I King & Queen Parish News What Have I Learned?


I King & Queen Parish News What Have I Learned?
Christ Church, Chaptico King & Queen Parish News
Thursday, October 23, 2014
In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington
What Have I Learned?
’ve been at Christ Church Chaptico for almost three months now and it’s
time to do a self-evaluation. No, I’m not going to get into the “move to
Leonardtown” where we couldn’t get the beds up the stairs and the cable
was not fit to start. Instead, it’s time for me to take all that I have learned over the
past months here at the church and to see what lies ahead.
In the time that I have been here I have learned that:
The acolyte program had taken a big hit when the last rector left and was getting along with a few dedicated people. We had an acolyte training one Sunday
and have added more young people to the program. Barbara Drumgoole has taken on coordinating the program, and getting the kids ready on Sunday mornings.
Now we just need the acolytes to step up and serve.
There was no parish directory when I arrived. I decided to create one to be
used by the next rector and me. Pictures were added and a directory is coming
into place. (You will see it again this Sunday to determine if everything is as it’s
supposed to be for your entry.) Since people have seen it they have wanted a copy
so it will be released to the parish when it is finished.
The Search Committee is in place and beginning the process of seeing where
the church is going in order that your new rector can be an effective leader. Jose
Gutierrez is the chair and is accompanied by many members who are seeking to
find God in this process. We have come up with a prayer to use every Sunday that
will help all of us invest in this God-given responsibility that we have taken on.
Your leaders, Sheila Gibbons Hiebert and Robert Oppermann, and the vestry
of this parish are committed to doing their best to make Christ Church work well
in a tough budget time. Next month they will be in touch regarding the efforts
you must make to create a successful budget for 2015.
These are just some of the many opportunities I’ve been part of at Christ
Church. I look forward toward gleaning much more in the months to come. May
God be with us as we move forward toward Advent and the next Christian year.
In God’s grace,
Rev. Mariann
The beautiful, contemplative space
that is Christ Church
Christ Episcopal
25390 Maddox Road
Chaptico, MD 20621
Parish Hall & Office
Hours: Tuesday-Friday:
9am to 4pm
www. christepiscopalchaptico.org
Parish Hall & Office
37497 Zach Fowler Rd
P.O. Box 8, Chaptico
Office Phone:
Mailing: P.O. Box 8,
Chaptico, MD 20621
Liturgical Page
Worship / Prayer List
Parish Announcements
Parish and Community
October 26, 2014 / Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 25
Page 2
Link: Bulletin
Link: http://www.christepiscopalchaptico.org/liturgical.html
Sunday Services
8:00am, Morning
Prayer / Holy Eucharist
10:30am, Organ &
Choir / Holy Eucharist
Propers (Readings)
1st Lesson: Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm: 90:1-6, 13-17
Epistle: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Gospel: Matthew 22:34-46
8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite I
LEM: Robbie Loker
David & Mary Simmons
Lector: Tom Oliver
10:30am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
LEMs: Fred Wyant and Herbie Redmond
Greeters: Crystal and Hannah Spranger Lector: Sheila Hiebert
Open to all Acolytes
Refreshments: Potluck Sunday, bring something small to share.
The Lectionary Page - Find the full readings at lectionarypage.net
Rev. Mariann Babnis
Altar Flowers for Sunday, October 26
“Given to the glory of God in celebration of the marriages of Beth Reeves and Josh
Office: 301-884-3451;
Wise, and Gene Burch and Jennifer Robertson, by their parents, Brad and Donna
MBabnis@christepiscopal Reeves, and Tad and Julie Burch.”
Rev. Babnis may be reached
after office hours on her cellphone
A Weekend of Singing and Song-Making
"How shall we sing the Lord's song upon an alien soil?" the Psalmist wrote long
ago (Ps.137:4), lamenting that he and the ancient Israelites had lost the gift of singThe Episcopal Church,
ing and song. When music is lost, too much is lost. Come, then, to literally Sing a
visit www.edow.org
New Church into Being, Saturday, Oct. 25. There will be an all-day music workshop at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Waldorf, starting at 9am. The titles of the
Monthly Liturgical
sessions are: Teaching New Music to a Congregation & Balancing New Music with
www.christepiscopalchaptic Traditional Music. If you are interested in attending, register at http://
www.edow.org/events by clicking on Oct. 25. There is a $15 fee for the lunch.
Pray for Parish Members: Clare Whitbeck, Thelma Fuller, William Mattingly, Rayetta McWilliams,
Caroline Baldwin, Bo Saunders, Lucy Richardson, Dorothy Pecson, Bill Edger, Diana Donahue, Lewis
Morgan, Dana McGarity, and Margaret VanMeter.
Also pray for: Richard Griffith - Colton; Ginny Zenefski - Donahue; Bill Armstrong - Baldwin; Marvin Miller,
Dee Brooks - Penk; Henry & Melba Lauver, Chrissy Cliff, Brenda Williams, Ray Faulkner, & Belinda
Tauber - Moore; Kay DesMarais – Edger; Gene Seabolt & Wayne Pettit – Cooper; Junior Farrell, Noah Merrell, John Depta, Peach Burch - Sirk; Yamamoto Family, Atwood Family - Fitch; Patricia McWilliams McWilliams; Antonia Stine, Brian & Ann Marie Tucker, Barbara Ganderton - Wright; Worthey Family –
Dollins; Kim Cullins – Nelson; John White –McQuilkin; Linda Hanson – Mike Oliver; Karletta Magura, Kenny
Halso –Smith; Beth Anne Kafasis — Hiebert; Edward B. Harrell, Doug HudenSchmidt, Archie Weeks –
Schuhart; Rt. Rev. Mark Dyer - Babnis; Jeffrey Chapman - Whitbeck; Scott Peabody - Heflin; Juanita Gass Reeves; Kay Pugh-Kauffman; and Mikey Burton - Burton.
Recently Departed: Daniel Wyant –brother of Fred Wyant.
Handcrafted Holiday Evergreen Fundraiser and Announcements
Page 3
Handcrafted Holiday Evergreens on Sale through Nov. 1
An easy way to decorate your home or office for the Holidays! Enjoy the
beauty and fragrance of handcrafted evergreens throughout the Holiday Season!
Order to ship to Christ Church or use Direct Ship and ship anywhere,
to a friend or family as a Holiday Gift! Simply compete the order form (it’s
easy!), make payment and the Holiday Gift will be sent directly to the gift
recipient – with a personalized message.
Traditional Ship to Christ Church - Wreaths or Spray comes in a gift bag
when picked up from Christ Church. Can also order door hanger for $1.75 or
accent lights for $3.75. Wreaths and Spray prices range from $21 to $26. Ship
Direct Brochure Link.
Holiday Direct Ship Anywhere - Items include a door hanger and a tree that
will be planted for the recipient, and a personal message. Prices range from $30
to $35. Wreaths Traditional Ship and Sprays and Accessories Brochure.
All orders must be in no later than November 1, 2014. Traditional
shipped items will be ready to pick at the parish hall on November 29, and delivered to the ship to recipient between November 28, and December 11.
Brochures may be found on our webpage, at the back of the church
and at the parish hall. Please see Helen Wright @ wrighthr@md.metrocast.net
with any questions.
There are several ways to place an order: Our web page (traditional orders), call Crystal (301-884-3451), call Helen (301-884-9958), email either Helen
or Crystal, or turn in your order form and payment in the collection plate or
parish office. Please check out our webpage where you can also order
"Traditional shipping" online.
Connecting with One Another
The parish directory put together as
a tool for Rev. Mariann to familiarize herself with parishioners is
nearly finished, with photos of many of you. A number of parishioners have asked if they can obtain a copy. The vestry has discussed
this and would be glad to make copies available, to parishioners only. Before doing so, we want to give parishioners the option of disclosing only what they wish to in the way of contact information. Rev.
Mariann again will have sample copies at church this Sunday for you
to look at.
The directory will list your name, address, telephone numbers
and emails that are currently part of your record at the parish
office. If there is any part of this information you want updated
or withheld, please email Crystal at
office@christepiscopalchaptico.org by Nov. 1. If you wish to add a
personal or family photo to your listing, and haven't done so, please
email one to her or bring one to her that she can scan. Thank you.
Sheila Gibbons Hiebert, Senior Warden
Great Ideas:
• Realtors for staging
current properties for sale.
• Cemetery Wreaths
• Holiday Gifts for salespeople, executives, teachers,
and business owners to give
to their clients and vendors
in appreciation for their
continued loyalty.
Read the customer
They’re quite amazing.
$5 from every item will
support Christ Episcopal
Church ministries.
LEMs, Lectors & Greeters Wanted!
Rev. Mariann will hold a quick
meeting with all current LEMs and
Lectors next Sunday, Nov. 2, after the
8:00 and 10:30 services.
Currently we are having problems filling all the slots at the Sunday
services. You will be trained in the
positions. Please come!
Parish and Community Events
2015 Annual Meeting Date Set
Mark Your Calendars!
Sunday, November 2, 2014:
1:00 AM back to 12:00 Midnight
Coffee House Concert
Southern Maryland Traditional Music and Dance will sponsor, Friday, October 24. Featuring
Michael Kelly & Friends.
The doors open at 7:00 pm,
and the music starts at 7:30 pm. Admission is $10 for members, $15 for
non-members. Refreshments are
available (donation requested). For
more information and directions, go
to www.smtmd.org.
Friday Night Sunday School
(FNSS) 6:30-8:00pm
FNSS, also known as youth
and adult bible study. The next session will be held on Friday, November session will be Nov. 7
and 21. All are welcome!
Please bring your family and
friends! Contact the office @ 301884-3451 for further information.
No fee! Click here for the full
program schedule.
Christ Episcopal Church
25390 Maddox Road
Chaptico, MD 20621
The annual meeting of
Christ Church will be held
Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015, at noon in
the Parish Hall. We'll meet to review the year, hear reports from
the wardens and officers,
elect vestry members and delegates
to the Diocesan Convention, and
discuss any new business that
needs to be brought to the attention of the congregation.
At this meeting we'll elect
two vestry members to replace retiring members Betsy Franklin and
Michael Oliver. Our long-serving
junior warden, Robert Oppermann,
is stepping down from the vestry at
the annual meeting, with one year
left on his vestry term, so we are
also seeking a parishioner to serve
out Robert's vestry term.
All Faith Episcopal Fall Dinner
Saturday, November 1, 12-5PM
Menu: Fried Oysters,
Stuffed Ham, Fried Chicken,
Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans,
Beets, Applesauce, Coleslaw,
Rolls. Visit:
Zumba at 6:30pm
Flaunt at 7:35pm
$6 per class or $30 for six classes.
Click here to view the full schedule.
For further information please call
Lisa Martino at 240-925-4153.
If you are interested in
serving on the vestry, please contact one of these members of the
nominating committee: Rev. Mariann Babnis, Betsy Franklin, Mike
Oliver and Robert Oppermann.
Yoga with Lynn Burton
Parish Hall - 37497 Zach Fowler Rd
P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD
Office Phone: 301-884-3451
Parish Hall Office Hours
Tuesday-Friday: 9am to 4pm
Two morning sessions!
Gentle yoga on the mat
with Lynn at 9am. From 9 to 10
we stretch the body from head to
toe. Class ends at 10:30 following a
The annual meeting is open period of meditation/relaxation
to all parishioners. Parishioners 16 that will leave you feeling relaxed,
refreshed and renewed.
and older who are members in
At 10:45am there is a chair
good standing can vote on matters
exercise/yoga class. It begins with
requiring a vote at this meeting.
the use of light hand weights
As is our custom, the meet(provided) and is also designed to
ing will include a potluck luncheon.
stretch the entire body from head
Please mark your calento toe.
dars for this important event!
There is a donation box
that is absolutely voluntary.