Week 3-11
Tues 28 Oct
Wed 29 Oct
Thurs 30 -31 Oct
Frid 31 Oct
Mon 3 Nov
Tues 4 Nov
Wed 5 Nov
Sat 8 Nov
Tues 11 Nov
Wed 12 Nov
Thurs 13 Nov
Tues 18 Nov
Thurs 20 Nov
Mon 24 Nov
Tues 25 Nov
Wed 26 Nov
Sat 29 Nov
Mon 1 Dec
Tues 2 Dec
Thurs 4 Dec
Tues 9 Dec
Wed 10 Dec
Frid 12 Dec
Tues 16 Dec
Frid 19 Dec
Wed 28 Jan
Prep Kelly Sports
Grounds Committee Meeting –
Prep Transition
3/4 Camp - Sunnystones
1/2 Musical Incursion
1/2 Musical Incursion
Cup Day – No School
Prep Transition
Working Bee
Prep Kelly Sports
Prep & School Transition
Hoop Time Grade 5/6
Prep Kelly Sports
School Council Meeting 7pm
Twilight Picnic 5.30-7.30pm
Kids Car Ed Grade 1/2
Prep Kelly Sports
Parent Helpers Morning tea –
State Election Stalls
Kids Car Ed Grade 1/2
Parents Transition Session Grade
Prep Kelly Sports
Prep Incursion – Drama Toolbox
‘Fairytale Fiasco’
Grounds Committee Meeting 7pm
Festa del Canto Grade 3/4
Grade 6 Orientation day
School Council Meeting -7pm
Grade 6 Big Day Out
Classroom Celebration & BBQ
Grade 6 Graduation 5-8.30pm
Last day Term 4
Uniform Shop Open 9am-2pm
Getting Ready For Camp Sunny Stones
Marsh. They are going bush walking through the Long
Forest Conservation Reserve and participating in some
great camp activities such as bush cooking, hut
building, archery, low ropes course and storytelling. In
the evening they have the Year 3/4 X-Factor and a
Pyjama Disco planned. It will certainly be an action
packed camp. We look forward to their return on
Friday at approximately 3.30pm.
Foundation Students Enjoy Kelly Sports Sessions
The Foundation students are certainly looking forward
to the next five weeks of Kelly Sports Activity Sessions.
They will be participating in team building and fitness
games and activities each week. Can parents please
ensure they have packed their child’s hat and waterbottle every Tuesday.
Year 1/2 Musical Incursion
The Year 1/2 students are investigating “How is it
made?” As part of the exploration they will be
working with the team from Supreme Incursions to
make recycled instruments. The students will discuss
recycling and repurposing items such as plastic bags
and CD’s. Everyone will have the opportunity to
create two of their own instruments out of recycled
materials (from home), which they will use in their
very own “jam sessions”. I am certainly looking
forward to listening in on them during the sessions!
Albion Street Garden Share
With the warmer weather it is wonderful to see our
community enjoying their time outside in the school
grounds. The Yellow Park in the Albion Street Garden
is a popular spot for all. The students at After Care are
also keen to play outside and we will be sharing the
space with them as well. So at 4.30 the gates will be
closed and the area will set aside for the After Care
students to use. Parents and families are welcome to
play at the Blue Park after that time. I thank you for
your support with this matter.
On Thursday this week eighty four of our Year3/4
students and school staff are going to Sunnystones
Camp located in the beautiful surrounds of Bacchus
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
2015 Foundation Students Transition Day Success
This morning we welcomed many of our 2015
Foundation students to Brunswick North Primary
School. The teachers and I were very impressed with
the way in which our prospective students settled into
the Transition Program. A big thank you must go to
our wonderful Year 5 student helpers for their
fantastic “Big Buddy “work on the day. Your support
and assistance was very much appreciated by the
Foundation Staff.
it in arabo for us! We always enjoy using other
languages too! By popular demand here are the
Walk to School
What beautiful days we have had to walk to school
and I hope everyone has been enjoying the sunshine!
So far, our school trophy has been awarded to 1/2M,
5/6B, 3/4S and twice to 1/2B. It is great to see
students filling out their own class calendars to record
their fantastic walking efforts!
Don't forget to enter the weekly competition in which
you could win a family pass to Melbourne City
Football Club vs Sydney Football Club at AAMI Park on
Saturday November 22nd. For this week's chance to
win, simply draw a map of your favourite walk (real or
imaginary) and email it to
Happy walking!
L’angolo italiano
What a delight it was to see and hear all of our
wonderful studenti singing IL LEONE SI E`
ADDORMENTATO at Assembly on Monday. La famiglia
Hughes di un fantastico job leading the whole scuola
on stage. How wonderful that una famiglia can almost
represent every livello at our scuola and they also
demonstrate a real commitment to the study of
Italiano. Most classi have had fun learning about
animali and their suono with our canzone IL PULCINO
PIO e LA VENDETTA. He can be found on YouTube and
studenti are always reminded to seek parental
permission before using this site and we talk about its
correct use. The junior classi have also been learning
the very popular FRA MARTINO which is the Italiano
version of Brother John. In classe we have been
singing it also in francese and Aya and Zayn even sang
Please find below informazione about the Carlton
Italian Festa this weekend.
All signed forms needed to be returned on Monday.
Studenti will be given their appointment times in the
next few days.
Una chiacchierata con Giulia
This settimana, on lunedì at the assemblea, I really
enjoyed watching all the studenti of BNPS singing “Il
leone si è addorentato”. It was molto bello that
everyone spoke italiano and made some gesti
following Millie, Sanchè, Loudan, Wesley and Freddy.
They were on the stage and they did a fantastico job.
Complimenti! Now, I’m looking forward to listening to
all the finalisti taking part in “La festa del canto”. I’m
sure you all will be molto bravi turning up with idee
molto originali. Keep on practising!The weather in
Melbourne is getting more and more warmer, and
that makes everybody felice. On domenica afternoon I
went alla spiaggia di St. Kilda. It was magnifico!
Saluti, Giulia
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
I learnt more italiano and the Tarantella dance. Taylor
That a lot can be made from willow trees and how to
make pasta. Helen
I learnt that italiani have something to do with making
cricket bats. Chris
I learnt that the Tarantella dance was a dance to help
cure tarantula bites. Fiona.
I learned a lot of new things whilst on campeggio. I
learned about the history of the Tarantella dance.
I learnt lots of italiano that I didnt already know and I relearnt lots about Swiss-Italian culture. Keira
Lots of new italiano words! Hannan J
Making friends from other schools was my favourite!
The Lavandula farm. Helen
Getting to know people from other schools. Chris
My favourites were the Lavandula farm, macaroni factory
and the learning the Tarantella dance. Fiona
My favourite experience on campeggio was probably
learning how to dance la Tarantella. Gabriel
Everything! I liked the Lavandula farm most because it
had great scenery and an amazing history. We also got
the chance to buy some souvenires and I got lavendaer
lollies. Keira
Dancing la Tarantella, playing bocce, watching the real
storia of Pinocchio and watching Frances roll up and
down the slope at Cricket Willow! Hannah
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Italiano words about cricket bats and more. Lillian
To speak more italiano. Hannah PC
How to make biscotti della nonna. Jake
Going to la Lavandula farm and watching Pinocchio.
I did not have a favourite experience because I think the
WHOLE campeggio was great! Hannah PC
Probably la Tarantella and le bocce. Jake
Family Science Night
Well, what a week it was last week - four whole nights of Science at Brunswick North Primary School! It was an
unprecedented response and the biggest week that Hands On Science has ever delivered.
I would like to personally thank Ms Lina, Ms Diana and Ms Fiona for their amazing support in ensuring everyone was
able to attend by managing the bookings (and last minute change of bookings due to the extra night and rooms!),
making calls, receiving calls and sending confirmations.
I would also like to thank all of the B.N.P.S. teaching staff that gave up their time to attend a night and help you to
explore Magnets, Reactive Chemistry, Forensic Science, Solid Liquids and Gases, Weather and Suds & Bubbles.
But of course, the biggest thank you goes to all of you, for your passion and enthusiasm for Science. I am extremely
proud to be a part of a community that is so interested in investigating and finding out. It was truly a pleasure to
welcome families and circulate amongst the rooms taking photos, hearing the scientific discussion and wonderings
happening everywhere. “What was that gas?” “I think I see a whirl, or maybe an arch in my fingerprint!” “Check out
that tornado!” just to quote a few.
From the feedback I received, Suds and Bubbles was a definite favourite. I believe the biggest bubble had a diameter
of 35cm! See if you can find yourself and your family in some of the photos of the night. I hope you enjoyed it as
much as I did; it sure looked like it!
Ms Amee
Science Co-ordinator
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Student of the Week
To be presented on
Monday 27th October 2014
Ziggy Mathieson
Finn Jamieson
Sophia Slaney-Marsch
Finn Olden
Natasha Nette
Malachi Conway
Daniel Vico
Daniel Vico
Monica Soria
Seren Coskun
Cesar Owen
Chloe Anthony
Loudan Hughes
Doma Tamang
Phoebe Leach
Patrick Choi
Paris Koparanidis
Sahib Cheema
Tiyella Spinks Dos-Santos
Kolya Dalgarno
Sophia Verdnik
Joshua Webb
Millie Hughes
For settling in well to Brunswick North
and taking on the role of Compost
Monitor. Well done!
For doing a great job during graduation
For having a great start back at B.N.P.S
Welcome back!
For positive start to Term 4. Keep up the
fantastic work!
For setting a wonderful example in class
and always doing her best!
For his fantastic efforts in completing his
Dr. Suess activity to a high standard.
Well done Mal!
For creating such an impressive visual
Literacy poster. Very clever Daniel!
For creating such an impressive visual
literacy poster. Very clever Daniel!
For great efforts with her maths work!
For consistently taking care over her
work and writing neatly.
For taking pride in his work and
producing high quality pieces. Keep it
For her continued good listening,
participation in class discussion and
completion of all learning tasks.
For sharing understandings and
knowledge with his classmates in all
curriculum areas.
For always coming to class enthusiastic
and willing to learn!
For her impressive bounce-back skills,
extensive vocabulary, kind heart and
radiant smile. Thank you!
Always using his manners and being
polite to others.
For her excellent reading progress.
for being a very attentive, well behaved
class member. Keep up the great work,
For always completing your work to your
highest standards. Fantastic effort!
For his terrific spelling in diary writing.
Always enjoying being in the art room.
For giving up his own ICT time to help
others in his class with their Scratch
Animations. Thanks Josh!!
Wonderful attitude on Campeggio
Italiano. Always positive and happy to
participate in all activities. Also great
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Annika Olden
Ms Lina
John Athanasopoulos
Holly Pyers
Ms Sonia
Astrid Leach
assembly singing. Brava!
For her excellent contributions in music
Fantastic volley catch skills.
For her conscientious efforts in maths
groups. Keep up the good work!
For settling back into Term 4, so well.
Keep up the great work!
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
BNPS Parents & Friends News
Upcoming Activities include:
2015 Prep Parents Morning Tea
Wed 12th Nov
After Care room
P&F Meet
Thurs 13th Nov, 7.30 pm
State Election Stalls
Saturday 29th Nov
End of Term BBQ
Friday 12th Dec
North !!!
I can’t believe it! What a great result for our kids!
I am heartened by the amount of interest and contribution from so many across our school. It just goes to
show what we can do with 1. a great project and 2. such enthusiasm and commitment from our community.
A big THANK YOU to all who voted and enticed others to vote for us as well.
So our record in 2014 is 3/3.
1. Local Leader Community Grant - $1,000 – Composting Bins
2. Telstra Kids Fund Grant - $1,200 – towards replacement of Mobile Whiteboard
and now, 3. Back to Earth Spring Garden Competition - $5,000 – towards the establishment
of Kitchen Garden and Orchard
We are always on the lookout for further opportunities for our school so if your company or association
offers grants, please let us know.
If you are interested becoming a member of the BNPS Parents & Friends Group, receiving more
detailed P&F news or would like to provide some feedback or suggestions, please send us an email
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address:
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah