a significant vision about our church
a significant vision about our church
WE BELIEVE that the most exciting way to live life is in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Jesus said that He came to give us life and to give it more abundantly (John 10:10)! Gather Get involved by regularly attending weekend services and other special events to celebrate God’s goodness. AT LIFEPOINT CHURCH, we want to help you experience that abundant life Jesus talked about. Won’t you consider joining us on an adventure of a lifetime? Grow Small Groups are the best way for you to be connected relationally to others in our church. These groups meet weekly and provide opportunities to grow spiritually through Bible study, prayer, and accountability. In a Small Group, you will discover real people who are wanting to know more about how to love Christ and live for Him. Check our Web site for more info about a group near you. Serve Every Christian is a minister. LifePoint Church offers opportunities for individuals to discover their God-given passion and their uniquely assigned spiritual gifts. Being involved on a Ministry Team offers every individual the opportunity to influence people to find and follow Jesus. . ve er A PERSON BECOMES A CHRISTIAN by understanding that he or she is separated from God because of sin (Romans 3:23). Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for that sin (Romans 5:8). You can become a Christian by believing (trusting) that Christ died for your sins and offers you forgiveness and a new life (John 1:12). 1701 Emory Road (Route 91) ◆ Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 phone: 410.239.4700 ◆ fax: 410.239.4841 ◆ www.lifepointchurch.us Worship services: Saturdays at 4:30pm and 6:15pm ◆ Sundays at 9am and 10:45am .S a simple strategy BUT THIS IS NOT the message of true Christianity. In fact, the Bible tells us that it is impossible for us to become Christians and get to heaven by our works (Ephesians 2:8,9). w Our church exists to help make a difference in people’s lives. We want to point people to Jesus Christ and help them grow to love Him more. We want to nurture our relationships with each other and be a source of encouragement and support. And we want to introduce others to Jesus Christ so they might experience joy, fulfillment and God’s forgiveness. MANY PEOPLE ASSUME they can get to heaven by doing good things. Their thinking goes something like this, “When I die God will weigh my good deeds against my bad deeds, and if I have done more good things than bad, then I will be allowed to enter heaven.” ro “Influencing people to find and follow Jesus.” how to become a Christian .G a specific mission er From its earliest days LifePoint Church has chosen a style of ministry that seeks to share the truth of Christ in genuine and meaningful ways. We’re working to present a life-changing message through the Holy Spirit’s power in ways that people can relate to. If you dig a little deeper you’ll find that not only is our church built on an authentic, contemporary and relevant approach to ministry, but also on a foundation that represents the very heartbeat of God. It’s our desire to pour our energies into what Jesus says really counts in life: Loving God and Loving People. LifePoint Church is a church for people who want to discover more about Jesus Christ and the Bible in ways that relate to everyday life. Through music that is alive and refreshing and preaching that is honest, relevant and Biblical, people are encouraged to experience an authentic relationship with God. We are careful to provide the best care for infants and toddlers and offer exciting learning opportunities for children. An extensive Youth Ministry provides a variety of activities to help young people grow and develop spiritually. Meeting in homes throughout the week, Small Groups create an ideal environment for adults to be connected to the church and grow in their faith. At our church people are encouraged to use their gifts and talents to make a difference in the world around them. Current sermon series: th “To build a family of believers who bring pleasure to God as we love Him completely, love each other unselfishly, and reach out with Christ's love to the world.” about our church Ga a significant vision Current Series: Like Family Please join us in the lobby before and after each service for coffee. Interpretation for the deaf is provided during the Saturday 6:15pm (upon request) and Sunday 10:45am services. Video Café Worship is open during the Sunday 10:45am service in the Underground. Men’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Join us for an exciting replay of the IF:Gathering, “If God is real ... then what?” Hear from speakers such as Jennie Allen, Bianca Olthoff, Jen Hatmaker and more. Together we’ll look up to look out, tackling big questions, big concerns, big dreams— wrestling it all out in the name of Jesus and for His kingdom. Meets Tuesdays for three weeks starting November 4. Choose from 10am or 7pm. Format includes video teachings and small group discussions. No cost. Register online. IMPACT starts a five-week study November 12. Christlike Influencer unpacks the five characteristics of a Christ-like Influencer into tangible bits for men as we go deeper in our walk with Jesus. Meets Wednesdays, 7-9pm, in KidQuest. No cost or registration. Join other LifePointers who regularly serve an evening meal to the men at HUM once a month. On Sunday, October 26, carpool to HUM, take the facility tour and assist in serving a meal. Space is limited. Email localoutreach@lifepointchurch.us, or visit the LifePoint website, Serve my Community. Risk Love October October’s Risk Love project focuses on two partners who love and serve the cancer community. Believe Big is passionate about encouraging patients and their families to seek God in the midst of their pain. We invite everyone to make a Believe Big mug—check our website for locations. Hope Lodge offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free place to stay when their treatment is in another city. More info on our website, or email localoutreach@lifepointchurch.us. Underground Student Movement GriefShare No matter how long it’s been since your loved one died, grief can make the holidays a painful time. But there’s hope. Join us for Surviving the Holidays to help you discover new reasons to enjoy the holidays again. November 15,12:302:30pm, Room 200. Light refreshments will be served. Register online. For more information: griefshare@ lifepointchurch.us. Select the “CALENDAR” tab and search for any event by title. New here? Meet some of the LifePoint pastors and staff and learn about our church, November 15&16, after the second service, in Room 200. Ventureland Children’s Ministries ELEVATE (grades 7–8): Saturdays at 4:30pm & Sundays at 9am. GARDENS/KIDPOINT/QUEST UPRISING (grades 9–12): Saturdays at 6:15- BREAKAWAY (grades 4–6): Available 7:30pm; doors open at 6pm. all services (except Saturdays at 6:15pm). Global Leadership Summit Register for next year’s GLS (August 6-7, 2015) by October 28 and receive this year’s discount of $79. Use the code GLS15HOST. Register through the LifePoint website. Orphan Sunday and National Adoption Month November is National Adoption Month and November 2 is Orphan Sunday. Join Legacy Orphan Ministry, other LifePointers and people from around the state at the Maryland Orphan Sunday Rally on Saturday, November 1, at Grace Community Church in Fulton, MD. Admission is free! Doors open at 3:30pm. For more info go to marylandorphansunday.org. Ready to Serve? It’s easy! Simply contact serve@ lifepointchurch.us and we’ll help you find your fit. Support LifePoint with AmazonSmile We’re now a registered charity on “AmazonSmile.” This is a simple and automatic way for you to support LPC every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop on smile.amazon.com (instead of amazon.com) using your regular Amazon account, the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase to LPC. The funds we receive through this program will be used for the NEXT building project. (6 weeks–grade 3): Available all services. BreakAway Half-Nighter registration now open. Friday, November 7, 6:3011pm at the 4 Seasons Sports Complex in Hampstead. This is an outreach event for 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. All students must be registered online to attend. Finances HUGS Disabilities Ministry Special needs classes for all ages available at the Saturday 4:30pm and Sunday 9:00 & 10:45am services. Stop by Guest Services for more information. Detailed financial information is available through the church office. General Offering FY 14-15 budget is $3,030,300. Our fiscal year ends August 31, 2015. Received last week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,610 Weekly budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $58,275 Received to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $348,735 Budget to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $407,925 NEXT/Building Fund Gifts intended for NEXT/building should be so designated. NEXT (Navigating EXtraordinary Times) is all about influencing people to find and follow Jesus by expanding our vision and our campus. Thousands of people in our surrounding region and beyond can be changed by the love of Christ. We have finished year 2 of a 3 year stewardship initiative. Thanks for your involvement! Visit next-lifepointchurch.us for more info. Commitment to date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,269,840 Received last week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,014 Received to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,209,056 Attendance Last Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,994 Serve Helping Up Mission (HUM) Thank you for muting your cell phone. If 075 is displayed, available HUGS volunteers please respond to Room 07B downstairs. If 505 is displayed, available Ventureland volunteers please respond to a staff need. lifepointchurch.us Grow Welcome to LifePoint Church Family dynamics can be exhilarating and excruciating. But since there’s no perfect family can we move toward progress even with our imperfections? The answer of course is a resounding yes. Family is good because family is from God. And sometimes it’s not that complicated if we learn to relate to each other in ways that foster love and mutual respect. For more information, to listen to previous sermons, and to see a detailed calendar of events, please visit our Web site: Gather October 25-26, 2014 Thank you for joining us today. We’re glad you’re here! ●✓Drop off this completed form at the New Here? station at Guest Services and receive a free gift! Service attended: Saturday ● 4:30 ● 6:15 Date: ____________ Sunday ● 9:00 ● 10:45 Name(s) of adults: Birthdate: ● Mr. ● Mrs. ● Miss ____________________________________________________ Phone (● Home ● Cell) _________________________________________________ ● Mr. ● Mrs. ● Miss ____________________________________________________ Phone (● Home ● Cell) _________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State _______ Zip _____________ Name(s) of children living at home: Birthdate: Gender: Grade: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ First impressions of our church: What I noticed first:____________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ What I liked best:______________________ I would like information about: ● Starting Point (What it means to be a Christian) ● ServePoint (Discovering your God-given spiritual gifts) ______________________________________ Family Life Ministries: ● Children’s Ministries ______________________________________ ● Student Ministries What I liked least: _____________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Other questions/comments: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ (birth–6th grade) (7th–12th grade) ● HUGS (Ministry to individuals with disabilities and their families) Group Life Ministries: ● Small Groups ● Men’s Ministries ● Women’s Ministries ● MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) ______________________________________ OutReach: ● Local OutReach ● Global OutReach ______________________________________ ● Other:_____________________ Please send me the following enewsletters: ● Church announcements ● Prayer More information on any specific ministry can be found online at lifepointchurch.us or at the Ministry Info Center in the lobby. ______________________________________ ___________________________ Fill a shoebox with items for a boy or girl. Ventureland will collect boxes in the lobby November 1-2, 8-9, and 15-16. For more information on this great family service project, visit www.samaritanspurse.org. Every Every shoebox shoebox gift gift you you pack pack enables enables us us to to reach reach children children worldwide worldwide with with the the good good news news of of God’s God’s love love and and the the true true meaning meaning of of Christmas. Christmas. Thanksgiving Feast, November 16, 12:45-3pm in the Underground, is an opportunity for families and friends of HUGS to gather together to thank God for His provision and blessings in our lives. Bring a side dish or dessert; turkey and drinks provided. RSVP to hugs@lifepointchurch.us. Festival of Trees Decorating, November 23, 1-5pm. HUGS families and friends go to the the State Fairgrounds in Timonium to decorate our tree donation at Kennedy Krieger’s Festival of Trees. Lunch beforehand at a local restaurant. For more info contact hugs@lifepointchurch.us.